Resolution-PC 95-7R~SCII UTI01~Q~~ A'"' _SsLUTl4N nF TWE ANAHEIM GITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~tNbING CONDI710N N0. 1 A~ RESOLUTInN N0. PC~4-97, F' .:~ IN CONNECTIAN WITH CANDIT117NAL USE PERMIT N0. 3"700 !~: :cAS, on July 25, 1994 tho Ansheim Cfty Planning Commisslon approvecf Conc..4lonal Use ~ermit No. :.~~7 under Resul~ ~~d acent to an I door sttports ~nad Ien~tor alnment faoiltity (Anahelm Aren~a), area at 1550 Sc .s7 Douglass Ros , j with walver ~~qulred I~r~rlscapinp; and WHERF_AS, said Resolut(on No. PC9n-~7 includes the followirig condMlon ofi approval: "1. That landscape "islands° iliustrated on the subrr~ltt~d p~an (Exhibit No. 1) shall bo permanontly landsca~rl~ maintafned and irric~atec~ " WHEREAS, the patit(oner has requested tu amend or dolete the above mentioned Gandition pertaining to required interiar landconp~esion ~urin~IArena o e~ntigparkin~ ~~~~9lnally designed, would int~rfere with 4raffic Now and aauso g WNE~EqS, satd resolutlon Riso Includes tho foilowing condttion: "2. That the troes illust~ated alang tlie w~sc praperty Iine on the submftted plan (Exhibit No. 1) shail be: (a) Pianted on-sfte in tree wol{s; (b) Pl~anted a ma~cimum af twerity five (25} fest apart; arul (C) ~ermanorRly maintained and irriga~tod." ~NHERFAS, tha ~ity Planning Commis~ion di~d hald a public heari~g at the Civic Center in the Cit~r 4f Anahaim an .lanuary 23, 1995~ at ti:30 p.m., nat(ce of said public hearing having b Ch~ pter given ~s required by law and~ivklenceP for end aga nspsaki p opos~d am~endment 1and to lriv~e tigate and 1 a.03, to hoar and consklo rnake findings and rocommendations in connectiun therewith; and WF~EREAS, said Comm~Q ~toon af all ev donceean(d reparestoffered at sa d hera ng, claes find and in its behalf, and after due cans an~ det~rmine tha followin~ facts: 1. 71~at pe~imeter landscaping ~~vill ba providad and rna~nt~insd as requir~d by Conditlon No. 2 of the previously apprav~d resol 7io O an QhF~~eway and ouqiass Road ~e to ~~equately scr~en tho park(ng Int ~from the State Route 5 9 2. T'hat no one indicated their presence at said public hoaring in opposftEan; And th~t na cor~~spon~dence was recefved In opp~asitinn. ,f~A~€~~'a~NIA ~~v R~.N.~.~N.,~A~ IT( aCT ~INDI G: That 4he ,Anaheim City Planning ~:ommission has rovlew~d the proposal and sioes hereby flnd that the I~egatwe DecSaration proviausly ~pproved !ri connection with Conditianal Use Permft No. ~~dpn`fincfin~that the declarat onh eflectsithA envirornrental documentation in cnnnection with tt~is request upo 9 independant jud~ement of the I~ad agenay ~nd that it has canskiered the Negative Declaration together with ~nX camments receivotl durin~ t~~~ ~~aaeise opg bstan fa~ f~~dQ~~ha °hanproj~sct willhhave~ at study and any ~amments recsivad Ri~nificank ei~ect on the environment. PC~5-7 rR2290MS.WP ~i ~ i` i r~~~, Vr ~r ,1 `~IIA~' ~ NOW, ThIEREF4W~~ BE ~T R~~OLV(:D that che Anahelm City Planning Comrr~ission does hereby ~olete Condl~ion No. t of Resolution No, PC~-4•97, in Ifis en~fr~ty. 1'HE FOREGOING RFSOLUTION was adopted at th~ Planning Commission meatinc~ of Janu~ry 2~, '1995, ~/,-' ~, ~ ,,, ,~_ i__~.~~~...~~ ' ~~~~-~-~ 'CWAIRWt7MAN, AN^hJ~fM CI rLANNING COPVIMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~~NG 1C4MMISSION SECRETA Y, AHEIM CITY PLANNI Sl'ATE ~F ~~aLIFQRNIA ~ CO~:~v fY OF O~ANGE ) ss. ~;iTY OF ANAhiEIM ) I, Maryar9ta Solorio, Secretary o'the Anaheim Ctty Planning Commission, do h~reby cortify that tho fc~regoing resolutfon was passed arxl ~dupted at a meeting of the An~hefm City Planning Commissson held c,n January 23, 199~, by the following vote of the members thereaf: AYES: C(3MMISSIONERS: ~C~YDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MES~E, PERAZA, TAIT NOE5: GOMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hQreunto set my hand ihi~ ~ day of • ~ . ~~~~ 19~5. ~ "~~.s~~~~ SECRETARY, A IM CITY Fi~4NNING GOMMISSION .~_ PCS: •7