650 4~tJidavit Of' Publication :'.\Ti': ()J.' '( .I i . .'\ T '. f' _\LU'UH:-": 1.\ () l' 0 It . \ ~ ( ; F ..;.... ORDINANCE. N~ 850. ,. I AS ORDINANCE PRO.HIBITINC I WIN'DOW P.lt':EPJ"NG AT' CER': 'rAIN '.rJ.M~;~S 01'-" THE DAY A.~D'I NIGHT. AND PRQVU.J1NG P~N-I ALTJli~.q }I"'OR THE V10LATIU;~ rf' H !.:lU..;( 'F. I :'i.. ..j . .~ rLI;.) HI' ~ ~ ~~ ~ '" l.r~ r .'_' 1~1 ..~;~~ all:: ~rHE .(JjT~ COUNCIL OJ:c'. 'rH ~ CITY OJ4' ANAHEJ-M DOES ORDAl~ AS It'\.H..r..ows: :. ... Section I. It. is unlawful for .any pf:nWll. b,-tweell ,the. hQU1' of S\lD- ~et ot' ,my day and the liour uf sunrist- of the next succeeding day, to enter 1Jp.on any privat-e' property and PPE>P, peer or look ,into any \\'inlJow 01' door of allY inhabittlil dwelljn~. - thereon. I He(~tion 2. This ordinance shall I ne.l app!y to any peac~ o.fficei. ill the pt:~l'formail('e of his" duty. nor I 1 t<o a.ny person who enter,; \Ipon I, ~ SLH'h )J~i \'at,e vro}ltn'ty with the c..'Vl~-I'1 :1 M~nt or the cH~~upant of such d~wej' , HUb' I I ~el~tiUJ~ S. Any person vi()l:a~int; 11111~ o nhllaJlc:e, UI" alii' pro\'U:ilOn,~ II IllllCl'~Ur, sha.lI be (j~emed guilty d I h mi'~d~mt:'a1Jol'. and '~POII cc.t-II\'ict.~on ~ h~: !"t'\Jt ,.;hall be pUlUshed b~ oa t lilt: I 01 II lit mol"t. than .Three Hundred. ~)~,l1an-: u~aou.oo) 0': by impJ"hwn- I Jljt-nL ion the City Jail lor a period i (If not more than tbree (3) mOlhhs' o. lJy both su<:h fine and imprison- I Jlleut. . . Sec..'tilln .;. 'rhe eity Clerk .shall. I~el.t if)' as to the passage of thi~ (I1'oina.lh.'4:' liud shall cause the S&.IDt:' i to be print"d a.lld publltihed onc.~e hJ the orange County N4:'ws. Jj, u,"wl'pa.1el'. of ~'eneral cjrculatio!~'1 pJ'inted, pUbliHht:c.I and circulatee In t: I:-aid City, and thirty days from an.d after its tinal pa.ssage it .~hall take J ~ffeet alld be iu fpll fOl"ce. 'J"be foregoing oi'dinalJce was 8P- pJ'ovtd, sign~d ia6nd atteste4 thi9 i 13th (4)' of January. 1942. . CHARI..ES A. PEARSON. 1(":1.)'01' ot the City of Anaheim'l A tte~t : (S~AJ..) CHAIU.....JS 1:.:. GRll....J,4..1TH. . Ci'l)' Cle." of t~e City of Anabeinl. ~'r A 'I'" ~ '01-" CAJ,J.}I'ORNIA C.X.Il:'s'J'Y 01'-' OHANGE SH. CI'f\' OF ANAHEIM . I, Charles E. Griffith. City C}(!J'k t)1 tht' City of Anahei;m, do hereby c:t...tify that the f~reg'lOin.g Ordi- fianc-e wa!:l inb'odueed 'at a regula}', ,.djom'ne-d' 'm{ eting of the City Coundl of. the. City. of Anaheim. held rHl U;e nth day of J"anuan", 1942. arid that thfl' .Ramc; was passed and udo,p: eel at. a rel!l:ular meeting \It I ftaid c-it~1 Council, held 9n the 13th day of January" ] 94~,. b)- the foJ- I l'Jwing vote: . . I A 'yJtJ~. Councilmen PEARSON, SHEHlpAN, YlJNGBLUT;H. KAR- , TBN"~'.Q. JR. 'an'd VAN WAGONER. NOER: Count'lImen: NONE. A Bs..:srl" 'A.Nn" .NOT VOTING: Cr_mdlnwn: :so~ l<:. ' And 1 turrhfc'T ''''1'tif,,- that t:tl~ Maym' ur the City 'of Anaheim I ,d...