Resolution-PC 95-56~~ ~ g~~'~l ~ TION NQ, ~:~.~ A RESOLU710N OF THC ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNINC COMMI~SIC?N TMA7 Pk`TI71QN F01~ Cc7Npf'fiONAI~ USE P~RMIT N0. 3758 ~~ G~iANTED WMCREAS, tho Anaheim City Plannin~ Cammission did receive ~ varified Petf4lun far Candiilona! Use Pormit for cortafn real proporty situatrxl in the Ciry of Anaheim, County of Orangv, State of Cailfornla, described as: LOTS 3, 4 ANQ 6 4F 'rRACT NQ. 1569 ~+S P~R MAP TH~FiEOF R~CC~RDEU IN BQOK 47, PAGE 17 OF MISCELIJ~NE0U5 MAPS !N THE OFFICE OF THE RECORD~R OF SAID ~vUNTI' WH~REAS, the Ciry Pianning Commission d~i hold a public hearing at the Civic Center In tho ~Ity of Anaheim on M~y 1, 1995 8t 1.30 P•m•~ natice of saki public hearing h~~o~C~ gpt Ir 8i 03, as re~uired by law and fn accordanca wlth the provisions of the Anaheim Munioipa~ to haar and conslcfer evidence for ans inc onnectlon tha ewtth~and that said publ c~hearing,was aontlnu~ed m~k~ finrJings and rocammondation to tho May 31, 19~5 P'mnriing Commi3slon meotin~; and WHEf~FAS, said Commisslon, aftor duo inspection, inuestigation and study mad~ by itselE and in its beha(f, and aftdr duo consideration of al{ avidenca and re~orts Affered at ~aid ho~ring, doos 4ind and cietermino ~he toilowin~ facts: ~, That ihe proposeti usv is prope~ly ona far which a cand!tional use permit is authori~ed by Anaheim Municipai Code 5ectlans i~~a~~in~leoamily hom~) w~ith2waiUVeeof the followinq f~n exist(ng child day care faaility (in aonjunction with g inimi~m nurnber_ ~~f reaulrec~ c~arklnc~,~~ces. (a) - e tions 18.06•Q5Q•026.~ ' ~ 18 OG OSO ~.~~ required; 11~~ proposed) and 19.2 A' . 1 (b} ~~n„~~.1 ~,04.Q~Q.2Q - n C~anino of fron~,~~15..fL~• .@~~1CQS~..~-s! • gr~c~ 18 6Q .. ~4 (front 25-i~aot setback requirec.i alang Wood~ey Avanua io be .f~.lly..l~~~4l~ ~fki ~~.~~ proposetl) 2. 1'hat the parking waiver (t~) !s hereby approv~ci ~ermitting s m(nimitm of ten parking spaces; 3, That appruval of the parking waivdr (oj, under the condfilons imposed, wiil not aaus~ fewer qff-~treet parking spacVS~ c'b~e p~~~b~ed~I~ tpe ucharusiegunder the normalband eason~bly taresoeab o to accnmmodate a11 e condft(ons ofi operation of such use; ~. That wafver (a), under thA condftions imposed, will nr~t increasF, the demand and ~~mpotition for parkin~ sp~c9s upon tha ~ublic str~ets in the fmmedtate viclnlty of the proposed use; ~, 7hmt waiver (a), ~nder the c~u~inions imposed, wifi noR increase tha demand and com~etftlen for perkf~g spaces upon ad~ja~Ce~Map~~N~ski ~ for~s a~ch se und eR t e~ ee ent tn1com~li~an~ use (wl~ictt pr~p~rty i$ not expressly p P~ with Soctt~n ~a.06.010.020 af thf~ Codo). g. Th~t wafver (a), nndonfl cts,~within the af 1-st eet i'parkinQ s eas orflot~ provicted ~fortha air pal~ution, or trafflc cirCU~atta c p~opos~ use; .t . PC95-56 CR2381 DM.WP ~ 7, That waiver (a), under the c~nditinns Imposecl, wlll not lncrease traffia c~ngeatlon, noise, air nollutfon, or Impede vehtcularron9osed use;r ~~ress from adJacont proporNes, upnn tha publlc streets in the immadiate vicinfty of he p p g, That unles~ ~oriditions t~ the contrary ero expressly imposed upon tho ~rant(ng of parking w~Ner (~) by the Pl~nning CommissiUn nr Ci4y ~ounr.it, tho ~ranting safd waiver shail be d~dmerl contingent u~an oporation of the agdC~n~~~ ~ eni the pa~ki~n~Jnder and t~ udy thmf to~madethent~as ~ fo~r operation and Intansity of the use approvai af said w~fver. ~c~~~~~,kini~l domandt s udyins a~ll( behd~ mad a ivlolatlon a 4he exp eas assumptions ~a conta(ned In the pa ~ coridtti~ns imposed upon said Wa~i~ 03 