Resolution-PC 95-161~ ,' p~~,,ll TION_ N0.~~1 ~:~'~ A RESOLUTION OF TWE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC C4MP,AISSIUN THPit PETITION FOR CONDiTIONAL ~1SE PFFiMl7 NO. ~805 BE Ca~NT~C1, IN F'ART' WH~REAS, th~ An~heim Cfty Planning Commissir~n did nac:~d~~ ~~ArffF~ P~~hso~ for Conditiana! Use P~rmlt fo~ carc~in real property situ~ted in the Ci~y ~of ~~~halm, ~n~inty af Oe~npe, Stat~ of Calffomla, cles~ribed as: LAT i O~ TRACT N0. 1940, fN ThiE CI'~'Y l7F 6~~fai-IE~~U9, AS ~'EF~ ~1fAf' RECORpED THE GaUNTY RECORDEFi 4F1~A DI COUNl'Y~~~~ MAh'S, IN TH~ OFFICE OF WHEREAS, the Ciry Plgnning Commissi~n did hold a~ pub{1c h~aring at th~ ClvEc ~enter in ti~e City of ~nahefm on Navomber 27, 1995 at 1:30 p.m., notice ofi said ~ublic hear{n~ hae~~ry~ ~ Chapt r gfven as r~~uired by law and rr~ accordance with thQ provisic~ns of the An~hairn A~unfclp~l Gpcl~a, 18.03, to h~ar and consider ovidenGe for ~~td ag~inst safd propo~~d conditlor~al u~e perml~ ~nd to (nvr~stigato and make findings and 1e °~5 PlanningSCammiasion~m atln~ ~tard~~~ ~hat s.~ld ~~i~blfa hearing was Gor~tinued to the decembsr , WH~RF~+S, sald Co7nmis~~an, aftor duQ inspectlon, invest~gatlon artd stuciy made by ttself and in Its behalf, and afte~ due consideration of ali evid~nce and reports offered at said hearfng, does flnd and determinQ the following facts: 1. That the pronased use is praperly nne for v~hich a conditionai use permit is authorizo~ by Anai~eim MuniGfpa{ Code Sectlan 18.05.04~ to permft a 21-foot high, 48 sq.ft. frsestand(~~ p~a~~ stgn (n the Cp (Commerr,ial, Office and Pr~fessionai) Zon~; 2. That the proposed use Is hereby ap~~oveci, in part, fnr a 6-foot high, 2~ sq.fr, manument sign bocause the petitianer the hetteht from~2lf ee'tto 6 fefet (7~'`~6 red uition)hand~r~duc ng thdlsia~ from a monument sign, reducing 9 48 sq.ft• to 24 sq.ft. {5Q°~ reduc~l~n); 3. That the proposed uso, ~s appravcr~, v~lli not a~versefy affoat the adjc°ning land uses and the growth and development o~ the f~entifi at o~n in+sca Q~w th,the senall~.>Ize a~~~ the I~or.ation of 9subject ~r wall ,fgns wi11 provide effoctive propArty~ 4. 'fhat the size and s~ usQ inpa imannerl nat detrim ntai to tpe rpa~ cu~a ~a~rea no ~ oilow~ t h e f u l l d~ v e l a p m e n t ~ f t h o p r o p o peac~3, health, saf~ty, and gerreral welfare; 5. That tl~e traffiic gar~er pEdp y~th QP~ ~St ~ tr~fflc,in tt~ apeap an unc~u~ burden upan tho streets and highways desfgr~c3c9 anc~ p ~, Tt~at the flranting of the canditional u~so permli, under tha conditlons tmpasod, wfi! not b~d detrimental to the peace, haalth, safety and general woifer~ of the citizen;s af tha City 4f Anaheim; 7, That no one ~~n~ o t Qsit a`n tc+Y~the SubJ~c~pe~~t~lonic hearinfl 6n appositfon, and thai no aorrespondence was recQived pp _ ; _ PC95-'i fit CR2556DM.WP ~~ ~ ',~'' , ~ FQRNIA_~,YIgnNM NTAL UL~LITY_A~Jl~~ rMe P{nnn{ng Director or hi3 authorixed representative has dmtermino~l thet the prQposad ~raject f~lia wlthin the d~flnitlan ofi Cat~~oric~l Exemptfons, Ciass i 1, as defln~d In the Stata ~IFt Guld~ilnes and Is, therofore, c.atogarlcally exempt ~rom the requirement to prgpare an ~IR. N4W, TWEWEFORE, F3F 17 R~SOLVED that the Anr~helm CKy F'lannin~ Cor.nnis.