Resolution-PC 95-1451 RE~OLUYIQN NO,,,~',.5~~~ ~.~ ~ q FiEgpLUTION OF "1'H~ ANAWEIM CITY PLANNiN~ ~OMNiISSlOhI THA~' i'~ETITiON FOR CONDl71dNJ1L US~ PEt~NHT NO. 38(11 BE aFtAN7~D WH r,nft aS~r.e~ln reoal property slRuated tCr.the City af A~nahQlm, Countyrof Orange~State ~anditional Use Por of Cali(ornfa, desc~ib~! t~s; PARCEL 1, A~` SWOVJN ON A MAP FILED IN ROOK 90, PAG~ 37 OF PARC~L, MAPS, 1N ?HE OFFICE OF 'ChIE COUNTY RECPJRDER UF ORA-NG~C COUNI'Y, CAUFORhIi~t. 3'. ~~ WFiEREA;3, thq City Planning Comm2s.alon dki~ hdd a publlc f~aa~in~J at the Civic Center in tt~e City of Anahelm on Octc•ber 3A, 1995 at 1:30 p.m., notice of sobd publ~c hearing having ~Chap er given as required by I~-w and in accordance with the provialons of tha Art~heim Mu~icipal Cade, 18.Q3, to he~r aixJ conakler ev~dence for and agalnst said propc~se~d candfi~ona~ use p~rmit ~r~d to investigate and ma!<e Nov~mber 1'3~1995 Plannings~amrnis~ on meeting ~and~ t~t ~~ ~ublic hearing was corrtinuod to tha WHERE.p+S, s~id Gcxrmission, after due inspecilan, inve~tigation and ~tudy r'r~ado bY ftse~f and in its b~h~l~, and after due consideratlon of all eviden ~e and reports offered at saki h~aring, does iind and dotermine the foliowing fa~ts: 1. 'fhat th~ propas~d ttso 1s property o~e for wh(ch a condit~cna~ uao permR I~ autliorized by Anaheim Municipa) Code Section 18.61.Q50.070, 18.61.(~FO•~20 and 1t3•61.A5q.5+07 to pt~rcnit a road-brase materiais proca~ssing arxie a~ ~~ ~ f cfliry~aund a~ommorciaf truck fr~5ricat on~anc1 a's embt,ypplla ~~. with a lar~e ~quipme.it storKg waiver of the iollowing: ,~gction t S G~,~.1.Q~f~~Q - j1~l,21R1.4I1~..~lES~ QnclO ~re ac~d ~~,rg~nina rgaulrementfl. (Requlred: no ~todS~L~...Ql mat rials shaU ~ccoed the holaht of the minimum 6-faoY high si~o screon enciosing the outdoor use; Proposeci: •,'}Q,~Lhtah stQCKoilecl aaarea~__ te__materlal~ encinsed by ~n 8-faot high chatnqnk fence interwov~ wRh wood slats) 2. Tiiat there Ara speciAi circumstances ~pp~~~-ble ta the p~Qpefa ~n th~~~~~inity becauso location and sunound~~~s which d~o not apply to ather ldernir„~Hy znned p ope sub~ect property {s an ~.~pproximately 6-acro site abutting ~ Ipcal Intl~atrtst cu~-de-sac street, bounded by s(milar outdoor usoa anc~ ahutttng an Interstate froeway ri9ht-of-waY~ ~trxl th~t strict t-ppllc.~ttlor~ ~of tho Zoning Code v~oufd hepunle ue nfrttur~QOf bJoct ir~idustria~ ~usA whSchhequir ~h~ stockpqin~eof(ap~ ~~~ clasoiiication due to 1 mator4als ta varytng hef~hts; 3, Tlk~t strict appi~cation of the Zoning Cac1e deprNys th~ proparr~l qt prlvilefles e~jayed bY other prupertiR~ undgr (dentfaal toning classffic~et(on in the viainKy; 4. That the ~,r~aposed use is prt~{~r1y on~e for which ~ condRlona~ usc~ permit ts attthorized by the Zoning Code; and ihat it is an a~propriate use {n the unde~lyin~ Incfuatrfai zone; -1- PC95-145 CR'Z533pM•WP ~' ,~' S. That iha propased u~e wlll not adveraely aff~ct ihe aclJolninq larid u~~s and th ~ g~roWhlchs development of the area in whlah k Is proposed tp be ~xated b~cau$e h~~ ~ temporary anticfpatad to ba In oparation for five years ar tor the duratian of tho Calt~ns I•6/5a~a Ana Fraoway that subjact ternporary wldonUg praJect f~r tiiat portlon of tha ~reeway located withic~ tha Ctry of An~heim; use s~rves a public nQCessfty by facUit~t!