Resolution-PC 95-76. ~~
~0~~,71__~N_~iQ _PC95:~
A, RESOLUTION 0~ TN~ A~ uS~ ~~ ~~~.~; NON377~ a~~G~pl-~7~ N IN PAFt7
WHER~AS, tPie Anaholrr~ Clty F'lanning Coh Cit f of A` aheimi~Caur~tyrof Orange~Sta~e
Conditlonal Us~ Perrnft for ceitain real ~raperty sttuated fn Y
of Californla, described as:
WH~R~AS, thA City Planning CommissiQ 8 ~d~,~ pu~p~bhe~arl~grtnav nq bean~du~y •;~wen
Chapter 18.03,
in tho City of Anaheim on June 2G, 1995 at 1:30 p.m•~ not c
as requireci by law and in accardance with ts ~i~~~~~posad~conditiun~a use~porm(t ~ d to inuestignte ~a
to hear and c~nsider avidence for ~. ,d ag~~n• P
mak~ findings anci recammendations in cormeciiuon n e~t~ gt ~~na~d that subject public hea g
contiriued to tl~a Juiy 10, ~995 Planning Commiss
y~F~ =RE,qS, said ~ommisstan, after due inspectlon, investigatfon Rnd study mado bY ftseif
ehalf, and aftor due consideratian af all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find
and fn its b
and determine the fc~linwiny facts:
j, Th~t the proposed use Is properiy ono far whi~nh ~xist6ng`tvacant restauran4s o~a fast ood
Anahoim ~~ th ia dr vehr ugh ~ane~witY~ ~ive~r c~f the follawing:
restaurant w
~n~~ ni ar of narkinn sqaces.
.~4.'~.-~~~'-~ ~ (7Q required~ ~,`t proposecl)
a n tl 18 . 61. U~6.,.Q,`~.Q
rkin wa~ver is h9reby denfed becauso revisad plan> were submitted by the
2. That the pA 9 h fast f~ood restaurants;
pet(tioner shcawin~ complfance w(th Code standards for drive-throug th~ p~t~tioner
3. That although the ravisedshow threa other a~ e~s thatrwege,ryq~~ d e ~ e~~ ~S ~pllovu~:
~liminating t he par~~ i n g w a l v o r~ t h o s e p l a n s
~a~ u~i~tm~m structur~l_~@L~Ar.k f~ ~ °;'--~=~rla~ ~iit~h~~
( p feet required from Katella Avenus;
~Q, f,@gt propased to porte-cAChere ov~r tho sorvice window ~nd drive thraugh-~ano,
and ~,~,f~et prop°sed to buildir~g)
~,e thr~c]h I e~~ be" ~~Dar• te, frorri
~~') ~~~'~~ Acainc~ the_ DL~C•
~ en~ e propase~'~aC~nt to ~nd accessed from drive-throuflh lanej
(~) [~"inimiim o~s~~ ' t ro osed)
~~ ~aa~cra~; ~ p a
CH?42'! MS.wp
~ ~, /
4. That the Planning Cnmmis3lon hereby approves the prap~sed condiii~nal usA with „~
waivors of site development standards; and, thorefore, prior to issuance ~f a b~aildfng pormit, revised ~lans
sh~li be aubm(ttod eliminatln~ tho three waivers shown on tho Revisian No. 1 pians;
5, That the propased use, whicF~ may consist of new aonstructlon and as granted, will not
advorsely aff~ct the adJaining land uses ~nd the growth and development of the are~ !n which it is
proposed to bo located;
6. Th~t the size and shape o~ tha sfta for the praposerJ use, as granted, is adequ~te to allaw
the full devolopment of the propased use In a manner not detrimentai to the part~cular area nor to the
paace, health, safa~ty, and ~oneral welfare;
7. That th0 traffic gener~ted by the prapos~d usp, as grentsrl, will not impose an undue
bur~I4n u~an tha streots and hi~hways ~esigned and imprr~ved to carry the traffic in xhe area;
g. That the grant(ng of tha canditiorial use permit under tho conditions impo~ed wVll not ba
detrimentai to tMe poace, health, safety and goneral welfare of the citizons of the City af ~lnaheim; and
g. That ono person indicated his presence at sa(d publlc hearing in opposition; ~nd that no
correspondence was rece(ve=I in oppositfon ta tt~e subject petitlon.
