Resolution-PC 95-82RFSOI,UTl~~1N0. P~;95-82 ~1 F~~S~LUTI~N OF TWE ANAHEIM CITY PLA(VNlNG COMMISSION AMENDING RES CONDITION L USE PERM T NO. 350aNNEC710N WITH WH~R~AS, on May 5, ~992 City Council adopted Resolu~fon No. 9: R-9S in cnnnection with Conditlonal Use Permit No. 3504 to permit a church in an existing 27,100 sq.~t. buildin~ wfth walver of minimum number of pr~rlcing sp~ces, fol~owing appraval by the Plarir~ing Commissian; and that subJpct wafver parmltted 97 parking u ~ af 5an a~Ana Staee ~and Ha boraBoe ard and furthar dascribod as 42Q located a~t the nor~heast corne Sr~uth Harbor Boulevard (formAr Welis Far~o Bank C3ullding); and WHEREAS, the pAtitioner has submitted a request to canvert a portion of an exi~ting bullding solely occupied by a church from s`n~e of the b~aildir gi will cont nue4o ibe use~1 as prev ously approvied; par6cing spaces; ~nd that the rema WHEREAS, the City Pl~nning Commission did hold a public hearing ~t the Civic Center fn the City of Anaheim on July 10, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., natic~ of said public hearing having been duly givon as requlred by law and in accordanca with the provisions of the Anaheim Munfcipai C~od~, Chapter 18.03, to hear arod consider evidenco fo conn cgion therawi~th~ and amandment and ta inv~stigate ~nd make findfngs and recommendations ~n WHEREAS, said Com ~Q~ati~an of all evidonc ~and r~eportstogffered at said hoa ng, does find and in its behaif, and aiter due Gons and determine the fol{owing facts: 1. 7hat the petitioner ragueat4 an am~ngment 4o Condfti~nal Use Pormf~ No. ~50~~ ~hur.h walver af tl~e follow(n~ to convert tt a,270 sq,it. stora e area to offlce use for a proviously app faciliiy: S~rticns 1$,~57.~.050.O~C~ - i m_g~__rr~,qer of r~arkina snaces. 1~ 06•08Q (~ required; ,~Q~_existing) t~ 1 ~;41.0 6~ 0 2. Tha~ the propased parking waiver (5790 of tt~e current CoJe r~qufrement) is similar to what was arlglnally appraved (~~0°~ of the previous Codey and, thereforo, t~e proposed buiidfn~ modification will have minimal Impact on th9 existing parking suppiy; 3. 7hat the parkin~ wafver, undar th~ condit(ons imposed, wlll no~t cause fewer off-stre~t parkin~ spa,aas to be prc~vided for such n~~r4the no~rmal and`reasonaylyforeseeable o dit ons of oper~at an of vohicles attributable to suah us~ ta such uso; 4. That tha park{ng wafver, under the canditions imposed, wiD nat fncr~ease the d~manc~ and competftion for parking spaces upo~ the publla gtroets in the irnmediate viciniry af tha proposed use; 5. Thuc the parking waiver, under tha canditions imposed, wlll not increase the demand ~nd competi~ion for parking space~ upon adJacent p~ivate property in ths lmmediate vfefnity of the proposed uae (which properky is not expressly provided as parking f~r such use under an ~-greement in complfance with Sectfan 18.06.Q1'~.020 of 4his Coda); -1- PC9a-82 CR2427M5.WP ~ ~ ~ ~, 7ha~ t Qe tpaffio gl cuilation onflicts Cv~ithini~ I ei ff st e~t pia'rl ing~n roas ar o~tsCp ovld0e~cl~ far noise, air pollut o , such use; 7. 7hat the parking wafver, under the condftions imposed, will not IncrQase tr~ffic con~AStlAn, noise, ~ir pollut6on, or impedo v~hlcular in~ress to or egress from adjac~nt prop~rties, upon the p~blic streots in the immet9iate vlcii~ity of the ~ruposed use; g, 7hat, unl~ss aanditions ta the contrary are dxpressly im~ased ~upor- tr~e gr~nting of thls parking waiver by the Pianning Commi~sion ~~ City Cauncii, the granting of sald waiver shall be deemed contingont up~n oporation r-f the underlying use in conformana~ w{th the assumptions rel~ting ta 4hA qperation and intensity af ttre use as contained in the ~arking demand study that farmed tha b~sis for apprAVal af subject walver; and tfiat exceedirig, violating, Intensffying or otherNise deviating from any of saicl assumptio~s as contained In the ~arking domand study