~ed alid a}rp roved '88:id Ol'dinan;r\: I on t)le 13:lh dal ()~ J.nuary, J 942. IN 'WIT'Nr:SS WJ-tERJ4JOF; I 'ha;ve bereunto set. iny .band and afflxed the f'OTporat.p sf>al of ~id City tbiFl ] 3tb 4 a." of .January, 1.942. . C.~H}\'R1..J.~ E. nRIFFITH. City Clerk of the Cit)' of Anaheim. . .. P~lbli.fSllf:d J~n\1aT)'" li, J 94.2. ".: . i I ; \'I'1l n ; l h p i H g fir ~ : d II ; .". H I S:I~:-; 1 itat .~IH' L- .i. (T n.n If ,II~ (~ni'etl Stall'S, and ~,> ~'.a:;' I~' CJlifcJI'uL. ..' .,:' ~ igh!et~n .\.'~'al''': Ihcl'. S!l! n.l \nt~!'e:.;1 in, I Ill)' i":. slit pa.!"ty t.) th,. Illa!tp: ;q-retr' ill iOJl':"-.t: th~, r ~)\f:' i...; !!: F Pll~' ,:oiler pf t!h~ c"!L-\.Sf;fo: ('!.)!,':\T\ <!<\\ys ~I w. rkly 'iHW!-.p.Jp", .. !ltf.'r1. pllhU:;:;h,'(l awl' dn:1.I1att..; th(- ,..aill CllUllt.\ ,'j ('''<lng' ~.lid OH.\Xf~F !'t)I'~T" I. \\'S II" d neW-;I)l:lJH"l' "If ~;'llf'I'.., ,'ubr;;;tl with! Iisl 01 paid -ill . . .ho';.;. ami i~ lJuhli:-ihf-'d for tit, '-:4p.mirwti'l1l ....f hOTh ll),'a! <lli': . ;:HI'al Ilf'W... ,PHI iI11f'-lli~t'1l1.'" ~('lP"nll .~lw rader : hat. it rt...yoi.I:"ll t.. rhe injt:rt='..~)~" t!, ",li~IH'd ff)!" ,{ P:1.1'! h uIar ...If', : '..LlIiIlJ~. " I'. If HI" , :I\~ t"Ilt f')"!", ilillll:'ll' I" las...; proff.':-i~itll: .1(.... \.1' dp'lli.mfll.' '!l:l:dH'~' I h!"rl.'of " 'l.l:'" 'It-'(~n 'l.t1'in~ ed .tlUI pUl, t-:.j ;n rrl'~ !'itr {If ,\;I~l!wim :rl1~. ,:"" ,)raII;":;c. S!at.. !"or ,'ai, 'IL (.:- nll- i:i ':' ..t',Ln~ ;'!l /;J;t':! , i():~ !h.di '.111-' "f~l." ;lit' fir',,;; d.i; II: !i81'f.Q'1 ,Il.!;j,h.~l: r t i ;. \- : ~ -. .:... ~ '.. ~ .~\J (~ ,~ ~~~l) . t~ til) <"oll:- i : h . ,.:1: ~;I::\Yii '-~ " p ,!l~r .: ". W: I :. I q: 11 Ii.... ; n] i! ; ." . I Ii ~ . ..' "v". 1."iS1 ';InCt~ n 1':' II ' . iI H.: !I n ' lit, i t)-,~l' 11:1. ". 'n.;.: J. ~ I: f:~ ila '. i!' ,., 11 ' . ".lltf ..,=.:tLv~n;::.::. ." >.1 ~ P L1 !.Il j -; h ' :'lwil1~ da,YH: .;~ :'i.:.Ll r.'~'" ~ ,~~ '- _..~"~:1~.~~ "'... . .p'" -~.. ";f'r"~iP"! ,HI', ~"iq'Il to t".'fOl' rill:"" ..c~ J. .lh~' I;X5=ti~':.;;,;,) f1t~! '~.~~ir.. FRIIS & SCHUTZ A'Tl'OWN EYS liT LAw ....-404 .... 0.. A..teA .LN. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA T.LEPHDNE 3456 1'iLiPHONE-- 346 .-11 10 ~~ 1 2 :3 4 5 6 "I 8 OBDIlfABCE HO. ~ AN ORDIN.AlICK PBOBI_I'fING WINDOW PDPlliG AT OBTAIN TDDS OJ mI D.1Y .Am ~_~~.~.~~,~ lOB 51: VIOLlTI05 'l'BlWOJ'. 9 10 TBI c~':dciL' otr~'i efT'r' QJ":""AHE:tM' .lib.i1.tmlrSil. '1s':';ioii.Owt:'U~)~t.:!, ': ..' ..FI'. . "~ctl:~~ ""i;" It".!..' til~1rti,i!t~~"any ~~~~'~:~'!'~~'f.e~~ ~~be:t~~~;i;O~~.~im~~t "f ~" . .-,; ....., '. .;;tt-'... ". .~ ....~:.~ '.:,~.t:; ....,.....::,....:..'.. ..:,t ..1.i.' (.~.~.~ ':,".::' A.,;:,~:;.-. aJij: 'aiy"'and "the" hour" of'; .unri'.e' of the next' 8ucceedinc ciA)', to enter upon a~ -p~i.,:~te~ro~riy 8M pei" -peer ~r look i~t6 l1~win~w :or ~or 'o't.~!,;1~-" ~Di ted c1"ellfJ1g ther~o'l~ : , '" ' t:: :.