Resolution-PC 95-146;`"q~, ~~-; AESQI~_t1'TIO(~ R0. P_~'~5-148 A f~ESOl.UTIOfV OF 7NE ANAMEIM ~ITY F'l.I~NPVING COMMIS510N 'YHAT PETITIOPJ FQR CONDITIONAL USE PERlV917 N~. 38Q4 BE GRA~n'~D WHEf~~~ S~certain rEeal f roperty si~uated h~he Ciry of Ati aheim! ~C untyrof OranyepStato Conditional Use P~rmit P af California, describod as: THAT PORYION OF LOT 25 OF ANAMEIM EX'fENSION, IN ThlE Cll'`~' OF ANAW~IM, CCJUNT`~f ~JF QRANGE, STA~'C l7~ CAI.IFOFiNIA, A~ ShIOWN ON A~VIA? OF SURVEIf 5Y WIU.IAM HAM~L, A COPY QF WHIC~TM ~APS,VIN 7F~IC OF~~ ~E QF Th E~COUN'fV R~ URDC OFUSAIp CdUNTY, ANGEI..ES ~OU D~SCRIBE~ AS ~OI.LOWS: B~ClNNINC /1T'fHE SOUTHWESTERI.Y CORNER OF SAID LOT 25, ~~ID CORN~(~ BEING ALSO 7hrE INTEASEC'i'ION OF TH ~: CENTEFtLINE OF LOS AtVGEL~S STREEl' WITN THE St~UTH LINE OF S~CTlON 15, TOWNSHIf' 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, S. 8. ~. & M., NS SMOWN ON SAID MAP OF ANAHCIl~{ EXTENSION; 7H~NCE ALONG TM1E WESTERLY LIN~ OF SAIn LOT 25 (C~IVTERI.IN~ OF LOS ANGGLES STREE?) NARTH 15 D~C. 30' 00" WES7, A DISTANCE OF 417.t35 FE~ TO T6iE SOUZHERLY LlNE OF 7HE l.~ANL7 CONVEYED Tv HEFSMAN HCNFiY ~~AGE AND EDNA EiV~MA 6RUNS, BY CJEED RECQRDED NOVEMBFR i8, 1935 IN DO01~ 792, 12 OF OFFICIAL RECORD~; 7HENCE AL06VG SAID SOUTH~RLV L.INE NOR7H 74 pEG. 30' q0" ~1ST, A dISTANCE OF 512.~4.3 FEET; THENC~ SAUTH Q DEG. 0~' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 533.27 ~E~ T~N~ OU7H 89 DEG. 57H00"~WEST TO NE AIM7I OF ~EGI N NC ~OR1G SAID SOUTHERLY EXCEP"fl{dG THEREFR~AA THE WE$TERLY 3~0 FE~t' MEpSURED AT FiIGHT ANGLES TO TH~ WESTERLY LI~l~E OF SAtD LUY 25. ALS~J EXCEPTING TFiEREFROM TH~ SOUTH 30.Q0 FEET. ALSO EXCEPTING TF~E NORThIERLY 7n.00 FEEf. WHEREAS, the Ctty Plannin~ Commissfan dfd hold a public hearing at the Civic Centc~r in the City of Anahpim on October 30, 19p5 at 1:30 p.m., notice crf said public hearing having beer~ duly givon as rAqu(ied by law and (n arcardance with the prov~sfons of the Anaheim Municipal Gode, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conslder evidonce for and against sald proposed co~ci(t(onal use permft and to investigate and maka findings and recammendatinns In connectian thatewith; and that sald puhllc hearinfl was continued to the Novembor 13, 199y Planning Commission meeting; anci WFIER~AS, said Commission, after due inspectlnn, investigation anc~ stu+~y made by itse~f and in its behalf, anc! atter due consideration of all ovidence and reports offAred at said hearfn~, does flnd anci determine the following facts: 1. That the pmposed use is pro~erly one for which a canditional iise parmit is autharized by Anahefm Municipal Code Sactions 18.61.450.050 and 18.61.Q50.070 to sstabNsh a mo4or spo~ts dealership (motorcycies, A'Ns, jet skis, etc.), 1ncluding sales ar~d service, with w~fvers of the following: f;R2534DM.WS' -i - PC95-146 'V;91~ ~ ll ~~i (A) 3^rar.tinnc 1$.04Afi0 09_3 - ti91n(m m nu be~ of ~~e~ ~dJ~acent t~ ~ 18.61,063.Oti0 r.lah~f: `~+a . (~~g requlred in landscaped sotbaGk adJacent to Claudina Place; ~~,~ proposed) ~b) ~I~.L~~6~.06~011 - ~1!'°'~ '~ath°~'~ "d~ac°nt ~o an ~rterfal hiahw~,y. (Minimum ~~ required for proposEd 10-foot high fance (6'/z -foot block wali topped by 3'~.