Resolution-PC 95-70~~'~,Y~~~i' :i~~A. ';G ~' ,~~L,~1710 f~l_ N O~P,~9.~ZQ A RESQLUTION OF 7HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TI-IAT PE7ITION FOFi CQNDITIONAL 1J8~ P~RMIT N0. 3768 BE GRANTEI~, IN PART WHEf~Ef ~'~ertain roal ~propotrty situated i~Qhe Cfty of A aheirnl C untyro Or~nge(,~Sta~~ Conditional Use Perm of Calffornla, describecl ~s: LOTS 6~1ND 7 OF ORANGE GROVE ACR~S, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN ~OOK 5 PAGE ~2 QF MISCEI.l.ANEaUS MAf'S IN ~HE O~FIC~ OF 7HE COUNTY RECO~tQER n~ SAID CC~UNTY. EXC~PT 7HAT POH'TIC~'~I THEREQF INCLUDED WITHIN TI-IE S~UTHERI.Y 12..00 FEE'T. ALSO EXC~PT FR~M SAID LUT 7 THE WESTERI.Y HALF, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT TME 50UTHWEST~RLY CORNER OF SAIp LOT; THENCE NQf~THERLY 1242.59 F~FT ALON(a 7H~ WESTERI.Y LINE OF SAID LOT TO TME NORTHW~STERLY ~ORhl~R THEREOF; 7HENCE CASTE(~LY 152.66 FEET ALONG THE NORTHEALY LINE OF SAID L01'; THENCE SqUTHERIY 1242.59 F~~ LOT ThIEN( ElWESTCRI.Y 152.E6 FEET ALU G SAID OUTH~RLY IINE TOO SAII~ , THE POINT OF BEGINiVING. WHEREAS, thQ City Planning Commissfan did hold a pubiic hEaring at the Civi~c Conter in tho City of Anat~oim on June 12, '1995 at 1:30 p.m., noticp of sald public hearfn~ having bChn~du~~~ g~i o~' as required by law and in ~ccordance with the prnvislons of the Anaheim Municipal Codg, p to hear and considor evidence far and against said pr~posed condltionat use permit and to investigate ttnd make findinc~s and recommendations in conner,tion thorewith; and WHEREAS, said Comm(ssion, after due inspectian, investiflation and study made by itsElf anu in its behaff, and after due cansideration nf ail evidance and reports off~red at sald hearfng, daes find and dQte~mine the folluwing facts: 1, That the propased use is pr~perfy one far which a conditfonal us~ ~ermft is auihorized by Anahelm lNunicipal Cacle Seotonicss ~~s facit ty with watver af thealfoilowing: ~les in conjunctian with a proposed 14a,00A sq.ft. e Qc .~~~~...1.$~.,a.~~4 - Minim~~'.~..n51~S~..~.~~~• ~~~6.~•0~ (~~gs required al~ng strsei frontages, landacaping fncludfng and 18.G~ •os .oa ~pproximately tr e. existing ~dong Ln Palm1 Avenue; and t tr g~. rE~quired in parking are~s, none pronose~; and ~~n~ i nte~ required in park(n~ areas [bas~vd on t landscaped planter per 10 contiguous parking spacesJ, no ~ prop~sai) _~ . PC95-7Q CR2400MS.WP ! 2, That the requested landsaapfng walvor is hereby clenied on tli~ b~sis tl~at there are n~ speclal circumstancos applicablQ to the property ~uch as slze, shaps, tanogr~phy, lacgtinn or surroundin~s, which du n~t apply to ather ldentically zoned properties !n the vlclnfty ber.ause (a) tho 6~- acro park(n~ lot Is hiqhly vlslble fr~m tho 5~i-91 /Rivorsid~ Frooway ~nd no physlcai hardship has boan identifiod by tho potiti~ner which~ would w~rrant an exception to th~ Clty's landscape requirements; and (b) the parkfn~ are~ ig subs~ant~la~~~l~y~,~r cialt building ~ 792 ~pacast oquired,u 972 pacesf propa.~sec~ (180 required for a 1 d4,OQ0 sq if th~ minimum number of required parking s~acE~s or 22,7~o more spacos than requirod by Code); and (cj landsaaped plantors containing t g or 4%e marelispaceshthanrrequired bylCodo~~rking spaces would ba ~Iimina.ted resulling in 111 space ~. Th~t strict appl~~at ~~enticall zonlrng cl ssf cat ongin t e vicinity the pro~oKy of privlieges enJoyed by other propertles u 4. That the praposed use is properly ~ne for whfch a conditional uso permit !s ~uthorize~~ by the Zonfng Cc~de fn both the current ML "Limited Industrf~l" zonin~ and tho per~ding Spacific Plan tJo. 94-1 "Narthoast Area Specific PIar7, , h ur ent rnarket~trends foSf oeway farion ed "~la ga vc~lumeXSalo~ facilties; (144,000 sq.ft.) are consistent wit ~. That tr~a proposed use, as approved, will not aciversely aff~ct the ~+dj~ining land uses ~nd the grawth and devel~pment af tho ~e o~~eWtr a entranco~ doors and Ir~novat d buildl gr wa11s will tbring imp~ ovements, si~ch as a new fac aosthetfc improvemont to the area; 6. 