~LIFORNIA NVIR .N~"~NTAL QUALITy,' ~~F~ 1~1 .N~: 'That the Anahefm City Plannin~
Commisslon has reviowed the proposal to convert Rn existing vacant reataurant to a fast food restHUrant
wfth a drfve-through lan~ wlth waiver af minfmum rnamber of parking spaces on e rectangularly sh~ped
pa~cel consisting of approximately 0.55 acro, having a frontaga of approx YoXimatel~ 203 ~foethwest~of the
bf 4tateila ~nd a dapth of npproxlmataiy 150 feet, being locFafed app Y
centarline of State Coilege Bo~levard and fur~her doscribod as 181U East IC~tella Avonue; and does hereby
apprava the Negative Decfaration upan finding that tho declaration reflects tha Independent judgement ~of
4h~ les~d ages~cy and that it has considered the Nogative ~eclaratian tog~thor with any comments receivad
during the pubiic roviow pracess and further find(ng on the basis of the initlal study and any comments
roceivad that there Is no substantial pvidence that the project will have a significant effect or7 the
NQW, TFIE~EFOR~, BE 17 RESOLVED that tho Anaheim City Planning Commissian does
horoby grant subject Petition f~r Use Permit, in ~art, upon the following conditlons wrhich are
hereby fnun~ tu be a nece~sary prereq~.~isita to the proposod us~ of the subJect pro~orty in order to
preserve the safary and gqn~rai ~elfare of the Cftizens of the City of An~heim:
1. That ~ny freestanding sifln on subJect property shail b~a a monument-t,ype not excoedinr~ efght (8~ feet
in hoight nor one hundrod (100) sq.ft. in sizo; that safd sign shRll be subJect to the p~lor roview and
apprc-va! oi the Planning Department and of the City Traffic and Transpunatlon Manager to determina
adequ~te Ilnes-of-sight.
2. That final site, iandscapfng and fencing plans shall be submikted to the Zaning Div(sion for reviuw by
the i~lannl~:g Commission as a"Ronorts and Recommendations" item.
3. That a pian ~heot tor salid waste stara~e ~nd coiloctfon and n plan for recycling shali be submitted
to the Depnrtment of Maintonance for roview ar~d app~ove~.
-z, PC95-76
~ ~
4. "fhcrt, aa ahown an Revislan 'No. 1 of ~xhibi4 ~i~, t:
(Q) The most ~~k in a cardanc~ with~City stAndards~Q'and ramovecl an~~l replttced with curb, gutter
and sidewa
(b) The most N~esterly cirivoway shall be roco~structod to accommcxiate ten (10) f~ot radius curb
roturn~ In oonformance with ~nqineering Dopartmant 5tanclard8,
5, 'T'het the owner af subitt n P~ p~~o closedb osta ar~ant)Pto the Zon ng plv~s ~~n of Condition~l Usy
PermR No. 1~70 (perm g Y
8. 7hat tho ~ievelon~r shal~ submh a watar q~~ifry rnanAgement pian (WC~MF~) spectflcally klentffying the
best maneg~menMPrgh~ll be submlued t~the P blic~Workg IEnginie~r nrg Deilp~art-nent, Developm nt
~unoff. 7he WQ
38rvices Division, for roview and approval.
7. T~at priar to commencement uf the activfty a~+:hori~er,f under thia resolutlan, Ar prior to tho time thctt
a bufiding permit is Isauod, or within a~drl~d of ninaty (fl0) days from the date of thi~ resol~dlon,
whichevor accurs first, the legal nwner(s) af subJaCt {~ropony shail execute and record an
unaubnrclinat~ covenant In a form apprave~ by the City Attorney'~ Oifice whereln suoh owner(s)
a~ree not ta contest the ic-rmatlon af any assosoment district(s) v+hlch may horeafter ba formed
pur~uant t~ the ~rovialons of t7ev~alapment Agroemer~t No. 83-01 between the ~fty of Anaheim and
Ans~hetm Stadlum tl~ c~venant~ sh~ll th(en(bo submitted ta tha IZoni~ng Divislon ~Wner's proparty
A cupy of the reco
6. That pursuant t~a Chtap(n83s Genter shail baQ~id to the~City ofnAnAhe m~ir~ ~r npamount as do armined
Anaheim Stadl~im Bus
by City Council Ftesolution.
