Resolution-PC 95-78,~ ~ i , ~
ac~n~ ~~TIqN NQ~g5.7
WhIEREAS, on May 2~t , 19Y9 the ~'~anning Commission granted Condttlona~ Us~ PermR
No. 1978, In p~K~ undor Rasolution Na. PC73-~00 tc, por u~~ he~~ht a dtminimum Iand,scapecl aetb~ck (all
of mtnimum nurnber ~f parking spaca~, maximum ~truc 9
tne ~valvers were ~rantecl in part) ~t 42f Sc~u~~ ~e~ch [3oulAVard; and that no further actinn was taken by
the City Cauncll; and
16, 1995, Pianning C~mmi~sion, by mation, set Conditfonal Use Permit
WHEREAS, on P~ay
for publlc hgaring to consider ravoking or mqd~fY~ hea tjh, u eac~, saiferty oruwrc~ifareu or in such a manner as
a manner whlah may be detrimont~l to the pubiic P
to cor~stftuta a pubifc nuisance; ~nd
WHEREAS, on Juno 16, 1995, the properhl owners of record, Sumanbahal N by ~te~ified
Nirm~laben S, F'atel (who acquired subject property on or about Aprl13, ~1992), were notified,
rnail nf the date, plaGe and tirne of the pubiic hvarin~ to considar tho revocAtion or rnodificatiun of
Conditional Uae Permit No. t978; and
WHEF~EAS, tha Ghy P~anning Commission did liold a public hoaring at the ~~ivic Center in
the City of Anaheim on July 10, 1995, at 1:30 p•r-'~•. ~p~~g aft: e1Anahefrn Municipal CadebChaFte~ 803,
as requirod by law a~d fn ~ccordance with the provislo
to hear and consider evidenco f~r and ag~tinst said propo mimendatons in cA ~necdon therewith; ~n ermfi
No. 197~ and to inve~tigate and make findings and reco
yUkiER~AS, ~ectfon 18.03.092 of th~ Anahee oM~o~~f~IPa~~i ~~~~n~~ S¢pr the modtflcatfa~~
or torm(nation of Gonditivnal usA permfts fln ane or mo
".010 That the approval was obt~ined by f~ud;
2Q That the use for wriich such appPOVaI was ~ranted is not being exorcised w~ihin tha timc~ spe~ified
in such permft;
30 That thv use for whlch such a(~prQVal was granted has ceased to exist ar ha~ beon suspanded
for one yoar or more;
,pqp That the permit flranted is being, ar receatu e~ordi~n~nce~ ~~Wf~~e9ul~ t on~ to the terms or
conditions of such approva!, or in violatl~n 4~ a~Y s
That thH use for whi~ch the approval was granted has been so exercised as t~ be de:rlmentai to
the public health or safery, or so as to c~nstftute a nu~•"~ance;
,p~~ Thr,; the use for whfch the approval wa3 4ranted has nnt bvon exercisod, a prt o e or~m4re af
additEanal intcrmatlon or du e i guance o su h ent i a t len'-~nt as ettforth U C p er 1 8. 0 3 n a l u n g e r e x i s t s;
t he r c~~ u i r e c l s r o w{ n~ s f o r t h Q
,pgp T h a t a n y m o d ff i c a t f a n, ( n c l u din g the lm posltion e~ n~y ~ WQ l f afp e a o r °~ ot'~~ Y t~ p~°~ I t r easonabie
nec~ssary to protect t hb ~r u b l i c p e a c e, h~~ h~ 9 fe~t~t~ 9
operetf~n under the condltl~nal use pe
~':., ~
WHEP.FAS, s~~id C nm tlQr~t~on af ali ev donceeand raportstof ~erod at salduhea ng, does find
anc~ in fts bah~if, ancl s~tor due co ~
ancl datermine the follawing facts:
1, Th+~t Conditlar-al Use Parmit No. 1~78 has been so exercised as to be detrim~ ~2 ~nd
p~~b~ic h~alth or safety, ar so s~s to cunstitute a nuisance, because betwean January 1,
November, 1894 tho CocJ~ Enforcemont ~Ivision of the Planning Department responded ta 32 citfzon
aomplaints r~aultin~g in approxlma~toly 120 Code violations, including, but not Ifmited to:
S~bstandard housing co~dftfona (outstanding vial~ati~~i7s Ar.isting as of May ~, 19~5):
. Mazarcic~us plurnbing c,r plumbinfl fi~ftur~s,
. Hazardoua ar exp~sed elactriaal wiring ~nd/ar flxturos,
. Deter(ora4ed wal{s and/or ceilings,
. Ur+sanitary conditians inr.luding cockroaah infestation ~nd broken windows,
. Fa~lty weather protectl~n, ~nd
. Inadequats fire protection incl~~din~ defective smoka detectors and/or fi~e oxtin~ufshar.
