Resolution-PC 95-163~~ RESOLUTI~N N PC,~-1~ p RESpLU1'ION OF ~'H~ ANAH~iM C1TY ?LANNING COMMISSION 7HAT PETl71AN FOR COND1710I~AL U5E PERMiT N0. 3613 SE GRANT~D, IN PART WHEREAa, the Anaf~oim City Planning Commissiori did reaalve a verifiad Petitian fo~ Condit9onal Uso P~rmlt for ce~tain roal prop~rty gituated Ir~ the City ~f Anaheim, County of Orango, State of Caltfornfa, described afc: THE SOUTHERLY ~62 FEET pF ORIGIPJAL EUII.DING l.OT 5, AS SH~WN QN THE MAP nF ANAHEIM, IN 1'HE CI~'Y OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY QF ORANGC, STA7C OF ~ALIFO~ ORDS OF LOS ANG~ ES COUNTY, STAT~ OF CALIFORNlA.~ OF DEEDS, RCC WHEREf~S, tho City Planning Commissicm did h~ld a p~blic he~ring at ~tho Civic Center in the Ciry of Anah~im on Decomber 11, 199~ at 1:30 p.m., notico of said pubiic hearing having `~ Ch~ptor given as required by law and in accordance v~ritri the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, 18.03, to h~ar and consider enlde~~Amrr~endatf~nsiintconnecion~heewfth~andal use permik and to investiqate and make ~ndings a WHEREAS, said Commfssion, ~iter due inspeation, lnvestigation and study made by itself ~nd in its b9half, and after due consideration af aN evidence arid reports off~red at said hearing, does flnd and determine the followinc~ facts: ~. 't'hat tfie propased u~ 8.~5 050.060 andf 18.45j1150 085 tai permit apmotaroycla sali sa nd Anc~hefm Municipal Code Sectio s service faciliry with waNer of: ,~g,~tion 1~Q.f~Q4~? _ M(nlmum number of qarkl,___ nct_s_qa~• 1 ~ p6.050.02~~ ~:.06.06q ,~nd ~ 8 a5.OG6,05C~ 2. Th~t subJect builc~ing is approprfate for the ~r~posed uss bec:~use it was dQVeloped and prevlously approved far retai9 businesses with the same parking supply as currsntly avaflable (5 spacas) and, since a motoraycle dealership,requfres less parking than a typical retail business, ths buildfn~ ~nd parking supply are "grandfa laree numberfof customers hs not ant cipa ~d;~~rship focuses on custom motorcycies anci, thQrefore, q 3. That the parking waiver is hereby denied an the basis that tho n~ed for said wafver was deleted fallov~ing public notificatian; 4. That the praposed ~ it s~~l o t cs d rtol be~ occat dadjandn hat~ heSprop sed busin ssr is developrr~~nt of the area in whicti p P compatible wlth khe s~irraundinc~ neighborhood; 5. That the size and s~a~p ~~ nee niot detr mental~to the particu a~r area nop toithe p~acelJ devolopment of the pro~,osed use health, safety, and general welfar~; '`k _~ . PC95-163 CR2559DM.WP ~~` `4 ~' ,;'~,~i;; 6. That the traffic goneratecl b,y the praposed u:;e will not impose an undue ourden upon the ,ireet.s and highways dosignecl ancl impraved to carry the tr~ffic in the area; 7. 7hat the~he~lthgsafet~ and c~oneraluwel a~re af the citizens o'fthe Ciry o~Anah~lilr~Ande datrimental to the peac , Y g, Th~t no one indicated tholr presence ~t sairJ public hear(ng in opposftion; and that no correspondanco was recoived in appositinn to the subject potitlon. I IF RNIA ~NVI _RQNMEN7AL UALITY Cl' FINAING: That tt~e An~halm Ciry Plarn~ing Commission h~as r~vlew~ci the proposal to perrnit a motorcycle sales and service f~cility with walver c~f minlmum number of p~rking spaces on a rectanguf~rly-shapecJ parGCl of {and consisting of approx~iX ~~te 0.16 acre located at the northwest comer of Adele Skreet and Analieim Baulevard, haviny app frontages of 103 feet on the narlh sir~e af Ad21~ Street and 47 f~et on the west~vi~d h~o~~ ati ve Decla~ ataon and furthe~ described as 401 North Anaheim Boulevard; and does nereby app 8 upon finding that the cJeclaration reflects the independent jud~emenfi of the lead a~ency and that it has cnnsidered the Negative Declaratlon together with any cnmments rcaceived dur(ng the public review process and further fi d~tng e~n ~p e b~wil! have ai significant efFecton he envi anment ed that ther~ is na substantfa{ evidence p 1 NOW, THEREFOFE, BE IT RES~I~V~O that the Anaheim Cfry ~'lanning ~ommission does I~ereby grant subJect Petitian for Condit(anal Use ~'~rmft, upon tho follawing conditions which aro hereby found to be a nece~sary prerequfsite to the proposeri usp of the subje~t property in ordar to preserve tho safety and general welfara of the Citizens of the Cit~~ of Anafieim: 1. 