g. Thet a~ubJect property sl~ali bo develaped gAnarally in acc~rdance wlth ~!ans and specificmtlons
submittod to the City evftsianlNo. lboft~Exhlbit~Nos.rl~t~hr ugh 3;p'provldecfChowe P~rhthrat Planning
popqrtment markect R
(a) Tl~e minfmum structu` irp b he ult~imateb~ight of-w~ay al~n9 Katelltt Av~ ue nr compllance' with
sh~a{I be ffity (50) feo
Gode secc~o~~s ~i a.oa.oso.01 Q and 10.s~ .os3.o~ a.oi ~;
(b) That thd trasli enclosure sh~ll a~ -~locatad to provide adoquate vehicular accc~ss ag requ(red by
the Stre~t~ and Sanitation Divl;~on c~f tt~e Fubllc W~tl<s Dopartment unloss petitioner pmv(des
proc~f that acceptable off•site circulation is ~vailable from ~ driveway ~n the mo4et proporty to
the south and west In compllanc4 wHh Code Section 1 s.00.q'10.010; r~nd
(c) That the drive-th~ough servi~e w(ndow sh~l! be loc~ted a rninimum of une hundred (1110) feet
from the ordering devlae in complien~e with Codo S~ction 18.06.07Q.020.
10. That ~tha proposed ordering spoaker bo~rcl slia-I bo oriencecl away ~'om thn motel lar.a~ted to tho south
and wnst af subJect property
11. That revised ~lans show(r,g fuil ;omplfanae with Code as requirEd under ~ondit(on No. 9, anc!
C~ondition Nos. 2 arrl 1d, abave, si~all be aubmlttod to the F'lannlnq Commission for revlew and
approv~-1 as a"Reports arxl Flecommvndations' itern.
~ Pq5-7s
~~ ~'
12. Th~t prior to insuanco nf a buildin~ permk ur wfthin a~ parl~~d of one (1) yea~ ~rom the r~~tA af this
re~otution, whlch~+ver occurs flrst, Condition NOm ?et ~eaid a~mdlt ons may bd grant9d l~n aGCa dance
oarnpllad w{th. Extensions far furcher time to c p
wkh Seotlan 98.03.09Q of the Anahefm Municipal Cocle.
13, That priar to ffnal building and zoninp Inapect~an8~ ~onclitlon Noa. 4 an~i 9, ~bova-mentlonod, ahall
b0 compllerJ with.
14. Th~at approval of this ~~plicetlon constltuto~ approva~ c-f the pn~pa~ed roquas~ only to th~ extant thet
it complios with the Anah~im Munlcipa! `Lonir+g Codn ~~ti~~~n~; has to ~~+ampilanc~ ~ortapnrQvA o th~
regulations. ~pproval ~lo~s not include any ac
request req~rdic~g any other appiicab~e o~dinanc~, regulatlon or r~yulrernent.
BE IT FURTNER RE~OLVED thAt the Anaheim City ~'lanning n ammc~nt a Gom~Oi(ance witl~i
and clotermine tha~t adaptfon of thia Resoli~tlan is axpresslY predicated upo PP n thereofi, be
each er.d ail of the cor~dlt~ ceabla b hav~fn~ltJudgment of I~n~~caurt of c~ompetentrJurisdl~ctio-~, then this
declared invalicl ar unenfo Y
Resolutton, ~nd any approvala herefn ~contafnod, ~hail be deemed null ~nd vnid.
7H~ F4R~GOING RESOLUI'ION was adoqted at tlie Plannln~ Commisslon mAetfng of
July 10, 1995.
~ '
_~ a ,~~~°n,~s
I, Margar~ta Solo~io, 8ecretary of the onah~elA A~tY~?~e~f~~ of th~ Anaheim~Giry Plenn~t g
that the foregoing resolutlon was p~~h~ f~ p ~~ VQte of thg memb~rs !i~ereof:
Commi$sion helc! on July tQ. 1995, bY ~
~ ~~ da of ~ ~,.,.~._,_~
IN WITNE~? WH~REOF, I h~ve hereunta set my hand this ,_,_~,,,. Y .~._
1 y95.
'~~ ~~ Co ss n