propa~riy MaintanancA vio!ations:
. Gra'ffitf, and
. E;ccessive weed and/or rubblsh,
2. 7hat subject use permit i~ befng exerc;ised in such a manner whlch results in an unduly high
number of calls for soNice to ihe subjact property, caualnq a disproportion~to draw upon ~~+~Ilae resnurc~s
and the ~ity's general fund and thdt Anaheim Police Dep~rtment and Ccx1e Fnforcemant r~cords indicate
that the subjoct property has been a c~ntinual source ~f cpmplain1~~ tha Palicer Department recAe d
aeveral ypars; ~nd that b~tween March 7, 1~92 and AP~~eS 5 ~n in 'I93 ~rr~sts; and that xhe calls far
npproximately 3a9 calis fiar seNice to the subject pr4perty A
service ~nd arrest statistics have esr.~leted considerably under ;he presAnt o~vner/managor as shown in
tha followinq chart:
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ M~HL.Y CUMUtATNE
Y~J1R ~'~E (cFS / aua~s) A\IEFiMiE
~cFS) ~ia ne++ch (C1*S / l17WESTSI
ooecrol M~•tod)
~~ ~r » ~.Q / ~.a a:a / ~.s5
~p.r mo~rn .~era,a
~...».~......-~~- bas~d ~tin 2b nanth
y~~ 42 ~Q ~.rJ r_ ~.S . ' _ conErol :P~rtod) ~
,...._w_.._.. ~ ~~ ~.3 j ~0..6 8.8 % 8.9
~~2 (p~r month av~r~go
.~+....~~ L~7 ~V.Q ! 5.6 b~wd qT .IQ.J
1,Z9 ~~ month cont!ol
I 1593 _--- v~r+od)
1994 '108 60 ~.0 / 5 .0
19J5 24 12 G.9 / 3.4
3. 7hat based on thA cumulatNe rnor~thiy auQrag~s shown ~an the prec~d(ng chart, the numbor
of calls far senrice at th~ subje~': lp~~nea y ox(m~ater 7996 I c~ease~ naon sfo arU ~ts as ir~low~~t owner's
mana~ement pr~~tices, resulting pp
Dlsturbanca (civil ~and domesticl (116)
Child tt~dangermt~rn ~2)
~sault and 8attery (~'•)
.~. aC~5-~8
Narcotics Relatocl (sa~es, po~session and/or s~arch and seizure) (23)
a'eapons Related (~ssauit or passession) (7)
Proati4utlon (3)
Burglary, Robbery or T'hfei (17)
, Nllacallaneous Odfensa (21)
4. That tha praperry owners af record, Sumanbah~i N. P~tel and Nirmalaben S, Patel, vrere
notified in writing on April 15, ~~93 and June 14, 199C3, and at a maeting held in the Cod~ Enforcement
Divislon ~tilce witP~ representatives of Code Enforcoment ~ind trie Anaheim Police Depa~mont, of
substandard housing cnndttions found durln~ joint agency inspeatic~ns with the Orange County Heaith
I~epartment, and o~ thd increas~ed cr(minal acttvity taking pl~ce up~n tha premises; ancl that on May 2,
1995 the Codo EnforcemAnt C~ivfsion, together with a repres~ntative from the Orange County Health
Depanment, reinspected the premthe Notce~a~ Violation~n0 derhto Compiy dated May acon~d~i~ions had
not been correctod as ~diracted In
,, 7ht~t subject ~n b~ ha fo egan g fendings iof f~ctq~Qn of Stat~ or lac~l ststutes, ardinances,
laws or regulatians, as sho y
6. That rnociification, InclAU~ d~nh~tt ~~~ ~fety or genodral welfa s d~tiuns of approval, is roasanably
nec~ssary to protect the public pe ,
?, "fhat threo (3) people fn favar of subJect modfficatlon and ons person In ppposition indicatgcl
their presan~a at s~id publ(c hear(ng; and that a petition with 4hree hundred geventy ano signatures ln favor
of Yhe prop+osal w~ts submittecl.
