Resolution-PC 95-91,~;,,'; ', F3~ OL TI N NQ PC95-~1 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAMEIM CITY PLANNING COMNiISSION ThIAT PETITIaN FQR RECLASSIFICA710N N0. 94-95-10 BE G9ANTk:D WHER~AS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission d(d receivo a verified petition for Recl~ssfflcation for real property aituated in the City of Anahe(m, County ot Orang~, State af California, described as follows: PARCEl.1: 'I'HAT PORTION OF LO7 25 OF ~1NAHElM EXYEN510N IN THE CITY ~F AR!AHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE UF CALIFORNIA, AS SHVWN ON A MAP OF SURVEY BY WILLIAM HAMEL, A CQPY OF WI-IiCH IS SHOWN IN BOOK 3, PAGES 162 70 164 IPJCLUSIVE OF L.QS ANGELES CnUhJTY MAPS, IN TME OFFICE OF THE COUN7Y R~CORDER OF ORaN~E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRI8EL7 AS FOLL~JWS: B~GINNING AT THE INTERSECTION UF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 25 WiTH 7HE WES7ERLY PRQLONGATION U~ THE SQUI ~-~ERLY LINE OF TRACT NQ. 2757, AS SHQWN ON A MAP RECORDED fN BC~QK tp8, PAGES 28 AND 29 OF MISC~Ll.RNEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUN"fY, CALiFORNIA; THENCE NORTH 7a D~G. 28' 9 1" EAST PARALLCL WITH 7H~ N4RTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT ~5 A QISTANCE OF 320.0~ F~~l'; THENCE SOUTH 15 DEG, ~1' 49" EAST 185.15 FEET PARALLEL WITFi THE WESTCRLY LINE OF SAID 1.4T 25 TU TWE SOUTHERLY LIhC OF L.AND DESCRIBED iN A DEED TO H~RMAN HENRY BRUNS AND WIFE, RECORDED NOVEMBER 18, 1~35 IN BOOK 792, PAGE 12, QFFICIAI~ RECORD5; 7FiENCE SOU7H 74 D~r. 28' 11" WGST 320.00 FEET ALONG ~SAIU S-.~UTHERLY I.INE TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7_5; THENCE N~R'~H 15 DEG. 31' 4~J" WEST 185.16 F~ET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNIN~. SAID LAND IS INCLUDED WITHIN 7HE AREA SHOWf~ ON A M/1P FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY FlECORDER OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, IN BOOK 5~, PAIaE 22, RECORDS OF SURVEY. PARCEI. 2: 7HE NORThIERLY 70.00 FEET OF THAT PnRTInN ~F l.OT 25 OF AtJAHEIM EXTENSIO~I, IN TFIE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF URANG~, STATE OF CALI~QRNIA, AS SMOWN ON A MAP OF SU~RVEY BY VIJILUAM HAMEI., A COPY OF WHICM IS SHOWN IN B04K 3, PAGES i62 T0164 INCLUSIVE UF L.QS f1NGELES CQUNTY MAPS, il~ THE OFFICE 0~ 'I'HE RECORDER OF ORANlaE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRI3~D AS FOLIOWS: BFGINN~NG AY THE SOUTHOIVESTERLY CORNER OF 5AID L.OT 25, SAID CQRNER BEING AI.SA TNE INTERSECTION OF THE C~NTERL.INE OF LOS ANGELES 5THEEf WITH THE SOUTH IIN~ OF SECTION 15, 70WNSNIP 4 SOUTH, NANGE 10 WEST, AS SHOWN OiV SAIQ MAP OF A~JAHEIM EXT~NSION; 7NEf~CE AL4NG 1'NE WESTERLY LlhlE C)F SAID LOT 25 CENTEFI LiNE OF LOS ANG~I.~S 57RFEl~ fJQRTH 15 p~G. 30' OG" WEST q1 ~•85 ~'EET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF Ti~E LAND C(JNV~Y~D Tn H~FtMAN HENRY BFUt~S ANG EDNA EMMA BRUNS; BY DEE~ RECORDEi~ NOVEMBER 1f3, 1935 IN 600K 792, PAGG 12 U(= OFFICIAL RECORDS; TMENGE ALONG ~AID SOU7HEFiLY LINE NORTH 74 DEG. 30' U(a" EAST a12•43 F~~1~~ ~HENCE SUUTH 0 DEG. 03' 40" EAaT 539.27 FE~T ~O TFi~ ~OUTHERI.Y LIN~ OF SAID SECTIOIV 15; THEPIVE SOUTM 89 DEG. 57' 00' WES7 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CR2aa2DM •~ • pCg~.Cj~ ~XCEPT THE WESTERLY 30~.00 FEET THEREOF. SAID G~~z2 OF ECORDB 4F SURV~YA Nt T~HENOFFICE OFFTf E CO NTY 54, PA RE~ORDER OF SAID COUNTY. PARCEL 3: T!