7hat the size and shape of the site for the proposed use, as approved, Is ~dequata to ailow the full development of the proposer~ use fn a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the p~ace, health, safety, and ~eneral welfare; 7. That the traffici~hwa st desfynod a d mp pvecf~to car~ryr hetr fffc (n tho a~a an undue burden upon the streets and h g y 4~ g. That the grantfnc~ of the conditional use permft under the conditions imposed will not be dstrlmerttal tp the peace, health, satety and ~enoral wclfare of the citizens of thQ City Qi Anaheim; g. That a Final Traf'iG lmpact Analysis Report, dated March ?_3, 1955, has been roviawed and dot~rmined ta be adequate by th~ City Traffic and 'Transportation Manager; and 10. Tt~at no one inclicated thefr presence at said public he~ring f~ opposition; and that no corresponder-ce was received in a~position to the suoject petftion. ~ALIFORNIA E VIR~NMENTA~A~ITY___A~ ~IN~ING: 7hat the Anaheim Cfty Planning Camm(sslon has reviewod the praposa! to {~Qrmit industrially-related sales in can~unctton with a proposed 144,000 sq.ft. ~lectror.ics sales facllity w.~ith waivQr of minimum landscape requirements on an fn~~ularfy- shaped ~arcel of fand consis:ing of approximately 12.52 acrQS, havirig a front~go of approximately 4~0 feQt on the south 3ide of l.a Paima H~~er~ue~~ha i~r9n8 ~~Gro e~~ peet~a d fu herdesc~ibed~as 337Q East~ approximately 1190 foet west of -~ e ~nv~ pJe ative Declaration in connectfon with Palma Avenue; and does hereby find that tho previouslyapp 9 Conditfon~l Use Permit is 2dequate to sorve as the roquir~d onvironmenta! dacum~ntation fn ~onnection with tnis request upon finding thai th~ decl4ration reflocts the (ndependent judgoment of the lead agenaY and that it h~s considered the Negative Deciara!fon together with any comments received during the public review process and further tinding on tho basis a`. the inltfa! study and ~ny comrnents recelved th~t there is no substantial evldence that the project wfll hava ~ significant effoc~ on the onviranment. -2- PC95-'~-~ `r 1 1 NOW, T~-IER~FOFiE, L3E IT' R~SuL~IED thot the An~heim City Planning Cornmisslon does horeby gr•ant subJact (~etition for Canditfon~! Use Permft, in part, upon 4t-o fallowing c~nditione which a~e hereby found to r~~ n~ e~neral wolf~re of the Citizens nptho Ciry ofi Anaholmbjact property !n order ta presArve thu safety a ~ 1, Y'hat sfte, flaor andhel ~~ac~ locl~tlon and screon( g oa tl e tp oposed load ngadock arAa at the east appr~val showing t R ~lovation. 2. That all oxisting rancl proposed roaf-mour-ted equipment shall be screer~ed from publi~ vlaw. 3. That tho d~veloper shall gubmit a water qualit; managemont plan (~N(~M~') speciflcally IdAntifyin~ the best mnnaqerne~MPrshall bp sut~mitt d to he Public~Works/~nqir~ee~r nlg Uopartment~, Doval pmont runoff. The W Services Division, for review and a~proval. h. That prior tn construction of the freeway oriented pole sign or extension/expansinn of the parkinq lat into the s( sh~(50a foot.fordand aecei e~CibyiCoulntcii app oval of an enc oa hment licio seleQway, the petitioner pp Y 5. That a Lot Line Adjustment plat to mergo the two (2) existing lots sh~ll be subm(ttet! to tho Pubiic Warks/EngineerVng Des aU be reco dedi fn the Office ofrthe 0 ange County~Rec ,deC~ty ~ngin~er. Following appro a , 6, 7hat subject property shali bs doveloped substantfally (n accordance with plans t~nd speclfEcntfon~ sulam~ttod tc~ the CitY~xhil~it Nasm1b 2,t 3~and la~ abovo me tifonedla oxcerpt as fotherwisahrciqufrecl In I~eparkm~nt markod connecilon with Condition NA. 7, below. 