Resolution-PC 95-55~ R~ L. T! N~..Q~E~~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF IONAL USE I'ERMIT NON375~B OGR INTEDN IN PART THAT I~ET'IT{ON FOR CONDIT N-W~REAS, the Anaheim Clty Planning ~n°h Cisf of Anaheim, Coun~yriof Orange~Sta~e Condltianai Use P~~rmit for certain real pronerty situated tY of California, descrJbed as: THE wUUTM 200 ~~EI' OF TH~ WEST 2A0 FE R~NG~ 10 WEST,~ NWTHE ~UARl'~-~ OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 4 SOIJTN~ RA(~1CI-iC') S~N JUAN CAJON ~~ CALIFORNAA, IAa TH~ S~UTOH~HRLF ~F TrW~ COUNTY' (.~F ORANGE, STATE 0 SOUTHWI=ST GIUARTER OF SAID~ ~NEOUS MAPS IV 7 E OFFICE OF DH~ IN BOOK :5~~, PAGE 38 OF MISC COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID G~UNTY. WHEREAS, thA City Planning Comrrtisstfce oif said publ~icbhearingrhavingtbeeniduly given fn 1he Ciry of Anaheim on April 17, 1995 ~.t 1:3Q p.m•~ -~n as ra uired by law and in accordance with the provisionos~e~tC d`t~an~il usg pe~mn and t~ Ir~v~sti~ate and q to h~ar and considet evidence for and against safd prop make findings and racr~mrn9ndations In conno~tion tr i0n m8et ngst antd ~id pu~lic hearing was continu to th~ May 15, arid May 31, 1995 P1anning Corncnfss WHEREAS, said Commission, after du~ inspection, in~gst~i~e~ed at said hoar ng, does flnd and in its behalf, ~ fo~low n ufac sn~lderation af a~l evidence and repo and detormine the 9 1. That the proposed use Is prope~ly one fo~ 08i01~1a 44.05i0195 and p8r87i02~ 020 t p mn Anahefm Municip~i C ~ de Sec t io n~ 1 8.~ 4. 0 5 0. 4 7 0, 1 8. 4~. 0 5 0 , aces sor convenlence market (with prep~red faod and a a ~pon wlith tho fallowin~ waive trs n o f b e e r a n d an a Y wine) and an automaied car wash for an ~xistinq seNfce s (a) ~,~t1onG 1 g 04 06p~ and 1 g 44 Q~3 05U ~b~ Sprtion 16.44.0§~ 11 ~18,~7 a30 Q~tQ ~C~ c~'ta~~ir~r~~ '! 8 44 OC~3 0~ n 1 •~?Q., Q.07 ~t~a_________uir _tree~.~L__~t.~~Qt ee~ ra osed (minimum ~t~ ~~uuired; 4 tr p p• ) ~~.irn.,~ck adiacent to an ~~ hiahw~u. vo..~~,r I~nds aain r~t t In r~l~.. ~rQ rt Iin . (minimum 10•fnot wide landscaped se ~~a o~d) cAntaining ~ ire~s r~quired; 1JI~ P P 2, 7hat w~iver (a) is hereby app~oved, U part, to roquire tP~e installation of 6 trees (2 on La ima Avenue and 4 on Euclid Street} on the ba~is that strict appifcatfan of the Zoning Coda deprives the Pa other ra ertios urxisr identical zonlnc~ ciasslfication in the vi~fnf~y and properry of privileges ~nJoyed by p p I with tho proposed ravision to the Clty's that 6 t~~nt s ajnda ~stfor servirre stations havir~g`I3 driveways; davelop 3. That Waiver (b) is hereby de~irci on the basis that it was deleted follouvtng public aclveKtssment; PC95•55 .