Resolution-PC 95-79J ' ~, ~' H~ O~AN ~Id. p~~3:~2 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY i~1~4NNiNr COMMISSION THAT PE7ITION F4~ CONDITIONAL U: E P~RMIT NO, 3~75 BE GWANTE~ WHEFiE oS~~ehe~in real property sttuatad in ~he City of A ahelm` Countyrof Oranqei~Stata Conditional Use ~'errr of Calffornla, descrlbed as: PRRCEl.1, IN THE COUNTY OF ORANG~, STATE OF CQ,LIFORNIA, AS ShIOWN ON A MAP FILED !N DOX Ga, PAG~ a OF PARCEL M1APS, IN TH~ OFFI~E OF THE CC~UNTY RECORDER OF SAID ~t~UNTY. WHEREAS, tho Cfty Pianning +Commiss(or+ did ha{d a pubilc hearing at the Civic Cent9r in the City of Anahefm on July 10, 1995 at t:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing havin~ bC~n p Q~~ 18 03 as required by law ~nd in accordanae wfth the provisinns of the ~4nAheim Municipal Code, ~ to hear and consider evidence for and against sald pronr~seri conditlanal use permit and to Invastigate and make flnding:~ and recommendatians in connection th~rewith; ~nd W'~~R~$dueico s deratian af all evldenca~and eportsgoff~reci atn~aid he~r ng, does find and in fts behalf, ancl after and determina the~ follawing facts: 1. That che proposed a~se Is properly one fo~~ which a condi4l~nai usa permit is a~athorized by Anahefm Municlpai C~cie Sectfons i3.f1.050.1Z0 and to permit approximately 26d,00Q sq.ft. of retaii s~les of hausehold fiurniture in canj ~o imateW~i5Q foothighiclack owaer,~~nd with waiver o( war~house, including the constructfon af an app Y the following: (a) Sectfons 1$ ~6 050 9~ ~~~9~933~ 18.06.Q Q.Q,~1 ,~,~.o •oaa ,~nd 1 A.61.Of~6.05Q (b) s~~~A.l1~.1$•Q4.0~.01 ~ and 18.61 •063.Qd_QQ (C) ~t and 8'~1.4~ 4 M(ni~nt~m number r cauEreci oarkinu sg~. (q~4 required; ~$Q proposed and concu~red with by the Clty Trat~ic and Transpo~tation Manag~r) ~ e~~~ Minlm ~m land ina ~t stroet rAn aaes. (~~ ~equlred alang Vernon Streot [baseci on one tree per 20 fest of street frontaQoJ; 4 tre~es propased) Minim~m c~rkMa IQt landscapina. (q,§ qarkinn lot treos distrfbuted throughout the parking arQa requirad [based an one tree per 3,000 sq.ft. af p~rking area]; ~r,~g~ propo~~:`d anci r~pt i, ri ~hrq~~°ho~ths parking lot) ~( dated June 16 1995 wero 2, That a parking study, dated Aprid 27, 1995, and a revi~ oiz. . ~ submttted to suk~~fantlate tha requested parking wafver; and that th~ City Traffic and Transpor4~tian Manager reviewerJ aaid study,fps ievssed~ C~d t~ropo~l S~nslsting of r260~000msq.~ft. tof tretailpfurn~t ee parkfng supplY +s adequa e f~ sho~~~c~oms end 2~(J,aQO sa.ft. of fiurniture wareh~~use; w1 ~ PC9~-7~ Cf~2d24M~.wlP `R t. ~ ;;~< 3. Th~t the parking waiver (a), undor th~ conditinns Impos~ed, will not caus~ f0wer off-street pr~rking spaces ~to bo prov(ded f~r such use than the numb~r of such apacAS necogsary to acaammadato all vehicles ~ttributable to sucli use unridr tho normal and raason~biy fo~esoe~a~ile conclktian~ of operatian oF such use; q, 7hat th~ p~rkinp waivor (a), under the canditions ImFio~ed, wlll not inarease tho dAmAnd and compwtitl~an for park~ng spacaa upr~n tha publia straets in the Immediate viclnity of the prc~pasad uso; 5. 'Yhat the parking waivar (a), under ttle condttians impoaed, wlll not Incr~sg che damand and cornpetitlon for parkinfl s~aces uparo ~dj~,cent ~rlvata propo~ in the Immodi~te vicinfty af thm propoggd use (which property Is not expressly providec! as parking for auch use under an a~r~ement In compliance with aectian 1a.U6.p10.020 oi this Cod~); 6. That the parking w~iver (~a}, under tho co~ditions imposed, will not increase trafflc congastion, naise, air pollutlon, or traffic clrculatlon confliMs, withln thn off-street narking arsas or lot~ provid9d f~r such use; 7. '~hat the p~rking waiver (a), under the condltions irnposecl, wlil not Incroaso traffic congestlon, noise, air pollutio~i, or Impede vehfcular ingress to ar e~ress from ad,acent propert(es, upon the Fsublic