Resolution-PC 95-65V.'~: ,g~l.UTiON N0._PC~5,;,~ A RESOLU710N OF THE ANAHEIM GITY PIANNIN~ COMMISSIO~d 7HA7 PEt'ITION FOR V~IRIANf;E N0. a273 8E GRANT~D, IN ~AR'r WI-~EREA~, the Anahoim City Planning Commf$sinn did recelve m varifled Patition for Vs~rlance far certain raal property situ~tod in the Cfty af Anahelm, Counry of Orangd, 3tate of Caliiarn(a d~scribod as: pAFiCE41 OF~ PARCEI. NAP N0. g0-125, !N 7HE CITY QF AINANEIM, COUNTY U~ UNANUF, STATE 4F CALIFORNIA, AS FER MAP FILED IN BOQK 28ti, PAGES 'I 1 TO 14 lNCLUSIVE 4F PARCEI_ MAPS IN 7HE OFFIC~ OF THE C4UNTY RE~ORUER OF SAID CC~UN7Y. WNEREA~, on July 11, 1~J4 tho Plannin~ l:ommi~sion appraved Condftlonal Use Parmlt Nr~, 35g5, !n part (permitting an !ce skatin~ rink (ncludinfl an amusement araade and a restaurant wfth an- premis~s sale ~nd consumption af beer and wine, and with waivers of minirnurn nurr~ber of parking spacos, required parking lot tandsc~pinc~, and requlrECl kitchen aroa in tho r~staurant) undar Resolution N~. PC94-89, and that na further action was taken by the Cfty Council; WHEREA5, the unclerlying propgrty is locatod in thie Downtown RRdevefopment tarojoct Area A~pha - I<oll Anaheim Centor and tiiat the RedavQlopmont Commissian reviow~d tha propased variance on September 27, t 994; V1lHEREAS, the 100,000 sq.ft. community ice skating facility is currently under constructlon; WFiEREA~, the petitior~er roquests wafver of rninNnum Iand~captng of required yard are~s In r,onjunction with the previously-approved ice rink; and WHFRE~IS, the City Planning C~rnmission did holci a pubiic he~aring at the Civic Centor iri th~ City of Anaheim on May 31, 1~95, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing havinb been duly giv~n a3 required hy law 2nd in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim IVlunic(pal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consldar evidonce for and ac~ainst ~aid propased v~rfanca and to investfgate and make findings and r~cammendations in connection therewith; and that snid publfc hearing was continued to the June 12, 1995 Pla~nfn~ Commission m~eting; and WH~(~EAS, said Comrnisslon, after due fnspec~ion, investigation and study madn by itseif and (n Its k~ehalf, ~nd aftor due conslderatfon aF all eviclonc~ and r~ports offer~d at said hoarfng, daea f(nd and determinv thQ foilowing far,ts: 1. That the petitioner proposes waivar of the following in cunjun~tian with the (~rovinusly- appraved ice rfnk: ,~~~tfon~ 1~ Q4.060.013 jylinim~!m I~nd.~c,~ in~.~.a o~. re.Si~.~~-Y~-~I~• ,~r ,~18.4~,A63.0 0 (Parimoter landscaping inc~uding ,~~ 15-~allon t~g forga~h tw~ntv Ifne~l feot of ~r~Qt frontaaQ required (minimum 12 treas alon~ Lincoln Avenue and 22 trees al~ng Clemont(ne Street reqialt+ed~; nQ perfmQtpr irees propo5ed) 2, 7hat sub)ect varianco (s her~by approvvd, in part, requf~Eng that a minimum af flvQ trees b~ plantecf along the Lincoln Ave~ue frontage, as shown an the revised cirawings and ~hota{~raphs submitted at the June 12, 1~ Planning Commission meating; CR2395lV~S.WP -'I - PC~5-S5 1' ~» A~~ a. ~'.. I.Il ~" ~~, 4~~~`~ { 3, TP~at thore WhI h dQa~pt applyt onatherpclent cA~lly r.oned praperti s~in th~nv9ic nity~ ghapo, lac~tion end surro~aridings, 4. 1'hat ~trict application ot the Z~nln~ Cocle deprives the prop~rty af privlleges onJ~yed by other praaerciea under identical zoning ol~ssillcatl m in the viclnfty ~n~d wlthin the boundaries of the Downtown Redoveft~pment Prnject Are~ .41pha - Kall An~hoim Center; ~nd 5, Triat no one indfc~tod thoir presence at said publir, hea~ing In opposition; end that no Correspondence was rocelv~d in apposition 4o subjact petitlan. ~q ~, g~ F,~yJ~ONM~NTp~ nua~,~'~ hCT FIN[?I~U: That the Anflhelm City Piranning Gommisslon has rov3owed the proposal for wt~iver nf minimum landscaping of requireci