-IAT FORTIUN OF L07 25 OF ANAHcIM EXTENSION, IN THE CITY QF ~1NAHElM, CQUNTY QF OF~ANGE, STAT~ bF' GALIFORNIA, AS ~HUWN ON A MAP OF SURV~Y BY WILL.IAM HAMEL, A CAPY OF WHICH IS SHOWN IN BOOK 3, F~AGES ~62 AND ~6a INCLUSIVE QF ~~L.OS ANGELES COUNTY MAPS" IN THE OFFICE OF i HE COUNTY RECORDER ()F SAID GOUN'i'Y, C~ESCRIBEq AS FOLLOWS: B~Gin"NING AT A POIN7 AN THE CE~I7ERLINE G~F LOS ANGELES ~TREET, NORTH 15 D~G. 32' 15" WEST if~0.35 FEET FFiOM ITS IN7EFi~ECTiON WI7H TH~ CENTERLINE OF BA4L RON(~, SAlD CENTER I.INES BEING CONSTRU~D 70 BE ~aT LINES FOR THE PURPASE OF 7HlS D~SCRIPTIO[~I; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 15 QEG 32~ 15° ~NES~' 2a7.50 FEET THENCE NOR7H 74 DEC. 27' 45" EAST 300.00 FEET; THENCE PARALLEI. WITH SAIp LOS ~NGEI.ES STREET, SOUT'H 15 QEG. ~2' 1~" ~AST TO THE SAID CEN'TERLIN~ OF BAL.L ROAD; THENCE WCSTEHLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINF TO TH~ SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF TI-IE NO~iTHEASTERLY LINE OF TNE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO B~RTHAN L. P~I.I.AK, ET UY.., RECORDED JUNE 29, 19561N BOOK 3562, PAGE 21f, OFFICIAL Fi~CORDS; THENCE NCIRTH 15 D~G. 32' 15" WEST 237.4Q ~EE(' ALONG THE Spia NdRTMEASTERLY LINE AND ITS PROLONU~710N T~J THE MvST N~RTHERLY CORNER QF THE 1r4ND DESCRIQED IN D~ED TO THE ~iANbC ~F AMERICA NA710NAL TRUST AND SAVINGS A850CIA1'101~ RECNCE SOU H~~74 DEGi 27 I45~ W ST 278.86 ~EE"T ~TO ITHE PQIN R UF THE E3~GINNING. EX~EpT 7HAT PART{ON THCRE~7F INCLUDED WITHIN SAID fiALL ROAD 60.00 FCET WIDF. SAIQ IAN~ r E COl1NTY FiECORDER OF SAID ORANG CQUNTY~IN ~~OK 54 or-~ic~ o PqGE 22, RECORDS 4F SURVEY. PARCEL 4: TH~,T PORTION UF l.t~T 25 VF ANAHEfNI ~XTENSION, IN THE CIT`( OF ANAHEIM, COUM'TY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, A5 SHOWN ON A MAP OF SURVEY MAD~. BY WILLIAM HAMEL AND FILED IN THE OF~ICE QF THE COUN7Y RECO~iDER OF LOS ANGELFS COUNTY, CAl_IFORNIA, A COPY PAGE 163 ET SECI, ENTI7i..ED I_OS OF WFIICH IS RECORDED IN f300K a, ~ ~ ANGNL ES~C~O~ ,TM CAL FO N A~D SCR BED AS FO~.LC~WS Y~i~CORDER OF ORA G BEGINNING AT TFiE SUUTHWES'T CORNER QF SAID L4T 25 (WHICH F~OR THE P-JRPOSES OF THIS DESCRIPTION, IS CONSTRUEd T~'J BE TH~ CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF LOS ANG~LES STR~ET (NOW KNO~1N AS ANAHEiM BWD. AND BALL ROA+D); THEhIC~ NOF~TH t5 DEG. 32' 15" W~~T ALONG TH~ WEST LINE OF SAfD LOT 25, A DI$7ANCE OF 153.86 FEEY; THENC~ EAST~RLY Ai~ONG A LiP1E PAi~ALLEL WIYH THE SOUTH l.INE OF SAID LOT 25, ~1 f~iSTANC~ OF 170.