Resolution-PC 95-132~ '1`; , ~ YS~W~ _.~~L'R ~;;:~, A RESOLUTION l~F THE ANAHEIM CITI PLANN(NG COMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CONQITIONS OF AP!'R~VAL OF RESOLU'TION N4, 192 ADfJP7FD !N CANNECT'ION W17H CON~~TIONAL USE PERMII' NO. 103 WH~Fi~A~, An March 6, 196~ the F'lannin~ Commissfon g-~anted Condition~l Use Pormit No. 1q3 to permit ~n 18-unft mote! (600 Soutli Beach Bnulevard); and that no furkher actic~n was taken by the rity ~ouncil; WhI~FiEA5, Resolution No. ~192, Sories 1960-61, adopted In conne~tiori with subject us~ permit, includes the failowin~ five Gonditiaris: 1. Development substantialiy in accordance wfth plans presonted. 2, f~rovision of ~ 35~ fa~t building setback from the frunt property line abutting Beach E3oulevard. 3, Preparation of streot improvement plans and installation ~f ~il lmpravgments in accordance with approved standard pians on ffia in the office of the City Engineer. 4. Payment of ~2.A0 per front foat for streot 1lghting purposes. 5. Provi ,lan of 36 toot landscaped area abutting front property line. WF-IEFt~AS, on May 31, y961 the ~ity Council approved reviscjd plans ir~ conJunction with subJa~t use permit, tc~ permit construction of a swimming pooi. V-IHGREAS, subJect proporty is currently developed with an i 8-unit motel (C~alico Motel) in the RS-A-a3,000 "Residontial/~lgric~dturaP' ~nne. WHEREAS, on July 24, 19~5, the Pl~nn(ng Commission set Conditional Use Permit No. 103 for pub~ic hearing to cansidar the revo~a+lon or motfifi~iion ~f said use parmEt due io the use for which approo~al was grant~d k~eing Rx4rcfsed in ~ mannor which may be de4rimenta! to the public h~alth, peace, safety or welfare, or sn as to constitute a public nui~nce. WHEREAS, on September 12, 1995, the property owner, holdsr, usor and/or permittee of the subject property W~ ca ~oinio imodificatlon f~ondiCona! Use Pormit No ~1 Q3, d tfine oi the publ(c hoaring to consider tha revo VJHtREAS, the City Planninc~ Commisslon cfid hol~! a public hc~aring ~at the Civic Center in the City of Anahoim on October 12, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., notice a# said public hearing having ~ ~ha ter givan as requirecl by law and in ~ccordance with the provisions of tho Anaheim Munfcipal Code, p ' 1 g,p~, t~ ho~r and consider ~vidence for and agalnst said propasod amandrnent and to investigato and make findings and recommentlations In connectian thervwith; and that sald pubiic hearing was continued ta the Octob~r 16, 1955 Plannin~ Commiss(on meeting: anci WH~REAS, said Commission, akt~ll evidenc ~anld reports o~orerJ at safdh a n9~ does find ; an~ 1 i n i t s b e h a l f, a n d a f t e ~ d u~ c o n s i d o r a t i o n o f a , and d^termine tho foil~wing facts: 4`~ 1. That the use far whlch approval was ~r~ntsd has boen, or is ~oin~ exercis~d in such ~ f. manner as to be detrtmentaf to thp public heaith or safety, or so as to constitute Ft nuisanco; 2, That the u~e for which approval was grant~rl is being exercised contrary tca the terms ar conditlons of such approval, or (n vi~lat(on af St~te ar laral statutes, ordi~ancea, laws or regulations; -1- PC95-132 C~{2510nM.WP 3. That modificatfan, including the Ir~position of additlnnal conditlons of appruvai, is reasan~bly necessary to protect ~he publlr, pe~cE, health, safety ar genoral welfar~, ~-nd to ensure continual and rosponsible maintenanco and management uf the matel uso far whlch approval w~s granted; 4. That the use for which approval was qrantocl is bein~ exaraisedf0n~rdin cri,min~l acthviry rasults in an unduly high n~amb8r af call~ for servlce ta the subJect ~roperky g g and/or property maintonanca, thereby causing a dispropartfonate draw upon polico resources and tho City's genoral tund; and 5. , That twa peopie spalce ~ p~ fon°~n~bhat o~cofr os`pond9nce was roceived in piposi~tion to presence at ~a~d public hearing in opn the subject petition. ,~ALIF A ENVIRONMEI~TAL C~1_~lY_ ACT' F... IND~~C~ The Planning Director or his authorixad representative has ~detsrmine St totE ~pGu deli esrand isat'he e orett a egarii:2lfy ex~mpt frc~ml Exemntlans, Class 21, as deffned in the the requfrement t4 prepare an EIR. NOW ~'HEREFORE i3 $~ Re~~n co~nnertion wi~th Condit on~ Usa Per~mf~t No~ 103~ to add ~tesolutir~n No. 1~J2, Series 196U-61, p ttie tallowing new cortditions of ~pproval: 6. That a minim~am of one (1) licensod uniformQrl security guard, approvAd by tha Anahefm Paliae pep~rtment, shall be provid~d upon the premisas speciflcaliy tio pr~vide security far the premisQ ar~d to dis~aura~e var~da'i ~e~ain an-ciury as~ equired and cletermi ed to be app ojp ia er by th Sald securiry gu~rd aha Anaheim Police Department. 