Resolution-PC 95-39t~~l,', ~ 8~ ~0~~lLQ.,.N Nn. C95-, 9 A RFSOLl1TI0N OF 'I'HE ANAHEINJI CITY PI.ANNlNC~ C~JMti11SSinN THAl' PE'Y'ITIUN FUR COh1D1710NAL USE PERMIT N0. 37a7 BE GRANTED WHER~A~, the Anaheirn Cfty Planninp Commisslon dld recnive a verified Potiti~n far Conditir~nal U~e Permit for certain real proporty situated in tho City of Anaheim, County oE arang~~ State of Californfa, describod as: PAR~EL~ 1, 2 AND 3 fJF PARC~L M{~P Sa-237 RECORDEQ AS 1NSTRlit~A~NT NO. 87-082201, 1=~8(~UARY 13, 1987, BOOK 218, PAG~ 22 nF PAFCEI.. MAPS, COUNTY OF t)RAPJGE, STATE 4F ~ALIFORNIA; AN[~ PARCE~S 3 ANt7 4~OF P~RCEL MAP 87-a16, AEGORDEQ AS 1~IS7RUMENT NO. 89-204518, Ai~RIL 19, 19i3J, BOOK 242, PACx~ 1 OF PARCEL MAPS, CdUNTf OF OFiANGE, S7ATE OF CALIFORNiA. N/FlEREAS, the City Planring Cammissi~r~ did hold a puL~lfc r~earing at the Civic Centor in the Cfty of Anaheim on April 3, 1J~J5 at 1:30 p.m•, notice of said public haartng havtng been duly given as requfred by law and in accarda n~ a~~,nst said proposedtcondftiona u e permt'and to nv4stigate and to hear and consfder evidence for a g make firu~in~a and recommondativns In connec4lon therewith; ~ncl WHEREAS, the Savi Fianch, IocaYed betwoen the S~nta Ana RNer a~d the State Auute 91 - Riverside F~reeway, w~s origlnaliy annexeci to the Ciry of Anaheim i~j~~JB`~aid~ a~~acarit~to Weiri C Yfln commerciai and irtdustriai development wlth the commorcial (east) po Ro~d and the Indu~triai portlon located to the west. WF~~RF..j1S, a proposa~ to rez~~ne the wost ~ort(on under Rr~ciassification No. 89•90-~2 (ML "Lfmited Industrial" to CL "Commeraial, Limi~ed") was apprcyved for commc~rclal deve!opment but that ~eid reclass'rfication has nr~t n~ovQCS forw1rd~~, tW~~ t Supe~K~Mart store.~vi ~~nch remains vacant; and that tt~e east portian was dovsloped !n WH~REAS, the portion of tho Savi Rar~ch mbutting Crystal Driva wa~s r~znned from CO "Cammerci~l Qffice" to CL "CommercfaltLim~ede~s n~ne ofcwhich asi curr~c~ndy devo o~ped~with~a carpwash was then subdfvided Intn three separa e p facil~ty and that the other two paresls apo vacanY. MIMEREAS, it Is cunently envision~d that ali ihe Savf Ranch narcels located in the City of ~nd that due to the unique luc;ation, Anahelrn will eve~tually be develaped wfth comrnercial uses; confusing access and confusing circulatfan within the area, a'~vayflndiny" sign pa'ogram ~s nseded to direct traffic to the retall and commeroial um tor bot~ cit( ethae been under dhev'eloPn'+0~ g n e~u ~'~~~ar and that such a'wayfi~d1n9" p~~41p~ WI-IEFtEAS, said Cammisso~ ~~8 ~~enco ar~d epartsGtoNeri~d it ss~id1hearing dnes fiind and in !ts behalf, and after d4e aonsi~e a arid determine the folinwing faCts: 1. That tho propo~ed usa Is p~operly one for which ~ ctx~dttbrsal usa pem'~E~ is au i~in ~ sibn A n a h e f m M u n t a i p a l C o d~ S e r, t i o n t a, 0 3•03~•A~Q A~ p~~it the Savi R,anch ~ietaU Community wayf 9!~ program. .