Resolution-PC 95-22~~ ~ RE~n~ ~TION N0. PC~,..S-?? A RESO~UTION OF THE ANAHE~IP ~0 a OF RIESOI.U~T~ON NO PC89-183 AMENDING CERTAIN ~~RAIN EDS N CONJUNCTION WIThI ~L~ND{710NA1, US~ PERNi~T N4. 3148 (READVERTISE~) WHEREAS, c~n July 17,1989 the Anahoim City Planning Commission app~~~a~ ~~solution No. connection with Canditfor~al Use Permft Na. 3148 ~o pC` nftCounclstgragt~d a t~ ree~~ea time PC89-183 in af throe years tc~ explre on July 17, 1Q92; and, subsequenty, y~~ At thA northeast cornar of Gene n in connectlon vvftt'~ Rosolution No. 92R-198, to expieo ~`o ~arch 1, 1995 and ~aelated a candttion ~xtensio of approvttl p9rtain~i~9 to required street dodacatton on prop Way (Airport C~ach); and qutry 11Uay and Lowis Stroe~ aRd furthAr described as 917 East Gene AutN royal whf~h WW~p~g, safd Rasolutian No• PC89~1831ncludes tho foliowing condi~ion~ of apP ~ currently read as fallows: g, 7hat the entir~ parking lot shall be ofleci re~ularly for dust control. , 17, That this conditionai use psnrit shall to~minate on ARarch 1, 1995. rtment rsquested at thA March 6, 1~95 p~~bfic WHEREAS, tho Public-Work~ ~~~Jjneering DePa racedure Is no longer considored hear3ng tha4 f~ondttfonn~ o, 9 be ~ielet~d on the basis that such p environmentally safe, a WHEREAS, the petitioner has submitted a letter requesting delotlon of Condition Na. 17 to ret~.in a bus storag~ t~rmin~l; and V11HE~iF~1S, the City F'~anning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in fi Anah~lrn on March 6, 1~95, at 1:30 p.m., notico f the Anahelm Munic pai CodebChapt'r 8 03, the City o as requircad by law anci in accor dan c e w i t h t h e p r o v i s i o n s o ar and consider evldence for and against sald prn and ~m~ndmont an d ta inv e s t i g a t e a n d m a e to he findings and recommendations 6n conn~ction therewith, ~~de by itseff WHEREAS, ~ald Cornmission, aite 11 evidenGOBand raportstaff i ed at said h~arin~, does find and in fts behaif, and after due consideratfon c~f a arid determine the follnwin~ facts: 1. 'that deletlon of tha time Iimftation 1s n-t necossary to permn ~easanabla oPe~tion of subJoct condftiona~ us~~ ~s requ~red by Sectlon 18.03.093.A42 of th~ ZoniRg Ccxie, 2. Th~t subJect conditional u~e is being exercisedt~ ~fetn ancl generai wel are,~in acco dance area and surro-.~nding land uses, nor to the public peacQ, ~i~ . y with Section 1 ~.03.093.041; 3, That extendin9 the conditional uso and its site develppment for an additional three and one onuntty to revfew said uso as it relates ta tho half years wiil pravids Planning C~~ 5~San a AnahFrp~+ay widening Prolect and the por-ding Anahe~m potent(ai changes anticipated by Stadi~~m Area study; os3tion; and tf'iat 4. "i'hat no ane irxlicated their ~rasance at sald Pub~iG h°a~ing In opp correspartdenca wa:~ rec~~ved in oppQSnion. -1- CR2318MS.wP PC95-22 , ~p, I~FQ~IA Eh1V1RANM.~ ~*Ai 'p rr~' A~~Y FINDING: '."ha~t the Anah~efm Cfty Planning CA3i~misSlon ha~s reviAwecl th~ prapo~l ~nd daes h~reby find that t~ ~e Rl~gatlve Dec~aratlon previr~usly approvExl in connsction with Conditfanel Use Permtt Na. 3148 Is adaquata to serva As tP~e re~aulrod er~vironrr~ental cio~umontation in connectic~n with this r~quost upon f(ntling that the declaratfon refl~cts the ind$pondent judgement of thA load agoncy and 2hat it ha:. consl~iered the Negative Qeclaration togeth~r with any cor~imer~ks roceived during tha publia review procoss and further finding on the basis of the initial study and any comments rocefved that thers is no subs:antial evidence that the ~roject will have a signifi~ant ~~fect on tha environment. 1~0~11, THER~FURE, BF 'T RESOLV~D thaY the ~~nahofm City Plannin~ Commisslun doos heroby amend Condition Nos. 8 and 17 of Resolutlcn N~. PC89-183, as amended by Rosolution No. 9~~- 198, to reed as follaws: Ng. That within a perlod of ninery (90) c1aYs from th~ dat~ af this resolutlan, thA {aarking lox shali bo pav~d or pr~perly surFacsd to aliminate dust. 17. That subject c~ndf4lonal use perm~C is heraby granteti for a perlod of three and one r~alf (3~) y~ars, to ~xpire on 5eptembQr 1, 1~98•" THE FOR~GOING RESOLUTION was ac~apted at tha Plannfng Commission meetin~ of March 6, 1995• p /' ~/l , ~..~.v ~If.tr;~ - . ~ GL , c.~.~..~ ~HAIRWO A~ll N/~N~,HEIM Cl'TY LANNING COMMISSION ATi'EST: ~.~-Y~ ~ ~-..~'`^'R~ SECRF_T~RY, A AHCIM GITY PiANNING CQMMISSION STA7~ OF CA~.IFORNIa ) COUNTY OF (JRANGE ) ss• CIN QF ANAH~IM ) I, Margarit~ 5olorio, Secretary of the Anaheim Gity F'lanning Commiss~~n, d~ hereby certify that thE3 fare~ain~ resolutlon was passed and ado~tod at a meating Qf the Anal~eim City Planning Commi;~sian held an March 6, 1995, by tho follawing vot~e of the members xhereof: AYES: COMMISSIQMERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELl., HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PEfiA7A NOES: COMMISSIONER~: NONE AB~Et~T: C4MRIIISSIOIVERS: NQPJE VA ~ANCY: ONE SEAT IN WITNESB WMEREOF, i have hereunto set my hanci this _~~~day of ~_~'~--_..: 1995. . •'B_ ^~~ ~1~W~ $ECR~'AR , NAMEIM CIT't~ PLARlNiNG CAMMiSSION -2- PC95-22