a4reeta in the immedi~te vicinity of tho proposed use; 8. That, unless conclitions to the cont~sry are axprossly Imposed upon the granting ~f waivar (aj by the Planning Commisslon or City Councll, tho granting of s~id wafver shall be deemed contingent upon operatlon at the undortyinq uses in ~onformanc~ with the assumptions rolating to the operat!on a~~d intensity of the uses as ~ont~ined in trie parking demand study that formed tho basis for approvaf of subject waiver; ar-d that oxceedinp, violatln~, intensifyinfl ~r othorv-ris~ deviating from any of said assumptlone as containeci (n tha parking domand stud~,l ahall be deem9d a vialatian of tt~a express corvJftions imposed up~n subiact conditional use permit and mey resuit in terminati~n or modi`icRtion pursuant to the provisfon~ of Section 18.03.q9~ and 18.03.092 of the Anahoim Muntcipal Codo; 9. That walver (b) pe~taining to mintmum landscaplr-y~ at the~ ~treet frontage along Vernon Stroet is hereby approveci on tho ba~is that the proposal consists oi modtfying existing k~uilding floor area and that no additional buildfng aquare footage is beins added; and tliat there are specltil clrcu ~s~ta~n~~e~s applicable to the properry consisting of Its lacation and surroundin~s whfch do not apply i~entically zoned prr~porti~s In the vicinity becauso ther~ are a sign(fic:~nt numi~ser of mature pine tree~ and oleancl~r bushes adjacent tn Vernon ~troet aihich serve as an effoctive landscape screen along Vernor Street; Rnd that the property was ~ori~inally dbveloped, as permitted bY Caie at that time, without sany landscaped setback s~long Vernon Str~et (th~ p~rking stalls abut tho proporty iine) and addin~ landscap(ng would reduce the numbor of park(ng spaces; tq. That wafver (c) ~naining to minimum parking lot landscaping is hereby approveci on the basis that the epproxirnatefy 54 trees will be concentrateci in ihe parking area in f~ont of the ~etall showroom where custamers will park and which parking areti is tho most visfbla from Cerritos Avenue, ~n arterial highway; and tha1~ there is a speclal circumstance appllcabie to the property consisttng af ftu sizo which doss not appfy to other identicAily zoned propertles (n the vlcintty be~:at~s~ the property wa3 or~ginally dovaop~d, 4s pemnittoc! !~y Code at ihat tlme, without any landscaping in the large parkin~ arec{s and thet no IKndscapin$ Fs beln~ proposed In thosa poKlo~s af tho parfcin~ araa whlch ere not bving altored; 11. That the p~opased ccndittAnal uses, ronsistinQ of 260,OOq sq.~t. of retali househdd fumiture salAS and a clock tower exceeding 1QQ feet fn height, ars pro~,3sty onos tor which a conditlonal use permR is a4dhoriae~l by the ZonUg Codo; .2. PC95-79 ~ 12. That thA proQased use ~ R~~~ rot~s~ 4o be ~cat0de adJoining land uses and tha growth Aixi dev01opm~nt of tha ar~~ in wh~ch i p p 13. "fhat tha ~iz~ and shap ~a nher not de4rlh ~ntalto th part~culatl aregtno~tol he poace, development aF the proposed usA in a health, saFety, and goneral walfaro; 14. That the traffiG 96deand Im rovecltn carrY the traffl,c in tholaaoa; ~n undue burdAn upon tha streets and hlg~'rn+ays dosig P 1~, That the ~ranting of the ~~~~~~~~a~ ~olf~A af he citizons ofthe~ City of A-~iaheilmnand detrimontal to the peace, heaith, safety g 16. 7h~t na one indicatedgi,On oreha subJecta{~etit~ionlic hearing in appo~ition; and thnt no correspondenca was roceived in opp C'AL! QF FiNJL~,.~LL~lA~NME T I.~.G1l~..A,!°I.Ty ~^FINQ1NSa: 7hat 4ho An~hplm Cfty Planning Commission has reviawed tho proposal to permit ~a~p~ q ft f~eni u e~wa ehausaQinciuc11 githe ca st uct o~n furniture in conjunation with an app~'aximately 240, ~f an approxim~tely 150 fiaot hl~h cloc fronta ~es and Imin{m~m s~ar~c n~ !at andscap(ng on a rer e gulariy s p a c e s, m i n i m u m l a n d~ c a p i n y a t s t r e e t g shapad par~el of {and cons(stin~ of approximately 16,11 BCPi~3 it~ ~~•~ c~ J =i t t he n o r t h e a s t c o m e r o f C e r r i t u s Avenu~ ar+d Vemon Siree t, h av f n g a p pr oximate ir~ntages Uf 9C' ~eet •.