Resolution-PC 95-60~~ ,~ REa~LUTIQ.N.,,JJ~., ',~,~:QQ A RESOLUTldN O~ TI-IE ANAH~IM CI7Y PLANNINQ COMMISSION AMENDING fiESOLUTION NO. 94~1-127 ADOP'fFD IN CCfvNECTION WITH CONDITIUNAL tJ~E F'ERMI'T N~. 367~ WMERCAS, on June'~1,1~, the Clty Cauncll app~oveti Conclitional l~se Permit Na. 3672 for a porlocl of ane yoar (ta expire Nlay 2, 1995) urulor Resoltttlon No. 9~3Fi-127 to pt~~mlt a public dance hall in conjunation with an existing fuil•sarvlco rost~urant liavin~ on•premisos s~le ~nd cansumptlon of ~Icohr~ic bever~go~ on property locateci ~t the narthoest cnrner af SAnta Ana G~nyon Raad ~nd Imperi~l H{~hway, and fu~thor des~ribed aa 5717 ~ast S~nta Ana Canyon Road (Foxfir~ Rastaurantj, followin~ r~pproval by the Pianriinq Commission; WHEREAS, said Resoludon No. 9dR-1~7 inclucles the fu~lowing condit(an af approval: "1, 71~at sub~ect petiti~n is h~roby grr~ntod far a perlod of ~an~ (~I) yet~r from th~ dato of this resoliatlon tn ~xplre May 2, 1J95." WH~REAS, tha petftloner has raqunsteci to amend said aondhian of approval to continue the operat(on of tP~o previousty-approvect public dancing in conjunction with ~ rost~ursnt having on-premises sale~ and consumption nfi alcahniic bQVerac~es. WF~IEREAS, tlie City Piannir~g Comrri{ssion did hoic~ a pubilc haaring at the Civic Centa~ in the City ot Anaheim or~ tvtay 31, 19~e5, at i:30 p.m., natiae of said public hea~rfng having been d~dy glven as ~eyui~ed by law and in acGnrdanc~ with tho provlsions af the At~ahaim Munfcipal Gode, Ctiapter 18.03, to hc~sr ~and consid~r 9vidence far and against sald proposed mmendmont and to inveatigate and make fincfings ~nd recommendations in cQnnoction ther~with; anci W~-ICREAS, sald Cornmisslon, aftor due liispection, invo~tigation and study madn by itseif and In its bghalf, and a(ter du~ consicJer~tlon of all ovidence and reports otfera~ at said hearing, da4s find and determine the following ~acts: 1, That subject uso permit is belnq axe~cisai in t~ manner whfch Is no~ detrirnental xo the particular area In which it ls lacated or t~ the surraunding l~nd uses, nor to th~ pea~~, hoalth, safety ar ~~neral welfare oF the surrounding community. 2. That no one indicated their presence at said puhlic hearing (n oppositinn; and that no corre~pondence was recoived in Appositfon tn tha subjec;t Qatitlon. ~g~l,~,g;VIA ENVIfiON~FNTAL. S~A~-~'1'Y A~T FINpING: That the Anahefm Ciry Pi~nning Gomir~Ission I~as revlewo~! .~:^ nroposal and doeg horeby find that thQ Negat(ve Declaro~tion previ~usly approved In connoction with Conditional UsQ Permit No. 3a72 is a~iequate to serve as tha requtred onvironmontal d~cumentation In connection wfth thls requeat upan f(r~ding that the declarat(on reAects tho Independont ;ud flement ot tl~e lead agency an:i that h has considerod the Neg~tivo Declaratian tog~ther wfth any comments r~cetved during the public review process and further itnding on the i~asis of the lnltial study and ~ny comments received th~t there is no substantial evld~nce that the proJect wlll have a significant eHect on the onvironment. NOW~ 'i'HEREFORE, 8E 17 RESOLVED ttiat th~ Anaheim Cft~ planning Comm(ssian doos hereby amond Conditlon No. t of Rosolutlon No. 94R-127 to road A3 fo~Ic.NS: "t. Tt~at Subjt~ct petitian is hereby grante~.l to~ a perlc~d of three (3) y~ars to expire on May 2, 1998.' CF~2383DM.WP -1- PC95-60 ~ ~ r 's±. ~; '~ YH~ Fp~~G~INC F~ESOLU710N was ~dopted at the Planning Cammissic~n mooting of ..._. May 31, 199a. r ~ ~u~ /f ~ . . ~~ H~IRW MAN, ANAHkIM CI~•ANN 0 MJI ISSION C ATTES'T: ~ ~,0~1 ~ll,l~tU ( '~rU.o ____~__ S~CRETARY, A A I~IM CI'TY PI,ANNING COMMISSION S'T~TE QF CALIFORNIA ) COUN7Y OF ORANG~ ) ss. C~1'Y AF ANAHEIM ) I, M~-rgar(ta Solo~io, 5ecretary c~f tho Anahoim City Pl~nning Commlgs(on, do herehy corti~Y that the fore~~Aing rosolution was passecl ancl adopted at a maeting of the Anahelm City Planning Commfss(on hold on May 31, 1995, by the following voto of the members thereof: AYES: COMMI5510NEFiS: ~OS'~NIGK, uC~~'r;;1'11N, CALDWELL, hIENNINCCR, MAYEI~, MESS~, }'E'~r`+~..'. NI~ES: CC~MMIySION~FiS: NON~: ABSENT: COMPV115510N~FtS: NQNE ~ W d~ of L .-~ IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I have harc : nto set my hand thi~ __~ Y (~~~~ ~ 1995. ~~,' ' GLI~ c~LUw ~1~r~OR~ S CRE . EI'ARY, AH~IM CITY P- '>iVNING COMMI~SION -2- PC95-6U " ~ a c