Resolution-PC 95-32v."F liY• ~.f'ti ~Y11~ RESOLUTION N0. P~ -5~,2 A R~SCLU7{ON OF TFfE ANAN~EIM CITI' PLANNING CUPVIIV~IS510N ThiAT PE'fITIAN ~4R GONQII'IONAL USF NERMI'' NO. 3747 BE ~RANTED WHERt fas~cehta(n real property situated in p~ City of Anaheim, C untyr'o Orange~State Condftion~l Use Perm of C~lifornia, doscribod as: PARCEL 1: THAT PORTIl7N OF LOT 4 OF TI-IE DOMINGUEZ ESTATE, AS S~-IO~VN UN A LICENSED SUFiVEYOR'S MAP FIL~~~~ lN [300K 2, F'AGE 15 0~ R~CORD 0~ BURVEYS IN THE G~FF{CE OF 7HE COUN'iY RECdFiDER OF qRANGE GOUNTY, CALIFORNIA, D~SrRIBED AS FOLLOWB: BEGIPJNING AT ThIE SAUTHWESTERLY CORN~R OF TRACT NQ. 7470, AS SHQWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 326, PAG~S 18, 19 AND 20 UF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECO~iDS OF S~11D OFiAN(~E COUNTY, B~ING b POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE QF THE SANTA ANA VALLEY IRFiIGATlO~! COMPAhIY, A5 DESCRIBED IN T~EED RECORDED P`~RCH 7, 19~0 IN ~QOK 103~, PAGE 362 QF O~FICIAL RECORDS; THEN~r_" ALONG SAIU NORTF9WESTERI_Y LIN~, SOUTH 74 dEG. 10' 35" WESl' 5~7.09 FEET, NORTH 15 DEG. 49' 25" W~SI' 3.~0 FEET, AND SOUTH 74 Q~G. 1Q' 35" WEST 298.59 F~Ey 'C'0 T'H~ 5C7UTHWFSTERLY COFiNER QF TNE LAND QESCRIBED IN DEED TO W. F. GLEASON aND WiFE, RECORDED MAY 22, 1951 IN 1300K 2191, PAGE 2~g pF SAID OFFICIAL RECOR~S, BEING THE TRUE POINT OF ~EGINNING; THENCE C~NTI~lUING ALANG SAID NORTHWESTERLY I.INE, SOUTM 74 ~EG. 10' 35" WEST 7~5.09 FEET TO TwIE f3EGINNING OF A 7AiVGENT CURV~ CONCAVE NORI'HWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIt15 l~F Q18.2Q FEEP'~ AI~~ W ESTERLY A~.()NG SAID CURVE, THROUGM A CENi'RAL ANGLE OF 09 DFG. 21' 14", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 1~3.58 FEET Tq A POINT ON T H~ C W E S T E R L Y LINE QF SAID L07 4, A RADIAL. LINE OF SAID CURVE PASSING THRAUGt-4 SAID POINT E3EARS S4UTH 06 DEG. 2~t" 11u EAST; 7HENCE ALONG SAID WESTEFtLY LINE, NONTH 0 DEG. 16' 25" WCS7 609.2~ FEE7 TO THE SOUTHWEST~FILY CORNER OF THE i.AND DESCRIRED IN D~~d TO THE STATE OF CAI.IFOFtNIA, RECORL~ED FtBfiUARY 27, 1969 lN BOQK 8685, PAGE 577 l"1F OFFICIAL R~COROS; THEVC~ AL.ONG TH~ SOU7HEAS7ERLY L.l1NE OF SAID IJ~ST MENTIONED I.AND, NUkTH 7Q DEG. 23 ' 17" EAST' 132.19 FEET, NORTN 60 DEG. 52' 01° EAST '189.71 F~E?, ~1ND NOFiTH 56 DEG. ()0 S3 EAST 179.51 FE~T TO 7HE NORTHEASTERLY l{NE OF SAiD LOT 4; THENCE AI.ONG S~+ID NOR7HEASTERLY LINE, SOUTH 81 DEG. 3ti' 25" EAST 125•13 FE~'T~ 50U7H 50 DEG. 34' 25" EAST 132.OQ FEE7, AND SOUTH 65 DEG. 19' 25" EAST 142.6£s FEET ~0 THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID IANQ OF W. ~• rLEASOtJ; THENCc ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LA~T MENTIONED IAND, SOU7H 03 DEG. 22' 25" EAST 464.60 FEET Ta THE TRUE f'OINT OF BEGINNING. pA(~CEL ~ A: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER QF "fRACT N0. 