Resolution-PC 95-14r t ,~,~a~9.~T1QN N~. Q-P-G95~4_ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSlON THAT PETI710N FOR COND9Ti0NAL USE PERMIT NO. 3738 BE GRAN1'ED WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Plannin~ Commissir~n did ~eceive a verified Petltion for Conditional Use Permit for certaln roal properry situated in the City af Anaheim, County of 4r~nge, State af California, describad as: PARCEL 1, IN 7ME CITY OF ANAWEIM, r0UN1'Y ~F ORANGE, Sl',4T~ OF CALIFO~R ~APSS IN ~ HF OFFICE OF' THEI REpORDER~ OF SAID ORANGE PARCE COUNTY. WHEFt~AS, the Cfty F~lanning Cnmmission did hold a public hearing at the Civla Center in the Ciry of An~haim on Fobrur~ry 6, 1995 at 1:30 p.m., natiae of said public liearing having b C~~p~er given as requirecl by I~w a~nd in accordance with the pravislans af tiie Anahelm Municipal C~de, 18.03, to hear and concider a~eQ ommendations~ Entconir~ection~herewithtlian~al use permit and to inv~stigato and make findings WHEREAS, saf c ns der,atso nof all evidenGe and Eports~of~f~r'od at~~al~ `hear ng daes find and 1n its behalf, and after due ca and determinu the f~ilawing facts: 1. That the propoond a h4i0 Or 0&5~ o permft a rtom~tive reipair train n~~in canJunct on wih a Hnaheim Municip~i Cod~ Sec private educational facilfty with waiver of tho foli~owing: ,;~gtlans_1 6.Q~Q:Q,~1]. - Mlr~i,pum n-~mb~r p rk na spaces. 18 6 450•02~ (~ required; :~, existing) 18 U8 050.02~ 16 06 050.026A26~ ~ 18.0 ,OSQ • n 1 44.066.(l.~Q 2. That the pafking waivor is hereby approv~d far nina (9) manths ~n the bagia that the ~enter is currently not fully leased and that it daes not app~ar Iikely that it will be !ully leased within the next nine months; 3, That the waiver, under th~ conditir~ijs impos~d, wlll not cRUSe fewer off-strset parking spaces to be provided for thA h ue~~und~r the nor aQ and beas ~nnblY fueseeable c nditio s~of poration all vshicles attributabio to suc of ~uch use; a. 7f7~t the wafver, i~nder the conditfo~s imp~seci, will not increase ~rie d~mand and competition for parkinQ spacos upon the public stroQts (n tha lmmedtat~ vicinity of the proposed uso; 5. That th~ waiver, und~r the carxiitions impased~ wt~~ not Increa~~ the ciemand and campetitian for parkin~ sp~ces upon ad)aaent private pruperry in the immediate vicinity of the proposed use (which adJacent pro~:~rty is not expressly provided as parking for such u+e under an ~greement in c:ompiiance with Soction af this Code); _~ _ PCJ5-14 CR2301 MS.wp '~ .., ~ 6. '~hat the waiver, under tho condftiona imposad, W»~ ~k n~n a eas oa~lats pravidied ~forthe air pollutiun, or tr~ifilc circulation aonflicts, within ths aff-~tra~t pa g conditlnnal use; 7. 7hat tho watvAr, ~in ~ ss~so otl~g essmrom~adjaoon~prop~rt( st pan the publ~ia s e(ats a f r p o l l t i t l o n, o r I m p e d e v e h i c u l a r g in tliQ in7mediate vicfr~ity of the prnposad use; S. That tfie grantfng of tho parking waiver shall bo deemacl contingent upon operation of xhe a~p~oved conditlonal u~es fn conformance wtth the a~sumptions r~lating to the operation and Int~nsity of sald uses as contained fn the ~arking demand study that fnrmdd tho basis far approval of this waiver; and th~t exceediny, vfolating, Intensifying or atherwise deviating from any af said assumption;~ ~s ~~ on~th s in the parking dernand study sh~!1 b~ deemed a violation of the express ~anditions Imposed up conditional use permft ~nd whlch use permit would thereby bocame aubJect ta terminatian or modification pursuant ta the ~rovisinns of ~ectlon 1n.03.091 and 18.03.092 of this Coda; 9. That the propc~sed uao wiil not ariversely affect the ad~olninQ lend uses ancJ tho grovuth and develapr+'~on4 of tho area in which it is proposed t~ bv locatad; 10. That tiiv size ~n e inaa manne~r not d~atrimontapto th~e particul~~r areat no~ o' he psacdll develapmont of the propased us hsalth, safety and gen~rai welfaro; 11. That the trafffc gAneratecl by the proposod use wiil not impose an undue burden upan the streets and highw~ys designed and fmproved to carry ihe tratfic In the area; 12. That the gran~ting of tho conditional use permit, under the conditions impoged, wfll not be detrimontal to the peace, haalth, safety and general welfare of the citizens uf 4hs Ciry at Anahefm; ancl y 3. That onc~ phone call in appo~ition was ~eceNed prior to the public hearir~g from two mvb~~o hpme park tonants; arxl that no corrQSpar~den~e