+', the north skia of Cerritos Avenue and 730 feot on the eASt skio of Vornon Satlun~ u on findin ~~~ ~t ~b a~declarat ona eflects`the Andependent does h9reby approve the Negative Dacla P 9•~ ~" Judgement of the lead agency and t Qv,eW a~occ~ssi and furt ,~Nfinditng ~ant herbtasis otg he1entt ai study camment3 r~ceiv~ad durinq the ~SUbI(c p and any comments recelved that there is no substnnti~l evidence that the project wiil hav~ ~ sl~nificant effect ~n the envlronment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT FiESOI.VED that ihe Anahalm City Planning Commission daea horeby grant subJect Petition far Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditlons which aro heroby rer~qulsfte to the proposed use of tho subject property in flrder tp prds~rve the found to be a necassary p safety and general welfare of the Cftizens of thn Ciry of Anahelm: 1. That a plan ~h~t for solid waste storage `~ ~~ dI app o~~ a~~an for recycl(ng shall be t~ubmitted ta tho DepaKment af PAaintenance fo 2. That any proposed freest~ndingl be sub ec tto therpr~io~evhew and pprovalof he~Cfty 7raific and eight (8) feot In height and sha 1 Trnn3portation M~nager to deteRnine ad~quate 11nes-of-slght. 3. That the owner of subJect prUpe~ty sha~ll submit a latter requesting termination of Variance No.r~s to (waive~s of minimuir numbfficespn ann~xistin~ Industr~i~a biuildi g) tothe .'oning DNision~ ~ r.onstruct 30,000 sq•ft• ot a 4. 'fhat sub~ect prc~erty shall be ctevelopsd substantially fn accordance w(th pimns and speciflcations suhmltted ~o the City af Anaheim bhrt~he petitipner and which plans are an Nle with the F'lanning Qep~~merrt marked Exhibti Nos. 1 g 5. That prior to issuanco of a bu~idin~ permit a' within a period of tw~ (2) Years trom the tSato af thts r6sdution, wFlchever occurs f-rat, Condttion Nos. 1 and 3. ~bovo' ~nitf~O i~~`c1o~a~~-C~ Wi~i S~~n Exten~lor~a for furthor timo to aompleto sald condltEo~is ~Y -~ g ~ S,p3,pgp of the Anaheim MuNcipal Code• ~w PC95-79 ~;,r~;, ~~ . That rlor to final buliding and zoninq inspectic?:~, f%ondltian N~. 4, at~ova•ti~~ei~tloned, sh~fl be ~ P cumpl+ad wlth. 7. 7hat a proval of tt~ls applicAtlon con~tftutas apprUW~; Q~ ~he prapoac~ request anly tc, tho oxtent that ~ Uiui~lcipaf 2oning Cude ~nci ~ny other appllcable Clty~ State ao ~ ~d tha it comp-les wlt'~ the An~helm . rdgufatic:~y. A~;~ravs~t dqe~ ~+at in eb ~ a~~,nancen re{~ul~~tlio n or~ oquireme I~nce or apP request ragflrdinfl any ath~~ ARP~i'~ BE IT FURTHEFi RESOLUED th~at th~ Anahoim ~~ted upon app{ican~k's complianae wlth and dotermine that ado~tion of this Fi~saluilan is expr~ssiy p a~t ther~of, l~e paC~i and ail of th~ conditions herelnata~ve s~t fo~th, ~houid any such aandftion, or any p ~hon lhis declarec! invall~ or unenf~rceabl~ by the flnal Judg~~+~~nbe deemadu ~l ~~ va~dent jur~sdlction, Rosolutlon, ~nci ~ny ~ppruvals hvrain cantained, THE FOREGOING RE50LU710N was adApted at 4he Plenning Commission moeting of July 10, 1995. WAIRVU MAhI AM1IAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIt7N A'TTEST: ~ r .. ~.D.,~~.~.~-.._. SECRETARY, H~IM CITY I~IADJNING COMMISSInN STATE nF CALIFtJF~NIA ) CUUNTY OF ORA-NGE ) ag• CITY QF ANAHEIN{ ) I, Niargarit~ 5alor(o, Secrc~tary of the Anah~ir k~ity~P~i e~in~ ~~ phe ~n~hoim~ Clty Plaiming that th~ foreheld on Juy ~0~ 9~5~ ~Y t~ followinp~vote of the mombsrs thereaf: ~ommission i~ERAZA AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NON~ ~CK, R4YDSTUN~ MESSE, NOES: COMMISS ABSENT: CON~MISSION~RS: GAI~DIAIEU-. H~NNINGER, MAY~R ~~ d~ af ~,~~'~. hand this , ~_ Y ~ ' IN W~T~~~S WH~~~~F~ ~~ve hereunta ssi my 1995. /~ J ~' ~ _._.~ ~~ ----- ~` 5ECRCTARY, NAI~IEIM CIT`( P--p-NNING COMb11S510N RC95~79 -4-