•~ . CR2380Di~i.WP 4,. That waiver (c) is hereby approved, in part, to reqgt~ c~ha ~~g~t otn~of he5Zan3n~ Cocla wells adjacent to nnrth ~nd oast proppr~y lines on the hasls tha PP dapriv~s the pro~erty af privileges enJoyad by other propertles und~r ir~entica! zoning classi~tcatian in the vicinity; 5, That there ar~ s~eclal ~~0~0 herldenti~allyl,zoned ~ropert~os~in th~ vicini4y; ~f tt~ locati~n and surroundings, which do not apply 6. That th~ proposeci use wili not advorsely aifeot the adjoinin~ fand us~s and the ~JrAwth and development of tho aroa intamated~car wash a e coirpmt ~1et~th e~e e ist ngpserv~cedstaC~n a~nd convenience market and au immedi~t~ neighborhood; 7, That thc~ s(ze and shape ~nnor notQ detrimental ~o te particu a~ areat no~ ta~ I the tpe ce, development of the proposod use in a m health, safoty, ~nd general welfara; ~, Tl~at the traffic ~eneratedo ad t c~ ry the iraff cil in ~h apeae ~~ undue burden upon the straots and highways design~d mnd imp g, That the granting af the na d~~ne aIl welfa e of tha citfzens afthe Ci4y of Anahe(Imnand~ detrfmontal to the peace, health, safety a g ~q, That na one indicated thsir presei~ce at said pubiic hearing in oppnsition; and that no aorrespond.~nca was receivod in opposition to the subject petition. ,~,pLIFORNIA ENVIFt.9~M.,~.!`+T ALI AG'I' FINDING: That the Anaheim Ciry ~'ianning Comrntssir~n has revlewed the proposal tc~~fpbaertand wlne) and~an ~utomatedacaetwash oreanr~igti~ng and off-premis~s sale and consumption o ~ervice staYion with waivers af iequired trees adjacsnt to street fron4ages, requireci s~tback adjacent to an arteriai hfghway ~n~ ~equfred IandscapinQ a~iac~C ~ locatodiat th~e northeast cornerrof tLa Pallma A enue parc~l af land consisting af approxlmat~ly 0 ared Euctid Street, having approximF:u fra nd ~further described as 1~ 04 North Euclic! St~reem(Mobil Servic 147 feet on th~ oast sida of Euclid Stroet, a Station); and dc~es hereby approve th~ Ns9aand t~hatl{trh~s cansider d~ the Ne~ati oaDecla ation ta~Je hor independent judgomant of the fead ag~ncy wfth any comments rece~ed during the p~ h~~rQ~ise oPsubstantial fe dor~ce ~thai ~th~hpraJect willhhave~ al atudy and any r,omments received tl~at signfficant Effect on tho environmenti. NOW, TM~FiEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Piannfng ~ommiss(on doea hereby grant subJect Petitian ~For Canciftional U~e ~'~-rmit, in part, upun tho followinq condltien ~n o,r~e rto hereby found to t~a a n~acessary prerequisita to the proposed use of the subject property prasorve tho safety and general welfare ofi the Gitlzens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the oxisting most s~utherly drh~ ~w~yn~mum~ fi e(5) faat wlide pl~nter w h landscapl 9 ancl standarci curb, gutter, sidowalk, and irrigatlan. 2. ?hat the three (3) remain(ng dr~veways shall ba ~oconsKructed tm accommalate ten {; 0) foot radlu~ curb reiurns in confa~mance with Engineering Department Stnndarcls. _2_ PC35~-55 ~ ~ 3, That the laqal propercy ownar shall aubmit evid9nce of the date tha4 4he parcei was crn~tdd and obtain A certiflcate of compllanco iro~r the Public Wnrks•Engliiaoring faepartment, l7ovelopment Services Divis-nn. 4. Th~t ~lio dc~vo~opar qht~ll submit a water quaifry managoment plan (WAMP) speclficAlly ident~fying the ~~~t N~TheBWdMPrshAll be s~ bmitted toe he Publ~ic Works~En~inaor~in~ Dvpartm~nt~, Davelopmont runo SoNict~~ Division, ior roviow and appruval. 