shall bo deerr~ed ~ vfolation o# the express conditions irn~osed upo 03 Q91~ ~eryd p8 0~!092 of therA aiheim~Municiipai Code; aind tion pursuant to the provisivns of S~ction 18 9. That nu one indic~t~ thair presanca ~t said publl~ haaring In oppasition; and that no carrespandenae was raceivvd in o~position to the subJect petltion. GALIFORi~JA~~Q"'~~F~TAI ~UALITY A~T_~IN~ING: That tho Anat~aim Clty °lanning Commission has reviewe~ th~ proposal end does heraby find that the Negative Declaration previausly appro~~e~d In connoctian with Conclitional Uso P~rmit No. ~~04 is aclequato ta senre as the required environme~tal documentatic~n ln carn~octian with this request upon findinc~ thst the declaratfon reflects the lndependent Judgement of th~ lead agency and that it has consldered 4ho Negntfve aoclaration together with any comm~nts~ recelved~d~u ~n~g~~iha u hloro is~ op ubstantial ev dence tha4 ahehproject willhhavei a study and any aommei t~ signtflcant effect on th~e e~vironment. NOW, THER~FOAE, E3E IT RESOLVED th~t tho Anahe(m City Pl~nnirig Commisslon does hereby amend Raso!uti~n Na. 92R-9~, adopted In Gonne~ctfon with ConditEonal Us e~quis e ta 35eserve addin~ 4he following new condiciorrs which are hereby found to b~ a neca~sary p P the s~afety and goneral welEare of tt~e Citizens of the Cityr of Anaheirn: 1. 7hat ~ubJect properQy shali b.~ davelopecl substantiaily in accnrd~nce with plans and specffications submitted to the CltyR~f g`~ hNo b~f ExhibitiNos. ~ and 2i~andaCxhibit Nosfi3 antd ~~e Planning ~epartmant markPd 2. That, as rea~~ired by the City 7raffic and Transportation Manage~: (a) All driveways shFall rom~in apen during bus(ness hour~; (b~ The posted "exit anly" sign at the r~ortherly drivaway on Harbar Boulevard shaN be remov~tti and the southeriy driveway shall remafra an "exit only," as shown on the approved site plan (Ftevision No. 1 of ~xhibit No. 1); (c) The easteriy drlvewa~ on ~Im Stroet shal! be a or~a-way entrance to the sfte and ttie westerly driveway sliali be "extt only," as shown on tho approved ~ita pl~n (Revisian No. 1 of Fachibft No, 1); and (d) A{I driveways fnr subJect site shall be posted with approprf~to sigr~My and marked ~acordingly. g. That prior ~o fin~i build(ng and zoning (nspections, ar prfor io commoncemant of the activity h~reln approved, or wtthin a periad c~f one ;1~ year from tha date of thi~ resalut(on, whichever occurs flrst, ~ondFtion Nos• ~~n,on~s~maVe.be granted~ i alc orda c9liw th Section 18 03.Q90 of the Anf hEim c4mpleta ~aid co Y Municipal Coc1e. .2_ PC'`.15-82 ,,r1~~ ri~~" ~'r .~IY 4. Triat approva! of thir~ ~pnlication constitutes ap~roval of the proposed raquest on{y to tho extent that it ~~amplies with the ~r»heim Munfcipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Fedar~l rA~ulations. l~pprau~i ~oes nat Include an~ action ar findings ms t~ compliance Ar approval of the request ragarding F~ny cth~r appliaable ordln~nc~, regula4lon ar requirement. TME F(~FiEGAING RESOLUTIQN was adopted at the Planning Comrnission meetln~ of July 10, 199y. • ~ ff ""' ~ Gd~e~tiea~~ _. CHAIR MAPJ, ANAHE6M ITY ~~LAN'~dING COMRAISSI~N ATTES'T: SECRETARY, A HEIM CI'1'`~ PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COU1~7Y OF ORANGF ) ~~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Margarita Solori~, Secr~tary pf the ~nah~im C~ty Planning Commissinn, do hc~ruby aart'rfy that tha foregoing resolutian was passed and adupted at a rneetirrg of tha An~heim Gfty Plannir~g Commission held on July 1Q, 1995, by the fall~wing vote of the mambers therenf: AYE~a: COPAMISSIONEF{S: ~OS'{'WICK, SOYD5TUN, MkSS~, PERA7r4 NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CAl.D1~VELL, HENNINrER, MAY~R IN WITNE~S WHEREAF,1 have hereunio aet my hand this '' '"" day ~f (~ ~.~"~ . 1995. JJ~. ~ SECR~1'AFiY AI-~EIM Ci~l' PLANNi~1G CONi~11SSI0N ~ ~.. „~. P~-8~