Resolution-PC 95-124.'';;J.;:, g~n~ t ~TtC~N ~10 PC9a~ ~ A RESOLUTIO~I OF Thlr ANAHEIM CI7Y PI.P~NNfNG COMMI~u~ION AMENDINC CERT'AIN CUNDI7101JS OF APPROVAL OF RESOLUTI0~1 N0. F'C94-48 ADOP7ED IN CONNECTION WITH CONDITlANAL. USE PERM{T N~J. 3454 WHFREAS, on September 23, ~1991 the P!annfng Cammission apprav~d Cand(tianal Use F'ormit Na. 3a5~ (permitting a self-~torag~ facilfty with manager's untt and waivers of minimum number of par#~;in~ spaces and permitted encroachments); and that no further action was takon by tho City Council; WH~REAS, Resalutlon PC91-48, ~doptod in conn~ction wlth subJect conditf~onal use permit, includes the fnllawing cc~ndltion: 2~. That any praposed freost~nding gign on the subJect pr~o~erty sh~il be ~ monument-type not excaeding eighns aprtation tManager o detebmine~~tdeq Ateeinesi of-s g a~provai of th~ C'~ty Traffic and Tra p 1NhI~RGAS, ti~e applicant h~s submitted two sign plans (labelsd E.xhibit Nos. 5 and~6a modifying the sxisting monument sign for the self starage facfliry in the ML (Lfmited Indu~strial) Zane; said proposed sign will be 12 fe~t high wfth a protoctivo bmrrier surrounding the base; and chat the petition~r fndicates~ that the reason f~r the "barrier" enclosure i~ to minimize tiie potentla~ for graffiti an the basQ of the sign and that the sign is located to give the greatasi level of visibility; ~,NH~RE/>S, the proposod sigr~ will ~onsist of 4ho following: I_ocation: Broadway street frontaga in the landscaped setback, aot back 12 foet ~rom the street, arid Min(mum 3Q feet bet~n-een the sign and a driv~way which is restrlc~ed ta ornergencfes only and is blocked by emergency access gates. G~verall height: 12 faet. Slgn ~desfgn: Existin~ 4-foot high, 12-foot vuide sign face on a new 8- foot high, 7-foot wide base. E3aso design: Acrylic plastic wf~h an exterior finish of dove gray stucco rnatching the existing buflding. Barrior deaign: ~ feet high, 9 wide and 4 foet ~o~p, Constructed of wreught iron, with boug~invilioa planYed beneath it to cover the barrier. WHEREAS, the City Planning Cornmission did hpld a~ublic N~earing at the Civic Center in the City af Anaheim an Soptember 16, 1995, at ~1:30 p.m., notlce of said public nearing having been duly given as raquired by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipai Cade, Chaptor 18.~3, ta hear and consid~r evidi~nnSeinQCOnnectgor the owithr a t~hatsaid public hear ngiwas tcontinued rnake findif~gs and recommenda ta the October 2, 1995 Planning Commission meeting; and WHERFAS~ ~~e ~onmideration of all evfdercepand reports offered at said h a ng, daos~find a n d i r ti i t s b a h a l f, a n d a f t e r d u and d~termine the foilowing facis: 1, That na one indlcated th~fr ~r~~ence at said public hearing in oppositfon; and that no correspondence was received in oppositiAn to the subject petitian. _1 _ PC95-124 CR249aDM.WP approved in connectl4n ~with Conditionat use Permii Nv. ~waw ~~ ~~~Wua~o •~ ~~ --'- envirc~nmontal documentaiion in connaction wtth this roquost upon finding that the declaratlon refleats the indep~ndent Judgement of the lead agency ar~d that it h~s considorsd the Negative Declaration to~ether w{th any comments recelvad~~~ivedt thatU h~ereeis~no~substa ti~l ev doncia tha~t Qhn pr ject willhhaveti a study and ~ny comments significant effect on the snvironment. IVOW 7HEFiEFORE BE ~~Ro SNo~PC91 •46 adopaed i n cot nectionnwith Conditionatl U e Pennit amand Conditian No. 28 of R~sa No. 3a53, to r~ad as foliows: 28, 7hat any praposed free~tanding sign on subJoct proper~y shall be a monument-typo not ~ !ha~ th~ sign I~catad nenr t~o exoeeding efght (8) foet in hei ht; prov(ded, howeve~, intersection af Manchesxer pvQnue and Broadway may be a monument type sign not e~ceeding twelve (17.~ foHi In h~aight as shown on Exhil~i~ Nos. 5 and 6. THE FUREGaING RESOLUTIOhI was adopted at the Planning Commisslan moeting of October 2, 1595. ' ...-.. ~HAIRMbN, PRO TE POR~ ANAHEIM CITY PSJ~- NING COMMISSIUN ATTE~T: 0 ~~ t~AHEI C!'~f' PLA rN JI~IG COMMIS5IQN S~C(~ET Y, STATE O~ CALIFORNIA ) COUNI'Y OF ORANG~ ) s~• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) l, Margarita Solorio, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, ~do hereby certEiy that the foregoing resolutiori w~s passed and adoptod at a meet(ng of tha Anahofm City Planning Commisslon held c~n Octobor 2, 1995, by the following vote af the members thereofi: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BR{aTOL., I-I~NNiNGER, MESSE NOES: COIUIMISSIONE~iS; NpN~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER, PERAZA ITN~SS WH .F.R~OF, I h~ve her~ui~ta s8t my hai~c~ this ~ day of l`~ ~ ~ IN W -~-~ 1995. `7"Y'G~ a , c~ r~. 5ECR~T~ hlEl CITY PIANNING C~MMISSION q~ _~_ PC95-124