Resolution-PC 95-47~ a~S . t1710N N0~ P~-~ 4:' t~!; u A RESOLU~T~ COIVDITION~ USE IPERMIT N N37I52G BE GRANTED IN PART 'PHAT PE71TION Fn WHERCAS, the Anaheim City psftuated in~ho City a: A~ aheirr~~ C un yrof Orangop8ta~e Conditional Use Permft for cart~in rea~l prc~perty ofi C~IifAmla, clescril~ed as: F~ARCEL 1 QF P/~FECFL MAP N0. 87-150 IN T'I-I~ CITY tJF ANAFIEfM, CQUNTY' OF ~JRANG'~~ S'~ATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWM ON A MAP FiLED IN ~OOK 239, P~4CES ~8 TO 50 QF P,~RC~L MAPS, iN THE O~FICE OF 1'H'~ COUNTY R~CORDER OP SAID COUNTY. WHER~AS, lh0 Ci~y PIe!'~~~ing ~ommission did hold a public hoaring at the Civic Centor in the Ciry oE Anaheim on M~y 1, 19~5 ~t 1 he provis4anis af the An~heim AAunlcipal~GndebChapt'r Si 03, as required by law and In ~ccordanca with p to hear and consider evidence far and against ~~ion theQewl h~andlonal use permit and to investigate and make ilndi-~gs and recommendatfons in conne WHEREP~S, sa~d Commission, ~~~~e @ ~d~nr.e and~ oportsSOf~feried atnsaid hear ng, daes~find and in Rs behalf, and aiter dua conslderatian o and dotermine the fotlawing factg: 1. That 4he pr~posed use (s prop fi i~~cal°fa physi~al fftneiss centQ~ (danfco~~tud u/s haol) Anaheim Municipal Code Sectlon i 8.61.05q.60 in sn industriai aone wfth wa6vor of tl~o fallowing: G~r~ionr 18 05.06Q.02 •Q21 - i.~~l~lL~?-n~-rr!~-~-~arkina sqaces. ~ 8.06,050,0~ 1~2~.4~~6.~ and~18 6~~ •666•05Q ~. That 4hQ parkfng wafver Is her ~b~y~ ih,~ nimumbnuimbertof pa k ngesp cas~ equ~ed~by advertlsement an~ that the su~mitted plar~s Code; 3. 7h~t tho proposed use, as granted~ sill Ot~s~ to be ffpcated; a~faining land usos ~a.nd the growth and develaprnent af the area In whic p P 4. That the size and shape of in a`ma ~ner notr det~l e ntRl ~togthe particula tlarea no r o Ithe th~ full dev~adnpment of the proposed use poace, healzh, safoty, and genera~ welfare; 5, 7hat the tr~ffic gonerated by tho~p ~pog~e t affic in tiie ~ ea, andr hhat said e se WQ~~ not str~sets and highways designed and improvod RY causa fewer o~f-strest {aa~king spaces to be p Sv~id~edo her usesi iocated an is bJect pr\,p~~ryccommodate ail tha vehicle parking needs for the subJect -1- PC~-47 CR2382DM.1NP I~: s, 7hat the ~lrenting of the conditin~na~' Welfaee oif ti ~ cltl ens ofthie City of Anahei~mnanst~ detr(m~ntal to tho peace, health, safery and g9 7, That no ane indicated theln p~~e~~ se~ ~~~Petftlonii~ h~~ring In nppositlon; and that n~ corres~ondenae was received in apposftio 1 r.ALLFCJRNIA ~NVIRONM tF~.A!~~-~N a~ F~~~~NG: Th~t tMe Anaheim City Planning Commisslon has reviewed the proposal to retain a physlcal fitness conter ~da~nlCOfgl~nd cansisting io walve~ of minimum number of parking spaces on an irre~ularly-shaped pa •, having ~p~roximately 8.1 acres located at thn ~he north stde af~La Palm Avonue and 553 feet on She west slde approximata frontages Qf 498 6eot o of Man~assero 5tree~, having an approx(mat~ frc~ntage of 208 fee~ an tha east side of Ftancock tree located