yard arASS (in conjunciion with a provfau~lyappravad ice rink) an an irrogularly-sh~ped parcol of I~nd consisting of appror.imatoly 3.17 acres focated at the southw~st c~rnar ot Lincoln Avenue and Clementino Street, havin~ appraxirnat~ fronta~es of 240 feet an the sauth sfcJe of l.incoln Avenuo and 458 teet an ihe west skle of Clementlne Street, and furthor describad ~s 300 Wost Lincoln Avenua (Anahelm Comm~.mi-y IC~ t~(nk); end does heroby approvo the Negativo Declaration upon finding tl~at th~ doclaration refloct~ the independont judgemont of the load agoncy actd that it has cansiderod the Negative Deciaration tagether wfth any comments receiued durin~ the p ~~~ Is noisub tantial avidence th~it the p oJ ct will ha et a~signiificant~offect any r.omments received that the on the environm9nt. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 17 F~ESOLVED that tho /~naheirn City Plann(ng Commission does rior~by grant subJect Petition for Variance, i~ {~art, upan the fafiowing conditions v~hich are hereby found to be ~ necessary prerequisite tn th~ propc- sed use of the subject property in order to presorve the safol~Y gnd gener~i welfare of the Citfzens of thv City of Anah~im: 1, That subfect property .:hall ba developed substantl~lly in accnrdance with plans ~nd speciflcaticns~ sutmitted ta the City nf Anal~eim by the pgtitfoner and which plans are on file wlth tiho Pl~nnfn~ Department m~rlced Exhibit Nos. 1 through 7; provided, however, that a minimum of fivo (5) tress shall bo plantad along tha l.ho Q~nravhs submitted at tl e Junet12y1995 P~nn ngrCommissionh eettng and r~vised drawings ancl p 9 n labeted Exhibit Nos. 8 through 12. 2. That nrior to final building ~nd zoning inspections or within a pericxi of t~ne (1) year trom the date aI thi~ resolution, whichever occurs first, Cnnditlon Na. 1, above-mentioned, ~hall be cnmplied with. Ext~nsions fnr further time to complete said aonditions may be grantod (n accardanc~. w!th Section 18.03.090 oi tho Anahofm Municipal Code. 3. 7hat ~pproval of this ~pplication constitutos approval af the prop~sed request only to the exterK that it complies with the Anaheim Municipai Zoning Cc~dQ and any other applicabis City, ~tate and Fedorai regulations. Appraval d~~~ aot'icab e ardinance~ re~ulfa i~onaar~requi em~ntiance or appraval o! the requ~st regarding any u pp BE IT ~URTH~R RESOLVEQ thac the Anaheim City Planning Cammission does hereby iind and deiQrmino that adoption of this Resnlution is expressly ~r~dicated upon applicent's compiiance with each and alt of the conditions her4lnabove set farth. Should any such condftion, or any pArt thersaf, be daclarec! invalid ar unenfarceabfa by thR final judgment of any court af compe4ent jurisdiGtion, then thls Rosaluti~n, and any approval ~ herein cantained. ~hall be deemed null and vald• .2. PC9a-&5 a3"~; ° Y ~~~~ ;~;, ,; r , ;~' ZW~ ~QFiEGOING RESOI~UTION w~s adapted ~t the F'lanning Commisslan moating o4 June 12, 19~5. % / :~ ~~,i J ~~.~~.~-(.~~-~M~ HAI~iW MAN, ANAM M CI7Y~PLANNING COMMISSION ATTESY: ~~ ~g~R.cO _~ SECFtETAFlY, HEIM CITY Pl.l~`,NNINC~ COMMISSION 51'AT~ OF CAl.1Ff~RNIA ) COU~!"fY AF ORANGE ) ss, GITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, Margarita 8olorio, Sncretary of th~ Anaht~im City PlannEnq Commission, do horeby certiiy that the farefloEng resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahalm City Planning l;ommission held on Juno 12, 1995 by tF~e following vota of tho members thor~of: AYES: COMMISSION~RS: BO~TWICK, CALDWELL, BOYDSTUN, HENNIN(?~ER, MAYER, PERAZA NC~ES: COMMIS51pNFRS: NONE ABSENT: COMMI~u~IONERS: MESSE IN WITNES~ WHEREUF, f t~av~ hereunto set my liand this (~~~ day of ~~r~'~~~~ 1995. __1~~wr ` ~~Q~...~a~i~2co S~CRETARY, F~IE~M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION .3_ PC~S~~fi5