'T'hat ttiere shali be no autdoor di~play or repair af vehicles on subjeGt property. 2. That tes7 driving of vehicles on adjacent residential str~Qts shalV be prohibfted. 3. 7ha4 the signage propossd for ~ubj~ct businoss shall be Iimited co wall sign~. 4. That any proposed wall signs sha~l be submitted to the Zoning Qivfsion for review and ~~prova! by the Plannin~ C~mmission as ~"Reports and Recammendations" item. 5. That the developgr shall obtain ~ right-of=~vay construction permit and r~ronstruct the driveway approach on Adele Street in accardance wfth the Enc~ineerfng Standard DetAil No. 111. 6. Th~t subject property sh+all be devPloped substantiaily in accordance with pl~ns and specifications subm(tted to the City of Anaheim by the petitianer and which plans are on file with the Plann(ng Department markad Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2; provided, howpver, that the ~etftion~r shali instal! (where pc~ssfble) iandscapa planter boxes adJacent ta Adel~ Street ancl that ths location of said planters shall be reviewed ~nd approved by the 7_oning Division prior to installation. 7. 7hat prior to commencement of the activity autharized by this resolution or v~fthin a perlod of one (i ) year from the date of thls resolutiun, whichever accurs first, Condftion Nas. 4 and 5, above-mentno~din acco dance w(tt~i Sectian 1~ 0:3i09p of the An~hemm Munici~ IQCodeid conditians may be ~ra 8. That prior to firial building and zonfng inspectlons, Condition No. 6, above-mentioned, shall be camplied with. -2- PC95-163 ,~, g, ~'hat appraval of this ~ppiication canstitut~s anr~roval of tho prc~posed request oniy ta thn extent that ft compiles with tr~e Anahe(m Niunicipal7oning Cocle and any vther appiicable City, State and ~ecferal r~gulatians. Appruval does not include any action ar findlnc~s as to complian~e or approval of th~ request r~garding any other appiic~bfe ordindnce, regulatior~ or r~quirement. BE IT FUF~THER RESOWE.D that the Anat7efm Cfty F".«nning Comrnisslon does ha~~by flnd and determine that adaFtiur af thls f~esolution is expressly predicated upon appl(cant's compliance with each and ~II of the condit(ons her~inabova set ~orth. Should any suCh condition, or any part thereof, bo declared invalid ar unenforceabla by the firaal judgment ot any court of aompotent Jurisdiction, thon th~s Resolution, and any approvais herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. TWE FOREGOING Ft~50LU1'IQR was adoptecl at the F'lanning Commission meatin~ of ~ecember 11, 1995. ~ ~~ ~ CH MAN AfvAHEIM ~iTY F1~4NNING MISSI N ~1'TTEST: ~~~ SECREl'ARY, AH~IM CITY PL4NNINC COMMISSION STATE OF CALI~ORNIA } COUNTY AF QRANGE ) ss. C!TY OF ANAHEIM ) I, N4ar~arita Solario, Secretary of tho Anaheim City Piaiming Commissian, do heroby certify that the foregoi~g r~solution was passed ~nd adopted at a meetin~ of the Anahelm City Planning Commfssian held on Dec~mber 11, 1995, by the foflowinc~ vote of the members thereof; AYES: CO'MMI,~iSIONERS: BOaTWICK, Bl~YOSTUM, BRISTOL, HENNINGEFi, MAYER, MESSG, f~GRAZA NOES: COhAMiSSIONERS: NONE AE3SENT: COMMISSI~NERS: NONE U ~N 1-VITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~ day of _ ~ ~ 199~. , . ~ ~~~ SECRET~RY, NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC95-163