~ THF_ W~EST LINE AF SA D1 ~7 2, A DISTANC~ O~ 53• GLFEEI'; THENC~ WITH ,,. ;, .2~ PC95-91 °~~'... ~ i~ W~S7~RLY ALONCa TI-iE SOUTH LINE OF aAID LOT 2.5, TO ThIE P41NT OF TRUF BEGINNING. EXCEPT TH~ SOU7M 30 F~Ef THER~OF. PARC~L 5: TF~IA7 PORTION 0~ 40T 25 OF ANAHEIM EXTEN5IUN, IN TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY AF ORANGE, STA7E QF CALII=ORNIA, AS SHOWN 0~I A MAP OF SUh~VEY MADE BY WI4LIAM HAM~L, ,4ND FIL~D IN THE OFFICE OF' THC COUNTY R~:~ORDER OF LOS ANGEL~S COUNTY, CAt.IFOFINIA, A COPy' OF WHICH IS RECORDED ~N BQOK 3, PAGES 163, ET SEQ., ENTITLED "LO~a ANGELEr COUNTY MAPS", IN THE OFFICE OF THE C~UNTY RECORQER OF SAID ORANGE ~OUNTY, DESCRIBED aS FOLI.OWS: COMtvikNCING AT TE~IE SOUTHWES7 CORN~R OF SAID LOT 25, SAID CORNER FOR THE ~'URPOSE 0~ THIS DESCRIPT'IQN BEIhIG CONSfDEf~ED T4 BE TME iNTERSECTIONS OF "~HE CENTERLINE OF L~S ANGELES S7REET AND BALL ROAD, A~3D RUNNING THENCE NORTF~ 15 DEG. 32' 95" WESl', ALON a 7HE ~ENTERLINE OF SAIU LOS ANGEL~S STFiEET, 160.35 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF TME ~OUNDARY OF THE. LAND MEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE SOllTH 15 L~EG. 32' 15" EAST 6.d9 F~ET; TMENCE NOFtTH 89 DEG. 54' 30" kAST PARALI.EI. WITH SAID CENTERLINE OF E3RLL ROAD, 170.n0 F~ET TO T'HE WESI'E~iLY LfNE OF THE I..AND CANVEYED TO BERTRAM L. POLLACK AND WIFE, F3Y DEFD RECORDED JUN~ 29, 1956 IN BOOK:i562, f~AG~ 216, OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN TFIE OFF1C~ OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY; THEhCE NORTH 15 ~EG. 32' 15" WE~T Al.OtvG SAID WESTERLY I.IN~, ?_5.95 FEET TO TI-IE NORTI-{WEST CI~Rt~El~ THEREDF; THENCE NORTH 74 DEG. 27' 45" EAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID I..AND, 115.00 FEE~I' TO TH~ NORTHEAST CORNER 7H~REOF; TMENC~ NOR"fH 15 D~G. 32' 15" WEST A~.ONG THE NORTHEFiLY PFiULONGATION ~F T}-IE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LAND, 25.79 FE~T TO AN IN'TEF~SE~TION wNl'tH A LINE WHICH BEARS NOFiTH 7d DEG. 27' •15" WEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNlNG; THENCE SOUTH 74 DEG. 3?.' 45° WEST 27a•$6 FE~7 TO THE 7RUE POIN7 QF BEGINNING. PARCEL 6: THA"t' POR7lON OF LOT 26 OF ANAHEIM EXT~iVSION, IN T{-IE CI7Y OF ANAMEIM, COUN7Y OF QRANG~, STATE OF GALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREOF MADE E3Y WIL.I.IAM HAM~L p,fVQ F1LE~ FOR RE~ORD IN TME OFFICE OF TFiE COUN7Y RECOFiDER OF LOS ~>NGELES CQUN7Y, CALI~ ORNIA QESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINN{NG AT A POINT IN THE SOUTI-IkRLY I.INE OF SAID LOT, DISTANT 'THFREON 1~0.00 FEE'T EASTERLY FRQM TNE SOIJTHWEST COf~NER "fHERF_OF, SAID SOU7HWEST CORNER BEIlVG THE IN7ERSECTION OF THE CENT~RLINE OF THE STREET, 60.00 FEEf IN WiDTH, NOW K~lOWN AS BALL ROAD, ADJOINING SAID LOT 4N TFIE SOUTH, WfTH THE C~NTERI.INE Oi~ THE S"fRE~', 60.0~ FEET IIV WIDTH, fVOW KNOV':N AS LOS ANGELES STREET, ADJ~INING SAID LOT ON THE WESl' AIJD RUNNING THENCE NORTH 15 DEG. 32' ~5" WEST, PA~iALLEL VNlTH SAID WES'T LiNE, 178.81 FEET; THENC~ NORTH 74 DEG. 27' 45" EAST 115.00 FEET; THEN~E SOUTH 15 D~G. 32' ~ 5" EAST 211.6 F~ET TO 7FIE CENTERLINE OF SAIIJ BALL RAAD; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CEN7ERl.INE, 119.32 ~E~"f 70 ThIE POINT OF I3EG~NNING. EXCEP7 7HEREFROM THE SOUThIERLY 50.00 FEET LY~NG WITHIN BALL HOAQ. _3. f'C~5-91 ~~ WH~REAS, the City Plannfnc~ Commission did hold a public hearing at th~ Civic ~enter in tlie City oi Anahoim on June 26, 199~ at 1:30 ~.ri-„ notice of said public hearing h~ving b~en duly given as Cha ter 1 a,03 to requlred by law and in accord~nco ~.otith the provisian~ of the Anaheim