5. That trA3h storage ~reas ahall be providad and ma(nta(n~d in a locatlon acceptablo to tha Depanment af Malnten ghall b s~ eciafic~lUly sh~wn otn thepp ansdsubmitted for bu d ng piormit~~'tmon., Such infarmadon p 6. That a pl~n aheot for sa!(d waste stora~e and collectinn ~nd a plan for recyclir~g shall be submitted to the Qapartment nf Mafntena~~ce ~or revfew ~nd approva{, 7. Thai subJect property shalt be dRVOlopaci substantially in accardance wfth plans and spociflcation~ submitted to tho Gity c-f Anah~im by the petitlaner and which plans are on file with the Pianning Department marked Rev(slon No. 1 af Exhi~ft Nos. t and 2. 8. That tPiora shail be ~ parking in front oi tt~e prapane ts:..:. The driveway ~rea adJacent to the tank shall be strip~d and clearly marke~! 2s a"no parking ~rea." ~. That the sale of alcoholic beverages, includ(n4 bQer and wine, shall be prohibtted, 10. That tho public restrooms shall bo maintainad. 1~. That priar to issuar.ce of a building ~rmit or within a periad of one (1) year from tha data of this resolution, Whons for fuKhar tilme~o coitmplete safdacond3tons may be g Rnted fn$accorcla cenw(th with. Extens Sectlon 18.03.090 of the Anahalm Municipa! Code. •12. That prior to fina~ buflding and zonin~ InspACtlons, Condition Nos. t, 2, 7 and a, above-mentionod. shall be compli~l with. 13. That approv~l of thls ap{~tlcatfon cnnstitutes approval ot the proposed rar.~u~st oniy ta the extent th~t ~t compiles with tha Anahefm Municipai Zoning Cocfa arx9 ~ny othor appl(cable Cfty, Staxe and Federal regulations. Approval does nat (nclude ai~y action or finclings as to compliance or approval of the reQuest regarding any ottier appl~c~blo ord(nance, regula!~on or requirement. BE I7 FURTHER RESOLVEO that tha Anaheim Cl .ty Planning Commission daes t~ereby ifnd and doter~nfne that adoption of this Resolutlon is expressly predlcated upon ~pplicanYs compllance wtth each r~nd al1 of tho conditions hereinabove set torth. Should t~ny such conditlon, or any part therecaf, ~ declared Inv~aiid o~ ur~enfo~ceAbie by thR f1nRl judgment of any court of competent jurisdlctl~n, then thfs Resoiution, and any appravals herein cont~ined, shail b~ deamed nuil and vQid. THE ~nR~G01~1~ FlESOLUTION was adc~pted at th~ P{ann(ng ~ommissior~ meotin~ ~ May 3 t, 1 J95. / ~,D. , G~-Q~'.~.-..._.~.,..._.. ~ HF~IRWOMAN ANAHEIM CIT! iANNING COMMIS510N A7TEST: l . .....~....~..~..~ S~CRE7A ANAHEIM CITY PIANNIHG COMMiSSION ~- PC95-55 i ~~l ~~ `/ ~TATC OF CA4IFAFlNIA ) GOUNTY OF ORANGk ) ss. CITY UF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary of th~ An~haim Gfry Planning Comm(s~ion, do hereby cartiFy that the foregoing resolution wa~ p~ssed anc! adop4ed at a m9eting nf the Anaho(m Ctty Planning Commission hold an May 31, 1395, by the following votq of tho members thereof: AY~S; COMMISSIQNEFiS: BOSTUIIICK, BOYDSTUN, CALD1rVELL, HFNNING~R, MAYER, MESSC, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONEAS: NONE ABSENT: ~COMMISSION~RS: NONE !N WI1'NESS WhiERFOF, I h~ve hereun!o s9t my h~nd this ~ day oi~~~~'~`n'~'~_____~._,_~ 1995. , a.~ O~o ru-~' S~CR~Ef'ARY, AHEIM CI7Y PLANNING COMMISSION -4- RC95•a5