~ . ~ ~.: .' ':' .' ".~'. :. . . . . .Seeii~:ri. 2; .' fl'hts O{Mn"~~. B~ii .not ;.i~i~' t~.Bni ;~c; df~i~~r in the :" '\-' .", . . \ .. '. '. . . ;j ~;. . :. . ': ". ':.,'..:~ '. ~' ~-:; ,:.: ::' ~', M.~'.i p, , .' :i'h::~, ~ .,?~:.<. ~J .1 pertor~nce...o.t 'his dut1'"'' nor' to any person who enters upon such pr{vste prop- ef\y ~lfh :i~e 'consent of the occupant of such dwelling. Fe -;$e~;ti~g 3,.j-~ pet~~~ violating this ordinance, or MJ.y provisions therel1; 8t~il1Nb~ iae~{ @Uil ~~... f~ :9 .Disa.d~~~;,. 8~d ~~~on conviction thereot shall be ......... ( ,.....:. ~." ~"1'"'' . . ,. ..,..,.' . " 1.... '!:'.~. ;.":,' .- t ~.L',..,j~)...:~.,,~:.:~. pun1 shticf' by "'ft. fine~ 'of not' more" thAn' !:hree Hundred Dollars' ($306.00) or by 1m-- ~ _,/J. ...~ ).... .. . . '-;, -"... .. . . . - ". .. ':~ : . 1 . . ".; :;. : ~ ~ t pr1eoDment in ihe' City Jell for A period of not more then three (3) montha or . . ;.. . . .,.f.. .' . bl both such fine ~nd imprisonment. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 '- j.., : . . .. '-. . . . .. . {.: :; . . " .=, . :. ~ - : . "i:~;\ _ .~;. ':. ' ~: -4:; , .~.. Se:ct1.0n ~'4~' Tte" City Clerk Bhl:\ll cert1f7 to the pABS. .of, ~h~8..ord1Dence "'nO. sh~l] c1tuse the B!'lme to be printed edi~~l~.~oif:~~~h".'.,..~-{ .f!.;i,>t: \ .1 . , A. newspqper of general circula.tion, I I I ublished 8nd circuleted in said City, and thirty days from and after I 19 20 21 22 23 its tinAl passage it shall take effect and be in full force. ~he foregoing ordinance wes approved, signed and attested this ~ dAY 24 of January, 1942. 25 26 L. ..~ ~--&:~~r::~ Meyor of the C1 ty of An8 elm 27 28 29 30 31 32 Attest: .~-,. 1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FRiiS & SCHUTZ AnORNEYS AT LAw ........ lANK 0' "..UICA .LDCI. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TaLEPHONE 3456 .II 16 I 1'71 18 _Aft 01' c:wrouuD (JDUftY .0' 0___ I 88. dI'lY or AI~DI ? I, CIlarles E. ~rlttlth, Clt1 Clerk of the C1'7 ot ABalle1a, do laerebl cer1;1tl thatj the foregoing Orclll1&1loe was lDtrOcluoe4 at a replar adJourDe4 llfeeting of the C1t7 Council ot the Cl'tJ' of .ba- bela, hell. on tbe ef't;h dal of Januar7, 19~, and that the .... was passed &D4 aclopted ~t a regular aeetlDg of sald 011;1 Council, held on the 13th da7 G,t !.January, 1942, by the tollo.ing vote: .AD:I: COUDoll1len P.rsoD, Sherl4an, ~bl.th, Jlarte~et, Jr. aad Yan -&Soller. 101:8: C01Ulcll.1len: _De 4BBH AID RO' VOT_a.: Council...: Bone ! ad I further j _r'tltl 'tbat the 11&101' ot the C1ty of _all.lII I. B1pe4 aDd approTe4 said Ord1Danoe on the 13th 4&1 of .ruuar'1, 19.u~ IN WITlESS ~F, I haTe hereunto set -y hand and affixed I ,he corporate seal :of said City this 13th day of .rulI&l'1, 1942. I LL,LL~~ . I ~'<< .... II. iLl i I i I I I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 'I 31 32 ...........,.