Resolution-PC 95-137~~ RESOI.~J71QN NO PC~- -~ 13~ A RESOLUYI~JN OF TR 'AIN CONDITIONS 0 NA IP n~~ p~ SlON ~1MEtJDING CE RESOLUI'IG~N NO• PC~ A~ US oF'~ MITNV A3p82C1'IO~J WI7H GONDIT WHEREAS, on October 24, '1988 the Plannfng bu ding with wai o~r o~min~ num number oif NQ, 30g2 pRrmitting a church faaility within an existinc~ office arkin sp~ces (61 spaces re~~u(red, 30 pr~posc~d) at 16a1 West 8roadway; and tha4 na f-~rther ac:tion w~s p a t~ken by the Ctry Councll; WHEREAS, Conditiaa~ No.1?. of Resolution Na. PC88-3Q2, ~dapted in cnnnectfonwith subject conditfonal use permi~, s~eaifios the foilowin~: ears, to expire on October 2a, 1~91." ~~12. 7hat this use is appr~vod for a period af thres (3) y 1g91 4he Pinnning Commission approved Resolution Na• PCS~'1fi3 WH~~EqS, c~n Qctobor 7, amendin~ Condition No. 12 to road as fAllows: N12, 'That subject use shall be permitt:ed for a peric~d of four (4) yoars (through Octobar 24, 19J5) with furthar extenstons Uf time b~ing permitte~~i as raviewod and apprav~d by the Plann(ng Ifcant. Commi ~sfon as a public hearing item and at the wriiten request of the app ro o f~ current{y devcloped with a 2-storY~ 10.222 5q•ft. church ~NHEREAS, sub~~ct p p -'~Y (previously an afficQ bu(lding) in the CL "Commorcial, Llmftecl" Zarie• tember 6, 1995 requesting d~letion WHER~AS~ the petitfonar has submittad a lett~r dated 5ep nditian No. 1?_, thereby eilminatin~ the time limitatfanen ironmonta! p oblems.ChurGh has ~een in of C~ operation for n~ariy seven yoars ~a n d h a s n e v e r c r e a t a d a n y V~/HEI~EAS, the Ciry P~anning Cominissian did ~`e~ of ~id public hearinghhav ng b ent du~Y the City of Anaheim on October 16, 1995, at 1:30 p.m•, no iven r~s required by !aw and in acaordance with xhe prpi~ ~A o osed a e dment anditol In~estigatP and 9 ~ 8 U~~ indM s ancl recommendat ons in connect~ioin th ewi h; and make fi 9 V1lHEREAS, said Commfssion, after duo inspec~itl ~Qi ortstAffered ai ~ald I~e~ ng daeg find and in irs ~eha~tha ollowi gufact ~Sideration of ail evidance a p and d~termine tibllit ~, Thaq su~Ject ct~urch has boen in operation since '19a8 and has demonstrated '+ts compa Y w6th surrounding land uses; 2. Th.~t detetion of the time {imltatian is nocess~ary ta permit re~sonabie operation under ing conditional us~ parmft as granted; 3. That subject use pormit is being exercisedealth satery and generai welfaro;e ~~icul~r area an~ surr~unciing land uses, nor to the public peace, o,~~on; and that no 4, That no one indicat~cl their pres~nct~ at safd pubiic Frearing in opp ~orresponcience W~s ~eCeived in opposition to the subject petition. p~5-137 -1- CR2515Q~+~•W~' ''y''s~ 3 ; ~,;~~ ~ ~n~Te~ ni ~n~ rrY ~~T FItJDING; 7hat the ~naheirn Cfty Pl~nning ~^ l,A {FORN~~IRA.,CIM~ Cammission has revlewod the propas nlai ~ge P~rmit No. f3 82 is adequate ita orvie rasi~ he required appraved in connection witr~ Conditlo environment~l documentatian in connec~ion ~w~~ hat it hasSCOnsideredi the Nec~ativaeDeciaratlonftogothoe indopendent judgemvnt ~f the lead age ~Y with any comments recelved during the publloe ~g npp ubstantial fev dence that Qhehpra~ect willhhavfli ai study and any cnmments receivE3d that tho significant effect an the anvironment. NOW THEREFOF~E SE IT RESO p~ piut on No. PIC91 i 163C o doleto~ Conditlon~Nn.y12 in its Resolution N~. PCBa-302, as amen~ed by entirety. THF FOF1E a01~lG REaOLUTION was ~dapted at the Plann(ng Cornmission m~eting of Octaber 16, i99a• ' ~, C~ M/~~{, qN EIM CITY PLAN ` C~MMISSIpN ATTEST: ~, ,,~ Q ~~r COMfuIISSION SECR~TAflY N~1H~IM CITY pLANNING STATE 0~ C~4LIFORNIA ) CQUNTY OF OI~aNGE ) ss• C!'TY OF ANAH~;.I~fl ) I, tilargarita Solorio, Socretary af the Anahaim City Pianning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutfon Wag PaSSQd thetlolalowpn~ vote of h+~ members thereufeim ~ity P~anning Commission held on Qctaber ~~, 1995, by 9 AYES: GOMMISSIONCRS: ~OS'MlICK, BOYL~STUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MF55E, PERAZA N0~5: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN't: C4MMISSIONERS: ~_~-' ITNESS WHrREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~day of ~ ~ IN W 1995. • ~/~~ ~ l' .,~._.b'~Ol~Lll.' S~CRET Y, AWEI 1 CITY PLANNIIVG COMMISSION _2_ PC95-137