Resolution-PC 95-62~ R~..~.TL~L.~.~~--~.~'~ A RE50LU710N OF THF ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIdN THAT PE71710N FA~i CONDi1'IONAL U5E PERINIT N0, 3766 [3~ GRAN'fED WHEREAB, tho An~h~irn City F~lanning Ccmmission did recoiva a verifle~d Petitlon for ~onditfonal Use k'ormit for cort~.in real prope~~ty aituated in the City of Anaheim, County uf Oranga, Stato ~f Californla, described as; PARC~LS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 IN TH~ CITY 0~ ANAHEIM, AS Sh90WN ON A PARCEL MAp FILED IN B~OK 12Q, PAGGS 22 AiVD 23 OF PARCEL MAPS~ !N THE pi=FICE OF zHE COU~ITY R~CORDEFl OF SAID COUNTY. WH~[~EAS, the Cfty Plan~ing Cornmisslon did holci a publla hearing at the Civic Csnter in the City of Anahoim on May ~1, 1995 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having beon duly given ws requ(r~ by law and in accordann~ a~ahns sald prc~posed canditional use permit and to nvestigato a d to hear and c~nsider evidence for a d c~ r~iake findings and recommendation~ fn conn~cti~n therewith; ~nd Whi~:REA~, said Commaio nof all ovldence andQ epo~tsSOffered~~t sa•id ear ng, does find ancJ in its bc~r~alf, and r~fter due ronside and dotormine the following fiacts: 1, That tha prapased use is 50 60 tQ ne mit ahprivato community ceneerlwitht ha following Anaheim Municipai Code SecYiun 18.44 0 P waivoc: ~eCt~ong 18 q~Q~g~1.Q21~, . Minim r~n .n~, er of qarkina s~~~• ig,Q~.~~ ~3~ r~qufreci; ,~ spaces existing and 1a 6.Q,~9?.~:.R~?. rec~mmended by the City TrAifia and 1 Q 05.05A.U?.~ Tran~Qortatian Manac~er) ?$~ an, 18 44 066.050 2. The requeated wafver fur minfmum number of parking spaces h~s b~en sub~tantiated by ~ parking demand study which was r~vi a~s a e ad~quate~to neet thetypa king ne~ds ofthe exlsting Manager, and that the existing parking sp commercla{ sho~ping center {ncl~ding the proposed c~mmuniry centor; 3. That tt~o parking waiver, under the condftions fmposecl, wili not cause fe•~ver off•street parking spac~s ta be pr~vided for to said~usesyunder the nr~rmal and reasonably fureseeable condir 1 ns accommacJate all vehicles attributable of operation nf said uses; 4. That tha parking waiver, undb'~Ch~ ~ets fin~tMe` m~m~cliate ilvic ifty of the propasad us~ nd compatition for parking spaces upun the pu ~. That tha parking waivor, under the condiiions imposad, wlll not incr~ase the demand and competitlon for parking ~paces upon ad)acerri private property !n the immediato vicinity of the ~rapos~d use (whlch praperty (s noi oxpressl~+~evf~ed as parkfng for such use under an agreament in complfance with Secti~n ' of th(s C )~ -1- PC95-62 CR23~36MS.WP g. That tho parking Wi ~ lon confllctse withintit~lie ff st aet~ pnrking iareas~or lot~gCp av ded tor nolsp, air pollution, ar 4rafflc circu a SUCf1 U4A; 7. '~V~at tha parking waiver, undor the candition~ imposod, will not inrreaae traffic congestion, nofae, air poil~~tlon, or irnpedca ~~fitl~e rroQosecltusar egress from adjacent propertles, upon the public straots in tha Immediate vicinity o p p a. That uniess conditiong to trie contrary are expressly imposed upon the granting af thls p~rking waivar pursuant to this SeCtlon ~en oh ef ~Itfoni of such u~se~~n co-tform nce~iwith theaasisumpt on wr~iv~,r shall bo doomed contingent up p r~lating tr~ the operatlon and intonsity of 4,he use as cantaine~ in tho parldng demand ~tudy that farm~ the Liasis for ~pprav~l af said(ne~~n the ~arkin~ideena dt3tudy ahall`tbe deomad ~ lala~t~lan af heroxp ess of safd ~ssumptlons as conta p r,anclitions impc~s~ upon sald Wa~~'1~.a3092 o thisuCc~l~tormination or mod(ficati~n pur~uant to the ~ravisio~s of Section 'I4.A3.091 and g. '~h~t ihe prQp~sed use will not advorsaly afFe~ct the ~dJoinin~ land uses and the ~rowth and development of the area in whic~i~tl'f $$ Wph tha gu bound n~J nolghbarhood ~nc1 cpmbmun ~y the exis~ing cUmmercial shapping center aa ~ p. That tho sfxe and In R manner not dotrimenta~to the partictfl~ a ea no~ taI ha pqacel! developmont Af ~the proposed use health, safety, and qenerc~t welfaro; 11. That the ti~affic generim d~by~thiopGOPygted tr~ff,~~~in the ~poa~ ~rl undue burden c~pon the stroots and highways designed and p 12. That the grantinfl a~ehnAa~ndit~in~n ~~I welf~ elof tt~crdc(tizens ~faheQClty ~ Anahvlmnando detrim~ntal to 4ha (~eace, heaith, s ry 9 ~~, That ane persori indfc~ted her presenGe at sald pubiic hoaring in favor; that a petitlon with twenty throa (?.3) signatures in favor af stibJect propc~sal was submitted; unci that no corrospandence w~s recoived in o~~po~ition ta iho subJect netition. rp, I~nA~11A ENVIRO_N_~~A~~A~~ p~r ~"~~' That the Anaheim Cixy Pllnnin~ Cor~mission has reviewec~ the propas~al to permit a private community centar wltt~ waiver of minimum numb~r of pAricing spaces on an irre~ularly-shapc~ccl parcol af fand consiating of Approximataly 5.'