747U, PER MAP R~CQRD~D IN BOOK 326, PAGES ~8 THROUGH 20 OF MISCEi~N'EOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, BEING AT A POINT ON THE NORThlWES?E~LY UNE OF ~ANTA ANA CANYOPV ROAD, 71.50 FEk~ NOR7HWESTERLY A7 RIGH7 ANGLES FRA(VI THE CEIVT'ERI_INE OF THE WE5Tf3~JUND LANE i H~REOF, AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT IdO. 74iQ; ~~ . F'C95-32 c_:R2332MS.WP 'I `4' I. ~ '~~'i_ _~l~ .~v THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERI.Y I.INE OF S~NTA ANA C/~NYON FiOAD, , „ SOUTH 74 D~G. 10 35 WEST 507A9 FEE'1', AND NORTI-I 1 a!~EG- 49' 2S" WEST g,pp FEET, AND SOUTH 7A~ DEG. 10' 35" WES7 2$9•55 FrEi TO ThIE TRUE PO1NT OF L3EGIPJNING; THENCE SOU~H 15 DEG. 49' 25N ~AS'i 42.6d FEET; THENCE SUUTH 74 aEG• 1Q' 35" WEST 660•11 FEET TO 7H~ BEC.INNING OF A TANGENT CURVE COM1ICAV~ NORTh~IWES7ERLY AND HAVING A FiADIUS OF 1968.00 FEET; THENCE AL4NG SAID CUFiWE, '~HR~UGH AN ANGLE l~F C~ D~G• 39' 31", AN ARC LENGTI-I OF 228.71 FE!ET ~'O A i'OINT ON THE S4117HE~iLY PROLONGATION O~F TH~ WESTEH~Y LINE ~F SA~Q i.OT 4; THENCE AI~ONG 5AlD PROLONGATION AND SAID WESTERL'~ LINE, NORTH OQ DEG. 16' 15" W~ST 41,74 FEET TO A PnINT r3N l~1 CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 8~5.20 FEE'~'~ A F~ADIAL LINE 7HROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NU~TH 5 DEG. 28' 11" WEST; THENCE EASTErtLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 9 ~EG. 21' 1d", AN ARC LENGTH OF 1~3.56 FEE'f; 7HENC~ ALQNG A TANGENI' LINE, NORTM 74 DEG, 10' ~5" EAST 744.13 FEE'T T4 THE TFiUE POINT OF BEGINNINC. pARC~~ 2: T{-IA7 POR'tION OF LOT 3 OF 7HE ~OMINGUFZ ES7AT~, AS Sh;QWN GN A M~HE ICOUN RO CRDER OF SAII3 CO NTY DESCRI~BED ~ THE OFFICE OF FOLLQWS: C0~1r1MENC~ING AT A P~INT IN 7H~ CENTERL.INF OF PLAC~NTIA-YDRBA RAAD, AS SHQW~ ON PI.J~N~ ENTITLED "PL.F+N AND PRO~IL~ OF PLAC~NTIA-YORF3A ROAD fJN ~~ILE If~ THE OFFICE A~ THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OF SAID COtJNTY, DIS ~'ANT TFIENEON NOR'TH 0 DEG. 28' 36" EAST 384.41 FEET FROM ITS IN7ERSECPI~t~J WlTH THE CENTERI.lN~ OF SANTA ANA GANYON ROAD, ~ ID 01=FICE OF THE Gp,pp FEET V~ IDE, AS .~HOWN ON ~1 M~4P AN FIi.E IN SF, COUNTY SI~:iVEYOF~; THENCE SOUTM 83 DEG. 4G' 57" EAST 230.68 FEE7 T~0 7HE WES'' LIN~ OF THA'f C:ERTAIN PARCE~ OF LAND DESCRI~ED IN DC~D TO THE STATE OF CA~IFORNIA RECORDED JANUA T~ENCE NOR~TH 65 DEG. PAGE sa AF OFFICIAL RECORDS IN SAfD OFFICE; p2 O(i ~AST 2~2.77 FEET TO 1'HE TRUE POINT OF B~GINNING; THENCE ~ ~~ ~lQRTM 86 DEG. 25' 15" ~AS1' 160.31 ~EFT; THENCE N~JR7H 7'I DEG. 12' 00" EAST 11f.03 FEE7 ?^ THE S(~~UTHERLY CORNEFi OF 'THAT' CER'tAll~J PAFlCEL pF LAND DESCRIBED lN UEE~ (STAT'E PARCEL C~577) R~COP~DED FE6HUARY 27, 1969 IN BOOK 8885, PAGF 57? OF OFFiCIAL RECARDS iN SAID UFFICF; TH~NCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LAT 3, SOUTH 0 DEG. 32' '18" WES7 ~09.26 FE~"C 70 A POINT iN TNiI~ NARTHERLY ~-I~ 7HE GEN7ER'~.IN'~ OF VALL~Y iRRIGATiON CUMPANY CANAL RIGHT-OF-WAY~ SIVE OF WHlCH I5 SMOVVN ON MAP FILED !N1 BOOK ~, PA~aES 44 i O 50 {NCI.I ~ FiECO~iD OF SURUEYS IN SAID OFFICE, SAID POINT BEi~lG ON b CURVE CONCAVE NORTH~RLY