Resolution-PC 95-72~ ~~(~~~~TI ON. I~~~wPC95-72 A R~SOLUTION OF TFlE ANAHEIM CITY (~I.ANNING COMMISSION AM~NDING CERTAIN CON~ITIONS OF APPROVAL O~ R~SOLUTION NOS. PC91-89 AND PC92-75 ADnPYEp IN CONNECl'IQN WIl'H CONDITIONAL U5E PERfViIT NQ. 3421 WI-IEREAS, on June 17,1 S91 the Anaheim Gity planning Commisslon granted Condltional Use Permi4 No. 3421 under Rosolutian No. PC91-a9 to permtt a pt~bllc dance hali with waiver of minimt~m number of parking spaces or~ properry located at the northeast corner of Alamed~ Avenuo and Eroo~chur~t Street, and furthc~r describad as 500 North Brookhurst Street (La Estrella Restaurant), znd that no ~eurther action was taken by the City C~unail; ~nd that said resolutfon cantained the failowfng condition: °6. That this conditional use permit is granted for a por(ad of ~ne (1) year ar~d shall terminate o~ June 17, 19J2." WhIEREAS, on Aupust 12, 1991, Planning Commission a~vptec! R~soluti~n No. PC:-i-130 amending, nunc pro tunc, the legai descrip7lon cc~ntained in ~esolution No. PC91-S9; VVHEREAS, on June 15, 199~ Plann(ng Comm{ssion canSidored Conciftlona{ Use Permit i~o. 3421 at a duly noticed public hearing and toolc the foilow(ng actfans under RosAlution No. PC92-75: ~elet~d Condition No. 3 pertdinln~ to off-site parking, Amended Condition Na. 6 to read: '"Thai suhject use pormit shali expire three (3) ypars from the date of this resolution; provid~d, howeve~, that time axtensi~ns may bs req~iested in connection with a public hearing a~d, ff appraved, the use may cantinue far the additianal specffi~d time." Added new Conditian Nos. 8, 9 and 10 portaining ta landscaping a~tit~ {rrigation, repair of the tirash enciosure, ~nd parking lot restriping. WHEREAS, the petitia~er has requosted amendme~~t to Conditlon No. 6; and WHEREAB, the City planning Commissfpn did hold a pu~iic hearing at the Civic Center in the Clty of anaholen an June 26, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing havin~ besn duly given as requfred by law and fn accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Munici}~al Code, Chapter 18.03, ta hear and consider euidence for and ~gafnst said nrQposeci amondment and to investigate and mako findings and recammEndations in connection therewfth; and WHEREAS, sald Commis~lon, after due inspection, fnvestigation and study made by itself and in its behaif, and aft4r due consideration of ali evidence and reports afferer! at said hearing, dae~ fir.d and ~y determina the following facts: ` 1. 7ht~t s~bJect conditional usd permit is currently befng exercised in a m~nner nat detrfrr~~ntal to the particulnr aroa and surrounding land usas, nor Yo the pubiic peace, henith, safety and general welfare; 2, That rivo (2) paaple indir.atvd tt~eir pr~sence at s~lr3 pubifc hoaring in opposftion; and that no ~orrespandence was recefved ln opposition to the subJect propasal. cr2~07ms.wp - t - PC9S-72 ~ CAI.I~O~iNIA ~NVIRONMENTAI. ~UALITY AC? FINDINd: ~~~t tli~ Anahelm Ciry F~lann(ng Cammisulon h~s Revlawod the pr~pnsal ancl doos horeby Plnd th~t the Negative noclar~ti~n proviously ~~~,rnv~! !„ connactiori with Conditional Use Permit No. 3421 i~ adequ~te to aeive aa the requlrstl gr~vironmontal documant~tlan in connoctlan with thls rgquest upon finding that the decl~ratlon reflects the iiidependent Judpement of the load agency and that i~ has considerkxl tha Nogativo ~eclan~tion 4otleth~r wfth s,~y c~rnments recelved tluring ihF~ puWic r~vfew pruc:~as and further finding An the ba$Is oi tha InitiWl study and any commerris rocefved that there ia nc~ ~ut~stenti~l avidenco th~t tl~~ pro~ect wlli havo a algnffic~nt effect ~n tho enviranmont. NOW, TH~REF4RE, 8~ IT ~ESOLVED that ihe Ant~hoim Ciry Planning ~ommission doss hereby ~+mend Cond~lon No. B o~ Resalutiori Na. P~91-86, a~ amenc~ad by ResolwNon No. PC92-75, t~ read a~ follows: 'Th3t ths subject uaa permit shall oxplr~ on .lune 17, 19SS~i." ANO, FUI~TH~R, that Plannin~ Commias(on does also add tf-e following naw condit(ans: 11, That food s~rvico wfth an ~-v2dl~ble meals shall be avatlable 9r~m opening time until 10:00 p.m. or closinfl time, whichever occura flrs4, on each day af operaNan. 