7. That prior to the issuance ~f a buflding perrnit or prior to cammencemont afi the propased condttional use, whlchever occurs ffrst, the petitioner shall submit tt~e following plans to the xoning Division f~r rPVi~w and approval by the Planning Cnmmission as a"Re~ort and Rec~mmendati~ns" (tem: (a) Ravised lanciscape plans that fully comply with Section 1~.0~.060 ~f tho ~lnahaim Municipal Code, inciuding a minfmum pf twenty two (22) trees along La P~Ima Avenue, a minimi~m of one hundred twenty (12q) traes in the parkfnq areas, and a m(nimum of thlrty stx ~36) Iandgcaped pl~nters in the parking areas; and (b) Final plans for the propased fre~way-oriented pole sign. 8. That prior to r.ommencement of th~: actlvity authuriz~d by thls resol~tlt~n, or prfor ta Issuanae of a building permit, or within a period of ane (1) year from tho data of this rosolution, whiahever occurs first, Condition Nos. ~, 3, 5 and 7, above-mentioned, sh~il be camnlied with. ~xtansions far fu~4her tima to complate said conditions may be grar~tecl in accordance wkh S~cti~n 1a.03.090 of the Anaheim Munfai{~al Codti~'lE ~ 03 ~g~ Qf the Anaheim Municipall Code~ conditions may be flr~-`ted tn accorrJance wlth S ~, That prlor tr~ flnal buitding and zonin~7 (n~pections, Condition Nos. 2 and 6, ~bove-mentioned, shail be cnmpl(ed with. .3. PC95-70 ,~ `;,, ;, , 10. 7hat approval of this applicatl~n constitutos approval of the proposed raquest only to th~ extent that ft com~lins with the Anc~hefrr~ Munic(pal Zoning Code and any other ap~licable City, State and Federal regulatlons. Approval p~ er a t Iicabl~v orcN ~ancenrQquilatnn~ oaroa~~iremenli nce ar approval of tho request reparding any pp E1F IT FURTHEFi RESOLVED th~t the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby fin~i ~l~termino ts~at adoptlon af this Resolution is ~xpressiy prodica~ad upon appllcant's compllanco with each and all of the cc~nditions hei~einabavo set forth, Should an~ such condition, or any part thereof, be declar~d invalid or unenfo~c?sbharelntconta nladtlshall~lbe d~emedu ull and voident Juriadictior~, then thts FtF~sr~l~itlon, and any a~apro a TH'E FQREGOING RES~LU710N was adopted nt tho Plannin~ Commisston meetin~ af June 12, 1995. ~~ ~ ~ ~--..., ~ ,E;'~r~ ~ ~~ G~~•~~--~- ' HAIS~ MA AN NAHE~T( PL.ANNING COMMIaSION A'i'TEST: , , __..~~ ~~ ~"""`--- , ~ ~ SECF~FTAR , RHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE QF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY bF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Salorio, S~cretary of the anaheim Ciry Planning Commission, da hereby certFfy that the foregning r~soluti j 2 995 p~s he fol owingpvo e of ho mEtmbe sfthe eofnaheim Cital Plannin~ Comm(ssf~n I~eld on June , Y AY~~: COMMISSION~RS: E3t?STWICK, BOYDSTUN, CALDWE'..L, HENNINGER, MAVER, PERAZA rJOES: COMMISSIONERS: Nt~NE ABSENT: C~MMISSInNERS: MESSE v~~~ da of -v~ • {N WITNESS WHER~OF, I have hereunto set my hanc~ this ~ Y ~ 19J ~. ~i~_~' ~ ----- SECRE"'T' RY, AHCIM GI7Y Pl.ANNINCa COMMISSl4l~ ~- PC95-70