~~r~~ d~as hereby qr~nt subJect potftlun for Cnndltionel Us~ Permit, !n part, upan tho followin~ condltions ~~rt~loh are h~reby found ta bq a necessal welfa e~of tho Cit zR s f the City of Anahalmb~e~ pf on~rty in ortfor to prc~seNe the safety and ~~nera 1. 7hat the praposed monumant sign, fnctuding locatlan, ahall bo s!!bJect to tho review and approv~l ot the City T~raffic and Transportation Manager ta determine adequate lines-ai-sight. 2. That the sl~n con~:ructian m~teri~ls shall match ur comnilmont the exterior builciing materials and aaiora of ~he existing bulidiny~. 3, That subject property shell be dovelop~i ~ubatantinily !n accorcfAncQ with plans ~ncl spectf~c~tlons submtKed to thQ City of Anaheim a Y~t~~vpg Q~n Na. 1 of Exhik~itpNo. 2~re ~n 111a ~~vlth th~ Pl~n~ing Depanment marked Exhibit No a. That prfor to issuance of a sign pormit or wlthin a period of o~e (1) year from the date of this rosoiution, whlchevar occurs fir~t, Condftian Nos. 1, 7 and 3, abave•mentioned, shall be complled wfti~, Extenslons far furthor tEme to compieta said cor~{ftions may be granted in ~ccorclanco with Sect(on 18.03.090 af the Anahe(m Munlcipal Code. 5. That approval of this appllcatfon constitutes apptovnl of the proposed ;~ abl9 Ci'yStat arui Fetleral it complle~ with tho Anahefm Munlcip~l Zoning Code and any other app ~Y~ ro~ulatfons. Approval does ~nt Ifcabl~e ordinancienrepula~tion argequlremenit r,ce or epproval of the request regarcJing any other app BE IT FURTHER RES~LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Comm(3slon cloea herAby find and determine that adoption of this Neaolutlon is expressly predicated upun appllcaM's c~mpilance with each and ail of the conditfuns hereinahove sot forth. Should any such conditlon, ar any part ther9of, be declar~d invalld or unonforce~ble b ntcontainledds nitnbe de~f ned nul~anu vaSdent jurOsdlction, then this Resolutfon, and rany approvals her~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was ~dopted et the Planning Cummisslnn mootin~ of ~ec~mber 11, 1 ~95. C WC3MAN ANAHEIiuI C''1'S' LANNING C~JMMIS$ION ATTEST: \`~ ~ l, ,I SECR RY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ~COMMISSION .2. PC95-181 ~~~ ~ S7ATE OF CAUFOR~IIA ) C4UN'1'Y c)F OI~ANG~ ~ ss. CITY OF AtJP.:i~IM ) I, M~rgarita Salorio, Secretary ~f the Anahelri Ciry Planririq Cammisslor~, do haraby c~nify that the farA~oing ros~ludon was passc,rrl ~nd adopteri at a maetin~ o~ the An~ahelm Clty F'lanninq Commisalon h~lc~ on Doc~mber 11, 1995, by the following vato of the m~mbe~a thereof: AYEB: COMMl5SI4NERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BNIS'TOL, HENNINGER, ~JIAYER, MESSE, I'ERAZA NOES: COMMISSIUNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMiMISSIQNERS: NONE IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, I have hareun4a s~t r~ny hand this ~~~ dAy ~ L ~ ~ 1995. ~ ~ ~' , / ~ECR' E?ARY, 1-IEIPuI CI"rY PLANN{Na COIWP/iISSiON ~, ~ »~- PC95~-161