AND MAVING A RADIUS 0f= t~18.20 FEET; THENCE ONEBTERLY ALONG FROM A T'ANGENT BEARING SOI.IiTH ~4 D`cG. 2n' 31" WEST, SAID CURVE, THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 22 DEG. AO' 42", AN AFiC DISTANCE OF 323•85 FEET TO THE SOU7HENLY T~RM{NUS OF THE EASTERLY LINE SF-IOWN ~1S "SOU7H 1 DEG. 5Q' ~3° WEST, 257.80 FEET" IN PARG~L 2 C~F THAT POR71~N OF IMPERIAL HIGHW~Y RELINQUISMED TA THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (R~L-820) BY ~~S OF ~WHICF~ FiES4 UT{ON ~IS IR CdRDED IP~I 800K I 0969, C~FITiFIED CQFY PAG~ 47 OF SAID dFFICIAL R~CORDS, AN D A 5 S~- I O W N O N M A P R E C O R D E D M A Y 2 3, 1 9 7 3 I N B OOK 9, PAGE 9 OF SATE HIGHWAY MAPS IN SAID OFFIC~; THENC~ ALONC SAID EASTERLY LiNE 4F IMP~FtIAL H I G H W A Y, P J O R T M ' I D E G. 50' 03" EAST 25%.SO F OF BEGINNINGaRTH 9 D~G. 56' 32" EAST 276.4G F~E'T TO THE TRUE POINT »2_ PC95-32 ~~ !i' ~r F~ARCEL 2A. ALL THAT CER'fAIN REAL PROPERLY BEl~3G 7hlA ~YP ~RU-I p T~~ ThIE SaNTA Af~A VALLEY IFtRIGATfOt~ COMPANY CANAL f~ONV~. SANTA ANA VALLEY IARIG~4TION COMPANY F3`( DEED RECOFID~~ JULY 18, 193~ IN BOOK f85, PAGE 255 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, RECOFlD'~ OF 5AIL7 COUN'f`(. LYING WITHIN THE LIMI'TS 4F THI~ SOI.~THERLY PROLONGATIQN OF THE SIDE LINES OF LOT 3 OF "DOMiNGUEZ E~7ATE", AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN ii00K 2, PAGE 15 OF RECC7R{~ OF SUR~IEYS IN TWE OFFICE ~FTI-IE CpUNI'Y RECORDER OF SA~D COllN'rY. WH~REAS, tha l:ity Planning ~ommission did hold a public h~aring at the Civic Center in th~ i,lry of Anaheim on March ~~~ ~~nce with he prcvisions of the Apahe'im Municln a Code, Chaptor giv~n as requlred by law and in accord 18.03, to hear and cunslder evidoncommendationsi intconnoct(op tho~rewith~and al uae pormit and to investic~ate and make findings and rec W!-IEREAS, sald Commakion of fall evfdenco and e~portsSa~feried acnsaid h ar ng, cioes find and in its behalf, and after dus canside and det~rmine the following faGts: i. That tho proposed u~g~44 0. 0 300~to fpe mhtc 1 50U nsq.ft~ ofu outdoorit aea~ ng rarea ~in An~heim M~:niGipal Code Sectfon cor~Junctic~n d~~fth var(ous restaurant u~es with walver of the following: Sectipns y 8 0~ 0~4:~ ""inlm m numt~of reauirod narklna sq~CBS ~a.o~~ (1 .L re~ufred~ ~.existin~) 1~46 0 ----5~•0221- 1 ~Q~•050.02~1 18.OF ~50.~?32 18 QG 050.0233 ~:Q-k~_4..$Q ~ 8 06 05p,0234 ~,nd 16 44.06~O.~Q 2. Tha4 tha park{ng wafver, under th~ condit(ans irnposed, wiil not causA f~wer off-s4rcaet parking ~paces to be provided for thnde the na mal a d r~aso at~ly foae eeable co ditio sc~f per~ation all vehicles attributable to such uso u of such ~ese; and th~t the City 1'ra(fiW au ~~ot sp nlt ctantiy Impactrth8 parkinga thca subjec~t proper.ry ~ determined that the autdoor seatinc~ 0 9 ~. That the watver, una n t ubiic sti~jets ini he~fmmedi~ate~~cinityrof the ~roposetl use nd competitfon for par{cfn~ spaces upon e p 4. That the waiver, undor th~ conditioris