Resolution-PC 95-80~:~,!!, ~ RE 'Ol. 71QN ,~Q~~R Ji~,~,:' A RESOLUTION OF THG ANAh1EIM CITY PLArINING COMMISSION THA1' i~ETITION FOR R~CLASSIFICATION N0. 9a-9a-12 BE GRANTED, UNGONDITIONA~.LY V'dHERE~S, thv Anahofm City Planning Commission did ror,eivo a verifi~d ~etition for FieclassificAtion for real property s(tuatad in the City of An~aheim, County of Orango, State c~f California, desaribed as iollaw~: THF W~ST 132 FEET OF THE NOR7HEAS7 QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUART~R OF TI-IE NI~RTHEAST ~UARTER Ot= SECTIDN 24, TOWNSMIP ~t SAUThI, RANG~ 11 WCST, IN THE FiANCHO L(3S COYOTES, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, ~O~IPJTY OF ORANGE, S'ATE OF ~ALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP 7HERE0~ R~CORQED IN ~OOK 51, PAGE 11, MISCELLANEOUS MAPa, R~CURDS 4F SAID ORANGE COUNTY. EXCEPT AN UNUf~lIDED ONE-HALF IN7EREST IN TME SOUTH '10 FEET OF THE NO~TH 350 FCET OF THE WEST 10 FEET pF TH~ ~AS'T 4U FEET 7Fl~f~EOF, AS GRANTED 70 EaGAR B. CARSON, A WIQOWER, BY UEED RECORDED ,1ULY 17, 1956, IN BOOK 3579, PAGE 46Q, OFFICIA~. REGORDS. WHEF2EAS, tt~e City Pl~tnning Com;~~issian dId hold a public hoarinc~ at tha Civic Center in the City of Anah~im on July 1A, 1995 at 1:3a p.m., notice of said public ha~ring nav(ng been duly given as requ(reci by law arJ in accardanro with tha provisions of the Anahoim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, ta I~ear a-id cnneic;~r ev(c;enco f~r an~9 a~talnst said pronosed reciassltication and ta investigate and mako find(ngs and rean-nm~t,:sations in con~~ction therewith, and WW~I~~AS, ~.aid C~7~~imi.~sion, ofter du~ ins~ectfon, invastigation and study made by itself and ~n ~is behalf, and oste~ cJu~ cansidorat~on cf alt evtd~nr3 and reports offered at said hearing, does find and dc!~c';nine the fnllo•ruirg fa~tS: 1. That +~he petitione~ prnposas re:;lasslficatian of subject praporty from the RS-A-43,UOQ (F~~sidenti~l, Agrir,i!Ii! lrali GOne to ~he R~~A-2a00 (:yesidential, Multiple-Family} Zono. 2. ?'hat the Ar.~ha`m c;eneral Plan designates subJect property for M~dium Density Aosident{a! land uses allowin~ up to :i6 dwolf~ng units ~er acro. 3. That th~ proposed reclassification af subject prnparty is necessary anti/or desirabie for the orderly and proper development of thQ community. 4. ~hat the prc~posed reclassification of subject proper:~l does properly relate to the zones and their permiitecl uses locs~lly establishad in close proximfty ta subject property and to tl~e zones and thQir pormicted uses generally ostablished thrnugliout the community. 5. That two (21 people ind(cat~ their presenae at said public hearing in ~ppnsitlon; and that r~o correspond~ance was roceived in opposition to subject petition. CI~2a2SMS.WP -~ - PC~5-80 ;,~`~~ ~~ N'~A~N7 L ALI7Y ACT FIND~ : That the Anah~im City f'lanning SA~J..~.'SZRNIA -.~4~.._ _.....~ Cammfs~ion has reviewed the proposr~l tc~ reclassify s i~ 1~~ ~am 11 y)~ Zone to ~peSmi 4a,02p t~rYSi ~S-uinit Aqricuituraf) ~or~~ tn the f'M-24CU dResidential, Mu p candominium complex with waivers oi maximum structur~i ey`a~lish auir~oty 28-uikt airspaco condaminium zanes an~ mie~imum distance botwaen buildings, and t roxirnatel 1,a4 acros, havinc~ ~ subdivision ~n a rectangula j 32 r feet ~~c+p'~tihel south sidan of tiBs~IIGR~?~, having a m~zximum ciopth uf frontage of appraximataly appr~xlmately 607 feat, beirig lacated ap,nroxirna~tely 53a feat west o~f `he ~9~~t`~ve Decl~a ~tian nUn fincJinr~ further describad as 2638 Wo~t S~II Roac~;. ~+nd do~s hereby app ~' that the declaratian reflects the indepond~~nt judgor~~ent~of~~h~u?ng ha p~Ibllc~revi w~p oc9ss andrfurthee N~g1tivo Declaratlon ta~ether with any c~mrnents reco finding on the basis of the inltial study and any comment en~ eived that there is nn sut~s~antial euidence that the project will have a significant effect on the env.ronm pl~nnint~ ~ommission tic~es NpW, 7HEi~EFOR~, ~E ~T pESp1.V~~ that tha Anahcaim Ci~y horob approve the subject {'etitian for Rocla~sification C b~~ ~oOZe~y fr~ ,n the R.S-A-~3 000~1(Residd tial, Y tho Anahelm Nlunic~Pal Gc~de to exclude the above de~c p A ricialt~iral) Zone and to incorporate said describeci pruporty into the HM-2400 (Residential, Multiple-Family) 9 Znne, unco~nditionally. rov~l af the Eic IT FURTHER Fi~S~LVED that approval of this application constitutes app ro osed request only to ttie oxtent that it ~omplies with~al aoes n,ot lncluda~any nlck~ian~or~findings as to p p a~plicat~le City, State and Federal rogulations. A~pro cpmplian~e or approval of tha roquesl reyardii7g ~ ny ather applicable orrlinance, reg~+fatian or requirement. BE IT FURTHEFi FlESOLVED, that this resolution shall not constitute a rezaning o~f, ~r a any such rezaning ~hal{ requlrs an ordinanc:e of commitment by the Cfty to rezone, tt~~ subject propertY; ro~,Q~ pr denied by the Ctty Caimcil at thg Clty ~ouncil which shall be a legislative act which may be app its sole discretion. THE FOFt~G01NG RESOLUTION was adopte~ at the Planninc~ Commission meetinc~ of July 10, 1995. ~ ~J ~` ~_ CHAIR OMAN, ANANEIPA C.Y Pl11NNING COMMISSfON ATi'EST: ~ ~ ~~~______ - ---. rc,eC~{~ZqRY, AHE(M CI'fY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE 4F CALIFO~NIA ) C;OUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ~-TY pF ANAHEIM ) I, Mar'garita Solori~, Secretary of the Anat eim~Ci~y m~~~~ng ofp he fAnaheim~ Cit~,l bp a n nfg that tho foregoing ~eso l u ti o n Wa~ ~ 3~~h~ a to11~w nc~~ a a e of the members thereo f: C o m n ~ l s slon hold on June 25, 1995, taY PERAZA AYES: CUMMIS~IQN~~S: NONE 1C~' sUYDSTUN, MESSE, NnES; tJ~MMIS h{ENNfNGER~ MAYER P,'3SENT: CO~AMISSIQNERS: CAI.DWELL, '~'-~~.day of V'(.U ~~~ ~199'• fN WITNESS WN~~~O~~ ~ have her~unto set my hand this _~ _.._ ~ 1 ) S~ ~tC ETARY, A HEIM CITY PLP~NNIN~ COMMI~SION PC85-SO -2-