~, pC95~9 CR2342ht~.WP ,~~ ~~~ 1 2, 7hat the ~ropos~d use will not aciversely aifect the adjoining I~ind ~~ses and the growth and dev~lopment of tho area in which i~ is proposed ta be lar.~ted becauso the propased si~n~pe is ~ntended to be "directlonal" rather than "adv~Klsing" an~ will pravfd~ needed information to rriotorists; 3. 7hat 4he slze and shepe of the ~ite for tYio propasAd use is adoquate to dflow the tull devalopment of sald proPosed ~~~e~ec~ s~ thor"wttyf ndinge sign p ogram w~ ~I contr bute to a s~ ee and health, safety. and general wo m~ro effectfvQ traff(r. flow 4o a~l th~ parcola in the area; 4. That tha traffic ger~er~t~d b~ the propased uso wfll not (mpase ~use ~xl~tn g~ cess~to, s t r e s t s a n d h i g h w a y s d e s i fl n e d a n d im proved to carry the 4ro~fflc in the area be~ from and wfthin the Savi Ranch is unusual and dffflcult fo~ motorists to compre he n d a n d t h~ t 4 h e p r o p a s e d si~n program will be coordlnated t~ ~~uai directio al~signago`InRaach Gtyth in ~Anaheim and Y~,ba Linda, thereb,y precluciing the neeti for lndiv 5, 7h~t thA gra~ting of tha conclitinnal use permit under the condittons impased will nat be detrimantal to tho peace, healgsociatio awi~ll be esponis b e forhmai4ntafningfth~ ,g g~ns; f Anaheim becauso, as conditioned, an owners' a 6, That the pr~pos~d windmill structure Is hereby ap~roved tr~ k~e 5eventy Fiva (75) feot high be~ause it is view~d as an "lcon" not e~e ts fora o iCity otlAnahelmh an~ mmendatians provided to the Pianning Commisslon regarding ~rt ~ 7. That four (4) p~n p~~~ ~ASfapn~to t e s bjectrp~tgit6on~e $~ ~(d E-~ablic he~ring; and that no carres~onde~ce was recelved Pp A I ORNIA ENVIRANMENTAi. ~UAI iYV A~1' _FINDINCa: The Planning airector or liis aiatharized representativo h~s determinsci that th~ propo~ed proJoct f~lts within tha daflnftion of Categarical Exemptions, Class ~~, as defined in the StatA EIR GukJeil~es and ls, therefore, cat~gorically exempt from the requ(roment to prepmre an EIR. NOW, TMEREFC~R~, E~ IT RESULVED th~t the Anahelm City Pianning Commission does ho~eby ~rant 5ubject Petition for randEtfanal Use Parmit~ uPon the f jilawipng condln~op s~e ~o p e orv~e the foun d to bo ~ n e c e s s a r y p r~ r e q u i s i t e to the pro p osed us~ ~~f the sub ~ce rop~rty saroty and gene~al welfare of the Citixens af tho Ciry of =-naheim: t. That prio~ to issuance of a pe ve1o mentCUQpartmo /~o ~ sure tcampitance with~~lla~tand~rds of 4he revfewed by the Communiry D p signing/~vayf(nciing p~o9ram 2, Tha4 prior to install~tion of ~ny sign ora t~ny publlc property (ti~at ~s, ,~; lacated on p~tvate property), an encroachment permi~ shall be obtalneci from the City. ~. That all signs shall be subJect ta the review and npp~ov~l of the Ctty 7rafffc a,nci Transportation ManAger to determine adequ~to Ilnas-of-sight. 