092 o thisUCadeterminatian or msd~t~cation purau~n4 to the provis(ona cif' Se~tion 18.03.091 ~nd g. That the Traffic and ~fi~tho da ti c~ro usefl and anumbarWo parkingvspaces'~will not detorminoci the prapc~sed expar~sion o Y significantly impar.t the parkin~ at subJoct property; ~ p. That waiv~r (b) is herQby nranted on 4he basis that thore are speclal c~~ I~~i~ other appliaable ta ihe F,~operty consisting of fts loc~tion ~nd surrounding~, which do not app y idonticaliy zon~d praporties In the vic(ntty ber,auso a portion of the property is zonod agricuiturally and sldes•on Erookhurst Street, a major a+tQrial hic~hway; i 1. 1'hat str(ct apnlication of the Zoninfl Code deprivos the prapert~ of privfle~es enjoyed by oth~r propQnies under identical zaning cl~ssiflc~tian 1n the vicinity; 12. TPiat tho proposec! use wiil not advErsely affect the adjoininfl land uses and thP ~rowth and developmQnt of che area (n which it is proposed to be located; 13. That the size and shape of th9 site fvr the proposed u$e i~ adequato to allow the fuil development of the propased use fn a manreor not detrimental to tha particular area n~r to the peace, healtf~, safety, anci general welfare be fltlversel t affec ed thenad)oinir g noighbo hood andJ nu 1 g~~n~ ant existin~ child day care center has Y additlonal etfects are anticipated a~ ~ result of the proposod expansian; 14. 7h~t the traffic gen~ramed~b ~ oPc~~gt~ t aff c~lin ~h a~reas ~n undue burden upon tha ~trQets and highwr~ys designed anci p 15, 'fhat the granting of~~hean~~~gne al wolf~ea nif the cltixens c~fthe CEty of Anaheimn~nd~ detrimental to thA peac9, health, sa e y 9 1F. That no pne ~ in~ o Z~Sition org"ansubjeMapotit~ionl(c h~+ring in opposttion; ancl that na carrdspondenr.e was roceived pp A F RNIA FNVIRONMEN~ ~LAI.~'TY AG~~ IN IN °: '~hat the Ana~elm City P1annU~ Commission has reviewad the propo W~ith aivor's of minimumQn~ mber af`parkingdspaces ~ixi mi`ni mum conjunctfon with ~ sin~le family home) rcol of I~nd cons(sting of approx(mately A.64 acm front setback tandscaping on a rectangula~ly ohap~d p~ IoCgted at ihe northwe3t corner of WocxJley Avenue and Brookhurst Street havinq approximate i~ontaQos of 181 on the nnrth side af Woadley A`+L wQ~~9 1A enue Rndt323 NanhdBroo hurst StrQetSand~does furth~r described as 2207 and 22~ S Wes Y here8y approv~ the Negativa Declaratfan upan findSng that the declaratlon reflects the Indapeizdont j~~dgemer~t of the lead ~gon~cy and that it has considered the Negative peclaratlon tagether with any comments rece(ved du~ine tho public ~ i~~~~ ~u~tantial e~-id~nce tha(t he project will ha e a st~nfflcaM and any comments received tt~t there s eHect on ihe environment. -2• P~95•~a6 ~~'~ ~ NAW, THEREF4RE, B~ IT RESOLVED tha4 th~ Anahelm City Planning Commisslan doea liereby grant subJect Potftlon for Condit(or~al Uso Permit, upon tho foliowing candltions which are horeby fo~md to be a necessary ~r~requisit~ to the proposed us~ of the subJect pr~perty in c~rder ta preserve the satety and ganeral wel~~re of the Citizons of the City of Anaheim: ~. 7hat this child day caro facllity shall bo Iimft~d to a maximum of seventy (7p) children. tlon ~nd a plan tor reaycling shall be submftted 2. Th~t a plan sheet for solid wr~ste s4ora~e and collec rov~l. t~ the Department of Maintenance for reviaw and app 3. That ~,lans shall be submitted to the Clty Trafflo and Transpart~etion MRnmger for his revlaw snd ep{~roval showfng aonfarmance with t nd~ ~l~vnwa Iglocatolons ~~SubJe~ pt o1perty shall here por~bo ~02 pertaining to parking stand~rds a Y developed and maintained in conforman~e with said plans. 