~'AI~I~GRNIA ENyIROP~N~~DUA~l7~ ArrT-.~-~L.L~.' Tho Planning Director or his
a~utt~orl~ed repres4ntativo has tletermined that thA proposed p'~ject falls with(n the dAfinition ~f Cate~gorfaal
Exemptions, Class 21, as ~lefined in th~ State EIR Guidelines and Is, there~ore, catogaric,aliy exempt from
the requlr~rnc~nt to prepare an EIR.
NOW, THER~FORE, C3E 11' R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commi~slon doss
hor~by amend Resolution Na. PC79-1~0, adapt~d in conPiectfon wi~h ~anditfonal U~er~qufslte o presenre
adding the follo~Nin~ new conditions which are hereby found to bo a nvicessary p
the safety antl genera! weifare af the Citizens af the City of Anaheini:
1. That a minimum af ono (i ) lic9nsed ~niform~d securiry guard, approved ~y th~e Anaha~m Police
pep~nment, s~ail be provided upon the premises at all times spocifically to provide s~ecuriry andata
discau;age vandhaill statf nn-dSa y as doterml~ned t be pprop~rlatetby th~ Pol cje~Dep~rt ent.
security guard s Y
2. '1'hat tho owner/m~nager shall mairitafn a cumplete gue~t re{~istry ~r guest card system which
includes the iull namv, address, dat~ of birth, ar~d verified driver's license or le~al identiflcat(on and
vohi~l~ registratlon n~mbe~d~~~available upon de and by any police~offl er, cacle s-~fo cement
rate; and which shal'. ba
offlc~r, ur I(cense inspectar af tho CiYy of ~Anahelm.
3. That wnhtn a pQriod of thirty (30) days from the date of this resolution, a stateme~rt shall b~ printeti
on th~~ tace of the guest rognstra~tf~Qjp~c pd the Anaheim PQO~Iic~yDo~artmenWOr~ ot ~eri City of An~heim
that the registar is ~pen t~~ i sp Y
porsannol ior law enfarcemQ~t purposes.
4. That guest room~ shali no ~nsocut~o days, ~exc! drin~l ~ne4(1) tmaitiager's unft, consec~tlve hours
nor mAro than Shirty (30) c
~_ PC95-78
5. That na room~ shall be initially rentecl or let to incoming ~uests between the hours of 9:00 h'.M. and
ured by a ar~clft cHrd
7:00 ~-.M„ wlth t.he exception of guests holdin~ a prearranged reservatlon se~
ar other cash clop~sit, and that a sign statin~ such restrictian shall be prominent{y di~played In the
off(ce window, or upon any extorlor sign advertlsing pasted raom rates, or both.
6. The~t every occupied guest room shall be provfded wfth daily maic! sorvice.
7. 7hat the owner ~znd/or managemont shall nat knowingly ront or let any guest room to a known
prostitute for tha purposas of pandering, solicitfng ar engaging iri the act of prAStitutlan; or to any
persan for the purpose of SelAn~, buying, ur otherwisa dealin~, manufacturing or inge~ting an lllegai
drug ar contralled substance; or for the purposa af committing a criminal or immoral act.