4. That a malntenance progc'arn sri~sli be eata~lfshed (n orcfor to maintain the s~~~a~E- ~~ 9acxe cundkion. Such pragram shall bo supported by a pom'-anent properry nwners' assxia,4{on ar other legal m~chan(rm, as determin0d appropriatg by Ciry of Anaheim staff. y. 7hat subJect property shaU ba d~voioPecl aubatantially in accordance with ~lans and ~pecffir~tiQng submitted to the Clty a'f Anaheim by the pcjtki~oner and ~~h ~8°nth~t the windmUth icon" shall ~be Dep~rtment rn~rked Euhibit Nas. t through t 5; provSded~ howeyer, a m~ximum sevenry fN~ (7a) fQet hFgh wi'th no ~ig~a$e aboMe the thirty (3R) fcwt levei. in a~ddEtion, the ::ign copy on the windmill ahail be ttmited to the words "5avi Aanch" as il+us.ratecl on epproved exhibfts. ,2w PG95-3fl i';~.~~ i 'MAAr 6. That prior ~to fssuance of tlu3 flrst permit far a$Ifln whicN I~ ~rt af the "wayfinclln~" signage pragram or wfthf~ a periad ~f ona (1) year fram the date ot Ytiis r~ac~lutlon, wl~tchever occiars f~rst, Conditlon No. 4, abovo-ment(oned, ~~ ~CCO dBnCA W~Ith Section ~8.03 p9Q of the Anaho m Municipal Code. ~ coriditlnn may be grant~d 1. That prior to issuance of permits for oach sign ancf/or tnstall~tion o~ sald sign, C~ndftic~n Nos. 7, 2 ~nd 3, abovo•mentianed, $hall be compqed wtth, ~. Thax approval of tr~is applicati~on canstftutes epproval of th~ proposod requesc only to the extmnt that it complies with the Ar-~heirn M~inlcipa~l Zontng ~ode and any athar applicable Cfry, ~t~te anri Federa~ ragul~tions. Appraval o her a t ~icab~e o d nanoenregul~~tian oa oqulremen~t n~~ U~ Appro~~ai o~ the request regardfnfl any RP g, That any fut~are ireestac~d~ hfsiconditional use permitproporty shall confarm to the themos and form af tha signs approved y BE IT F~3R7HER ~tESOLVEID that the Ar-ahelm Clty Plannirig C~mmission does hereby Nnd 1nd determtne that ado~tic~n of 4his Resolution is exprossly predicatc~ci upon appiica~'s C~ rtpthe 0of be each anc~ ail o# the conditions hereinabova snt forth. Shouic! any ~uch candition, or a~y pa ~ doclarod inval{d or uner~forcAOlgbhe~ eint,contafnod shail fao d omaciU ull andrvoldent Jurisdlctlon, thon thls Resolutfon, and any app ~ THE FOREGOING RESGLU'rION was adopted at the Plan~in~ Comms:~~~on meetl~g of April 3, 1995. ~ ~Q~ ~~ ~ ~ vv~c CMAIRWO AN ANAHEIPA CITY IANNINC C09VIMISSION ATTES7: ~~ S~CRETAR , HEIM ~1TY PLANNlNG COMMlSSION S7AT~ OF C~ALl~ORNIA ) COUN'I~f rJF ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF ,4NAHFIM ) I, Margarita Solorin, SecrRtary ~f the Anatieim Cfty Plann(ng Crmmisslon, do f~eseby cenffy thac tho foregoing resoltat(on1 w~as b th~ o&owt g~ otsdaf the memberstheteofA~helm City Planning Comm(ss(on hsid on Apri 3, ~ Y AY~S: COMMISSI()NERS: BaST11VICK, BOYDSTUN, CaI.DWELL, hlENNINGER, MAYFR, NAESSE f~p~g; CQMMISSIVNCRS: NA(dF ABSEN7: COIu1MIS510NER5: P~RA7J1 IN WITNl~SS WHERE4F, i~avo har~unt~ set my harsd thl~ I~~' day of ~„~„"_"'t~-~-. ~ 1995. (~~,,~~ . tl ~~~~ ~~N .iM CITY PLANNINra C4MMlSSION S~CRETAR~, ~. PCgS-3J