Resolution-PC 95-48,~ ,~ES~QI l TION 1~0 PC95-4£i ~ A R~SOLUTIOQR CQPVDITIONAL USE FERMI7 NO 3 5p ~3E' GRONTECI THAP PETITiON WHFREAS, the Anaholm G~tY $~ituated (n the CityQOf Anaho mi Countyrn OrangepStaQe Conditional Use Pe~mit for certain real properry of California, descri~ed ~s: PARCEI. i OF PARCEI_ MA5~ PER MAPI R CORDED ~N OOKN22, PAGE 14 OF STATE 0~ CAI.IFORhJIA, PARCEL MAPS, IN TFIE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEAEAS, the City Pianning~ ~ m~nnotice of said publ~ic hlea ng rhaving beon diuly g(ven In tMe City of Anaf~~im on May 1, 1995 at 1.3 p as roquirod by law and in accordance wtth the pitl vispo ps~ tcondit on~a us parrnftl and o~ nvestiga egand ta hoar and consider evidt~nce for and ag~inst sa p P make findings and recc~mmendations In connection therewith; and WHER~AS, sald Commissfon, aftere idenco and r~ports ogerad ~tnsaid hear ng, dnes finc! and in its behalf, and after due consideratlan of ~1 and determine the following facts: 1, That the proposod use is prapeiy~ oe m°f 6,5A0 sq ft c`hur h with n an existng shopp ng Annhelm Municipai Code Section p centor with the following waivor: ,~ectipn~ ]$~F nK~ n~1.0~11_ - N,~ifr~'m~~.~!~tiber of_~flrldn~ ~8,~, 18•0~.~.6.05.~~ (~ requireci; .~4Q existing and reca~rimonddd ~~~~ by the Cfty Trafflc and T~ansportati~n ti~anager) 1~R~i:4.~9~.Q ~ and 18 ~t4 OCfi Q~4 2, That the praposed waivor of minlmus a~ Sbb ahesuibmitt d pa king s udy whichi was• as resu lt ing in a n a p p r a p r i a t e n u m b e r o f p a r k i n~ p Y reviowed and conc~arred wfth by the City Traffic and 1'ransportatlan Manager; 3, That the parkUg wa(ver, u~~ h t sho ~ ~~~ti ~n~stomph ~he `number of spaces necessary parkin~ spaces to be provided for all uses in t s pP 9 to accommodate ali vehlclQS attributablA to safd uses under the normaf ~.nd reasonab1y foreseoable aonditions Af operation of said uses; 4. That the wa~ver, ur~der the condltio~n i~~ ~po~ ~~~~~~e icinity of the sh pp ng centar~ Gompetitian for parking spaces upon tho pubiic sires 5. That th~ waiver, und~r the ~onditio fs~ ~~ Pp~ ~~g ,~~mm~diate vf~c nity of thems p~~ g CompOtl'ian fr~r park(ng spaces on ad~acent private p~ nY in centor under an centor (which adjaceni pr P y~ectiant 1~ OS 01'0.020vaf thi~ Co~d ~~ng far the shopp 9 agreem~ni in cornpliance PC95-~8 CR.2363MS.WP ~1 ~ /~ ,~' g. Yhat tho waiver, ~nder the~ci~~inithe off-str~et~parking a eaa arSlats pravided forisuch u'sa; a l r p o l l u t l a n, o r t r a f ~ i c r, l r a u l a t i o n ~: o n fl i c t s, 7. That the waiver, ~inder the conditlons imposed, wlll not incre~se traffic aongestfor+, nolse, ~ir pollution, ar imnede vehicular ingress ta or egress from adjacent properties, upon the p~ublic stree4s in the immedfate v{cinlty of the praposoci use; and that the granting oP this parking wafver shall be deemad cantingent tipon operation of t~~ ho use~ as cantalnAd rlnhthe pa k ng ~demand s udy thatmarmed relating to the oporatlon and tntansiry o tha basis for approv~l af said waiver; and that exaeecJing, violating, intensifyin~ ar othorvaise deviating from ~ny af sa(d assumptions as cantalned in t It~pnal u'se e~rmftnfandt ay resuikbn eem naion ooimodiflcati~n express conditlons imposed upon this cUnd p pursu~nt to the prc~ ~.,ons of Sectian 18.03.091 and 18.43.092 of thi~ Cod~; g. 7hat the church is haroby approved for a 3 yoar time period vvhich will pravlde the Pianning Commisslon wfth the opportunity toh~ 1ise 8 ains camlpatib ea ovlth as ~rroundin`g uses andsthde py th~ petitioner, In order to ensuro that Brookhurst Commerciai Corridor Rodevolopment ProjACt Area; g. ThAt tho proposed use will noS~ to be lofcatedhand tha4nsaid usesi:~compatible wit tha devolopment of the area in which it is propo uses exfsting ~n-sfta as weli as being campatible wfth the immediate neighborhood; 1A, That the size and shape of ner not detrimenta~to th~e part~aua~r area noatolthe pe~c~1' developmont of the proposed use in a man health, safqty, and general welfar~; ~~, That the traffic