Resolution-PC 95-141; ~, A RGS(JLU"PION UF 7hiE ANAhIEIM CITY PIANNI~lG CGIMMISSIUN AMENDING RCSOLlJ714N N0. PC~32-J3 ADOP7E0 iN CnNNECTION WITH CONDITIONAL USE P~RMI7 Nd. b334 r WHEREAS, on 5eptembor 2~3, 1976 the F~lanning Comm(ssl~n ~pproveci Condikional Use ; Pormit Na 156a, ~n cqnnection with Fles~lutlon No. PC75-194, to permit an ~~domobilo auction and " recanditlonln~ facllity at 1320 North Tustin Av9nuo !n the M[. Zone; and tt~t no ~urther t~ction was taken uy the Ciry ~ouncil; WFiER~AS, on Aprll J, 1980 the City Coun~il approved Cond141Qnal Use Permit No. ~052, In connection with Resalu:lun No. 80R•ta2, to exFand tha oufstin~ automobii~ auction and r~conditiuning fec(lity; '~ WHEREAS, on May 17, 1982 the Planning Commiss(on ap~roved Condltional Use Permit No. 2334, in cannection with Resolutlon No. PC82-93, to expand 4he oxistin~ autamabila auction and reconditio-iing facility; and thet no further a~tion was takon by the Cfty Councfl. ; WNEREAS, Condftian No. 6 af saicl Resolu4ian Na, PC82•93 reads Aa the toUaws: "6, That subjeat proporty~ sh~ll be ~leveloped substantially in accordanca wtkh plnns and ~ specifications on file wfth the Cfry of Anahelm ma~ked Exhibit No. 1." WHEfiEAS, t1~6 appli~~nt has svbmitted a revised nlan labA(ed Wevislon No. 1 of Exhibit No. 1; that said plan expands th~ exlsting nutdaar automobfle staging area to the es~steriy slx acr~es and adds a 3,600 sq.fi. bullding Qxtons(on to the Ex(sting 78,720 sq.ft. buiidin~ (subsequeM to submitting tt~e revised plan, th~e petitianor ind(cated they are r~o longor interested in expanding tl~e buildin~); and that a Crfaat high chainifnk fencing intorvvoven with redwood slots is ~hown abutting Jefferson Street end Etci~andy L~+ne; Hnd WHEREAS, s~id revfsed plan necessitates appraval of twa waivers pertflining to (a) r~inimum landscaping requireme~tits f4r thQ ~et~acks along Jefferson Stroet ~nd Etchand.y Lano and (b) permitt9d encroachmonts ir~ta the seiback alon~ Jefferson Street to permit a 6•fo~: chainiink fence. WHEREAS, the Clty Plann(ng Commission d{d hold ~ publlc hearlr~q at tho Cfvic Center in the Ciry oi Anah~im on October 2, 1995. ~t 1:30 p.m., notfc~ of said public he~ring having been duly given as r~qufred by law and In accardancA with the provisians of thA Anaheim Nlunicip~i Coda, Chapter 1t3.03, to ho~.r and consider evidenae for and agalnst ~id proposed amendmerit and the propos~d waivers, and ta (nvesiigate and make findings and recommendations in conn~ction therQwith; and ih~t ~Id p~~lic hearing was continued ta the October 30~ 19~J5 Planning Cornmission meetin9; and WHEREAS, sakl Commi~sion, uFter due (nspectfon, investigation and study made by itsalf an~ fn fts bohaN, and after due considgration of ali evidence ~nd reports oitereci at said hearin~, does Hnd and detormine ths foliawing facts: t. That th3 petftionor requests amendment to Conditlonal Us~ Permft No. 233a to expand an ex(st(ng automobile r~uction and reconditloning faciNty with a~aiver4 of the f~ollowSng: (~) `3~,G.ZI.RlLs 18.1'?O.C3Q. . .Q~_2~b} ~(~j 1~,.110•OSb.0y0,090~5 jy)i~Nrn ~~m tandscanlna raa`ire _ en s. (Required: y0•foot wid~.lgnd~~,~!d set~C~i with ~ r s along Jet~er~n Str~et and .!,~;~Q~t,~v~le Iar,~,.g~Qg~, s b~c wfth ~g,p~ along Etchandy l~rug); Proposed: oonel CR25?_7MS.WP -i - PC95-141 i~~~ ~~~i~~ !~ i„ . (b) ,~@,~tlon 1 ti ti,t~.Q~1Q4~. - Fc~~mftt~d er~~ro~.hm~nt int~a,..~.__~~l4• (parmitted: ,~fAS~l..l1~h.