apprax(mately 4+~ feek north of the ce~terline of La Palma A fo ~eth~ ~~~~ ~e Declabatongupon Nnrth Manassero Street, Suttes 307 and 308; and does heraby app finding that tlie deciar~tion rofl~cts the inheP Wd~en~ny dCO~ment~f r~ceived d u ng thenpubi~ict ov ew . considered the Negative Declaratlon taget process and fuhher findin4 on tt~e basis hf ~e ~~ ~~ ~ n'ificant e~ct ~ tho environment ~ th~t ghere Is no substantial evidQnce that the proJec+t will a 9 NOW, °~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tha Anaheim City P1a~~ning Commissian does heroby grant sub)ect Petition far Conditi~nal U~e Permit, In ~art, upon tha follnwing candltian ~n o~~e a~o hareby found to b~ a necessar~/ prerequisita to the prouased use af tihe suk~Jecs property pr~serve the safety and genaral welfare of the Cltizens of the City of Anahcim: ~. That on Mondays through Fridays, classes shall begin no earll~r ~han +~:00 p.m.. 2, T'hat subJect proporty shail be developed g~b~tioner'and whichdplan~ arehonlf ile w h hecPlanning su b m i tt e d t o 4 h a C( t y o t A n a h e i m b y P Dep~rtmont marked Exhibit No~. 1 through 3. 3. Th~.t prior to finai building and z~ning insee~ctff Qm thra daQetaf this ~aci lo ~ whichover o~curs first, approved, or within a porlod of one (1) y CondFtion N~. z, above-mentioned, ahada co mh 5ectlon 18.03 090 of therAn~heim~Mun cipal Codee said canditions may bQ ~ranted in acao 4. That anproval of this ~pplication constftut~s ~pp~ov~l af the proposed rec~usst anly t~ 4ho extent that !t c~mplids wlth the Anaheim Munlclpal Zc~ning Code and any other applicable Cfry, State an~ Federal ra~ulatinns. Approval does not include an nA~~ien ~~ ulatn n or~req~iremenit nce or approval of the r~quest regarciing any ath~r applica~i+e o d 9 BE IT FURTHER R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Plarn ~ing C.omm~a f~o $ C~mp~~anco wfth and determino that ~d~pifions horei above set fa~thprsh uid a yCSUC~h candfxion, or any part thereof, bs each and all of the cond declared invalid or unenfaresable by the final judshallnb~ deemeciU ul~and vc~ident Jurisdictton, then tP~ s Resolution, and any approwa-Is h~reEn c~ntained, THE FOREGOING RCSOLt~~TION was adopted at the Planning Commission maeting of May t. 1995. /~~ ~ G~~~~~ ~1:~~ / CHAIRWO AN ANAHEfM CIIY P NNING CONIM05SION ATTEBT, ~,~ ~ ~~ _._.._..._.._.._._-.- ~.~~~.:~~~s~- SEGRE7ARY, A HE4~A CI?~~f ~'LAP~ININCi COr~JIMI$SION p~,-47 •2- ,~' ~ 5TA7~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN1'Y OF ORANGE ) ~s. C~TY f~F ANAH~IM ) I, Mar~~rit~ S~lorio, Secretary af thA anahAlm Ciry Planning Commissio~ th~t the foregoing n~Maut1, 19955 by theoilowing ~ot of the ombers pr~e B~~Anah Commission heic! o y Av~S: NOES: AgSENT: CaMMISSiONERS: aOaTWICK, BOYDSTUN, HENNING~~~, M~YER, C4MMISSION~RS: N~GN~ Ct~MM15SI0NERS: CALOWELL ~sAby coKffij rity Planning aa~, PERA?A ~"~ ..ay of ~ IN WITNESS W!~~REOF, I hava her~eunto set my hand this „~,,,,__~' 1995. I~t~ CI'iY PI.AN9JIN`~ GA 0 IS810N SECRETARY, AN PC95-47 -?-