generated bY~ tApcarry t e t afflc`ir~ ~he apeae an undue burden upon the stre~ts and highwayg dosigr~ed and (mp 12, That the yranttng of the ntl d~~~no al wel aee of ho citizens of the~City o a~ahe~mnand~ detrimental to the peace, health, safoty a ~1 ~ 3. That no on~ indicated th91r presence at said public hearing in oppositlon; and that no correspondence was recelved in opposition t~ the subJect p~titian. LIF R IA NVIRONMENTAL G~UAI.ITY ACl' FiNDING: That the Anahe!m City~P~ ~onter Commission has reviewed the proposal to pern'-it a 6,50Q sq.ft. church within an existing shopp g with waiver of minimum number ofi parkin~ $ St Qf the south~astufco ner of Uncoln Avenue and ~ ookhu s~ approximately 6.99 acres I~catecl aouth and e Streot, having approximate frontages afi 175 feet on the south sldo of Lincoln Avenue anc! 445 feet on the ea~t side uf Brookhurst Street, and further described as 128 - 136 South Brookhurst Street (Viatary Oukreach Church); and dag~ hereby ap~rove the Negative Declaration upon findin~ that the daciarat(on raflects the indepandent jUdgement of tho lead agency and that it has considerod ths Neflative Declaration together with any comrnents received duri i~~ hat thera~is~ o subs antial ~v dence that he project~wil of the initial study and any comments reca have a signtiicanx effoct An the environment. »2. FC~J~,'--~48 :~; N~pW, '1 HER~FORE, BE ~T RI~SOLVED that the Anahelm ~ity Planni~g ~ommission does hereby grant subJect Petitian for Cond~it o~~ ~~p 03ed u~seuof~ hehsubJelctWproperty Ini~ordA to p ersr.Na 4h~ f o u n d t a b e a n e c e s s a ry p r e r e q u i s i t~ p P ~afety and general welfare of the~ C{tizAns of ~the Ciry of Ana ho im: 1. That on Mondays through Frldays, chu~rch services and con9regational meetings shail be held no ~arlier than 7:00 p.m. 2. That xhis permit shall expi~e thre~ (3) years from the daie of this r~solution on May 1, 1998. 3, Th~t subject property shall aheim b~~te petit onea~and whlch~p ans ~a ehon file ~ heciPla tn~ng submit~ed ta the City of A Y DApartment rr~arked Exhibit Nos. 1 throu~h 4. 4, That prl~r to final biailding ~nd zoning ins~ections, or prior tn comcrisnaoment oi the activity hereln approved, ar withln a period of one (y) y9ar frorn the date of this rosolution, avhichever occurs ~irst, Condition No. 3, abave•mentlo ie~'cc a~da cE w thlSectian 18.03 090 of th~rA aheirniMunicipa! Ccu~ee saici conditions may be granted 5. That appraval af this applEcation constitutes .~ppraval af the propased roquost only to the extent that it compli~s w6th the Anaheim Mun(cipai Zon~ng Cade ~nd any other appilaable Ciry, ~~t~ ao al of the regulaiions. Approva! does not ~icabl~e or ilnancienregulatior~ aarequt emanianco o~ app request re~arding any ather app BE IT FURTH~R RESOWFD thar, the Anaheim City Plann(ng Commicsasn` s com II ance wlth and determina that adoption of thfs Resolution Is express{y predicated upon app p r eaoh ~nd all of tho conditions hereinabove sat fo~th. Should any such aondition. or any p~~'~ ~hthen ~this declared invalid or unen ~o~rV~elSbh~ ~i tcontalned!~shallnbe deemed null~~ndmoldent Jurisdiction, Resolution, an~ any app TME FOREGOING RESALU'FION was adopted at the Planning Commisslon meetln~ of May 1, 1995. ~ . ~p . ~J~~~ ,fiCCR.a CHRIRWOMAN ANAHEIM CI'I'Y PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: .~.._._._.~~"=-` ~f~0~ SE~aETaRY, AHEIM CITY PLANNlNG COMMISSION ~TATf~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAF-IEIM ) I, Mar~arita 5olorl~, Secrexary of 4he Anaheim Cft~ Pianning Commisslon, da her~by certlfy that the foregc~ing rosolutlan was ~pa~h~oaowina vote f the membos t ereof•Anahe{m Ciry Planning Gommission held or~ May 1, 1995, y AYES: COMMISSI~NERS: NONE ~CK, BOYDSTUN, MENNINGER, MAYEFt, MESSE, PER~IZA NOES: COMPVIISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONkRS: CAI.DWELL !N WITNESS WHEREDF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~S~d~-y oF ~ ,19J5. ~Q.~i~.~ ~~ hn,c.d uECRETARY, H I CITY PLANNINta COMN{IS510N -~- RC95-48