-foot ~hain linkj along E1~11 Ftoad; 5 feet prop~sed) (c) ~4sn..t~nft~8.61.OG3,,Q1,~ - P~gufro s~b~a}~j~9 tr~~ ~o~i ~reot. (Mfnimum 5 f~at r~qulred for praposed 8-foot high wrought iron fence along Claudina Placo; ~n 40_ 7 feet pro~osedy ~, That Walver (a~ is her~by g~anted on the basi~ that xhere fs a spocial circumstance applicable to tha praperty consisting of it~s size whlch does not a~ply to other identi~ally aonsd praperties !n the vicinity becauso the~ waiver !s due to tha ~xisttng 3-foo4 wi~~ the n mbe~r ~f t oes equired be Code; b~ilcling and Ciaudina F'iac~, which ~rea canna4 adequately su{~p y and t{iat properiy maintaining the existing shrubs wfll provld~ IandscAping in Ileu af ~he required trees th~r~by visually "breaking upu the k~uilding elevation mass as seen frarn the strec~t; ;~. That Waiver (b) is hereby granted on tho basis that is a spacial circumstlnce applicabie to the pro-~anY Gons~sting of its siza which cioes not apply to other identically zoned propertl~g in the vicinity bor.auso the waivar pertalns to silgning the proposed ~0-faot high wail wlth the existin~ buildino wal! which has a 5•fo~t setback fron~ the ultima~e Bull Road rigMt-af-w~y; that said wall will sareen the outdaor inventory starago area; that cAnstruGtian of said wall wlll avold a potenti~l "dead space" whict~ wauld be crdate~d if the re~gro 5~-s ot b~ff`din~g~setba ~ th~ tthe lproposednwa Ihw9 I'~ rtiai! ~sc een ighe becomo a problem in 4e 9 reaently app~QVed adjacerrt bus depot; 4, Th~t 1Naiver (c) is hereby granted nn the basls that Is a spe~cfal r,ircumsta~nce applicable to th~ property consisting of its size which does noR apply to other identically zoned properties in the vicfnity beeause tfi~ pr~posed wrought-iron fence w{il be placed behind thQ landscape planter ~trea adjacont to Claudina Place, including a slight Jog that encro~ches ir~to the rAquired 5-foot setback area; and that a rrwJortty of tha fonce w~ii be outsida th~ setback area, a~ required by uode: 5. That strict application of the Zonin~ Code dop~ives tho property of privileges enJoyed by other proportles under fdentical zon(ng classificatlrfn in the viclnfty; S. That the p~ p h~ ges a ercompaNble with tho surroundn g comme ciapa d~industrlal la d by the Zonin~ Codo and usos with~n the immediate nefghborhoal; 7. That the prr~pased uses will not advorsoly affect th~ adjoining land uses and the grow4h and development of the arel in which they are propased to be loc~ated; 8. 7hat the os~e a sR~ hn 8~mannerS ot detrime ial~to the particu atl areatno~talthe poacel` dovelopment of th~ prop heaith, saf~ty, and generr~l welfare; 9. That the t~affic gene~ted by the proposed uses wtlf not impuse an undue burden u~on the ~treets and h(ghways designeci and Improved tu carr~ 3he traiflc in the asea; -2- PCJ5-14C rf~'~lp", '' '7 r~~ ~ ,~~ 10. That the granting of theao~ndit~ine~~Iu~e~ifp~ ~ oif Xr~e~'oitizons of the~City of Anahel'mnQand cletrimontal to the p~ace, health, safety g 19 . That no one indicated ~ a~n , ~r the subJect petit~lon~~C hearing I~ apposition; and that no correspondence was r~colved fn app ,~ALIC~RNfA ENVIRVN~~NTAI. UA4.I~Y AC~' FI DIN : Th~t the Anahoim City Flannin~ Comrnission has revlewed tha propASal to estabiish a motor sp~~rtg dealership (mntorcycles, ATV's, jet skis, etc.), Including sales and sorvice, wfth waiver of minim~~m number of traes adjacent xo pubi(c ~iqht-af-way, requirod setbar,k adjacent xo an arterial hig4~way a oximatelr~1,24t~cresao,r.