~oximate locatod at the northwest corner uf Snnta An~ ~anyon Roa~i and imporial Highway, h~ving app 4rontage~ of 700 fee: on tho nor~h si~+9 of 8anta Ana Canyon I~oad and 500 feet on the west side of imperial Mighw~y, and further described as 5555 - 5685 East Santa Ana Canyon Road (Imperlal Canyon rave tha Netiat)v~ C7eclaration upon f(ndinfl th~t the dr~rlaration 5hopping C,onter); an d does h o r eb y a p p retlects the indepdndent judgEmen v~t dure~d he~pubf c11devhewtp ocess ~ndrfu her find{ng ~nthe basis tagether with any comm~nts rec.oi 9 ofi the InitiAl study and any commo Ir gnment ~~ that thers is no substantial ev(der~ce tt~at th~ project wiil hav~ a signillcant effoct on the env o N~W, THE~~FARC, E3E 17 RESAI.V~i~ that th~ AnahAim Cfty Pl~nning Commisslo~s does hergby grant subjact Petitian far Conditlanal Uso Pormit, upon the foUowing aonditlons whEch are lieraby found to be a n~c~ssary pi'erequisito ta the proposecl uso of the subject pro~erty In order to pre~erve 4h~ safety and genera! waifare of the Citizens of tha City of Anahoim: 1. That tho consumptfon oE alcoholic boverages on the premises uf 4ha private cammur~(ty center shall be~ prohibit~cl. 2. That there shall be no kitchan facilltfes located within the private community centor. PC95-82 -c- ,~,y, e :~~, +~ r: 3. That tho maxiinum number of occupants shali be limiterl to: Weokdays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m; Sixry (60j porsans We~kdays aftor ~6:Q0 p.tri.: Ninety (90) p~r.ons 5aturdays, Sund~ys and natfonal holidays: Nlnety (90) persans 4. That subject prap~arry shall be devoloped substantlally li: accordance with plans and spocffic~tion~ submitterJ to tho City of Anaheim by the p~titioner and ~:~~iich plar~s +~ra on file with th~ Planning Dapartment mark~d Exhiblt Nas. 1 and 2. S. That prlor ta final building and zaning inspectfons or wlthin a porfod of one (1) y~ar from Yho date c~f thls resc~lutfon, v~hichover occurs first, Condition No. 4, above-rnentianed, shall be comnli~e~l with. Exkenslons for further time to comnleto sald ~conditions may be graniQd in accordance with Sactlon 18.0~.090 of tha Anahaim Municlpal Code. 6. That subJoct use permft shall expfrp ~ne (1) year from the date of this r~solutlon, on May ::ti, 1996. 7. That approvmi of this appllcatfon consti4utes approval of tho proposed reyuest anly tn the e;Ktent that it ~ompl(es wfth tl~e Anaheim iVlunialpal Zc~ning C~d~ and any ~ther applicable City, Stgto and Federal r~gulations. Approval does not Includo any actlon ~r findings as to complfance or approval of tha request rogarding any oth~er applicable ordinance, regul~tlon or roquiremont. SE IT FUf~THER RES~LVED that the Anaheim City Plann(ng Commisslon does P~areby ~ind and determine that adapt!on of this Resolutfon is ~xpressly predicated upon ~pplicant's compl(ance with each and ali of the conditions herefnabov~ set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared (nvalid ar unenforceak~le by thv final jud~ment af any court of competent jurisdEctiari, then th(s Rosolution, and any approvals her~in can~ained, shall be deemed nuil and vafd. THE FOREGOING RESOI.UTlON was a ed at the Planninc~ Commission meeting of May 31, 1995. ~i~ /~'~ ~~ .~,c.~.,,~., t...~- ~+~'u-'~ __.,.~.~._ O~IAIRW AN ANA-HEIM ITY P NNING COMMISSION A1TE5T: ~ ' aECRETARY, MEiM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY UF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary c~f the Anahelm City Planning Gammfssion, do hereby ~ertify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a me~ting of th~ Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisslon hold nn May 31, 1995, by the following vote of the members theroof: AYES: CAMMISSIONrRS: COSTWICK, ElOYDS'TUN, CALDW~LL, HENNINCEF, MAYFR, ~~ESS~, PEC~AZA NQES: COMMISSION~RS: NONE ABSCNT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WlTNESS WHFFiEOF, I have hareunto set my liand this ~ day of • ~ 1995. ~c~, ar~~~-15~,~~ SECRETARY, A A EIM CITY PLANNING ~OMMISSIaN ~3_ F'C95-82