Resolution-PC 95-29i~ ~,j RF t~TION NO PC~S-2~J +tk>. '~, i;. A RESOI.U'~IQN OF THE ANAHEIM CITY f'LANPdiNG C~~MMISSION DENYING THE REQUEST TO AM~ND CER7AIN CONQITIONS AF APPROVAL OF RESOLUTIONCONQITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. g71gCrlON WITH WHEREAS, on September 19, 1994 ~he Plannirig Commission granted Conditional Use Permit Na. 371 S, in part, to parmit an (ndepen~le~ndsca e~requieam~onts iat st eot frc ntac~os ~nd ninimutm landscape servico station with wafvers ~f minimum p requfrements adjacent to interior propertY b bed ase1881rWest BaIIIRoacJ~andhh~t~no furth~~acti nfiwals Road and Nutwood Street and further des taken by :he City Council; WHEREAS, ~iesolu/fan No. PC94-129, adopt~d in connection with subJect conditlonal use permit, in~ludes the following conditfon: "1. 7hat, in conformance with AnahAim Municipal Cade Section pertaining to removal of closed service statians, an unsubordfnatad agreement sha~l be recorded with the Office af th~ Orango Caunty Recorder agreeing to remove thc service station structures In the event that the service station fs closed for a period of twElve (12} consecutive months. A service station sha~.ll b~e oons d the ro~corded arareement shall be submitted ot hefZoning than fifteen (15) days PY Dfvision." WHCf~E/~S, tiie applicant, representinc~ Thrifty Qil Company, submltted a letter an January 23, 1995 requestii~g deletian of Conditian No. 1, al~ove mentfoned, baca~sa pf~iCh may keep the staloln extraordinary events such as firA, earthquake, anci/or Rnvfronmental cancarnsw~. closecl for a time greater than 12 monlhs and thus r~quire the removal of the service station structures. WHEREAS, the City Pianninq Commission dfd hold a puhlic hheari~g hav ng(been du ~~glven City of Anaheim on February 22~ 1995, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said pubii . Chapter 1 H,Q3, as required by law and i i encertlor anci aga nst sa ds~roposed~amnondmentu~ idita n~astfgate ~nd make to hear and consider ev d ifndings and r~corrimendations in cn nn Camm ssic~nirneetfngsaand~d ~~blic hear!ng was cantinu~d to t~ March 6 and March 2U, 1995 ~'lan ~ WI-IEf~EAS, said Commissfon, after due inspection, invPStiqation ~nd study made by itself and in ;ts bohalf, and after due consideration of all ovidence and reports offered at sai~i ~ eur!n~, does find and determine the following facts: ~I. 1'hat Section 18.~ti4,050.070 ofi the Anatieim Municipal Cod~, oriqinaily adopied in 197h and subsequently amended, specifies tho t~atn far the l~aintf g of a condi~tional use pe mit for an iau omobile Chapter 18.a7, provided that as a condi o 9 sorvice statfon, the property owner shal~ i~ove all st uctu es,i includi g und~rqrou d s a age tank ~aln the Directar and ~ity Attorney, agroeing to e event that the statlon i~ ciosed for a pW~ ~h ofi ~elv~n for less tlz`an fifteen (15) days;'iC a dath ~t thealmost co n s i d e r e d c l o s e d c~ u r i n g a n y m o n t h f n p recont amondment, adopted an September 20, 1994, specificaily requ ire d rocor d a t i o n o f t h e c o v e n a n t; 2. That r~a one indicated QSltion to the sub)ect ipetitir~~ic heaririq in op{~ositfon; s~nd that no correspondence was recc.ived in opp -1- PC95-29 CR2329MS.WP yrY, :,W01~~ GgI,IPORNIA E~,VIRONM~N .,p.i Sal,~$~~1~7 .Y~-~~~~' ~~t the Anmheim Ciry Planninp ~ommis:~ ~ has roviewotf the propoaal ar~cl does heraby find that the N~qative Declaratlon prevlously npprovc~d In connectlan wlth Condttlanr~4 Use Permit N~. 3718 Is adeq~ato to servo ~g the req~~ired envir~nmental docurnentation li~ connection with this roc~u9st upon finding tha~t the declnrat(on reflocts the independont Judgoment of the le~d a~~ncy and th~ti It has considerecl the Nogatlve Deciaratlon tugother with ~ny commAnt:~ racAlvAd durin~ t`h~pu h~ea~e(~QnoPgubstanti~l ev donc~e that ~hehproJe~t wlllhhaveti a study antl ~ny comments recoived slgnificant effect an tho env(ronment, NaW, T'rIERE t0 nENo ~~of Resolut oD No.tPC94-129 ~,hould romaini ( n e~feM alnd th~t ~he horoby determine that Cand o roq-aest is thereforo deniad. TH~ FQR~GOWG H~SOI.UTION was ad~pt~c1 ~t the Planning Cammiss(on meeting of March 20, 1995. • • ~ ~ ~ ~~.~.~ CHAIRW MAN, ANAHE! CI7Y PLANNING COb1MISSION ATTFST: , r` . ! -~~ ' 1 ~~ 'Q ~l'~ _..~. S~CRETA~t`(, Al HEIM CI1Y PII~NNING COh+MISSION STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) C~UN1Y OF ORANGE ) ss. C;1Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon, da hereby certify that the foregoing resolutinn w1~95a~se ha follaw n~tvote of the men be s th~r of:hQ~m Cfty Planning Commission held Qn h~arch 20, , Y A.YES: NOES: A65~N1': VACANCY: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, COMMISSIONERS: NONE COMMISSIONERS: NONE HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA ONE S~AT n ~ ' EOF I have heraunto set my hand this '~~ day of `~-,~I~'= -~~, IN WITNESS WHER , 1995. ~ ~~,Q~,,~ ~ ~ ~~_) ~~~~ `~'~ ~~ SECFiETAR~, A EIM CITY F'IANNING CUMMISSION .2. PG95-?.9