12. That the premises shaH be ma(nta(ned as a bonc~ fide restaurent and shali provide a menu containing ~n aagartment of foods normally offored ir~ such restauranta. 13. That su~Ject alcoholic beverage license shall not be oxchanged for a"qublic premise~" typo Iicense nor oparated as a pubHc premises. 14. 7hat the dn~r(s) af~ail be kept cloqeol at all ti~~es during the aperation ot the premises, oxcepx in cases of emergenc~~r a~d ta permit d~liverfos. t 5. That the quaKerly gross sal~s ot alcahdic bave~ag8s shnll not Qxceed the flro~.g sales of food or other Commodities during the same periad. 16. Thai enterteinment provklerJ in the premisos shali not be at~dible beyotxi the area under the Gontrol aE tha iicensoe. 17. That the sale oi alcoho~ic bever~aqes far aonsumption off th~ premEses is prohibited. 18. ThAt, ~t any timo the premi,es Is provkiin~ onierta(nment and/or dancing, tha petitioner(s) shall provide ~a uni~ormed and licensed security {~uard in the pa~k(ng lot and Ehall ma(ntain ord~r thereln and prevant ~ny activity which would 1~terfAro with the q~~lot enjoyment of the(r propArty of nearby residents. 1~3. ?hat tnere shali be no exterior advert(sir+g af any kind or type~ includ!ng a.~veKisln~ tifr~cted to the axter(or from inside the bufldin~, promotin~ ur irxilcat(ng the ~availab~ltty of alcohoiic beverages. 20. That no alcaholk; bevorages shap be consumed on ~ny property edJacoM tn the I!censed premises and under the contrd of the Iicansee. 2t. That the parking Ict of the premises sI~A t~e aquipp~ci wRh IlgFrting af su~iicidnt powe~ tn ~Iluminate and make esstly discomible tha appearance and conduct af aA persn~s on or about the pericinfl lot. ~2. That the If~htir~~ In the pa~icinq area of the prrmtsea ~t~ell be direcied, poAPt,oned and ~hielded fn such a manng~ so as not to t~nreasor+~bly Blumt~~ata the windaw areri of nearby rosidencea. . 2 _ PC95-72 ci24U?mt;.wp ~ ~ 23. That tl~e patitloner(s) ahall be reapanslble far maintaining a littar froe aroa adja~~cant tc~ tho proml,oAy ~~~sr a~h;r.h I~s has cuni~~i. 2~t. Thai fhere sh~li be no pcwl ta~ilos ar roin-o~orated games maintAined upon the prem(aas at any timo. 7.5. 7hat the pc~titioner(s~ shall noc employ or porrnlt any porsnns ta eolic(t or oncoura~e others, directly or (nd(rectly, tc~ t~uy them drinks In tha i(censed promises under any commi$sion, ~ercdntsga, salary or othar protit-sharin~ ~alan, schemo or cr~nspir~ay. 28. 7ha~t the number of persoris on the prasmis~a ~hall not exceed the maximuir~ accupAncy IoF :i as dAtgrmined by thR Anahelm Fire Departmem. Sl~ns speatfying the maximum oc~u~ancy ahafl bo prominently displayed insid~ the preml~s. 27. 7hat all entertainers and em~Joyeas ahall be clothod in suah a way so as ta not expase "specified $r~tomicel ara~s° as desGribqd In knafieim Municipal Caie Sectlon 7.1F.OR0. 28. Th~t tha park(np lot shal! be chained, locked and smptied b,y 2:ip a,m, on enah day oP o~~erat{nn. TH~ FAREG~ING RES4LU7lON wa~ adoptod ai the Planning Commissian meeting af Juno 2Fi, 139~. ~ ~,,~ ~ ,~~~ ,~f~..~.~r , /~ ~.,~~-~~.,, ~HAIRW~ARAH~INi ClTY NNING COMMIS~lON ATTEST: / ~` , `.~- ~ Y ' -,~~~.~' SECRET Y, ANAHEIM CITY Pl.ANNINC; OMMISSION SiAfE OF CALIFORNIA ) GOUNT( OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AN,~HEIM ) I, Margarita 5olorfo, Se~retary a~ the Anaheim Ctry i~lann(ng Gommiasion, do hereby certffy that tha forogofnp ~osol~tlon v~~s prasse~i and adopted Rt a meeting of the Ar~altie(m City PlanNng Commis.~ion h~id on June 26, 1~J95, by the following vvt~ of tP~s members tFierevf: AYES: NQES: ABSENT: '1995. COMMISSIONERS: F305TWlCi:, BQYDSTIJf~, CALDWELL, HEMNINGER, ME~SE, PERA?.A COMMISSIVNERS: ~ION~ CUMiVIISSIONERS: MAYER !N WITNESS WFiEREOF, I havR hereunto s~t my harxl this _ ~~~ day of y~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ - ,~~_.~ c~~, yY"~d~ ,~ ' ECRETARY, AN~tHEfM CI7Y, ANNING COMMI ~510N cr?~u7ms.wp - 3 - PC95•72