Resolution-PC 95-157 .~4.t~1~L~ No wr,s5~~~ A RES~LUTION OF TH~ ANaHEIM CIN PI.ANNING COMl~AIS$IOiV THbT PE'TITION FOR CONDITIONAL US~ PERNlIT N4. 3t308 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, xh~ Anaheim Cfty Planning ~ommiasion did recolv~ a vertfled 'etition for Qonditiona! Use Permft for c~rtain r~al p~operty 3ituatetl !n the ~ity of At~aheim, Cnunty of Orarrqe, S~ate c~f Californla, doscribed as: Ti-!AT POI~TION OF THE SOUYHCA~ST ~UARTER OF FRA-CT'~ONAL ~u'ECTiON 2C, TQWNSHfF' 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST~ IN TW~ RAfVCHO SAN ~PAGE 0 OF f~C SANTA ANA, Aa SHOtiNN ON A MAP REC4RDED !N'~OOK 51, MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE CC~UNTV~ ~ALIPOC~Nid~, DESCRIBED A~ FC3LL011VS: PARCELS 1 AE~ ~~~HN ~HE OFFICE OF~7~HE COUKNT`t ~R C~~DER OF 18 OF PARC ORANGE COUNTY~ CAUFORNIA. Wt~EREAS, the C1ty Planning Comrnission dld holci ~ publlc hearing at 4ha Clvic Center in the Cfry of Anaheim on November 27, 1:,J5 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hea~ring having b Cn~p`~~ given as roquired by law ancJ in accordancQ with the provisions of the A~aheim Municlpai Cacl~, 18.03, to hear and cansidar en~deacommondations~ln=con~nectlon~h~edrew~h~~nd us~ ~~ft and to Investi~atn and make findiilgs a d WHEREAS, said Cammi~sti nnof all ea ~ence and ~po~tsstaffer`od at said M ar ng, ~o g find and !n its behalf, and after due cAnside and determ{ne the foilowinq facts: 1. 7hat the proposed u 18i2 p05o~1 OQ a fp~ mftC aase~canrli~floo~S~dditic~in ito an~ xist{n~ :~~ahefm Municlpal Co~de S~cti~n rnausol-ium. 2. That the Qroposed use wil{ not advarsely affeat the adJoining land u~es anti the growth and development of th~ area in which it is pn R$n~ ig E~ Qrytl~tp goften tho pp~araincotof the building; ~a d acldltion will blend w{th the Gurrent bulld g chat all the interlor roads will be ~eplacod or res~rhaced to enhance the existing Eacility; 3. That the size and shap ~a ner hot det~imentnl to th~a partlcu a~~ar~C no~ tol tt~o pe8~el! development of th~ praposed use in a he~ith, safety, and general welfare; a. 71~at che tra~flc gener~t~d~by~thi p~ ry~e~d~ i~~~~in th~ Ar~s~ ~n undue burden upon the streets and highways desiqned and p 5. That tho grAnting offthe ~nd ~eno I weifare of the ctttz~ns ~.~ihe ~itY~of A hef'mnQ~ ~ detrimomat to the ~;eaca, health, sa ety 9 B. That lndicated their ~aresence at sald pubiic haar~ng in oppositi~n; and that no correspcndence wa~ receNed in oppositiAn to the subJeci petition. ; ,~ _ p(~5-157 ~ CR25~48DM.WP ~~. ~. ,~; CALIFORhIA Cf~VIF~Of~R~EhT~I OUALI7Y gG INDING: That thA An~h~im City Ptanning Commission has rovlaw~d th~ proposal to perrnit a aecoird iloor additlon to an e~cl~ting rnausoloum. vn an irrepularlysha~ad perael af land canslating of s~pproxim~tely 17 a~res locaked batween tila~ncheste~ Avenue arrd Lowls StrAet havln~ e ironta~~ of 500 ieet on the ~authwest sido oi ~I~nchester Avenue and 8~0 `~et on tho past side o! 4~wis 5traat, and turther deacribed as 23Q3 South blanchester AvOnuo (Melrose Abby ~ematery and Fune~tl Hom~); ~r~d dc~as hereby approva the Ne~ative D~~laratlon upan finding that 4ho decia~ation refl~ts tho Ind~pend~nt Judgemvnt nf the lead ayency and ti~at it has considered tho Ne~ativo Doclar~tfon to~ether with any cnmments recelvad durinp the publia r~vlAw process and further flndin~ on the l~asis af th~ initial study and ariy comments iscolveci that thore is no