Resolution-PC 95-31~~! W ;~44!,..',ti % +ypu gF~^,~,3 T{Q NQa FC95.31_ i ~ i~ ' A R~aOLUTIOP! OF 7H~ AI~Ahi~IM CITY PLANNOIVG COMM{SSIG~N APVI~NDING CERTA!!~ C~NDITION~ OF A~PRQVAL QF RE8QLU710N N0, PC94-G1 GRANTED I~J CONJUNC7I~JN WI7H C~7NDI'TIONAL U~E PE~MIT ~10. 3656 WHEFiEAS, on FAhruary 7'~ 199h, the Pianninc~ Commission approved Conditional Use Parmit No. 3656 (permltting on-premise s~le and cansumption of beer and wine in conjunction v~ith an ex(sting full service restaGirant with waiver of m(nimum r~umber ofi parking spacos); thRt no further action vuas taken b~r City Cauncil; and that subJ~ct praperty is located at the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Stinsor. Street ~nd further described as 2662 West Llncoln ~uent;e; and Whereas, Resoltstlan No. PC94-16, adopted in conJunction with subject con~iitional use permit, contained the follavuinC condition of approval: "15. That subject uso permit is granted for a p~rind of one (1) year to expfre on February 7, 1995; provided, howevor, that time extensions may be souqht in conno~tion with a future Plannfnc~ Commission public hearing." WHEREAS, tho City Planniny Commissian ~iid hold a public .~earing at the Civic Cer,ter in thA City ~f Anaheim on March 20, 19~95, at 1:30 p,m., notice of said public hearing having been ciuly qiven as reyuired by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Cade, Chanier 18.03, ta hear and consider evidonce for and against sair~ proposed amendment and to investfgate. ar~d make findin~s and recommendatfons in aonnectian therewith; and WH~REAS, said Commi~sion, ~fter due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in fts behaif, and afi2er dua considoration of ali evidence and reports offerocl at saitl hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That S~ction 1n.d3.Og0 of the Araheim Munic(pal Cade spec(fies that ~ddiCion~l time poriods may be granted for conditlonal use permits which wore ~pproved subject to time limitations; ?.. That subjeat usQ permit is being exerciseci in a manner not detrimantal to the particula~• area and surroundfng land use~, nor the publla poaca, heafth, safety and general welfare and that Code Enforcement D~vision has nr~ outstanding code vfoiatians for subject resiaurant; 3. 7hat approving the usv far an additional year is appropriate ir~ order to evaluatQ any impact new ownarshlp of subj~ct restauran! may have; 4. That approving an add(tianal period af time is hased upon the pet(tione~'s compiying with a!! the conditio~s of approval contained In Resalutfor~ Na. PC~ti-16, whlch was adopted in conjunction with C~nditional Use f~ermit No. 3656; a~nd ,ri. 'Chat na on~ incficated the(r ~cesFnce at said ptabiic heariny i~ apposiilon; and that nn correspondence was roceived in oppasRlon to the subJect petltion. C:R2331 M~.WP -1- PC35-31 ' h ~~ ()ti~ °4N.Y ALI " RnIA ~NVI NMEN1"AL QUALITY ~'T F NDING_: That tho Anat,elm City Planning Gommfssicn has revf~wed the pro~aosaf and does lieraby find that the Nega~tive Decla~atio~he r equired appro v e d i n c a n n o c t f o n w i t h C o n d i t i o r i a l U se Pormit hfd. 3656 is adequate to R9N0 8l; environmental documentation in connoction with this request upon finding tha4 the dec lar~ t lo-~ re f le c t s t h a indepQndent judgement of the lead a~ancy and that It has considerod the Negative Declaratiun toget4~ar with ~ny comments received durin~ tlie pu h~~~Q ~s~ on ubstantia~l ev doncen~that Qhohproject willhhavetiaa study anci anY comments recafved that signfficant effgct on the anvironment. NOW, 7!-I~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVFD that the Anaheim City Planning Commissfon does hereby amend C~ndition No. 15 af Resolutian No. t'C94-16 tu read as foli~ws: "15. That ~ubJact use permit is granted for a period of 1(one) year to expir~ on March 20, 199~." THE FOREGOiNG RES01_UTION was adopted at the Planning Camml~sion mestinc~ of ~larch 2Q, 1995. ~ ,/ / ~~~ ~,~~!"! %~i(:4 HAIRV`1 MAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: . ~ .~ ~~~oc~u~ SECRETARY, FIEIM CITY PLAMNING COMUfISSlON STATE OF CALIF~RNIA ) COUN7Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CiTY OF ANAHEIM ) i, Margarit~ Solorio, Secretary Qf do ted at a meleting of the A ahoim ~itY P an ~ 9 ~Qmmf Sh°n the fpregoing resolution was passscl and a p held Qn March 20, 1995, by the following vote of the members theroof: AYES: GOMMISSIONEFiS, ~OYDSTUN, CALDWELt-, HENNINGEFi, MAYER, MESSE, P~RAZA NOES: CO~AMISSIONERS, NONE Af3SENT: COMMISSIC)N~Ra: PJONE VACANCY: ONE SEAT 1 ~ IN W{TNESS WHEREOF, I tiave hereuntu set my hand this ~__, d~Y of . ?.{-Q-- 1995. ( ~l,~J c~i -.W ~ CI'iY PI.ANMiNG COMMISSI4N SECRETARY, A A EIM _~~ PC~35-31