Resolution-PC 95-91~'r~'~1~ ~ 7~ ~V V {~ VJ-~YGf..Tri.i~+~+~+~'1L i. ~1 A RESOLUTION OF 7H~ ANIINEIM CITY ~l.ANIVING COMMIGal4(~ 7i~A7 F~E'I'ITION FC~R CONDI710NAL USE FERMIT N4. 3736 8~ aRANTED WHEREAS, the Anahetm City Planr~ing Commission did receiva a vorifled Pgtftion for Conditlar~ai UsA Permit for corU~in real proporty aftuated in the City of An~helm, County of Orengo, State of Califomia, d~scribaci as: PARCEL 2~ ~N TH~ CI7Y OF ANAF~IFIM, COUN7Y 0~ ORANGE, 87ATG OF CAUF~7RNI Th~~`a Q~ ~C~ OF '~H A COUN7Y~R~ URDER OF SAIDrORANG~ MAPS, IN GOUNTY~ ~;ALfFORNIA. WHEREAS, the Cfty Planninc~ Comrn(ssion did hold a pub~~c hearing ~t tho C(vic Cent~r In the City ~f Anah~lm on Janu~ry 23, 1995 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publlc heering having b ~hAptar givon as requirod by iaw and In accordance with :he provislons c~i the Anahelm Municlpal Code, 18.03, to haar and aansldor evldo ecommondatio~nsi (n coni ectlonttio ~w~h~aruJ a' usA pormlt a~nd to investiqate ancl rnake findings and WHFREAS, saki Co,~~ ~tfan of fall ev denca anci re~partsatofior~ed atnsafd ho r ng, doe~ find a n d i n i t s b e h n l f, a r u a a f t v r d u e c o n s and determine the followfng fa~t~: 1. 7hat the proRo~e~d ~ 8 61) 50.060, 18.61 OSO 0 Oa~nd 18.61a05U.5Q7 o establish ra ~ uck Anaheim Mu~icil~al Code Secdons rental/ieasing aixl maintonance facility• 2. That the propased use i~ proporly one for which a conditlonal use pe~mft is a~dharized by thn Zoniny Gxle; 3. 7hat the proposed use wlSl not advArsely affoct the adJoining land uses and the gro~vth anel devalopmont of the area in which tt Is prnposed to b~ ~orAtorf because vehicular and traifer storage wfll be adequr•~tely screened trom publ inQ~e they bui d ng; ~fand thatr ef teli~ng nperr~tions will dbe adi equa ely r~pair ac!Ntties will occur wholly screenod from publlc view; 4. That the size ~nd ~n a man or n~t detrimenta/to te particul~r area no~ tol he p acel~ d e v e l c, p m e n t o f t h~ p r o p o s~ d u~ e heafth, s~fety, and genere4 weifare; 5, 'That the trtaffic generatecJ by the p~oposett use wlll not fmpo~e an undue burden upon the r st~~3ets anci highway~ tlesignecl e will no ~ove tburden t affic~oncsuROUndt p screets and hiflnways bor truCk trips generc~ted by this us g, 1'hat the grant(n~~fth~~ d~enera'i welfa Q of hoctizer~s of the ~fty o Anahp~~mnAnde decrimontal to the peace, health, ety 9 7. Thet one person indica-:-~i his presence at :~-id public h~+ring in favor, ~nd that no currespondencs was recetved In opposition. ^~ _ PC95-9 CFt2~3MS.WP i ~~' I ~':~; Th~t the ~naheim CYty P~anning .•'. n FN IR~N~N7ALSa.~°1 ~~r~v ACY FII~~?lL~4~ ~.~~~ a ' ro sal to establish a truck ren97/~v~ is9 h~vi~ng a frontage of 486 o t an ' Cammission has rovlewd~ thp p F~ roximat~ly 8 roxtm~t~ly 9'72 foet, hoing ~ irregularly-shapgd pa~~~ a~ ~an~ Consisting of app the wost side of 5tate Call~go ~~h °f~he oent~~line tif Babbitt Ave ~Q ~~ ~t,~neu nnsfind~ ~ha ~~ located approx~mate~Y 25n f°°'~ a° rave the NAgath-e Dec:lr~ra p South State Coila~e Bouleva-+~i; and does hereby gPP roce3s and furthor f~nding on fl~ets tho indopendont )udgomant of tha Igad ation~~"c ~8 ~t p has ca~sldered the Nogat e declaration re poclarf~tfon toqether with any commenis roceivocf during t e p he initial st~xly and any commonts received that thore !