Resolution-PC 95-143~ ,~SOIIlTION NO PC~5-143 A RESOI.UT~ ~OF~CONDITIONALIUS I PERMIT N~? 3a02. BEI GRANTED ThIAY P~'TITI4N WHEREAS, the Ar~~ha(m ~~tY P~~uated fnth Cfty of Anahoim, Countyrof Orange~Sta~e Conditional Use Permlt far a~rta(n re~.l property s of Calffornia, desoribed as: B'~GINNING AT 7FiE NORTHwAST COFtNER OF LOT 4 OF 7HE SUBDIVISION QF A PAR7 OF THE WEST HALFMOP ~Q~~~ N BAOK 1 PAGE 10 UF RECORD OF A I.ICENSEp 5URVEYOF~S aURV~YS. THENCE ~ASTEF~LY 1Q SWOWN ON A IV1I1P' Q oSU~VE MAQ~ B OWII LIAM ANAHEIM EXi'ENSION AS 6~AMP~flEL AND FILED IN OLIFORNIA 7HENCE A7 RIGHT ANQ~ S SOU HERLY ANG~LES, STATE OF CA 16 RO~S 7H~NCE AT RIG ~p N70 THE PtACE OF BEG NNiNG ~~E AT RIGWT ANGLE NORTHERLY 16 R ~H~~~qg~ 4h~ City Pl~nning Commisslan dfd hold a public h~aring at the Clvia ~enter in the City af Anaheim on October 30, 1995 at ~~~h~ ' ovisions of thaiA aheim Muni cpal Cod~, Ch Pter given as requ(red by law and in accordance with t p 18.03, to hear and canglder evidence for andtlansi intaoninACtlan~he~rewitri~~~ndal uJg p~r~nft ~nd to investigate and make findings and recammenda iNHEREAS, sa~d Cammission, aftll evid~nce and ra~portsgofferQd a~said hoar ng, doeg ind and in its behalf, and after due cons(deration of a and determine tt~o following facts: 1, That the propos~d u~e is prop 1 I~y o e 8°~t~h~ pawnghop within an~axisting comimecla Anaheim Municipai Cade Sectian 1~.a4.0502 p sh~pping center; 2. That the prnposed use, as approved, wlll not adversely affect the adJoining land uses and the growth and d~velopmont of th~ area In which it i~ proaosed ~o be loc~ted; 3. 7ha~ the size and shape of tho siti ~etrime na~to te partiau a~r area no~ t II he peac~ll dev~lopmont of the praposed use in a manner no health, safety, and 9eneral welf~re; ~, That the traffic generated by thi pC~PQ the t aff cilin ~he ap~ae an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and Improved N ,. That the granting of tho canditi n~ral welfare of th~ ~citizens ofthe City af Anahei`mnAnd~ detrimental to the peaGe, health, safoty and ge g. 7hat no on~ Ind~catod ~he~n n~ the sub eGt~pet~iQnl~c h~aring in oppo~ttion; and that no aoRespondoriae was received (n oppositio I PC95-143 CR25~30MS.WP ~1 ~ 6 1~: CAL•I . NIA NVIRQNMF,~Tei ni iai rry A~~ FINDING: Th~t tNe Anaheim City Plenn(ng Cammission h~s revi~wed the propo~ai to permit a pawnshop W~toximatel XOt7J ac emhaviri'gla front~aqe centar on an rectangularly-siiapad parcel ~f lancl consistinfl of app Y af anproximatoly 165 foet on tha south g1d4 0 e~et wastvof thohcenterllne of' Clfffrase tStr~eo p a d i urther 2 Q~ f~ e t, l~ e i n g l a c a t e d a p p r o x i m a t e l y , 8 d~scrlbeci as 1500 E~st Lincoln Avenue; and doos hareby approva the Noga t i v~ D e c l a r~ t i ~ n u p o n ~ f i n d i r~ g that tho deci~aration rAflect~ the independent judgement of thc~ lead ag~nr,y and that it haa considered the No~atfv~ Declar~tion together with any ~c ~ ano~commentes receivad that tble eris ino surb. tantlalnev de ce finding on the basis of the initial study Y that