Resolution-PC 95-18„~.: ~~~QN.NO.~ .", RE50LUTIC3N OF T~IE AMAHEIM CITY PU4NNING C~MMt5Si0N A!VIENDINU CER'PAIN CONUiTION~ OF A~i'W~V~L OF CUNDITIp6VAL USC PE:RMIT h10. a56f (READVERTiSED) WHFREAS, on .luly 27,1993, follawing Planning Commf~sian approvai, Ciiy Councif upproved Conditional Use Permit Nn. 3565 undor Resolutian No. 93R-i6~ (permittin~ the phasod conatruction Af ~ regional commercial retail shppping cent~r with an lndoor entertainmerYt far,iliry, automotfve repalr and parts lnstaliation in conjunction with a m~jor retail tenant, semi-enclosed rest~i~ranis with oi~tdoor dining in a food c~urt, and an ~uditorlum/communftyc ment~l~rta equl ed yard a eaa ~a dsc~p ng of oquired yards~p~arkinq an arterlal hlghway, permi~ed oncro~ lot landscapinc~, maximum ~~ign area, maximum number of freostanding signs, rnaximurrt aroa of f~~oestanding signs, minimum distancc~ betweon frQestandlr~g signs and/or roof signs, maximum hPigiit af freestandin~ sf~ns, maximum number of roof signs, maxfmum ~rea of roof ~igns, maximum heiflht of raaf signs ~nd maximum height of iliumin~ted roof signs) on r~ro~erry whlch canslsts af tvtiro parcels of land: Parcel 1 is an irreguiarly-shaped p~~rcel cansisting of approximately 38.25 acres b4u~uled ori the north by Crescent Av$nue, on ths east by Loara Street, an thQ south by the Santa Ar~a Freeway (lnkorstate 5) and on tho wost by Euclicl Stroot; and F'a~cel 2 is a rectangular-shaped parcol consisting af ~~Pp~ate r~+n agas of 620ifeetton at the north~ast Gornar of ~rescent Avenue and Euclid S:reet, having app 4he north slde of Crascent Avenue ~edn P~e~et an~the east sid~ ai Euclid Str~et, and further descrtbed ~s 400 - 600 North Euclld 5treet (Ana ) NIH~FIEA$, said Resolutlon No. 93R-162 {nr,ludes the fqllowing condition of appraval: °~, Tliat the freeway-orientocl proJect and major tAnant ldentificatian sign shall be ilmited ta not more than five (6) on-sito m~Jor tenant identific~tion panels pan~ls in (1) panel identlfy(ng the ontort~tinm~nt component for a~otal of ,,ix (6~ p addition to the Anaheim Plaza "A" 1d~ntiflcatian la~a." WHE.FtEAS, the petitioner requests madffication or cleletla~ of said condition of a~prc~vai perta(ning to t8nan~ idE~ritificatlon ontsh nstead of fi eW(5) ~major~t~+~nts P u1$ ~~~ ~~1~t~t~ °r ~~n enrtainment sign to ldenttfy six (6) maj~r tena component as prevtausly mpprAVed; and N/HEFtEAS, the City F'lanning Commission did ho~d a public hearing at the Clvlc Centor in the City of An~hofm on February 22, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., natir,e of safd public hearing havinr~ ~ C~~ter g i v e n a s r m q u f r e d b y l a w a n d i n a cr, ordance with the proi Islo 0 os e deg re ~ i~m~ M u~n i~ cipai i~ ~ s t i g a t e a n d 18.03, ta h~ar and consider evfdonce for and agai~st sa d p p maN.e findinc~s ~nci recammend~atlons in connertion therewith; and 'JVH~R~AS, safd Commission, uft~~r due inspc~ction, fnvgstigation and study made by ftself cind in i~s b~half, and aiter due ~onsideration of al! evkl~nce and rep~rts affered at sald hearing, does tind F~nd deter. ~ze tha follawing facts: 1. That the petftioner has indicated t6~t it Is u~iikoly ihat an "onter~.~inment compon~i~er~or~e, cleveloped in subjoct c~nter and that additfor~~l PnaJnr tenant tde~tffication is desirable; ar~d, requests amer ~mer~t to Condition No. 1 to eliminate~i Qf ~~ ins eiad of tive m~~o t erlant~~ el~ (inGiud n~{ with a sixth major tona-1t Identiffcatian panel for a to one rnaior tenant located An Parcel 2~f sub~ect pra~erty)• -1- F ~35-i $ Cf123'I OMS.wp ~.. ~:~ .; ~: 4;%~ ,~ ~ 2. That no one indicated tt~eir presence at saki publl~; hearing in oppositlon; and that no correspandenca was receivod In oppasltion to the subject p~tition. ,~p~~F~RN1A ~NVI~F ,QNME;~J~TA~A~lIY-ASeT-F~~~ ~hat tho Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission ha~ revf~wed the propc~al ~n~l doos heraby fine! thai Final FIR Na. 31F previ~usly csrtffied in aannection wlth Conditional Use Pr~rmit No. 356~ I~ adequate to serva as the i~equlred envlr~nmenta! documentation Por the subject requ~ist uppri e~ findln9 that said dota~min~tlon reflects the Indepencient J~dgement of the load agency; anc7 that it has cansidarocl the prapo~al tagether with ~ny comrnents recAived dnri additionabsf nfficant i~mpacts bayancl those analyzatl andvmit ~ated under Final EIR No.l3 6. will have a y 9 NOW, 7HEREFORE, BE IT RFSALi/ED that the bnahelm City Planning Commission does hereb,y amend ~ondifion No. 1 ofi Re~olution No. 93R-162 tQ read ns follov+rs: "1. That tha frc~eway-orient~d project and m~jar t.enant ide~tification slgn shall be Iimited to not mare than six (6) major tenant Identfflcatian panels in addition to th~ Anaheim F'laza °A" identiflcation logo." THE FO~tEGOfNG RE50lUTiON was adopted at the Pl~nnfng Commission meetir-g of February 22, 199a• ~ .,,~~~,~ /~~ , J ,4• ~ /(1 r e(~rJ `~ ( '•y~L.•ii'~4A.N~ C AlRW MAN, A~NAI-IEIM CITY PLANNING COMPUIISSION ATTEST: ^ ~ ~ v " ""h~ SECRETARY NAi-IEIM Cil'Y Pl./~IIVNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAL.IFO~iNIQ ) CUUNTY UF URANGE ) ss• CITY AF ANAHEIM ) I, Mar~arita Solorio, Secretary cf the Anaheim Cfty Plannfng Commiss(on, dc~ h~reby certi~y that thv fore~ain~ resolution was pt~ssed and adopted at a meek(r~g af the Anah~im City Planning Commis~lon held on Fabruary 22, 1 JJ5, by the following vota of 4he mer*-bers theroof: AYES: COMMISSIONFRS: BOYDaTUN, MP~YER, MESSE, PER~ZA NOES: CAMMISSION~RS: NONE ABSEIVT: COMMI~SIOMERS: CALi~WELI., HENIVfNGER, VACAIVCY: 4t~E SEAT IN WITRI~SS WHEREOF, I have heraunto s~t my h~nd this _~~ day of ~-~;~~ -~ ~ 1995. Cu ~ ",~.. ~~ ~,~r~~ S~C E1'~AN , ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING COMMISa~iON -2- PCJ5-1 t3