^~ that the~t'~o ased use w~ill fnot adver ely affect ad~oln( ~ i~i~^d the local phase of the proJect; and, further, p F~ uses or the growth and develapmdnt of the aree, nor b~ detrlmental ta tha p~ac;e~ t~ealth, saf~ety o~' wolfare af thn surrourxiing r,ammunity tsecauae subJ~ect prnperty is located in the ML "IJmtted ,,strlaP Zane which is intended to accommadate tho p%o~e~„ ~g n~e (and~dust wrlll~~be adequat~alY sm~tiqa~tedh ta as co~ufitioned hereln, any adver~e imp~a 1nslgnHir,~nt levels; g, Yhat the industrial ~rea needs to L~e presen-ed for industri~l uc~ers; . 7. 1'hat ihe siza and ahapa of the site for ~the prapase~ ~tsA ~s adequa-t~ to allow the lull dAyglapment of tho praposed use In a mRnner not detrimenta+l to the p~n~cular ~re~a nc~r to the peace, he~ith, ~afety, and ~~nerai welfate; $. That the traffir, generat~f by th~ propo~ed use wUl not imposo an undue burcJen upon the streets ~ncl hlghways designed and lmproi ~ tem ra th use on{y ~r~d the~numab °rt a t CpPated 4 p8 p~er b~se m e t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n~ a n d s t a c k p i l i n g s a F~ N day are withfn ~cceptablo capaclh+ levols for the pr~pased raute of trave l to an d f r o m t h e a h e, g, 1'hat the graMinfl c~f the ~onJft~Ana~ ~se pe~~~~~ u~Qr the condit4ans Imposecl, wil! nat ba de4rfmantal to the peace, health, ~afety and general weltar~ of the cltiz~ns of the City of Anaheim; 10. 7hat 4 people In~icateci~~n ta the subJectspetidon.li~ h~~rinq in opposltlcn~ and that no carresponcionce ~vas recehred in oppo. ,~FCJRN! ~NVIR~N TA U~~!{IY~T~'~~' j~t tho Anahelm City Ptannt~g Cammission has reviewed the propassl to permtt a ro~ ~ a I ~tA Quip ~~ 4tor~ge nd rentnl~faciliry~ including on-site concrese/rock ctushing and strackp~~~ ~~nt, with waivor of minimum site encl~sur~ and r~~nd a coRimerclal truak tabricetion and assembly_pl ~~ ~~~ consistir~g of appror.imately 6.1 acres scre~nU~ requ(rements on r~n irregularly-shaped Pa having a frornage af approximately 40+3 feot on the north skJa of Pontuili Way, having a maximum dapth of approximately 797 fe~t being Ipcated approximanella~ ;f~~ does hQreby pp~rn+e a mritigatecl Naeg~tive further descrfbed as 175i West PenhaN Way (vaca 1 f8~~ t~ Section 2t081•6 af the Public DeGlaration and adopt u~e WIi~lgation Manitosi~nq Prog~am pu Resource Code on th~ basis that tha declaradru~ reflects the tnde~Pendh~ ~~~ ~~Ne~i~e Oedaratbn and that the Planning Commissfon hass con~ldered ths proposa at~d MonitorEnp Program, tc~ether with an~ com~ her ~s ~~ubg aQt~ Av~@RC8 t~ha~ herP ~oct wp further findings, on the bas~~s of the initial St~~dy, havo a sigr.itica~nt effect on the onvironment. rypW, THEREFARE, BE IT R~50LVED that the Anahaim Ctty Planninn Commissbon does hereby gr~-nt subJe~t Petition for Canditional Use