8, Th~t no guest room shall be rented or let to ~ny person under sighte~n (1S) yoars of agc~, verifled
by a valid driv~r's Ilcense or other logal fdentifiication.
9. ?hat all availabie room rates s~hall be promii~ently aisplayed In ~ canspicuous piace within the offica
ar lobt~y area clearly visibvtslo sQOf~Section~ 4.09 Q10 of tho Anaholm MunicipalrCode pertan i g to
s h a l l o o m p i y w i t h t h e p r o
the posting of roam rates.
10. That the ppoperty owi~er/operator of the motel shail comply with tho provisions of Section 2.12.020
of tl~e Anahafm Mu!~iclpa~ Godo pertainin~ to the aperator's coiloation duties regarding traro~ien~
occupancy taxes.
11. fhat w3thin a pe~lod of a[xty (~0) ciays from th~ dato of tlzis rosolution, subjnct property, buiidings
and accessnry structures shail be brought inta compilance witM the statutes, ordinances, laws or
regul~tions of the Stato af California, as adopred by ~ho ~~ftY ~f AnRheim, Including the Uniform
f3uilding Code, Uniform Nousing ~ot~e, Uniform Fire Code, Unifarm Plumbing Cade, Natfonnl Eleatric
Code and Uniform Mo~hanical Code, end permanontly rri~intained thereafter In campliar~ce with such
st~atutes, ordinances, laws or regulations.
12. ThaY the proporty shalf be permanently mttintained in an orderly fashion by providin~ regular
landscape rnaintenanGe, removal aF trash or dobris, anc~ ramoval of qr~a~tlti wlth(n forty-eight (413~
hours from tima of occurrence.
13. That the proporty awner sha~l pay the costs of Cotfe Enforcempnt inspc~ctions twice each month for
the first three (3) months from the dato af thl~ rosolutian, and as often as nec~ssa ht~h C~ ~8 C~e
the subject property is brought into comp(idnc~, ~r as deem~ci neces~r~ by ry
Enforcoment Q(vision for the purposa of gainfng and/or maintafning complianca with State s~n~ lo~:al
statutos, ordinances, laws or r~gulations.
14. Th+at Conditional Usa Perm~t IJo. 1Q78 shail oxpire six (6) monthg from the ~data of this rQSOlution,
on Janusry 10, 1996•
, Th,at Condltion Nos. 7, 8 and 10, above-montfoned, shall be camplied with immedlat~ly.
1~. That Condition Nas. 1, 7~ ~~ a~ S. 9 and 12. ~bave-rnentionod, sha0 be complsterJ withln a periocl
af saven {7) days frorn the ciat~a af this resolution.
17. That ~:ond(tion No. 3, alwve•mentioneci, shall be aompl~ted wEthin a perlad af thirty (30) d~ys firom
th~ date af tl~is resolution.
above~mentEoned, shall be campleted within a p9rlal of sixtY (60) daYs irom
18. That Crondition No. 1'I,
the date of this r~safutton.
-4- PC95-78
~ '~! 11
~ ~ ry
THE FURECOING RESOLIJTION was ~do~~ted at tha Planning Commissfon msetin~ of
July 10, 1995.
~ ~ /~ ~u~~~ MISSION
_____~.c~ ~ ~ ..--~-
I, Margarfta Solario, Secrotary of tha Ariahefm City Planning ~ommisslor~, do hereby ~ertffy
that the foregoinq reso{~ition was passed and ~dopted e4 a meeting of the Ar~aheim City Planning
Commisston heid on July 10, 1995, by 4he follouving vote af the members thereof:
ITNESS WF~EREOF, I have hereunt~ sot my hand this ~ day of V~.~~~ ~
1995. ~~,~~
.~_ PC95-78