Resolution-PC 95-135~~ rl .. RI:~2~ N IJ ,.,S,S,~?-~ , ,.. A i~ES01_UTION QF 7h1E APJAWFIM ~~ NQP ~z82 gEGGRANTED ION THA1' pE'TITION FOR VAFtIANC WHEi~~AS, tho Anahelm CitY P~~~~~ ~nof Anahelm,iCounty r~f Q angovSta~to of Califarn~a V'ariance for cortaln roa~ property situated in the C~ ~ clascribecl as: GOUNTY OF aRANG~, STATE UF PARCEL 3 IN THE CITY OF ANAMEIM, CALIFCSRNIA, AS SHQWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOQ N~ RCCORDER OF SAif~J OFFlCE OF THE COU E QI= PARCEL MAPS, IN 1'N COUN'TY WHEHEAS, the City Pianning Commis~lUtlce`of aa d raublbo he~ I~c1 having be~n dulY given ' the Ctty of Anaheim on OctQbor 16, .995, at 1:30 p.m , as required by law and in accord~nce with tho prp`/~~~IopsE~ varl~ ce~and o Invei3U~ate ae dCmake fi dings to hear and considor ovidonce for and against sa d p p and recammendations in connection therewith; ~and WHEREAS, said Commission, atter di~once and eportsso~ffered at~said hear ng, does find ~nd in its bahalfi, and aker due consideration ofi ali e and dQtermine the fiollowinq facts: 1. That the petitfnner proposes wafvors of the foilawing in order tn cons,t~uct two wall signs on an or.isting bank buflding: ~gct( n 1 . ~2L~.~4 ' (~ permitted; _2 praposed) _ .44. 7 i ~3 8A 062.~40 $.nd 1 S.I~,Q,.~.Q •0 120 2, That thore are apecial circumstances nppllcable to the property con:isting of fts location ~nd surroundfngs at the intersaction of two arterial hfghw p e~ies inrphe vc nity; bUth strd~ts, and which circumstances do nat app~y ta other ident,caily zoneci p p ~, T'hat strict applicatiun of tho Z~ ~~ndnai° Qns, which p opert~~s h c~ beeni'g anted the sams other proporties with 4ho same zonfng arid visibility co sign v~afver when each walf sic~n f~ces a different street; 4, That the requostod varianc:v is necQSSa~efviclr~(tp and zc~n~n and d~anyRd to t e pr pertY iln property ~iyht possessod by other pro~erty in the sa Y r~uostion. 5, 7hat the rQquested v~rfance W~~~} ~IGin,te and zronie in wh ch the property Isilocated r~ dr inJurious to the property nr impravements i~ suc Y ~, That no one indfcateci theirtQr~ub ect aetitaon.p~~blic hea~ring in oppositian; and th~t no corresponclonce was recefved In opposition 1 p /~a~ IFQRNIA EI~L~'nn~~tin~ ~Tql. QUALIT! ACY F ~: The Pl+anning Dlrector or his '~ r t falls within the definition of Categorical ~uthorized representative has determfned th~t tho proposed p ojec ~x~mptions, Class 11, as dPfined in the State El~t Gu(delines ~nd is, therefore, categoricaily exempt fram the requErament to prepare an EIP PC95-135 -1- CR2513DM.WP , ';~, ~IpW, ~'H~REFpFiE, F3E 17 RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cfty Plannfn~ Ca~nmis:~ian does hereby grant ~ubJoct F~etitlan for Vartance, upon the foilowin~ G~nditions whiGh aro herehy found 4o b~ a necc~ssar,~ pr~rehuisite to the prap~sec! us~ of the subjeat property in orcler to pr6ser~e ihe safoty and ~or~eral w~ifaro ~f th~ Citizens af the Ciry of Anaheim: 1. "1'ha~t sUbJect property shali be doveloped stibatantially in accardance vvith pl~r~s and specificadons s:~abmittod to the ~ity of Anahelm by the pstitioner arxi which pl~n~ ~;ra on filA witfi the planning [~~partm~nt markacf Cxl~ibit No, t . 2. 'fhat prior ta final building and zoning inspections or within a perfad af une (1) y~~r frr~m the da4e of this rQSOI>>t~Qn, Winer timca~o comf`lete s~id conditfar~s may be.g ant~d i~n~~ccairdance with Section ~xtensions tor tur p 18.03.090 oP th3 /~naholm Municipal Cado, 3. 1'hat approval of this application c~nstituteg approval flf tha ~roposed roquest k~y~ ete and Federal it cnmpiles wtth'the An~heSm MuniGipal Zoning Cado and any other applicabie C y, regulations. Appro nal o~ee ~pt I cRb e a d nance~ r 9ulataon~oraeqpi ementance or approval af the request raflardinfl a y p~ BE IY FUFITHER RESOLV~D that ihA Ant~he(rn City Wlannb~g Cammissfon ~oes heraby find and detormine tha4 adoption of this Flesolutian is expressly predicnted upon applican~'s compilance with each and ~II of the conditions horefnabove ~et forth. ShAUId ~ny such cun~ition, or any part thereof, b~ declarod invafid ar unen~~r ~e~ hlerein chQ ~tai~edl' sha i be d emed null andpvo,d~tent Juris~iction, iher thls Rasolirtion, and any app TH~ FOREGOING RESOLU710N was adopted at ttie F'lanninc~ Gommiss(on meeting of October 1S, 1995. ~~~~:~L ~ ~1 % , ~, .~ ;~ ._..._...._..._.__._ C OMaN, ANAHEIM CiTY NNlNG COMMl~aSiON ATTEST: ~!~~~~ ~v-'-Y~~v SECRETARY NAHEI CIN PLANM{NG COMMISSION S'TATE OF GALIFORN{A ) COUNTY ~P ONANGE ) ss. CITY l'~F ANAhEItV~ ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary of the Anaheim Cfty Plannlny Commission, da hereby certify that the fore~oing reso`U i~o~ 16 g~ by~the foilow ngt votetaf tha m~e be s ther nf~~. ~~(m C~ PlannUg Commissian held ~n ~Jc AYES: CUMM15SInNERS: f~USTWICK, E30~(DSl'UN, BRIS7dl., NENNINGER, MAYER, ME~SE, PERAZA, NOES: ~OMMISSIONEHS: N4NE AE3SEN~T: COMA~IISSIONERS: WlTNE55 WHEREOF, t have hareunta sot my hand this eJr~~~ day of ~~ ~~_., I N ~' 19g5. ~ ~Q.r~ , _ ~:~~~~~f , - ~ECRETA ~ , ~ANANEIM CITY PIANNING CQMN115SIQN .2. PC95-i 35