Resolution-PC 95-4,l~`. ~~~nL 1TIQN Nn PCE~ A R~S4LUTlON C~F 7HF ANANEIM ~ITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION 7H?-7 PETI710N FOR VARlANCk' Nv. ~266 BE CaRANTEO VJHEREA8, the An~helm Ciry Plannln{~ Commiasion did roceive a verffied petitlon for VArianae for c;ortaln real ~roperty ~Ituat~d U the ~ity oi Anaheim, County of Orange, Stnto of Californla doscribed as: THA7 PGRYION UF LOT 43 OF HAZARD'S 5UI3DIVI510N AS SNOW(~I f~N A MAP ~IL,ED Ih~ BO01< 1, F'AGE 26 OF FiECOROS C~F ~UFIVCY5 IPJ 7HE QFFICE OF 7HE CUUN'~'Y HGCOHOER vh QRAN~E COUNTY, GALIFORNIf~, LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF TH~ NORTWW~STERI»Y LINE OF 7HAT CI~RTAIN STRIP OF LAND 10Q,00 FEET WIDE DESCRlBEQ IN DEEI7 TO THE RIVERSIDE, 5AMTA ANA. AND LC~S ANGEI.~S RAILWAY COMPANY, R~CORDED JUNE ~, 1087 IN Bpt~K 23~, PAGE 27 OF Q~EDS, RECQRDS OF LOS ANGEI.c:S COUNIY, C,~LIFORNIA. WIiERE~1S, the City Pianning Cammisslon did hold a p~~blic hearin~J at the Civic Cenier in the City of An~heinn on January 9, 1395, at 1:30 p.m., notico ~f said public hn~ring having been duly ~Jfvon as raquirod by law and in acc4rdance with tho pravisions of the Anahelm Munlcipal Cocle, Chapter 18.03, tc haar ar~. ::~nside~ evidence f~r and a~alnst sald praposed vs~riance end ta ir~vestigate and make findings and roc~mmendat~~ns in cannection therewith; antl WF~~I~EAS, said ~ommiss(or~, after due inspectlon, fr~vostip~t~on and study made by Ic~c~lf ~nd in it~ behalf, and aftar due conskferaiion of all evidence and reports ~~fac~ed at said hearinc~, dofls find and d~terrnine the follawing facts: 7hat the petit(oner proposc~s wafver of the tollow(ng to can~,truct a 60 sq.ft. rr~onumont sic~n: ~.t~ 1i~.05 09 . ?~~ - P.~1~..1~.~i~stf.~.L~3s~~_s~!t~_9~!9~• ~~c~ (m~nimiam 120 to~~ setback from sida property and 18.f~1.06! pra~~rty Iines raquired; ~ f,~et pr~~o5od from the west property Iine) 2, That there are sper,fal cfrcumstan::os applicable to the property such as size, shapa, location an+~ surroundinfls, which do nnt apply zo othe~ klentically zaned properties in tt~e viclnity, bacause the property fs A larg~a irragularly-shaped µa~el and tho driveway on the adjac~nt property is locatod approximately 118 ieet from the pro~oseca monumern sign ther~by allsviat(ng vehir,ufar visibflity concerns; 3. 7hat strict application a! t{~a Zon(np Ca1e d~prives the property of privfleges enjoyQd by ottier properties under ldentical zoning classifica!lon in tho vicinfty; arxi 4. That nc~ one indicated thei~ p:oseiics at safd publlc hearing in oppositian; and ttzat n~ r,orrespandonce wag received in oppositfon ta subject petftipn. ~~l I QR~,~~~NVIR~NMENTAI OUALI ACT FIND1NSa: Tha Planning Director or his a~nhorized ~epresentative h~~ determfned that tho proposed project located at 1230 North Tustin Av~anue falls within the definition uf Categorical ExemptiQns, Class 11, as definect In the Stsata EIR Ciu(delf~nes er~d is, therAtore, c~tegoriqlly axe~rpt from xhe rc~quirement tn prepa~Fr an ~IR. CR22731US.wp -1- F~C95-~ ; ~y;~~: NOW, TH~REFOR~, BC 17 RE~OLVED th~t 4he Anaha;im City Planning Cnmmissian does horo~y ~rant ouhJnct ~etiti~n for Vmrisnc~, upan the followin~ conditlons whlah are hort~by found tc- be a nece4sary pr~requisit~ to th~ propos~cl use of the suk-ject praporty in ord~s~ tc- prgserve th~ aefety ~nd goneral welfare at the ~hixens af th~ Gity of AnaFieim: t. That nubJect propg~y ~°A ~helm b~yph~ {a,eiitonar~f~rxl whl~ pl~ns are on' tile wit~h he IPlann~~~ submlttRd ta the C y Department markod Exhlblt Nos. 1 ttnd 2• 2, Th~t any trAe~ whicti are rei~A~ied ~s a,~~sult of cunstructfoii ahall bo replacad can a two (2) ta one (1) ratio with minimum fifteen (~t5) qallon sizod tree~. ~, That prior to hlchevorloccursfirstaCcmditinntNos.rt end 2, abov~-r ontc~nedrystuall boicompded w~ h inapecti~ns, w 4. 7h~t apprc~val of this appllestlon constitut4s~ app~oval af tho praposed requeyt oniy to 4he exterrt that it complios with the An~hoim Munlcfpal Zaning Codo and any athor applic,~tblo Cfty, State and Federal regulatfons. Appr~val does r~ot includ~ any actlon rar f(ndln~s as to compli~nce nr appravai of the request ragard(ng any other applicabl~ ordinance, r~gulation or re~uirement. BF IT FUN7HEFi RESOI.VED that the Anaheim Cfty Planning Camm(ssion dous hereby find ant! determine that adaptian of thfs R~salutl~n is expressly preciic~ted upori applicant's campllance with each and all of the ccnditions h~reinabove set forth. Shuuid any such cor~ditlon, or any pt~K thereof, be declared invalld or unenfovals hi~ro n contained, shall be deer~ed r u11 and vn+~ tent Jurisdictlun, tlien this RQSOlution, and any ~pp 7HE FQREGOING RESnLIJTiON was adc-pted at thA Planning Commis~lori meAtlnq of January ~, 199a. / ~ ,~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( \ ~ ''_~ ~_~'-~---- _~,w.,____- f:HAiFiWOM~1N, APVAHEIM CI' PLANNING COMMI~SION AITEST: t ~~______ SECR~ RY ANEIM CITY PLANNING ~OMMISSI~N STATE OF CAIiFORNiA ) CO~JNTY OF ORANGE ) ss• CITY QF ANAh1EIM ) I, Marg~rita Solorio, 5acretary uf the Anahoim City Pfanning CAmmission, do hsreby certify thai the fore~oinq resol~~tion w~s passod and ad~pted at a m9otin~ of the Anaheim City Pl~anning Commission helcl o~ .lanur~ry 9, tA9a by tha foltowing vote af the members thervof: AYES: CUM~VIiS~aIONERS: 80YDSTUN, C+~LDWE~.L, NAAYER, ~++1ESSE, PERAZf1, + A17 NOES: C4MMIS~ION~RS: NONC ABSENT: CO~AMISSIC~NEH5: HE~lNINGER ~~~,li~.tl~. tl IN WI'fNESS WHEREOF, I t~av~ her~unt~ set mY hand thls 0~~)~~y ot ~~~._ ~~~• ~ ~ ,~~ .~ (~ S~CRET RY, 1~H~1[V{ CfTY Pt.ANNiNG COMMIS510N -2- PC95-4