was reaeh~ed in r~ppasitlon• C~ALIF FlNIA -~~N~`~~N~'AL QUA~ti11rY ACT FIN_l~iN~: 'That xhe Anaheim Ci~y Planning Commission has ~evfew~ the proposai to permit automotive repair training in conjunction with ~~ cel nf ~ducational facflity with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces an an irregulariy-shapAd p land canaistin~ of approximately 12.3 acres I~~ated at the southwest corner of Ce~ritos Avenue and Anaheim Bouiovarcl~ having an approuimate frontage o'f 600 feet on 4he Wg ~ove thefNe aa ive Deciar~t on and further doscribecf as 355 West C~arritos Avenue; and does hereby app 41 upon finding that the doclar~tion reflE-cts the inde~ndent JudgemHnt of thA load agency and that it h~s consid~rc~ty the Ne9atfve Declaration tog•athe~ with any ~cornments -ecefved during th~ public review process and further ffcicJing on Yp~ ec~Nfli ha e ai s~idnfficant etfect on the en~ iranment ~~ that there is no substanti~il evidence that the p 1 NOW, THEREFOR~, BE IT RESfJLV'ED that the Anahe~m Ciry F'~annfng Commission does hPreby 9~~nt subJect Potitfcm for Condition~l Use Permit, upon the following canditions which ar~a hereby faund to I~e ~ necessary prarequisite to the praposed use of the sub)ect prope-tX In order to pras~rve the safety ar~~ genaral welfare pf tt~~ Cftizens of the Ciry Af Anaheim: 1. Thal s~sbj~c:t G~~ditioi~al ~ h~eiodt the Iuse silu~ll ibe ai~ther discont nmecl or~ r~elacatecl aw y friom the ihe snd af said n{no ~mor,i ~ rASiciontial mobileh~~nie ~ark to the north. -2•• PC9~a-14 ~~ v; '~ ... ~ ~~ STA'T~ aF CAUFORNIA ) C4UNTY OF ORANG~ ) sa• CITY n~ ANAHEIM ) I, ilAargarita Saiorio, ~ecr9tary af the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission, do hereby certify that th0 foregoing resolutian w~a;~5s~ t~~ ollawing vot~ af he mombershthereof:~f m Giry Planninfl Cammission held on February , Y AYES: COMMI;sSION~RS: BOYDSTUN, CALDW~LL, hikNNINGER, MAY~R, ~~nFSSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMIS510NFRS: iVONE ABSENl': COMMIS51aNERS: NONE VACANCY: ONE SEAT I~i WITNESS WIaEF~~'~F, ~ have hereunta set my hand this ~~r~'' day of ~ 1 ~~ cu~ a.r~~ C~o~Or~ SECREt'ARY, 1~HEIM CI'1'Y PLANNIfVG COMMI5alO1V -4- R'G'~35-14 G~ ~ 2. That the petit,lon~r shali obtain any neces.~ary building p~rmits nr other cl,ears~nco from the~ Buildinc~ Divl~lan f~r malntaining vehlcles In tho "laboratory" area. ,, ecificall 3. Thac the business aparator shall submit a Wrator Cluality M~nagernent Piar. (4VC~1l+AP) °'p Y (c'ientNyinr tha bas ~p f n7he WoMp ~hall be subimittod to th~~,, Publl~c VVo I snae~~+~ tmant, I~e ~lopment frorr~ stormw~ter ru ~ervices Divicion, for revfew and approval. 4. 7hat the hours of oparation af subject faeilir~ shall be I(mEtOd to Ec:30 ~~,rr~, ta 4:00 p.ni., Ma~nday~ thrdu~h FrkJays. 5. That subjact praperry 0 aA aheim by~t~ pe itionair~land whicY~dplans a ohcmi~ file wl hJttti~C'P1ann~n~J submilted to the Cfty Department rnarked Exhibit No3. 1 and 2. 6. 7hat the roll-up doors ahall bo insulated and alosed durin~ tlmes ~f instruc:tlor~. 7. That all ac~{vEtias shall ocrur whdly inside the l~uildin~. 8. That Conditian Nos. 2, 3. `i ;~nd 6, a'aov~-mentinned, shall bv compieted within a period of thirry (30; d~ys fram th~ date of thi~ rE~s~lutian. 9. That approvaE of this appHcation c~nstikutos approval of the propa>ed rsquest oniy 'tc~ the exten~~ tt~a1: ft campllAS wtth the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code a,n~J a~y other applirE~ble City, 'State and FF~dera1 reguiatians. Approval r,i~es inot inciudls any action c~r flncl(r~gs a~ 4o compl(a,nce ,~r approval ~~f th~ request Eegarding any othar applicabla ardinancn, re-gu'.ation or requlrennent. B~ i7 FUR'TMEfi I~ESOLVED that the Anaheirn Cfty Planning Commi~slan does hereby iind and detormfne that adoption af t'his Resoliation is oxpres.~~ly~ praciicated upc~n appl(rant's complfsnae wftl7 each a~c! all af the conditionsi h~~rQinabov~8 SAt fOlth. Shotald any such c~~di4lan, or any part the~reuf, be derlared (nvalld ar u~en`O~als~orc~h~tcorrtained~shal~l be ~oArrtied nul~ond voldent Jurisdlcti+~n, t~nen thls Resotution, anc! any ~pp TI-1E FOR'~.GOIN~"~ R~St~LUT10~1 was adc~pted at the Pl~nning Cammissi4n meetin9 uf February ~6, 1995. ' ~ .i/ ~ , !~:~ ,~/'~ ~~', ~-d-~~ ~i' ~i' J IAIRWOMAN ANAhf~11A ~'ITY P~ NN~NC CONIMIS:~ION ATTES7: - ~ a~~~~ ~~~~~ MMISSIOPd SECR ARY NAF~EIM CITY PLANNING CQ ~ PG~~5-i a