~tedt a~th~ northweg t corner Irregulariy-shapod parao! af land consisting of ~pp Y of Bmll fioad an~ Claudina Placa, having appr~xlmato frontagos of a6 feee o 25 East Ball Ro d; an'd does and 330 feet an tho west side af Claudina P{ace, and further dascrik~ed a., horet~y approve the Nen~tive Declarn~tion upon findinfl that the deolara4ion refl~cts the fndapend~nt Ju~gemer~ uf the load agency and thac ~t has constdered the Negative Declaratian ta~other with ~ny camm9nts received durin~ the pu~,~ier ~I3ie o substanti~l evtdence `thait tha projoct wil{ riave~a signfficant and any comments received xhat offect on tha environms~nt. N~W, TMER~FORE, B~ 11' R~SOIVEQ that the Anah~eim City Pls~nnir~g Commis~lon does h~reby grant subJect Petitlon for Gi~ tlQ the I roposad uise of~he subJe,ct prapeKy ini~o der t~o p eserveethe found to be a nec~ssary prePequ s p safery ~nd qonerai welfara of the Citizens of the City c~f Anaheim: 1. That thera shall be no outdoor d(splAy of vehicles and no otndoor rspa(r work on vehfcles. 2, That the storago area shall be limftad to the aroa specifiad on tP~e submitted and approved pl~ns. 3. 7hat any prap~sed froastanding sign on subjc:ct property shail be a monum~nt-typ ovalt af the City e6ght (~nd ~rans ortatlnn PAan~gegto deto mene'adequato Iines`of-sic~htW and app 7raffic a p 4. T'~at the owner oF subJect propg hC ool for t~ nthe roa~leesta eUensurance and building fieldsj to the Permit No. 241 (t~ e~tablish a Zoning Division. 5, That gubJect property shallnb~helm b~phe petftioneirland which plans a ohon file w h t e Planning s u b m ft t e d t o t h e C i t y o f , 4 Y Departr~ient marked ~xhibit Nos. i thrni3gh ~. 6. Tliat prior to issuanca of a building permit or within a perfod of one (1) year fram the date c~f this resolutfon, wt~ichever ocr,urs fi~st, Condition Na. 4, above-mentioned, shall be complfa~ writh. ~xtensinns io~ furcher time to completa said condttfons may be ~rar~4ed in accardance with 5~sc:tion 1a.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal C~ocie. 7. Thmt prior to finnl buildEng and zon(ng inspectiuns, Condhi~n No. 5, above-mentiondd, shai! bo camplied with. 8. 7hat appraval of thls application aonstitutes approval of the proposed request oniy to the extent thai ft car~plios with the Anaholm MuniclpRi Zonl~g Cod~ and any othor applicabla Cftyy, Stata ao a0 of the rogufatfans. ApprAV~al do~a not incl~de any action ~or findings as to campilanc~ or app request reg~rd(rt~ any othe~ appficabie orclimm~ce. ~egulatlnn or reyuirement. -3- PC95-14E ` ~j~~~l ! ~~ BE IT FURTHER RESQL.V~a tihat the Anaheim City Planning Commisslan daes hereby flnci and doterminn that ~doptlon of thls Ftesolutlon is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance wfth each aiid all of the oonditiana herein~bove set forth. Should an,y ai~ch conditian, or an,y part thereof, be declared Invalid or uner~forceable b ntCQ~~~lnedashallr'be deeymetlu u0 and voide~ ~urisdiction, then this Res~lu~fan, and ~ny apprt~uals here 7H~ FAREGO~NG R~SOL.U7{ON was ado at the P anning Commission meatfng nf Novembor 13, 1995. .~ ~,~ _~ .__.~___- CHAIRMAN PCiO TEMPO , ~1NAHEIM CITY F'I.ANNlN CAMMIS510N ATTES'C: ~~...- ~. ° 7 ~- ~~CRETA~iY, AN~-HEIM CITY PLANNING COti1MISSION S7AT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ClTY OF ANAMEIM ) i, Editt~ L•. Harris, Secretary vf the Anahafm City PlRnning Commi~siAn, da hereby certify that the foragning f NovembeW13,1995 by the fofiowing vote of the~m mba s~er~aEm City Planning C~mmfssian hold on AYES: COMMISSIONERS: aOSTWICiC, sOYUSTUIV~ gRISTOL, WEh1NINGER, MESSE, PERA~A NI~~S: COMMi5SI0N~FiS: NANE A~SENT: COMNIISSIONERS: MAYER ~ ~ IN VVITNESS WH~REOF, ~ havn he-•eunta set my hand this f,~~„ ~~~`1 ~~ `~^" -~ 1995. - ,~ ~~ 0~ . ~ ,~t-^-~--- SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PIAMNING CCIMMISSION ~ PC95-146