~ no aubstantial evidonce that t e tha br~s~~ of t pr~Joct will have a slflnlficant ~ifect on tho enviranment. p~anr~in Cammiaslon dans N~W, TH~r1~FOFiE, B~ IT RESC~L.~~D that tho Anaheim Ciry ~nd~~p g~,~hlcri are hereby horaby ~rant subJect Petitlon for Gondition~l U~A Permlt, upon the following ~~ o~or to pr~sen-8 the fAUnd to be a necossarY proreaulafte i o~ng ~PrO g ~~ of Anahetrn ubJect propaKY safoty end general weltare of tt~e Cit ~, That all vetiicular ropair sctivitias shail ar,cur whoily I~sido the bullding• m~~t_ e not oxceedin4 ro ~sec! frvestend~nS~ ~~9n on subJect praperty sha~~ be a mo ovai of he City Traffic and z, That any p P rior reviQw and ~pp eight (t3~ feet in hei~ht and shgll be subJect to the p Transpa~tatlon Manafler to d~termine ad0quate Iinas-of-sight. g, Thst the front IandsCaped get~ck shail: ~a~ ge a minimum twenty (~0) feet in depth; (b) Include ~ minimum three (3) faot high ~ancfscapgd ~rthen ~erm: ~~ anced and irrigAted wtth minimum tifteen (1 a) gallon sizorl troas locet~d on maximum twenty t~) '~~ -~ (2p) foot cer~ters. rafffa and Transp~rtation Manag~r meY m~~~ this condltion to ensuro adequato vQhicu~~r The Clry T ancl pedestri~n visiblilty. i ht 8 foot high bic~ck wall facing State Coilege Boulevard shail be planted W~~h shrubs q.. Th~t the e g (~ raffiti. anci/or clingiiig vine3 in ordor to discourage g ~~f~~~~y ~antKyfng the QMP) spe 5. Tliat thA developer shali submi~t willabe usecif o site oecontral p edlctab~e p~lutan~o~ mgntQSe~ ctes b~st mana9oment practicos th rtrnent, Dev p runoff. T~e WQ~p ~~~~ b0 gubmittod to the Pu~liG Hlorks bopa pivisic~n~ for ~eview and apProyal. r one thousand C~~~~~t(~ation~ ts/~ ~0~0 6. 'ft~at a fee, M~~~ s eau shAll be ~ald a~tho City ot~ Anahem far sewer cgpa ' Y sq.ft.) of build g on State Ca~e9e Boulavarcl sl~al~ ~e ca~atructed wi~h ton (1U) fnot radfus curb 7, That all ~fi+~Ys the Ciry Engineer in can~armance with Enginearing Standard~. rc~turns as rcRquiretf by ~~i owrier(s) of subJect propenY $ha~l execute and rocord an uns~ o~~ ~on est the g. Th~-t the e~ rovod by the Cfty Attornoy's OEfcQ whereln suCh owr-~ar(s) afl in a form aPp ~~~~ m~y hareaher be fom~ed purt~uant to the provlsions uf f~ifon ~f any asuassmont dl6trictbse~~n t~ ~~ pf ~neheim a~ui Anah~irn Stad~ h~gf c~ orded p~~lopmont Agreement No. 83-U ~er,~ pr~p~rty. A copY which dist8~l thenube ~ubm ~ a h~° p g ~~n. GavenaM ~C85-c~ -2- ;`; ~ ~; ',! e~ b~'. -- - - `1 A it ~ 1~'. , ~ ~~, g. 7hat a pl~n sheot for soilln anancA for~~rciview And ~pproval~ ~ p~~n for recyclin~ shail bo submit~ed to tho Departm~nt af Ma 10. 