Municipal Codo, p ~ hear ~nc~ r,Ansfclor evicler~c~ fo~ and ac~ainst said proposed reclassificatian and to investiga~te and make findings ~ncl recQm~pr~dations in connection thor~with; and that said public hearing was continuecl to the July 24 and August 7, 1995 Planning Commission me9tings; und WHEREAS, said ~ommissian, ~ft~r due insp~ction, investigatian ancl study mado by itself ancl in its behaif, and after due consideration Qf ali evider~ca and reports offerod a.t said hearinc~, does find and detormine the foilowing facts: 1, Th~t tho petit(oner proposes re~lassificatiar~ of subject proporty from thR MP ~District~, Inciustrial), CH (Commercial, Heavy), CG (Commerefal, General), and PLD-M (Landsca~ .• M~n~!facturing) Zanos to tha CL (Commerciai, Limited) Zane. 2, 7hat th~ Anaheim G~neral Plan designates subject property for General Cummercial lancl uses. 3. That tho propased reciassification of s~~bject property is n~cessary ~nd/or desirabie for the orderly and proper development of the commun3ty. 4. T eSt lo al~lr~est~blished inifclase pQOximftyCt u ubject proportypand to thetznnes andSthei~r their permittod us Y permitted uses gen~rally castablished throughout the cpmmunity. 5. That no one indicated thefr presPnco at said public hearin~ in ~-ppasition; and that n~ corr~sponclence was received in oppasition to subject petition. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL (~UALITY ACT FI I~f~IN_G: T'hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal ta reclassify 5ubject praperty from the ML (Limited Industrial), CH (Commercial, Heavy), C~ (Commercfal, Generai), and PL.D-M tL.andsCape Dlstrict, Manufacturing) zones to th~ CL (Commercial, Lirr~itHd) Zono to permit a toiar bus terminal including thEa storage and m~-intenance ofi buses and adminlstrative afficos with waiver of required parking lot landscaping on an irregul~riy-shap~d parcel of land cons(sting of approxim~4ely 3.8 acres located at ~ho northadst cornor of ~all Fioad and Anaheim Boulevard, ha~~ing appraximato frontages ef 2G5 feet on the north side of k~ali Raad and 552 foet on the eas4 sidQ af Anaheim Roulsvard, and further d6scribed as 1120 South A~i~heim Boulevard (formerly Anahaim ~odge); and does hereby approve the Negativc~ DeclaratEon upor finding that the ~eclaration reflects the independent ~udqement of the I~ad aqency and that it has cor~sidered the Negative Deciaration ta~ether with any c~mm~ants rPr,eived during the public review process and further finding or~ the basis af the initfal study and any comments receivecl that there is no substa~ tial evid~n~c~ that :he proj~ct w~ll have a sic~nificant effect at~ the environment. NOW, THER~FOR~, B~ IT RFSQLVED th~t the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby approve the subjeck PPtitian for Reciassificatian to ~uthorize an amendment to the Zoning Map of ~he Anah~im ~Aunicfpal Code 4o pxclude the abavs-described propert.y from the ML (l..imited Industrial), CH (Comm~rcial, Hea~vy), CG (Commerciaf, General), and PLD-M (l.