the proJect wil! have a signific~nt effoct on the environment. NOW, THERE~ORE, BE 17 R~SOLVED that the ~4nahoim City Pianning Commission does hsroby grant subJoct Petitian for Conditlanal Usg Permit, upon the followfng cond nj~order toh ~sE,rve the found ta be ~ nocess~~ry prerec~uisite to the proposed uso af tho subject proper4y P safoty and goneral wE~lfare of ths Cltizen3 of the City of Anahoim: 1. Thc~Y the hours of operation shall be limitod to 9:00 a.m. ta 7:~0 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 2. That an interior video surveillance camora shall be fnstalled and in operation within nin~ty (90) days from tho date af this resolu+ior~. 3. That trash storage areaes~ sh~a~ns on filerwiith sa d Departmentt( nc uding paintAin~ 4h~ ~ashaenclosure to comply wfth a~aprov p gates). 4. That subJoct property sh~li be R m~°p he peiitfonealF,nd which plans are oni flis wt h hecPlann~ing s u b m i tt e d ~ t o t h e C i ry c a f A n a y D~partment markad Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 5. That priur to aommencoment o~ the activity herel~n appraved, or prior ta final build(np and zoning inspoc,tions, or wi4hin a period ot one yoar from t'he date of this re5olution, whichever occurs first, Condrifon Nos. 3 and 4. ~maVe be ~ riant d in aiccorda csiiw~ith S~ctlon 18 03.090 of the Aniaheim compigte safd cc~nditions y 9 Municipal Code. 6. That approval af this applic^.ation constitutes appraval of th~ proposed I(cabietCin~yState andtFedoral it compties with the Anahoim Munfcipal ~oning Code and any other app ry' roval of the regulat(ans, ~PP~p~n ~ othor ppifcab e~ A dinanc~en regula~tio n oa equiremenitnce nr app request reg~ g Y 7. 1'hat subJect use permit shall terminata tt~roe (3) years ~rom the data of this r~~olutlon, on ~ctober 30, 1998. BE IT FIJRTH~R RESOLVED that the Anahei:~n Clt~ Planning Commission does hereby fi~d and determine that adoptlon o~ thi.s R~~ ~e Sst fiorth prSh uld any su~ h canditlanl` or any part the eofiWbe each and all of th~ condltinns herelna declared inaalfd ar unenforceabls bf ntcon a n'ed~ds all ba danmed null~and v~oklant Jurisdictian, then this Rosolu4ion, and any approvals here -~- PC95-143 ~ ~°. THE FGREGOING RE~OLUTION wac ~dopted at the Pitanning Commisslon meeting af Octobe~ 3n, 1995. CHA1 OMAN AN HEIM CIIY F' NING COMMISSIOIV ATl'EST: .~ . ~10-IEI C;ITY~ IF~ MMI Slo QN SEC~~T'A~ , STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY 4F ORANGE ) ss. CI7Y OF ANAhIEIM ) I, Margnrfta Solario, Secretary of tho Anaheim Gity Planning Commisslon, do hereby cvrtifar that the foregofn~ rosolutian w~as passed and aciopted at a mee4ing of the Anahei-n Cfry Planning Cornmission hoid on October 30„ 1995, by tho fallowing vote of the members thernof: F~YES: COMMI5SIONERS: BC)S7WICK, BOYDSTUN, BFiI~TOL, HENNINGER, MAY~R, MESSE, PERAZ/~ NOEa: CC~IVIMISSIONEIi$; 9VANE ABSFNT: CAMMI~SIONERS: NONE IN WITNEaS WH~I~EOF, I have herounto set my hand Yhis ~_ day of ,~~~ 1 ~95. . ~ G~i.~~ S~~RET RY, NAH~IM rOTb' PLANNING COMMlSSION .g. t'C95-943