Resolution-PC 95-96~ ~ .~so~uY~orv Na. ~c~:~.~ ~1 FiESOLUTIQN OF ThiC ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC CnMMISSICIN AMENDING CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF R~S4LUTION NQ. FC90-5E3 ADOPTEp IN GUNNECTION WIl'Fi CC3NDI710hIAL USE PEHMIT NO. 32~35 WHEREAS, on MAr~h 12, 1990, Planniny Commission g~anted Conditional U:e Pormit No. 3245 (to permit r~n automotive body shop witli waiver of m:r~imum number of p~rking sp~ces at 632 South Fioge Streot) for a porioci af threa (3) years to c~xpire on March '12, 1993; and that no f~rther act{an was t~ken by the City Counc(I; WHEREAS, Fiesulutlon Nn. PC90 58, adoptsd in connectiaii with subject use permit, includes the followin~ conditlon: 15. That thf~ conditional use permft shail tormin~ta (n ti~rec~ (3) years on March 1~, 1993. WI-I~REAS, on Ju1y 1'I, 1~94, P~anning Commission xtdopted Resolutian No. PC94-88, amendinc~ Resolutian No pC90-58, to permit the use to expa~d onto adjacent propercy at 526 Sauth Rose 5treet and to ~mond Conditinn ~io. 15, to read as fallows: 15. Th~t oxistfng use at 532 South Rose Streot and the expansion to 526 South RosQ Street shall be grantad for a peri~d af one (1) year, to expire orti July 11, 1995, subject to the fallowing additforial conditfons of appraval; (a) That monthly Code Enforcement inspectfons shall be requirQd, with the cnst of inspectian5 to be incurred b~y th~ praperty ow~er• (b) That th~ exlsting lant3scaping shali be rehabflitated and maintai~ed. (~) 1'hat all omployee parking shall be located in the rear yards ot the sut~j~ct properties or wfthin the buildings. (d) 7hat the storaqQ of vehicles and business rei~tc3cf m~teriais, and a!l worl. on veliicles (int:luding the washing of said vehfcles) shall be confinecl ta the interior of the buildings. Absol~tely no business relatecl work or storage shall be allowed in the fror~t or rear yards, or on the roof of the buildin~s. (e) That si~nage shaN be required ~t the iront of 526 and 532 South Rose Street, v~hich signs shall stat~, in both English and Spanfsh, that parkinq is reserved for customers uf the sub~ect business only. WHEREAS, Chartie Elarragan, Clia~ie's Exotic Works, has submitteci a lstter asking that the concli~fons pertaining to ilte time If^~itation and the fee f~r Cotle Enforcem~nt revfew be deleted. WHE9EAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hQaring at the Civi:; Center in the City uf Anaheim on A~~gu~t 7, 1J9~, at 1:30 p.m., notica of said public hearin4 havinc~ beQn duly given ~s rQquired by !aw and in accordance with tho pr~visians of the Anaheim Mur~ir,f~ai Ccx1e, Chanter 16.03, to hear and cons(der evidence for nnd a~ainst saki proposod amendment and to investi~ate a~d mako ffndings Ar~d recc~mmQndatMns In connectton therewlth; aixi CR2A5S{~1S.V1IP ~•1 • PCy5-95 ~ WHEREAS.r due considoratlon of ~I{ oviden ~~anid repartsto~ffererJ atlsaiduho ng, doe~f find end In Its bohaif, and a.ite and dotermine the followln~ facts: 1, That sald po~m~itt~se e1ubl cxpoace~ heaiith, s~fetyr~ d~gorne altwolfare~antltic,ular area and surrounding land uses, no p 2. 7hat no one Indicated thofr presenco at ~aid pubtlc hearinfl in apposition; nnd that no correspandAnce wa~ receivad in opposition to the ~ubject ~et(ti~n. ~ALIF~t~J1A ENVI ~IM~TAI~! A,~4.~ -N AC'~ FINDIfy,~: 7h~t the Anaheim City Plannin~ Cammissi~n has reviaw~d the proposal and sloes heroby find thAt the Neg~tfve D9clar~tion previously approvQCJ in connection with Canditional Us~ PArmit No. 3245 is adequate to s~rve as the r~qufred envi-onmei~t~l ~locument2tic~n in connectlen wlth thls requ~est upon finding that the deciar~tion reflc~cts the independent )udgement af the iead agency and that it has consfdored the Negative Doclaration together wfth any comments r~celi ed ~c~iv dt tliatu hlerecissno ub tantial ev dencfe that th~hproJect willhhavei a study ~nd any commen s significant effE~ct on the onvironmvnt. NQW, 7H~:REFORE, BE IT RESOI.VED that the Anahei~r City Pianning Cammissinn does hereby ~mend the canditions af a~pr her conditiolns shalprem•~ n 5n~ fuil f ce and eff cej olutian No. 9aR- 88, to re~d as foilov~s (and that al! o ,Amend Canditiun No. 15 to r~ad as foilows: 15. '~~P~at subJoct conditlonal use permit is grantoci for a periocl of one (1) year, to expire on July 11, 1996. Add thg follc~winA new conditfons: 1 g. 'That tho c~~t of code enforcement inspe:.tlons shall be incurred by the property owner as r~quirod by the City's Cacfe Enforcement Manager. 1g. 'ihat the landscape pianters shall be permanently maintained with Iivo and healtliy plant rr~aterk~ls. 20. That all ernplayee parking stiall bQ confined to the rear y~rd ar~a of the subject p~opertles, ar inside tha enclosed bufiding. 21. 7iiat the storage or ov~rnfght par4~ing of vehicles, vQhicle parts, or businsss-rQlated materials ar~d all work on vehicles (inciuding the washing of vehicles) shall be conflned entirely to tt~e interior of the b~dieg~f Ve~ `°@StQVehicle parts or mat r a~skshaal be al o'wed in the`f ont c iaear activities, or st~ g yard arsas, or on tlie rc~of ~f the buildings. 22. 1'h~t signs shall be posted in front of bnth 526 and 532. South Rose Strec?t, stating, in b~th Englfsh and Spani~h, that parkln~ is reserved tor customer~ of the subject business onty. 24. Tt~t customer pa ~ I Guso mer vhhf~l sgbe sta k~dCdoublo ~arked~nr ighist,nclir g kn tanden~ and <<t no timE s in tr~nt af, ~r sdjacent to th~ buildings. .2_ PC95-.9E'i ~ ~ THE FOREGOIN~ RE50l.UTION was adopted at the Plannfnc~ Cammission meEtinc~ of August '7, i 9J5. . .~/ ~ IRWOMAN, ANAHEI ~ITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATl'EST: ,~ ~ ,r ~~~L '~~Y ('l~-NNING GOMM SSII ON SECR ARY, AHEIM C STATE OF CAIIFOHNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. GITY OF ANAHEIM ) f, Margarita Snlnrio, Secretary of the Anahoim City Pianning Commission, do hereby cartify that the forogoing resolution a gihQ fpl~lOWl ~~VO QtOf t a members~f ehoofnahefm City Planning Commission hold on August 7, 1995, Y AYES: CqMMISSIONERS: SOYDSTUN, BRIST4L, H~NNINGER, MESSE, NIAYCR, FERAZA MOES: CUMMISSIONERS: ~QSTWICK AE35CNT: COMM1S510NERS; NONE IN WITNESS WI-IEREOF, i have hersunto sot my hand this ~~' day of l~ S~. ___~ 1995. ~~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~`'~------- SEC FTARY, AHEIM CITY PLANNING GOMMISSION -3• PC95-9fi