sub~tantial ovid~nce th~t th~ praJs~t will heve a algnHicant effc~ct on the envlroi~mant. NOW, 'I'HEREFdR~, BC 17 R~501.yE0 that thn Ar~ar~nim CSty Planning Commisslon does herAby grant aub~ect Petitfon for Conditiunaf Use t'ermlt, upon tl~e following condin orcior t~t~ ~ e`rv~ the t o u n d t o b e a n e cassa ry ~+rere qulsite tA thQ propoaed Use of the subject properiy P safet y ac~d ~en~ral welfa~~ of tho Cftizsns c~ the Ciry of Ana he im: •~. That the dxisting mRture laixlsca~~ng I~c~tQd fn front of fhe existin~ mausoleum (facing Manch~ater Avenue) shall be matntgined durinfl And ahet tha secand stary mausal~urn addf:ion. 2. That subject pro~erry shall be doveloped substAnt(~Ily In ar.corciancfl wfth plans and specificatlons submht~d to the Ciry af Anahoim by ths pstitfoner ~nd whlr,h pian~ ara A7 ff(e with the ~'lanning Department markeci E:chibit Nus. ~I and 2. 3. 7hat pri~r ta issuance of building permits for constructfon c~f a~ah phase~ th~ a{~plicant ~ha~l submlt detaued architectura! pians sh~nrtng con~istency with the ~xisting archftecture to th~ Z~ning D~vlsf~n for revlaw arxi approval by the Pla~ninq Commission as o"Reporta arxi Recommendatior-a' Item, 4. Tt~at prior to any ~ignage being added, tha applicar~ sha~l submft appropriate M~ns to the Zoning ~ivislon for revisw and approval by the Planning Commissian as a"Reports and Rocommer.datio~s` item. ~. That prior to fir~al bullding a~d zaning inapoctions ar w[thin a perlod of one (1) yaar E~am tho date of this t n~ f~r~ urther time t oompiete saki~c~.anditio s 2may be ~rAMt~tt indac o Irdt~nc with( S ctio Extens o s a t 8.03.090 oi tho Anahelm Municipal Cade. C~, That approval of this ap~lication constitutos approval of the prapc~sed r~-quost only to the ~xtent that it r,omplies with ~t~e Anaheim MunicCpal 7.oning Crod9 ar+d any other ap~llcable Ctty, Stato arx: ~ederai regu1at~ons. Approvaf doea not inclucte ~ny action or ~indings as to com~li~nce or approval of the requ~at reyardtng any other applic~~le ordinance, regulation or raqu~remont BE IT ~URTHER RESOLVEU that thn Anaheim Ciry Flann3ng CammSssion does hereby tind a~ci determine ths~t adoptian of th3s Resolution is c~ccpress~y uredlcait3cl upt~n app~fcant's campliance wkh aach and ail af the condftions horeinaSove set foKh. Stwuld eny such cc~ditior~, or any part thoreaf, be declar~d Irn31k1 or unoniorceaWo by the finai Jucigment df any aouK of co!npete--t Ju~isd(ctlon, ttien this Resolution, and any ~pprovals here(n t~ont~ined, sf~ll be d~emad null and void. .2^ pC~'r157 ~;?Y~~ '; 1 4~: n i i 4'~' ' c1 7HE FQR~Q~INQ aESG~.IJT~ON wge AtJ~pte~J at the Pisnnin~,~ Commiaslon meetin{~ of '' Novemk~ar ~7, 198:-. ~ i' ' .M.J C/~ WOiv1AP! P.NAMEtM ~Ix U~NNING CC3i~AMiS510N ATtES7: ^ , '-"-i ~' `~ NIlNG COMM{SSION 3~CRE1'ARY, AHCI CIZ'Y PI.AN STATE OF CALIF~IRNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE } g~~ ., CITY OF ANAH~IM ) ~, M~rpartt~ gdoiln, Socratarv af the Anehelm C{ty Plannin~ l:ammla~lon, da her~l~Y certtfy that the forogoing resc~lutian was c~~~ :,,~?~Ilowpng va e af hpe m~m-yar~ thereof~lm City Planning Commiasion h~ld on Octnber 30, ~+95, qY~~: COMMISSIONEFiS: Q~;~~~GK, BOYOSTUN, BR~3'FdL, r!~I~NiNGER, MAYEFt, NOES: COMMISSIONERS~ AOaENT: COMMISSIONERS. MESS~_. PERAZA WITNESS WI~IER~OF, I have hereunta set my hand this ,~,~. ~1~y o~ .....-=' ~'= (,~ IN 199~• ~ G9~L~ .._~..~~~~ .~t ~ ;~E~RETARY, NAHt P~1 C~T`f PLANNING COMMISSION ~~. pC95•157 ~