~S~orative scr~o~ y~all lo ~ted iQ f~at fr~m Jafferson Strer~t and ~ feet from Etahandy Lan~; Prap~~~~d: extsting ~Qt ~~„~.l~, I~jr~ fonce interwoven with woud slats abutting J6fferson Streot and Etchandy Lane) 2, That tl~ere are special circumst~nces applicablo to the property cansist~nq of tapography, locatlon and surro~mdin~s, which do nc~t apply to other id~n4lcally xaned proparties in the viclnity bec.susA the ~osthotic benefit envisfoned by aompllance w{th the Cocle-required landscaping would not bA ~chlaved because tho appraximately 50•foot frontago ~long Jefferson Street fa ~levated 2-3-feQt ab~v~ the grade of subjact proporty and is set baak apQror.imately 15 feet from tho im~raved rfght-c~f-way; Rnd that the view of the ~ub~oct frontege is also linpacted by tli~ railroad right•~f-w~y borclering the ~ast~arly b~undary of tha subJect property; 3. 'ihat 5trict application of the Z.on(ng Code deprive~ th4 property af privilr~gas enJoyed by other propertios under fdantical zoning classification in the vicinity; 4. That the proposed use, as proposed to be expandecl, wifl not advArsely affiect. th,e adjAinin~ land uses and the prowtli and deveiapment r~f iha area In which it is proposod to be Ic~ated bar,ause the storage lot oxpansion is con~s~i~h rrt~wut ~ sl tst servest~o screen the s orege~~~ea fromepublic vlew;t~t chainifnic fencing in.erwoven 5. That the siza and shape of the site for th4 proposed ex~analon is adequate tQ allow the fuil development af tho pro~~sed use In a manner nat ~otrimenta! to th~ particular ~roa nor to the peace~ heaith, safety, and general welfar~ beaause the City Traffic and '~ranspottatio~~ Man~ger has teviewed tiha subjeCt raq~ 3st antl determinod thai sufficient porkin~ is available; g, That tho Zr~ tle~ened dbimt~ o ed o~ carrythe t affic~ilin the apeae an undue burdon up~n thR streots and highways g 7, That expanding the ene ai! iweffa e of theecit zo sQOf tthe (:fty c-f Anahefmnar~d~ ~etrfinental to the peacA, health, safoty and g 8. That no one~ ind`n o ~g °un ta tho subJect (petition~ hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was recQ ed pp ALI ORN A,~ ~L1V.1~,4i~iJ~~..~A~.~Y-Y AC7 FINDING: That tho An~heim Ciry Planning Commission ha~s rev(owed the ~roposa! ~nd doos hereby find that the Nega~ivs Dscfaratlon previously a,pprovad in connectfon with Cc~~ditional Uso F~ermit No. 2334 Is adequate to serva as the requlred environmentai documentatfan in connection wKh thls request upon findlnp that the declar~cion reflects the independent jucigement of the lead agency and that it has cansidered the prev(ou~ly rapproved Negative Declaration to~ether with any comm~nts r~caived during the public review pro~ess ancl furt~ier finding on the basis of the inhial study ~~ ~~~ the environment~ that th~re is no sub~tantial evldence thai the project wfli have ~ signi~icant ~ffec NOW 'fHEaEFNR 2~3 ~ 13 ~Io oby tt ended to o,xpa dNhe existzf g~auto m b lenauclfon and w ft h C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t o reGOrxiftianing tacility arxl to include the following w~ivers: (~) C t~ions t~.i 1Q,~0 (~~0.0~21b1 . ~"in~~*+'~r~L~..'~M1sc-~~IRa reat!Itementa. ~~ (RBC~UifBd: ,~:~.~~.~nnrlq~an~ gBt,~Ck ~~`~~ Wi-,, 2 crees ~long Jefforgon St tree and ,~.:f4.4S.Y~~S ~j,~~caoed s@~S~S with 7 t~,.rees along Etchandy Lane); Proposed: n n NC95-t d1 -2- ~' ,Y~ (b) ~ection 18,110.n6Q„100.1dq~. ,p,~r,rn'tt~d encro~chm_etaS intp setbr~.,ck.. (Permittod: ~- hi h ~cor~axivo sGrQon.,y~~l, J~cate 10 feet fr~m Jeffersnn Street ~nd F, feet from Etchandy l.