4. Th~t aubject property shall bo develaped substantiaily in accardance vuith plans and spociflcatlons ~ubmitted t~ tha City af Annhofm, bQ t~h bit iNa. 1; provicled hllowevo~r,rthat a imini u r oftien ~1 ) ~epartment marked Re~uislon No. parking spaces sf~all be pruvided. 5. That only ane (1) sign may be displayed a~on9 Woodley Avenue. Said ~sign shaA be: (aj ~ith~r a wali sign or o freestand(ng sign; (~) A maxfrnurre tvventy (20) square f~et in sfze; (c) Located an the RS-A-43,000 "Resiclential/Agricultura" zoned parc4~~ ~r~d (d) Submitted t~ the Zoning DEvisian far revievr and approvat, 6, Thai ths exist(ng wa11 si~n at 323 North F3rool<hurst Strset shai! be remov8d because ft is ~edundant to the pole sign i~cated next ta said wall slpn. 7. That a revised site plan shali be sube ~~ ~g much~andsDaped ar~a as po sib e iorP ~07 Wo~diey the followin~ for the purpnse of pres 9 Avenue: (a~ Elimiitiation of the two (2) easterly parking spaces proposed for 22Q7 WoodleY Avenue; (b~ Arldit(an of one (1) parking space to 2~11 V'Jood~9Y Avenue (south of the two [21 spaces ahown at the we~terly p~operry Iine of 22i 1 Woodlsy Avenue an the approved sftA p~anl ~ and (c) ~ielocatfon of thp two (2) we~terly space~ at 2211 Woodley Av~riue as far west as possl~le. 7. That prior to commencement of tha activiry hereirc approvad, or prior to Issuance oE a build(ny pQmnt~~ or within a poriorf of one (t~ year from the date of this resolution, whichover occu~s fir~t, Condftlon No~. 2, 3, 5 and 7, above-mentioned~~h~al~l cQ with S~ on 18.q3.090iof the AnahoQm Mun(cipal Codo~ said conditions may bo grantec! in ac S. 7hat priar ta ccmmancement of the ~bove•ment aned, srhs~t ba corr+~lieci wt h' bulidin~ and znning inspections, Condit(an Nos. 4 a~d 6 9. 7hat approval af this appllcation constitutes approvai of the praposed ~ec~~est unly to the e~dent that It complies with the Anaheim Munici~! Z~nin aC odep~ fl~~ngs as to compllance ~ort~pproval c~f ~he reguiattons. Approval dqes not includ9 y request regarciing any other ~phlicable ordin~tnc~, regulatEan or requtrement. ~. AG95-56 ,~ 41' . ~ BE !T F11i~7'HER RFS4L.VED that the Anaheim City Planning Commis~lan does horaby find and determine that adoption of tt~ls Resolutian is expressly precllcated upan appllcanYs complianca whh eacl~ and all nf the conditions More(nabove se4 forth. 5hauld any suah condition, ar ~ny p~'~rt thordof, be deciared invalid ar unenforceable by the finul judgment of any caurt oi campetent Jurl~diction, then this Rssalution, and ~ny appravals hereln contalned, shall be deame~ null and vo(d. THE ~ORE~OIM1JG R~SOLUTION was ~doptod at the Pianning Com~lssior~ me9tln~ of May 31, 1~5. /I ~ ~1 i,~~M_~,/ ~-'.~.! ~' ~~ NAHEIM CITY~~~~i'fr4NNING COMMISSIqN HA9RWC3 AN A AT1'EST: '~ ~~t,~ ~ '~O~u es ---~ SECR~T'ARY NAHEIM CI ~IANNING COMMISSION STATE Or CALIFOFtNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. GlTY OF AIVAHEIM ) I, Margari4a ~olarfa, Socretary of the Anahelm City Planning Comrnissfon, do hereby ~ortify t'~ac the foregaing re~olutiai~ was passed and ad~pt+~d at a meeting of the Anaheim City Nlannin~ Commissinn holc{ on May 31, 1995, by the foll~wing vote of the mombers thereof: AY~S: COMMISSIONERS: ~OSTWICK, ~OYDSTUN, CALD~NEL.L~ HENNINGER, MAYER, 9VIESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONEF~S: NQNE AB5ENT: COMMISSI~NERS: NONE IN WITNGSS WNEfiEO~, I have h~reunto set my hand tnis ~day of -Q-^ _,.,., 1995. ~ ~ / :~?t?~~G~ SEGREfAR ; A H~IM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSIaN -4- PC95-v6