7h~at the approprlate fees due f~r primary wmter mains and fire protoction Aervice bhall b9 pald ta ~a the W~ter ~ngin~ering Dlvision, fn accardance wi:h Rulms 15A and 2A of tha WAter Uiil{4y Rates, u es ~nd Ra~ulatlnns. 11, That ~ubject pra C-'~Y ofaAn ho nV by~tl e pet tions~a and whic pl~ns arlehoniafile wifN- thoCF~lantn~ing submitted to the fty ~npartment marke~d Exhi~bit Nns, ~t tiirough 3. 12. That the dles~l storage 4Ank ahall bA in~talletl under~rCUnd. 13. That the applicant shall ~ubmit a IA~ter to tl~e Zantng Uivision r9questing terminF~tion of uarianc$ No. a077 (for waiver af 4he required right-of-way impravemvnts to construct a'7,228 aq.it. storage ~ddition). 1 a. 'That a rolling wraught iran g~tc~ shall be ins4ail9d adjacent to the eigM (8) faot high block wall. 1 S. That rior t~ issuance of ~ k~uilding permft ar within a{~rioii of one (11 year froni the date of this P ro~olutlon, whfchever a~curs first, Cor~dition Nos. 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 ancl 1'~ abuvo-mentioned, sha I e complled wtth. Extensions for further time to complete said conditions rfiay be granted in accorciance with SeCtlon 18.03.Q90 of the Ano~heim Municipal Code. 16. That prlar to final buildin~ and zoning insp~c;tlons, Condition ~cas. 3, 4, 7, 11, 12 and 1a, above-nnentioned, shall be complied with. 17. That approv~l of thls application con~titutes approval ~f the pro~-a~tl request anly to the extent th~at it compllds wkh the Ar.ahefm Muniaipal zonir~~ Code and any ot'ner appllcable Cit11~ State and FedAral regulat{ans. Approval does not incl~do any act(on or finding~.~ as to complyance ar ~pproval of t:he rQquast ragarding any other applfcabl~ ard(nanoe, rogulatior~ or requiromont. BE IT FURTHEI3 RESOLV~~7 that the Anaheim CSty Planning Cornmissio~i d~es her~by find ~n.~ determine that adaption of il~is Resolution is expressly prr,jcfiaated upon applicanYs aom~~liarice wfth each and all of tho canditiona her~inabove set forth. Shauld any ~uch condition, or any part thereaf, be declared tnvalid ar unen~~c~g h~ ~i ~t~Qntaln'ed~sh211 be dc~emedU ulpand voident Jurisdicti~ri, theii this Rasolution, and any ~pp THE F4REGOING RESOLUTION was ac!opted at the Planning Commissir~n mg~t.ing of January 23, 1;~J5. , l ~ i' ,-"~ _ , ~ ~; . . ~,rJ ; ,. ~.u /,r%~''~ • .~.,L_'_...._~~`y'~':./,.~1.-•~~~..~ _ MA4r~W MAN ANAHEIM CI'rY P~N~JINC CONIMI5SION arrEST: ~.1 ~ , SECRF.TARY, AHEIM CITY PI.ANNiNG COMMISSiON ~~ PC85-9 I ~ ,~;~~ 5TATE AF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY AF dRANGE ) ~s. CITrf OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margartta Solorfo, 5ecret~ry o~ zha AnaheEm Gtty Planrring Gommisslon, do hereby certffy ~hat the foregoing resa ~ton ~~a;~ g by thef ollowng vate af ~e tmember~h h~r pf:~~m ~~ry ~~~nning Cammisalon hald on J ry AYES: CCIMMISSIONEFi$: BnYQSTUN, ~CALdW~I.L, HENNItVCER, IMAYER, MESSE, PERA~A, '~A~T Nn~S: GONIIUNSSiC~NEF~S: MONE ABSEN7: COMPWISSipNEFi~: ~lONE IN WfTNES5 WH~REOF, I h~ve h~reunto s~t my fwnd thfs ~ d&y ~f , 19atis. ~ ~ A ~ ,~..,~ Y~ ...._._. - SECR Y, AHEI ~~TY PU'~NNING COMMISSION .~_ FC95-9