Resolution-PC 95-159RESOLUTIO.~,~,~PC95-1 ~a9 A RESOLUTION OF 7HE ANAWEIM CITY PLAiJNING COIWIMISSION AMENDING ^vERTAIN CONDITIONB OF APPFtOWaL. UF RES~LUTI4~1 N0, ~'C92-161 ApOp7~q~ (N C4NNFCTIpN WITW CONUITiONAL l1SC PERAAI7 N0. 35'70 WH~REp-S, on S~ptemb~r 10,1990 the Plannin~ Comrnis~lon adopted Resalution No. PC90- 2'27, in cvnnsction withm o~' of ~rk nSe ~ces ar~f 3aquired screcaning o outclao ru es far a poriocl uf 80 watvAr~ af mfnimum nu pa ~ cJays; ~nd th~at r~o funher actlon was taken ~~a thca City Caw~cil; an~ WHEf~EAS, nn Janu~ry 28, t991 the Plannln~ CommissiAn aciopted Resolutlon No, PC91-14, in c~nnectlon with Cunditiana! lJs~ Permit hla. 3~76, to rotatn tne aut~ioor ~tara~o af chamicals with waivor of minimum numt~er of parkin~ sp~ces for a periad vf twc~ years; and that na furthe~ action was tak6n by the Clry CouncU; and WHER~AS, pn Decombe~ 14, 199^ the Pianning ~Commisslan adopted Resolution Nc-. PC~2- 151, in cc~nnection wlth Conciittonal Usa I'armit Np. 3570, to retaln the outdaor 3toraga of chemicml~ wlth walver af minimum numbar of parking sp~ces for a period af three years; that no f~rther ac!lon was taken by the Cfty Counc:il. WHEREAS, the ~etition~r, Michaei P.~~~:~ ~ilar, Operations~~Aa nae ~In Di to th~e~ti Q~ ~ea ! pl Sa l~~, I n ~ c•, r o n u e s t e m er,dment or deletion af a aork •t~o~n af app p 9 rotain thd outtloar storage of chemicais. WHEREAS, the Cfty Pl~nni-~g Gommissfon dki t~oici a public hearinq at the Ctvic Center in th~a City of Anaheirn an Novemt~r 27~ 1~5, at 1:;~0 p.m., notic~ of said public hearlr~g having bee~ duly givan as required by law and In nccordance with the provisians of th~ Anaheirn Nlun(aipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to Iti~ar and congider evidar~ce for and agalnst sai+~ proposed ~m~ndment and 44 I~~vosNgate and make firrJings and recommendatfans In cnnnectfon therewith; and WI-1~REAS, said Commissian, aft~r due inspocti~n, f-~vesti~tlan and stuciy made by ftself and in it~ I~ehalf, and after d~ue aansideracic~ of ali svidence an~ repor~s offeeed ~2 :safd hearing, does find and dot~~mine the follawln~ facts: 1. T'hat subjec~t condltional us~ parmft Is k~ing oxerc4sRd in a rnannor no~ datrimental 4o tho paKicular area and surroundEng tand usos, nor t~ tho public p~aco, health, sagery and gene~al weifare, in ac~ordanae with Sectf~n 18.0~.093.O~i di the Anaheim Munlr.ipal Code; ~. That enahei~m h'at t~t~ee a Qacur~ent y no k o$wnra~lola~tians~at'the subJoct~f cciry~~andm~nt nEvisio~i staff ha e port 3, 'fhai no one Indlcat~ tP~eir p~esence at sakl pubiic hearing in ~pposition; and that np ~orrespondence was rece~ved in oppositio~~ tq the subject petftlon. ~_ I~ E : That the Anaheim Clty F'lanning , I Rfy,IA,F~1~(LR_QNMFNY..A~~A.~-~7-E--~-~ Comm4ss~on has rt~viawod the proposaf and doe~ to~reby ilnd th~t the Na~ative Declaration previously approved U~ conne4t{on wlth Ct~~nditlonel Us+e P~m~it No• a570 ~s eclequ~te to s~nre as th~ required QnvironmQnte! documentatfon in connectlon wfth this roquest upon finding that the daclaratipn r~lects the independent Judgem~t af the Iciaad agency and that k has consklerad t~+o previou~ly ~approv~d Negative pec~a~atlor~ together wlth any comm4r~ts recefvad duric~ the pubNc r~eview pr~xess arx~ tutther fir~lnp on ec~ the basis af the initlal study and ac~y commsnts received that thar~ is no substar,ttai evkisnce that t ia~ project wlli heve a signNflctint ~e~t on the enviro~mar~'t. ^~. P~G95•~59 Gf42550DM.WP NQW~ 1 H~R~~~~E~ gEF~C92-1~~1~, adapted~in con eation with Ca diticmal Use Pvr~r~~Nu. 3570, Condition No. 1 of Resolutfon No to re~d ~aa fallows, 1. That subJect petition ~~ olnal~tlimethseg~anted by the P{anning ~omimi, sfo ~ornCfty Courocilb'r~ 14, 1998) unless a~f c;onnaction avith a p~+bl(e hearina. THG ~OREGOING R~SOLU710N was arla{atott at th~ Plenning Commission m?eting af N~ov~mber 27, 1996. .. ./~ ~ ~ ~w~ CH OMAN, ANAH~IM CI7Y PLAN Q COMMI~$ION ATTE~T: , , . ~~~~'~ _.~..~ SECRE"TARY, AHEI C1TY F'1.~1NNING COMMI~SION S"~ATE ~F CAL.IFI~RNIA ) CUUNTY qF ~RANGE ) ss• GITY OF A~lAhIEIM ) I, Mar~arita So~orlo, S sg~ &nd ado t~ed a~t a eotln~ of the Anaheim Ciry Plannin~ Co n~niss on the foregoing rssolution was pa p hetd on November 27, 1995, by the foNowing vote of the ru~ambars ~hareof: AYES: COMMI~aSIONERS: BOS'fW~CK, BqYDS7UN, BRlSTt~L, h1ENNlNGI~R, MAY~R, NOEa: COMMISSILINCRS: NQN~ ABS~Nr. COMMISSIONERS: PAESSE, p~RAZA IN WI'TNESS WHEREOF, I have he~euntc set my hand th~s ~~~ day of ~ iluQ.17~, _,, CO ~ ` ~- ~ ss~. , c~~n..~C~ SF~RETARY NA~i M~lTY' PLANN~~lG CnMMISSIONi FCS~ •159 -2-