imposed, will not incre~so tha dernand and compe4ition for parking snaces on adjaVi n~ a~tarkin~ fiori such usQ~undor~an a~ ele e t i hcomplfance use (which proporty is nox exprQSaly pro d p with Sectfan of this Code); 5, That the wafvor, undei ~g wi hIn ~he oif st ee pa k ng a eas o lots provided f orisuch use; air poilution, or traffic circulation cenfl c, . g, That tha waiver, under t~et U~nci~~o Qss f omeadJacie t propQ t es t upon he~publlc ~ t eiets a i r p o l l u t i o r~, o r i m p E C l a v e h i c u l a r i n g r o s 9 in the immediate vfcinft~ ~~ the proposed use; ~- PC95-32 ,~~, 7. That the granting of the parkin~ waivor ~hall be contln~ent upc~n 4~eratlan of tho assoclatvd uses in conforma.nca with tho asshmpfi~~~~~e1hei b s° tfCf approV~j af sa~a wafve~t and that as contalned in ~hc~ park~r-g demsnd attidy~ t a exceading, vlolating, intensifying or nthorwlse devi~f ho~eX~~~~gg Con~it,n~g in. pos'od upon his condftio al parking dem~nd study ahail be deemeti a vlalatlon o W us~ permit and may rosult in terminatlan or modiflaatian pursuant ta the provislona of Ser,ti~n 18,03.09'1 and 18.03.092 of thi~ ~ode~ ~. 7hat tha propos~d use wilt not adver ~e1 be locnted blecausela 4 door~ soaUn9 has bo~ ~evelopmont of the ~rea In whfch it is propc~seci o previously ~ppr~ved by conditionai us~ permtts for ~nhei~ex~istin~g ~ reSt~urant uses and wil~no exceed that the propose~! ~utdoor ~eat(ng wili be accessory o y pP a tot~al of 1,500 sq.ft. for ~II such restaurant uses; g, 1'hat the sixe and shdpe af tha s~A fe~Plmen al tn the particular areatno~tof 4he p~~C011 developrnent of the proposed use in a mann~r not d ~~ pf su~{iclent ~ixe and shape to health, safety and p~noral welfare b~causA the subJoct property accommrxiate the propased outcloor soating ea t atb ~`st~ b~~ throughout the ~osignat~d ~ rtion a:.cornmodate 4ables and clia(rs and the sAat(n~ a of the shoppir~g cen4~r; ~p. 7hat the traffic generated by the propo the ~ aif cilfn ~he apoae ~~ undue burden upoc~ the stre~ts and highways deslflned and improved to ca ry 1•I . That the granting of th~ condittonal' u~~l f~~e Qif the citizens of theU Ciry of Anahelimn ~nd~ detrimental to the p~ace, health, safery and genera 12. '~hat two people in favor fndic hed~ y~`ppetelon. at s~~d publ(c hearing; and that no aorrespondonce was rQC~ived in opposltfon to 1 Al.lFOR~l,lL..~N~~ ~"'""~~'Tai c~~~ALi1'Y A FI ,~: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission tias re ~~°v~ad tho praposa~ to porrnit 1,500 sq.fi. of outdoor "e king 3r aces ~n annirregu eirly varlous restaurant uses and with waiver ooxima el m15~33~acres loatad at the north~asl corner of Santa shaped parcol Af tand canststing ot app y roxirnate frontagos of 1,C95 feet on the north sido of Ana Canyon Road and ~mpetial Highw~ay, having app Sfmta Ana Canyon R~ad and K~70 feet on the Qast sfdn ~n~ P,~; ~ and does her by approve the Negative mnd 5'T57 - 5791 Eas. Santa Ana Canyon Road (Ca Y Declaration upon findfn~ thr~t the declarati~n reflects theti d~nd cnmments~ ec Ned dur ng~thecpubl c that it has considered the NegatWa ~eclaratior~ togethe Y revi~w process a+~d fu~har finding on the basis of the ~Sh~ ~~~nt ffer.t~an he environmen~~ t~t there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a g NOW, THEREFOF~~, E3E IT RESOLV~mi`hut ~h~e he fall~wing Gondi~los whichiare~hereby hereby grant subj~ct Petition for Conditional Use f'o . Pa ~ in ord~r to p~aserve the found ta be n ne~~ss~~Y Pfe«Quisite~ to the prnposed usQ of th~ subJeat property safety ~r.d flener~! we~~~re of the ~itizens of the City of Anahelm: 1. That subject canditional use pennit shall nat applY to any business which serves alcoholic bevereges rand applies to those untts lacated irom 5~5~•A t{irouqh 5773-K East Sant~ Ana Canynn Raad. 2. That sub~ect propec.y shA1! be devefopecf ~u~io o~r'~rtd whic h~ans a ehonafNe wi h ho Piann~ng s~bm i t t e c i to t h e ~ i t y o t A n a h e i m b y t h e p e t DepnrtmeM mar4ced Exhibit No. 1. PC95-32 -4- „ ';~; ~~e^~r ' ~~' 3. That prlor to commancement af tlia actlvfty hereln ~ppraved, ar priar to final buflding and ~aning inspections, or wlthin a poriod of on~ (1) ya~r from tho c~ate of thts resolution, whfch~ver occurs firat, Conditlon Na. z, abovo•mentloneci, shall be compll~d with. rUVal nf this applicatlan cons4ltutos ap~roval of the pro~ased requost nnly ta the extent that 4, 'That ~pp ruval of the it compl(es with the anah~im Municipal Zoning C,on;Q~ tl dings aes to aompli~nc~ ~ortapp n~ ~~era r~gulatton~. Approval does not include any ac. requost ra~ar+~ir,~ any other applicable urdinance, regulatian ~~ requlrAment. BE IY FURTHER FiESOLVED th~t the Anahl ~-r ~~~~~od upon applicant's compliance wtth and determine that ado~tion af this Rvs~iutian is ex~ross y p art there~f, be each and all of th~ conditlans her9~n thevfina{tJudgment~of lany caurt o~f competontrjurisd ction, then this doclared Invalid or unenforceab e y Resolution, and any approvala herein containod, shall bo d~amed nul! and void. TH~ FOREGOlNU RESOLU7IAN w~s adoptod at the Planning Comrnisslon meeting af March 20, 19J5. ~ ~ ~ ,~'-- ~t~ ~G%.~t'.(-¢-~.~i -- -~ ~~ MMISSIO~J CHAIRW fv1AN ANAHEI CITY tANNING CO A7TEST: , 1 ~ RY A EIM CITY PLANN~ING C~ S~~nN SECRETA , ~TA7E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF 0'~ANGE ~ 5s• CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorfo, Secretary of the Ani d~A aitymed~ln~ of ~the Anaheim~ City I~tanning that thg fore~oing resolutlon was {:assed and adop Gommission heid on March 20, 1995, bY the foilowing vote ofi thti members thereof: ERA7A AY~S: COA!{MISSfONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWF~~. ~ENNINGER, MAYER, MESSF, P NAES: COMMISS(ONERS: NON~ ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE VACANCY: ONE SEAT ~~ day of ~N WI7N~'~S WH~REOF, t ha.vo hareunto sErt my hand this ~~,(~., ~, 1995. , ' ~ ~u+~.l.d SECRETARY, ` HEIM CITY PLANNING COMNIISSION PC95•32 .5.