Resolution-PC 95-63~ ~ ~ ,~ESOLUJI_All. NO.~C95-~ A RESOLUTION 0~ THE ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNINC COM'MISSION AMENDING R~SVCOND TION/~L USE PEI~M T N0.iN83g NNEG7IC~N WITH WHEREA~, ori July 6, 1978 the Cf4y Gouncil ~dApt~d Rosoiutlan No. 78R~454 ~pprovfng l.;onditional Use Permit Na. 1839 ~n~Q t and maxim~urYn~e ceanight anl propea-~;~ocat~d att21?2~~auth minimum landscaping adJac~~~t t oval b th~ Planning Commlasian; ~iarbor Boulevard, following app Y WHEFiEAS, the ~-etit~on~ai n~W ro~~~sa~omabile re nal~ ge cysta~nd ~~nd re,ntal of mpving trucks in conJunction wfth tho previat~s y pp WFIEREAS, a coriditlanah AnahalmiNiunicipai Coda1F1eartid y the Pla~tning Corr-nais~ian in accordance with Section 18.03.091 of WHEREAS, th~ City Planning Commissior~ did h+old a puhlfu hearing at the ~ivia C;entev~in the City of Anaheim on May 31, 1995, at 1:a0 p.m., notice of said publiG hearing having been duly ~ ~s required by law a~d in accordancn~w~hainstpsaidspioposed~ odificationuandtal InQestigate ~tnd m ke t o h e a r a n c l c a n s( d e r e v i d e n c o f o r a g findings and r~commendations in conn~ction th~r~with; and WHEREAS, said Commission, atter due inspection, investigat(nn and study made by ksolf and in its behalf, and aftor duo consideration of all evldence and reports of~ered at sRid hearing, does finc and detarmine the following facts: 1. 7h~t the propnsed usa, o~~ ta~"8~ t'the storags and r~ntalhAf movin~ truckslir co ju ction authorized by CUde Soctfon 18•44.050 P wlth a previously approved automouile rorital agency; 2. That the propo~ed use, as in wh ch (t (siilpropo od ta Ibe locatecl; adjolning land tases and the growth and dovelopment of the area 3. That !tis sixe and sF~ape use~ n at mannee notpdetr n~entalatio tho partictula tlarea nor~ olithe the full develanm~nt of the proposdd peace, health, safety, and ~eneral welfar~; 4. That the traffic generated~eSl tnedpand improved ta carry hedtraffic intths a~ea; a~ undue burden upon the strEets and hfghways h ~. That amending the aonditional Use permit undhe cht e snofiithe Ciry of A aheiim;ot be d9trimental to tha pence, health, safety and genQral welfare of 6. Th~t no one indlcated pse~n o ihe subjeci~patt onfC hearin~ in opposltfon; and that na carrespondonce was reaefved in upp ~ALIFORNIA ENVIRONti1~NTAL LI A T F NDI : That the Anaheim City Planning Commisslan has revie~ved the proposal and does het No.~1 39 is adequat.etito erve ras~ he rrequired npproved in connoction with vonditional Use Perm environmental dACUmentation in conneen~cn and hat iQhasSCOnsidor dithetNegativo~Doclaration tagether inde~.~endent judgement of the lead ag y vu~th any cumments racoived during the pu hleo eeiSew~p~ bst~ ~ aI fevidence til~at ~tho proJect wi Ihhavei a study and any comr~-ants recelved that signfficant effect on the environment. _~ . PC95-63 CR2385DM.WP ~ NOW, 7HEREFORE, 6F IY RESOLVED that the Anaheim Ciky Piann(ng Commisslon daea h~roby amond Resolutlon No, 78R-454 ta p~rmi4 the st~rage and rental of moving trucks in conJunctian with an existing automobilo rental ac~oncy having waivers of m(nimum landscapfng a,-l~acent to a street ~nd maximum fence hoi~ht. AND, FUR7HER, that the condit(ons of approval cont~ined ln Resalution No. 78R-454 be amended in thelr entiroty to read as follows: 1, 7hat th9ra on-s(ce maintenance of cars or trucks shall nQt, be permittecl. 