Resolution-PC 95-97~ ~.FS~ TI ~Q,.L'.~.~.r-~.~. A RESOLUTION OF TH~ ANAW~IP~JI CITY ~'LANNINC3 C~MMISSION AMENDING f:EFi7AIN CQNQI710NS UF AFPRC-VAL OF R~SOL.Ui'ION N0. 84F~•393 ADOPT~D IN CflNNErTION WIl'H CUNDI~'IONAL US~ PERMiT NO. 2602 WH~REAS, on l~ctober 2, 1984 thA City Councll adoptc~r! ~Iasal~nf~n Nc~, 84R-3~1 In conn~ction with Cnnditional lJ$a ~'ermft No. 2~02 to pormit a~t0-be~ adult baard and care facility; and that said facillty at 127-13 f~W~s~ai~1~3 p~a13?.WSauth A alhoim Bouleva d A~0••bed annex to an existing nc~nconformir~c~ 36-k~ed y WHEREAS, on May 17, 1988, the City Council apprnved an amendment to conditions of approval allowing ambulaCory patients at tlie Hill Place facfiity. Ori Aprfl 19, ~1993, the Planriing Commission approved ~ substantial confprmance request to I~gaily sAparate the two board a~nd care facilities, rondering ontitlomant to the sub~ect property Qn Hill i~laca und~ar Cnnclftionai Us~ Permit No. 260?., and :e .ipring the farility on ~nahelm BauiQVard lagal noncontorming. WHEREA n ta 44 0 O 1I7Argo expai d the p~reviously- purov~d 4Q bedl board and ca9e faci~lity aiithorfty of Code Soct o to ailow a total uf 49 beds wfth wafver of the following: ~i~ ~ns 184C,p50.Q,~§.~. - Minimum num ,b.}~r of cNa~kfng~.~• ~~~ (~q roquirec.l; ~ existing ~nd approvod by the _ n 1.44. ~Q~Q Cfty Traffic and Transp~rtatfon Manager) WHEREAS, the ~ity Planning Commissian d(ci hold a pubiic hearin~ at the Civic Center in tho Cfty of Anahetm on July 2~L, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., notice of s~c~l~ publfc hearing haviny boen duly given as requir~d by law and in accor~ance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municlpal Gade, CPiapter 18.03, to he~r and cansider evid (~ns in~con ect~ian therewithr~and ~ tsaid public heari giwastcoatinued othe findings and recommenda August 7 and August 21, 1995 Plann(ng Comm(ssinn me~tin~. WHEREAB, said ~n,sideration oftall svidAncs an`d reports~otferecS at saSd~h ~ ng, does ind and in its bohalf, and alter due c and detormine thQ following facts: 1. That the requestsd parlcing waiv~r would cause fewer off-street parkln~ spaces ta be providod fnr such th~ proposede norma' and reas nably fo ese~able c onciitions of op rat~ion of Isuch iuss; attributable to s~lcl u5o u de 2. That th~ parking wafver woulcJ incroasQ thr~ demancJ and aompetftfoR for p~rking spaces on tl7e public stroots in the immfxJfate vfcinity of the praposed use; 3. 7hat tho ~arkinc~ waiver wauid increas~ the dHmand and competition far parkin9 gPaces on adJACent private propertY ~~ hh~~e u~~a~n aS~reement n~ com~lf~ co withhSect~lanp18.06 01a 020pof ihis providod as parkirtig for suc u Cod~); 4. That the parkinflo~f~st eetw~ rking a Has or I~ots p ov d~d fq- the praposed IusQ~, or traNic cirr.ulaEEon conflicts, w~thin tho ~ 5. That the park(n9 waiver wouid increase trailfc con9estian, notsa, air pailutfon, o~ 6mpede vehicular ingress to or egr~,ss from a~1~ac~ni propertfes, upon the pu~iic str~ts in the tmrnc~sJlato vicinKy of the proposed use; g That the proposed use is properly one for which a c~ndltiontii use pprrr~ft is authorizecf by the Zoning Cotfe. ~C85-97 CR?.460~M.WP '~' ;`~~'~ ~ 7, That tho propo~ use, as amQndod, would acJvers~ly ~~cated~ adjoining land uses and the grawth and develaprn~nt af tho erea in whiah ft is proposed ta be ~o ~ g, That the slze and shapo S~ u~tlnfari anno~ not dotrlmental a tl eeparticu~araa eaunor to ~Ilaw the fi~l! developmsnt of the p op the peace, healtn, safety, and genera~ walf~ra; 9. That tho traffia genara~ad dv nd imr~ oved to cacrY the tr~ff c~ inithoma ea; and ncluo burden upan tho streets and highw~ys design9 a p 10. 1'hat amonding the conditfana`tu of An he mpu'~ be detrimental to tha peace, hoaith, safQty and general ~Nelfare ofi the c(tizQns of the C y 11. 7hax 3 p9a~lA fndicated ~t~f~~ pp the subJect peti~tionlic hearir~g in opposition; an~l that no corr9spondonce was recelved in oppo ~'ALI~ ~NVIRONS~IEPJTAL 0~'!~' ASL~ I~ :~hat the Anahelm City Planning Commfsslun has reviewed the proposal an e d~ae erver aS he raquirwd ~nvf~ronme~ntall doaumen~ atianSin approved in cunnection wfth is adequa cc~nnectlor. with tPiis reque5t upon finding th ~ehaN e`De~la~atfonl toget er w kh any corrum~entserecofive'd lead agency and that it has conslder~ the g during the public review pr~cess andlf eVh~e~rnCe ~~hat r~e project with hav`eiaassiynif cantaeffoct on~the recefved that there is n~ substantfa envirnnment. NOW, THEREFQF~~~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Pla~nning Commisslon does horeby does hereby der~y, without prejudico, t nd the afver ofpminimum num(aeryof pa ki g Spd~ board and caro faaflity to ailow a total of 49 beds a THE F4R~GOiNG RESC~LUTION was adopted at the Planning ~ommission maettng of Auc~ust 21, 1595. ~- `,y~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~i _-- C WOMAN, ANAHEIM CI1'Y A~INING COMMISSInN ATTEST: , ' c~'/~,r~2.r;~S' SECRETARY, A~I~ EIM CI'iY PIANNING CO IMM SSION ~'~ATE 4F CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s~. CITY OF ANAHFIM ) I, Margarita Soloria, Socretary ~E the AnaFieim Cfiy Plannin~ Cammissinn, do h~rehy certlfy that the fareg~ing resolution was passed a fiallow~n t o e of the m~mbers the Qafheim C!ry Planning Commission helcl on August 2i, 1995, by the fl AYES: COMMISSIANFRS: 80STW1CK, BOYDSTUN, BRIS70l., HENylNGER, MAYER, MESSE, PE(~AZR NOES: COMMISSIUN~RS: N~NE ABS~NT: CUti9MlSSIUNERS: NONE / J Q ~~y, IN WITMESS WH~REOF, ! have t~Rrdurtta set my hand this ~l ~ day ot ~~'~~ 1995. ~^ ~ ~ HElM CI~~rY~'LAIVNING COMMISSION SECRET'AR , -2- PC95-97