7. That tha awner/manager shall maintain a complete gues4 ragi~try Ur guest card systam which Includes thQ full name, address, and verffied driver's Iicense Ur legat identffication and vehicle len th of stay and room rate, re~fstration number of all registered guests, date of r~g(stration, g ~ and such ~uest re~{istforcem~rrt offic~r, nr li ens~a`n pect~o dof theilCity ~f A ah9i n~nd by any police oificor, code en 8. That guest rooms shail nat b30~consecutve~daysi excluding ne (1) manager'~2unitonsecutive hours, nor more than thlrty () g, 7hat every occupied guASt room shall be provided ~Hith daily maid service. ia. 7hat the awner and/or management shall not knowingly ront or let any gues~ room to a known prostitute far the purposes of p~anderin~, saliciting or er~~agin~ in the act of prostftution, or an,y person for the purposQ of s~lling, buyin~, or otherwise dealing, manufa~turing or ingesting an iflegal drug or controiled substance; or for tt~~ purpose of committing a crimina~ ar immoral act. t ~. That no fluASt roarn sh~il be rented or (et to any person under e(ghteen (18) years of age, veriEled by a valld drNer's Haensa or ather legal id~ntiticatlon. 12. Tt~at all avaiiable raom rates shali ~e nrominently displayed in a Conspicuous p~~~~ W~~ h the office area, and th~t4t09.A 0 of he An~heim Municlpal~Code pertainin~ tatihe post~ing of ranm provisf~ns af Sectio rates. 13. Thet tno propeny ownsr and Q~tor'sc aliection de ~es ~fitra s e t oiccupa cy taxe,s of 5ection 2.12.0._0 pe~tain~ng to the op , t'~C95-1??_ -2- ~~' 4 ~ ~ 4. That th~ subject proporty, buildings and accessory structures shall, within sixty (60) d~ys fr~m the date nf this resolutian, l7~ bruughti into cnmplfance with the statutes, ~rdinances, laws or regulations of the Stato of Californl~, as aciapted by the City of Anaiielm, including the Uniform Building Cod~, Unffcarm Hou~i ~~ haniGalniCode FI nd parmanfent y m, a nbained ther~aRer nin ~lectric Cado, and Uniform complianca with such statutes, nrdinances, laws or rogulations. 15. That the property shall be~ppval af trash ~oa(clebrlstl and emoval of c~ratfiti wt hlnr orty e(ght~(a$) I~nclscape m~xintenarice, e hours from time of oocurrerice. 16. That tha property owner shall pay the cost of Cade ~nFurcom~nt inspections as often as necessary until ihe subj not D~~P~p~Yto ga(n~and/orcma nltain oampliancs wi~thn5tat9 ~-nd lo~a~ City':~ Code Fn~orceme st~ttutes, ordinanceg, laws or roqulations. 17. Th~t Irn~nediatQly upon adoptlan ~f this resalution, Conditions f~os. 6, 8, 10, 11 and 13, ~bove mentioned, shail be complied with. 18. That withfn thirt.y (3A~ days from tho date of this resplucian> Cond~tions Nos. 7, 9 and 12, above- mentionpd, s~all be campiled wfth. TH~ F~OREGOIR~.~ RESOLUTION was atfopted at the Planning Commission meeting of ~Actober 16, 1995. ~~ _ CH~c OMAN, ANAHEIM GIT`/ NNING COMMIS510N ~ ~..J ATTEST: ~ . ~y~ ~~ , 5ECRETAR ~ NAH~IM CI7Y F~LANNING C~MA~IISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COl1NTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, M~rgar(ta `aoiorio, S~cretary of the Anaheim Cit,y Planning Commission, dc- h~reby certify that th~ foregofng resQlution was passefd~'~owindQ ute oftthe memhers t erepfheim City Planning Commission held An October 1~, t 995, by tha 9 AY~S: COMMIS~IONERS: BOS'rWICK, BOYD~TUN, BRISTQL, HENNINGEFi, MAYER, ME~S~, P~RAZP+ NOFS: COMMISSIONERS: NQNE AE3SENT: COMA-115SIQNER~: NONE IN WITNES5 WMEREOF, I have h~r~unto set my hand this ~~~ day af . 'I 995. ~~~, ~ ~~~ SECR~1'AHY NAHE M CfTY PLAhNING ~COMMISSION _~_ PC95-132