Permft, upon the fdlawing cond~tfons which ar~ t~ereby found to t~a a necess~rY prerequl~tte t~ the proposQd use of tho subjoct propeRy in o~der to pre~ssNe the safety snd ~e~'iera~ wetf~re of t9~e Citizens of the City c~f Anahe~m: t. That the roAd base mate~t~s pro+:assina the alvor~of ~~ nimum enr~osura acx! sits screeni q stackpUing of a.ggregate matertala, and requlrements shall ~~pire fi~re (5) years trom the dete d tliis ~esdutlon, on Novembe~ 13, 2000. PC95-145 ~ -7.- ~ I ~ ~ _ ~. _ ~. __ - -- - - f 2. 3. 4. 5. G. 7 8. 9. Th~t the prop~sed Ole~nders ahali bs afi sufflcfent ai~o at the time of planting so as 4o creato a den~e and cantintaous h~mont storo~e y~rd wtthr.efther~a d~carative block wallror a'yered landscape ~ ea. portlon of t~a aqu p 9 That signage shall bo limited to one (1) wall sign o~ one (1 ~ fre~t~nding, manum~nt~typa sign, as agrooci tn by tho applicar~t, That the potitipnor shall ba responslble for complyirr~ with ~II mitf~atio~ m~asures wfthin th~ a~signed time frarrees ancl fo~ any dfroct costs assc~ci~ted wfth the approved Mltigation Nionftoring F'ro~rem No. 87, as ostablishetip ensu e m~lementat on' c~ftl~e identifledrmkigativn~measurea81 g~ the Public Resources C~de, A TYiat a wlan aheei tur solid waste $tora9e gnd collactlon and a plar~ for r~cycling shall be sul~mitted to the Dep~rtm4nt of M~intenance for review and ~p~rov~l. Thst tho develaper ahali, in coorciln~tion wfth tho CKy ~f Ana~ieim, determino tho structural condition of Cro3cent Way a~d P~nhall Way. The d~voloper sl~all submEt a leiter detailing propassd vehiclc~ 4rips, types ~nd loeded weights. The dov~lnpor shall eriter IMu an o~reement wfth the City (ta be reviowed and ~pprov~d by the Cky Attorney) to p~y ~- falr sh~re f~e ~or stTO~t detorioratlon by truck traffic which exceQtls st~ndards establi:~hed fur IocRl industriai stree4~, by and shail c~nmply thareaft~r with the terms and atfpulatlons oF such agreement. That truck accoss ta the sita shall ba Ilmftod to: the 1•5/Senta Ana FrAeway Yo uncdn Avenue, nonh ~n CrescBM Way and east an Penhall Way. Truck acce~s trom the sits shall be Iimk~d to: P~nhall Way, s~u4h on Crescen4 W,~y to Littadn Av~nue, anri along epproved City T~vGk Ra~tos to tho destinatlons. Tr~anspowidth len h~and/or welyht~sp~cffind fntthe Califomial Vehi~i~BCode.pp Inads oxceeding the heigh , ~ 4~ That trucks shali be covered prior ta enterin~~ ~~IQnah~fa ytgpil~s•caccur or if dIn Istcarrteti on swept and cleared oP any spflieci mat~rials by PQ the truck tires during tra~sportation to or from the sita. That subJact property shall be developecl substantially In accorclttnc~ wlth pi~ns end sp~ciflcations subm{ttod to the ~City of Anaheim by the pathloner snc! whlch plan~ are on ~IIA wrh tha F'lanning Dopartment mariced Exhibft Nos. 1 through ~. 10. 7hat the haurs of operatlon shali bo as fdlows: ~~Q~g lon eauimm ~t ~gr-a~,e ~a~and sent I~ILY 7:AQ a.M. to 5:A0 f'.M. Mandoy throuph F~iday s~f~~rl~~~~c_&1~t~I Mc~rxiay through F~Jey 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. ~d~s1~ ~etl~l~. Monday through F~day T:00 A.M. Lfl 3:30 P.1V1. 