2. That there sha11 be a minlmum thr~e (3) foot wide planter across tho rear (e~st) property Iina except far the driveway to Acama 5traet. Said planter shall be fully irrigated and planted with minimum e(ght (8) foot high shrub that v+All grow togethe~ withfn two (2) years. Thnre shall be a six (6) foot hl~h bioc{< wall behind said plantor. 3. That the rear (east) gate ta Acama Street shall be kept lackod and u~ed only for emergency purposes. 4. That all landscaped planters along the eastern and western prupQrty linns (includ(ng the plant~r adjacent to Acama Street) shall be refurbished, 5. That tho use af a public address system shall b9 prohibited. 6. 7hat no more thar~ fifteen (15) truaks with a maximum length of rnrenty two (22) f~et shall bo stored on the prem(se~ at any given time. Said stora~e shal! only be in the aroas sh~wn on the approued site plan (Revision No. 1~f Exhibft No. 1) and shall be kept ~ut of tris publlc's vlew. 7. That subject nroperty shall be dovoloped substantfally in accordanco wlth plans and specificm4fons submitt~d to the Gity oi Anahefm by the petitioner and which plans are on filo wilh the ~'lannin~ Departm~nt rr~arkcad Revision No. 1 of Exhibit Na 1; provided, howev~r, that the chain link fence and ~ate {aaated around the storage area shall be slatted with wo~~den 51ats to Iimit visibii'rty into tho storag~ area. 8. That priar to commencernent of the activPty authorized by this regolution or witih(n a perlod of ane (1) yoar from 4he date of this resolution, whichever occurs first, Cond(tion Nos. 2, 4, 6 and 7 abave-mentianed, shall ~e complied with. Extensions for further time to cAmplets s~~id conditions may be granted in accordance w(th Section 1a.03.090 of tho Anahelm Municipal CocJe. 9, That approval of this application constitutes appr~val of the proposed reques4 only to tho extent thaY ft complies with the Anaheim Mun(cipal Zoning Code and any othor applicable City, State and Fede~al regulatfons. Approval dnes not include arry actinn or f(ndings as to compifance or approva! of thr~ request regardinfl any other applicablo ordfnance, regulation or requirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEU that -'ne AnahEim City Planning Commisslon does hereby f(nd and determine that : dopt(on of this Resulution fs expressly ~rodicatecJ up4n appl(cant's compliance vutth each and all of tho ~onditions her~in~bove set forth. Shauld any such condltion, or any part theroof, be daclarvd inval(d or unonforce~tble by the final Judgment of any aourt of com~~etent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any ~~pprovais herein contained, sl~ali be c~esmed null and void, -2. PC95-Ei3 ~, ~ 7HE FOREG'JIf~G R~SOLUT'!ON was aciop~ed at the~ Plannfng Commission mooting af May 31, 1995. ~~~7~~.t..~ ~~ ~' v c HAIRW MAN A~lAHE{M CITY ANNING COMMISS~ON ATT~ST: ---~Q.1~ ~~~~k:L~-~ G COMMISSION SECRETARY, HEIM CITY PLANNI STATE OF CALtFQRNIA ) CpUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI~'`( OP ANAHEIM ) I, Margarit~ 5olorio, Secretary af the~ona~ la ~ity~PQe~ing 9~Cohe ~A aheimACity Plannin~ that tho foregoing resoluilon was passed and ~ p Commissior~ held on May 31, 1~95, by thca foflowing vota of the members there~of: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOS ~I P~,~BO~DSTUN, CALD'W~LL, HENNII~GER, MAYER, MESS , NOES: COMMISSIQNERS: NGNE Agg~f~IIT; C;OMM1S510NERS: NONE ~~~~day of IN WITNESS WNEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand this .-------' 1995. ~ `,,~I rn • Y ~~.~L~~) (\ 3/~Y,nh~~, SECR~T'ARY, AN EIM CITY PLANPJING CON~MISSION PC95-63 -3-