Resolution-PC 95-123 ~(~'ZION NO PC9~~ A RESOHATI PET'O I~?N F'AR VARIA C~- NO ?_76 BE DEN Ep SION WHEREAS, the Anaholm City Planning Commissfon dld raceiN~ a verlfiEd Petitlon fr~r Varlance Na. 427~ for certain re~f property situ~ted in the CIry of Anahelm, Courrty of Or~nge, State of California describod as: THE NQRTH HALF OF THF ~DUTF~ i A ACRES ~~ TN~'+NE$7 2o AC RANGE ThIE NOR~'NWEST G1lDARTER OF SEC71dN 1 S, TOWNSHIP 4 50UTH, ~p WEST, IN THE FtANGF~~ L~S COYOTES, IN THE CITY aF ANAHEIM, COU~I'r`~ QF ORANO 0~ ~15CELLANEOI~S MAPS,~ N 7 EAUF~ CE OF DHE BOOK 51, PAGE GOUNTY RECOFlDER qF SAID COUNI'X. WH~REAS, the City Planning Commis~fon did hald a public hearinfl at the Civic CentAr in the Giry of Anahelm on September 18, 1~e~ With Ahe prc~visinna of t AjAn~P e`im Muni cpal Code, Ch pter giv~n as requfred by law and in acc~rda 1E3.A3, 4o hear and consider evidenc~ fior ~i n herewith;ia d~hatgsald publ ceh~arirg wasSaontinued o the find(ngs and recommend~atfons in connect o Octaber 2, 1995 Plannin~ CAmmission meoting; and WHEREAS, sa(d CommissZonpf al~l evidence and re~portsgo~'~oried atnsaid ear n~, doe,s find and in its bet~alf, anrJ ~fter due consideration and determine the following fac:s: ~, That the petftioner praposas waivars of the following to construct a 42-foot high mlarowrave disM antenna: ~~~~.+ +a.. 0 0.0~5 Per~~ aC~°QCON i!S~S 8n~~t~llC#ura~. ~a~ $~'~'~ `""~~'~'~ . (maximum ~~ high dish type antenna pormitted; ~ c,~gt high dlsh antenna praposed) (b) e tion 1$s,3a•~62,011 - LV1." i~,x mum structural h_~~• (2 stories f t p~rmitted; 42 f,~@~ proposed) 2. That the above-mentianed waivers are hersby denied• 3. Th:.t there ~ro no speclal circumstances applicable to the prop~rty such as size, shape, !opo~raphy, location or surr•c~undings, which do not s~pply to other identf~..~~iy zoned propert~es ln the vicinfty; and Iication of th~ Zaning Code does not dsprhre 4he properry of p~ivileges 4. That strlct apQ enjoyed by ather ,~ropertiPs un~er idonticai aoning classification li~ the viciniry. .,` PC95-123 GR2494DM.WP ' ;,, 5, 'i'hat the requested variance is not necess~ry , for e v c nit s andt aonr~ r~and denlad to the substantial property right possossed by other praportY fn the sam Y 1 prnperty in questian. ~ 6, 7hat the requested variance will be materiail~ywhich th~~p apertY Isbiocated~r~ or inJurious to the prnportY or ~m{~rqvoments in such viaintty and zane no ane indicated ~heir prosence at said public hearing in oppositian; ~tid that no 7, That Qsftiori to subJect petitian. cor~espondence was received in opp That tha Anaheim Ciry Planning ~AI~IFORNIA -NVIRONM~NTAI. A.~~N A~~ FIND.~~ ~-., rcei ~f '; Commisslon has revlewed the proposal fior waiver pwave di ~ antenna on a r~ctan~{ula yrshaped taa mu o structural height ta c~nstruct a~2-foot high micro roxim~tely 333 fset on the east side ;+ f~nd consisting of ap~; oximately 4.59 acres having a frontage of ~pp r,~~imately 333 feet M~gnolia Avenue, havin~ a maximum d~Rth of app~'oxim~tely 62~ feet, being located app dwa and further described as 150 South ~a~ heideclarat on refl cts ~qrth of the conteriln~ of Broa Y Apartments); and do9s heraby apprave the Negativa Deciaration upon findirig that t e ondent udgement of the laad agency and that it has ~~nddurther fi di gaon th~e basSiaf t~e inftial the ind p 1 wlth any camments received dur(ng the public review process and an camments receiveci that tNere is no substantial evidonce tha4 the ~project wili have a signific~~tit study Y effect on the ~nvironment. NpW, THEREFORE, E3E 17 REcOI.V~D that th~ A~aheim City Planning Commission does hsreby deny subject Petition for Variance an the basis af the aforementioned findings. fon rnoeting of THE FOREGOING R~SOL.UTiON was ac~eq~ted at planninp Commfss l~L~ . October 2, 1995. ~1~~"~''`~ CHAIRMAN, PRO 7 MpORE ANAH~IM CITY i'I.ANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: l. GL..) (~.G~/'~-cS ~EC_~F E~R AN~EIM CITY PIANNIN~ COIVIMISSIO~! g ?tA $TATE OF CALIFOFlNIA ) COUN7Y OF QRANGE ) ss. C~TY pF At~AHEiM ) ~a hQreby certif~ I, W1a~garita 5alarto, 5ecr~tary of the Anaheim Gity Planning Commission, plannin that the for~going ~esolution was passed and ddQ~t~Qte of the members th9reofaheim City 9 by tho fall~winc~ f;ommissfon held an October 2, 1995, AYES: COMMlSS1dNERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BPlST01_, HENNINGER, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NQNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER, PERr1~A ~;7~~ day of ~~ WI7N~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set rny ttiand this ____~___ 1 f F~ , 1995. ~ . c n • ~i ~~ /'j,.G• ca2 ~OI ~ ' SECRETA Y~ AH'~~ C~N p~`NNING C4MMISSION PG95-123 -2-