~nd~cape District, N1anuPacturinc~) Zones and to inc~rporate said desr•ribed property inta the C!. (Commercial, Limited) Zone upan the follawing conditions wh(ch ~re hereby found to bR a nocessary prer~qufsite to the proposed usQ of s~bjPct property in order to preserve the safaty and general welfare ot .ho Citizens of the City of Anahaim: -4y PC95-91 1. Yhat khe pr~porty owner shall submit a letter requesting termination of Conditional Use P~rmit Nas. 241 (to establisP~ a schoai in the real estate, insurance and building fiolds), 459 (to permit an auto and truck ovorhaul, paint, mechanical, and body repair facility), 749 (to permit used c~r sales and new car~ storage, includfnc~ all u~es incident~l thereto, and to ~ermit encrpachment into the f'-L "Parkinc~- i.andscaping" Zone for such sal~s and storage), 2509 (to permit. an automobile dealsrshi~a with waiver of rninimum landscape so~b~ck), and Varfance No. 21 ~l6 (waiver of maximum sign hei~ht within 300 feet af residential uses). 2. That prfar to placemant of an ordinunce rezoning subJect prop~rty on an agenda for C~ty Council consideration, Cnnditian No. ~, ~bove-mnntioned, shall bo completed. The City Council may appr~ve or disapprov~ a zoning ordinance at fts discretion. If the orc~inance is disapproved, the proc~dure s~t forth in Anaheim Municipal Code Soction 18.03.085 shall apply. 7he prc~visions or rights granted by this resolutian shall become nuil and vaid by ~ation of the Planning Cammisslon uniess said conditians are Gompif~d with within one (t) year fron~ the date of this resalution, or sucl~ further tirrie as the Plannin~ Commisslon may r~rant. BE 17 FURTHER RESOLV~~ that the AnahFim City Plannin~ Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predic~ted upon applicant's complfance with each and ail of the conditions hereinabove set forth, Shauid any such canditions, or any part th~reof, be d~c:lared invaifd or unenforceablA by the final judgment of any court of competent )urisdictfon, thon this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deeme~ niali and void. BE IT FURTE~ER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall not constikute a rezoning of, or a commitment by the City tn rezone, tho subject property; any such rezoning shall requirQ an ordinanco of the City Council which shalt be a legislative act which may be approvsd or denied by ths City Council at its sc~le disGretion. THE FORE~OING RESO~.UTION vvas adoptod at the Planning Commi~sion meet(ng of August 7, 1995. , =.~~~~r : . ,IRWQMAN, ANAH {TY FLANNING COMMISSION ~Tf EST: C~b~GO IL~d SECRETARY, AHEIM CIl'Y F1-ANNING COMMISSION STAI'E OF CALIFOFiNiA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) ss. CITY QF P,NAHEIM ) I, M~rgarita Solorio, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plann(ng Commission, dc~ hereby certify that the foreqoing resolution was passed and adapted at a meeting ~f the Anaheim City Planriing C~mmission held on August 7, 1995, by the following vote of the membors thereot: AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, B~YpST~lN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MAY~R, MESSE, PERAZA NpE ~: CAMMISSfONERS: NOh1E ABSENT: CQMMISSI9N~RS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand thfs ~ day of l!S , 1995. ~ , r~o~t~.o gECFtE'fAR , NpM IIU1 CI7Y PLANNING COMMISSiON .5. PC95-91