11. That prlor to commencing any racic crust~tng activities, the ~etRla~er tlah~ak $~~ to the Pla~nnln~ Southern Caiitornia Air Q~~ality Mana9ement Dts'trict (S~A~NIpj opera g PQ DepaKmont. 1~_ . PC95-145 ~ 12. 7hat subjeGt aGyeratian shall comply wfth Ch~pt~r 6.70 °Sounti Pressuro Levelsp nf the Anahelm Municipai Codo; and th~t any now on•site c:.•:~;~(vi~jl sl~all not exceod mort~ tY~~n ~fve (5) d6s ~bove the oxisting amblent saund level whsn said ~ctivity I~ in opera4lon. A noise survey shgl! be canducted on th~~, sftn~o rq that no se lave{spaf the rock~crushing ope gon d~o nat exceed t e levals def ned Qn days Y ~ e ~haptor 6.10. 1~. That prlor to issuancc~ of a buil~ing permn or within a perincl of one (1) ys~r ~rom th0 datv af thla whichever occurs flrst ~ondftlon resotutfon or prlor ~to comm~ncomont of the activity her~in approved, ~ Nos. a and F3, abnve•mentionacl, ahall be complled wftN• Eactenslons for i~rther tima ta campi~to aatd Cor~ditlons may be ~rant~d In accardanco wRh Sec,~tion 18.03.090 af the Anehelrn Municipai Code. 14. That p~ior wh che er I'OCCUrB first CnndFtiOn IVois 2, 3r 9,rarxi 11~ above-me 4~loned, sha! be ompleed approved, with. 15. 1'hat approv~i of tMis appllr~tlan constiiutes approval of the propased request nnly to the e~xte~t that it ~ompEles whh the An~helm Muniaipal Zaninq Code and eny ather appliaable Cky, State and Federa~ regulations. A}~praval doc~a not in~cludo any actton ar flnd(n~s as ta com~llance or appraval of the requost regarding any othgr ~pplir.able ordfr~nc~, regulatian o~ requirernent. t3~ IT FURTHEf~ RESaLVED that the Anahelm Cfry Pianning Commissio~ doss hereby find mnd determine that adoptlon of this Fiesolutian is expr~e$sly pr~dfcated upon applicant's campli~nce with each er-d all of the aonditt~ns hereinaboye set forth. Shoul~9 ai~y such candlti~n, ar any p~rt thereof, be deciara~d invaiid or unenforca~ble by the tinal Judgment of any court od compete~t juri~diction, then th3s RASOlution, arul any approvais iieret~ contained, sha~l be deemed nuil and votd. THE FOR~GOING RESOLiJTl4N wa~ adopted at the Planninfl Commission mo6ting of Novembor 13, 1g9S. ~ ~--- CNAIRMAN PR~ TEMP4 , ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN COMMI8510N ATTEST: , ~. l~-`R-~ SECRETA Y, ANAHEIM Cl"fY PLANNING COMMISSl~N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUM'Y OF ORANGE - ~s• CITI' rJF ANAHEI{Vi ) I, Edkh L. NaRis, Sacrot~ary af the Anahc~im City Planning Commission, c!o herebPianniny ttrat the forega~n~ resolutlon was passed ~nd edonted at ~ meeting af the Anaheim Ctty ~ Commtssl~n hold on November 13, 1995, by the fo!lowing v~te of tha memba~s theroaf: AYES: NOES: ABSEN7 1 ~95. COMMIS5fONERS: B05TWICK, BOYD57UN, SRI~TOL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERA~'A COMMIS~IONERS: MONE CON9MISSiONERS: htAY~R IN N1ITNESS WH~R~OF, ! have here~tnta set my hand this ,~,_,~ day af ~~~:-~ ~~~~ , ~~tL~~ ~ ` ' ---"" SECRETAR~f, ANAHElM CITY PLANNINC t:UNlM{SSl4N ,4, p .G9~'a-1 ~5