~no; Proposed: ~xisting ~,4~ i'in fence interwovan wlth wood slats a~buttin~ Jef~ersan Street and Etchandy Lane) SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the c~nditlona of appravfd canteinod !n Re;~olution No. PC82-93 ara hereby arnended ~s follaws: Amend CAndition Na. 6 to read: G. That subjoct property chali be devQloped substantf~lly in accardance with plana and specificattans on fite wlth the City nf Anaholm mark~d R~vi~lon No. 1 of F.achibit No, 1. And acld tho followinfl new conditions: 10. That tha ~~n~ngr/developer shall provide a f~ve (5) foot wide landscaped plRnter within the City's riflht-of-way along Etchandy Lane conslsting of ground cover ~xnd an irrl~ation systom; and tha4 at the 4ime sidewalkc are Instaile~ alang Etahandy Lsjrc~, the owner/developor shall, at thefr expanse, ~eloc~te the exi5tin~ chain link i~•,nGe f.vo (5) feet from the front praperly line and prov~de landscaptng in ac~ordanr.e with Code roquirements. 1~. That the chr~lnifnk fence, intervvoven with afther redwood, cedar or PVC slats, shall b~ malntained ;n geoci condition to prav9de continuaus effective ~creenin~ of the ~ut~oar starage areas. 12. That subject pruperty shall be developed substantially in acc~rdancA with the plan and speciflcat(ons ~ubmitteci ta tha Cfty of Anaheim by thA petitioner and wh(ch plan is on fllo with the Planning Department marked ~tevisl4n Na. 1 of ~xf~ibit Nu. 1. 1~. That prior to commencement of the activity heroin approvQ, ar prior tn final buiiding and zoning inspections, or whhin a period of ane (1) year from the date ~af this resolution, whichevar ~occur~ first, ConditiGn Nos. 10, 11 and 1?, abov8-mentioned, shall be complled wlth. Extensi~ns for further t~me to complete s~Ed conditions mAy be granted in accordance wfth S~ction 18.03.090 of the An~helm Municipal Co~e. 14. That approval of this ap~+~ic~tion constitutes a~pravai of tha proposed roquest o~ly to the extent that it complles with the Anahefm Municipal zuning Caie and arry otho~ applicahle Ctry, State and F~derai regulations. Approval does not include any aci(an or findin~s ~3 to compilance or approval of the requESt reg~rdin~ any other applicable ardinance, rogulation or requirement. B~ {T FURTt-IER FtESOLVED tliaC the Anahelm City Planning Commission do~s hereby find and dotermine that adoption of this F~esalution is e.cpressly preclicated upon appiicant's compliance wfth Aach and all o~ the conditians here(nabove set farth. Shauld any such cond'rtion, ar any pan thoceof, be declared Inva~id or unanforceabls by the flnal Judgment of any Court bf competent jurisdiction, thon this Re~lution, and any ~pproaals here(n containe~, ahal! b~ deamed nuf! and vald. THE F4REGUING RESOI.UTION w~s ~dopted at the Pl~nn{n~ Commisslon m~etin~ of October 30, 1 a95. ~' _ ~.J _._._,___.~ ~ ~MAN, ANAH~IM C PLANNING COMMlSSiON ATfES7: 1 SECRET Y, NAH IM CITY PLANMNG COMMiSSiON .3_ PC~5-141 ~~~ ,:~~ ~w STATE QF CALIFORNIa ) C~UNI'Y OF ORANCE ) sa. CI7Y OF A-NAF~EIM ) I, Mar4arlta Snlorio, Socretary ~f the Anahaim City Pl~nning CQmmfssian, do heroby oertiiy that the foregolr~c~ r~solutlan was passed ~nd adopted at a meotln~ a~ tho Anahoim Cfty Planning Commissfon held orr ~ctaber ~0, 1 J95, by the foilawing vote ~f tho memk~era thereof: AYES: COMMISSION~RS; MESSE,I F'ERq7-~DSTUN, B~iISTOL, I~I~NNlNG~FI, Iv{AYEW, NQ~S: COMMISSION~RS: NUNE ABSENT, rdMMISSIONERS: N~7N~ IN WITN~SS WHEREDF~ ~ 17ave hereunto set my hand this „~~ day of ~,~ '~--~ ~ ss5. . , a,~ J,_s- - ~CRETAR , A AI-~EIM CI7Y PLANNING COMMISSION S ~- PCS5-i 41