Resolution-PC 96-108~ ~ R~SOLUTInN NO PC96-1~.$ A RESOLUTION OF Th1E RNAHEIM CI'i'Y PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDI"tIQNA~ USE PEAMIT NO. 3866 BE GRANTED WHEREAS~ the Anaheim CnY situa~ed in~themCKY ~ Ar~iahee{m~County of Orange~State Condftbnal Use Permic for certaln real propettY o~ c~ff«~~, a~~~a as: P~~EqST p~pRTER OF SE(:TInN H8, 01NNSHIPT4 SO RANGE H 0 SO E~M, COUNTY OF WEST, IN THE RANCFiO LOS COYOTES, CITY OF ANAH ~ OF MISCETLLN~E~F~S~N E OF IF CEROF~7NEECOUN7Y RECORD~R 10, OF SAID COUNTY, DESCR~BED AS FOLLOV'/S: BEGINNlNG AT~~U ST STREE~ ASFSHOWN ON THENEMAP OFTRACTc~7pR DRIVE Af~iD BR RECORDED IN BOOK 115, PAGES 5 AND 6, OF MlSCELLANEOUS MAP ~ TH S~ ~~ ~ ER DRIV~O THE TRUE POINT OF BE~'a NN NG; THENCE OF SOUTH~ /~2 OD FEEI'; THENCE NORTH 89 D G. 57EA9' 0 DEG. 40~06' WEST 06' VVE ~32.00 FEET; TNENCE NOR7H 89 DEG. 57' 48' EAST 150•00 FEEf; TFiENC NtJRTF! 0 DEG. 40' 06' E~~T ~ 32•00 FEET 70 THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. P011THEAS7 ~UARTER OF SECTION H8, TOWNSHIPT4 SG ~~G~H~ 5 WEST IN THE RAN~HO LOS GOYOTES, AS SMOWN ON A MAP RECORDED I BOOIC 51, PAGE 10, OFwMS CELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, DESCC~IBED AS FOLL7 BEGINMING BR~~~ ST STREE~~ A S OWN ON ANMAP OFCTRACf~27pR DRIVE AND R~CI~RDED IN BOOK 115, PAGES 5 AND 6 OF MISCEllANEOUS ~ RECORfJS OF SA~~ CAUN'1'`~~ THEtdCE SOUTH 89 DEG. 57' 48' WEST 125•0~1 FE ~ H~S C'~RN R OF THE LAND DE CRIB D IN THE DEEDRTO CHARLES Nd D. CUNE AND iMF~, RECORDED APRIL 11, 1966, ~N BO~K ~~~ PAGE 1 OFFICIAL RECARDS; THER OF SAID LANDETHENCE•NOR H 189 DEG 5E7 48' THE SOUTHEAST CORNE EAST 125.00 FEET TO THE ~T UNE OF SAID SECTION; T~ENCE NORT 0 DEG. 40' 06' FJ~ST »•~ FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. IXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION INCLUDED WITHIN SAID TRACT i~~'C~ic CeMer WHEREAS, the CnY Planning Commission did hdd a publk hearing a in the City of Anaheirn on October 14~ 1996 at 1:30 P• ovisioncs c+f the Anahe m Mun~ipaJ ~Cod eChaP~er gNen as required by law and in acc:ordance wrfih the in~ ~~ ~o~~ ~g~ u~ permic and to 18.03, to hear and conskier evide ~~ndations in connection tharewith: and irneatigate and make findings and tbn and study made by ftself WHEREAS, said Commissi°"~ a~er due lnspect~on~ ~rne~i9a arxJ in its behalf~ and after due cons{deratbn of all evidence and reports otfer~d at sald hearing~ does ftnd a~xl determine the fdlowrin9 f~icts: pC96-108 _~_ CR2760~M ~ ~ 1. That the proPosed use is propedy one for which a condftional use Pertnit is authorized by Anaheim Munfcipai Code SecUon 18•'34•~5~•~ 4o retain U-haul truck reMal in conJunctlon with a retap tire and auto cerrter with waive~' of the fdlowing: yapr*i~ns 18 Oa 050•U2?2 - 1~"inimum number f rktn • 18 C6 080 q1 required by Code; 37 s~as~ proposed by resMplrsg the existing parking lot) and 18 44.066.050 2. Tha4 the waiver, urxier the corxlitions ImPosed~ WUI no4 cause fewt r~~~~a ei all spaces to be provkJed for such use than the number of such spaces necessary ~tiun of vehides attributable to such use unde~ the nom~al and reasanabiy foreseeable cor~dftbns of °pe such use; 3. That the waNer, under the condiUons imposed~ wAi not inc~ease the demand and competition for parking spac:es ~P~ ~ Public sueets in the tmmediate vkiniry of the propo°ed use~ 4. That the waNer, under the cor+diUons imposed~ wAi not increase the demand and competitfon for parking spaces upon adjaceM private property In the immediaie vicintry of the proposed use (which properry Is not express~Y Pr°`~ided as P~~~~9 for such uss under an agreement In compliance with Section of this Code); 5. That the waNer, un~er the caxiitions imposed. will not increase traffic congestion within the off-street pa~lcing areas or lots provlded for such use; g, 'That the waiver, u~ider the c~nd~ions ~mpased~ W~~ -~ imP~e vehicular ingress to or egress f~om adJacent propertles upon the Pu~li~ streets in ihe i~-mediate vicinfry of 1:he proposecl use; 7. That the proPoseo'' use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the 9rowth and development of the area in whkh R Is proposed t° be ~°~t~~ ~ g. That the slze and shape of the sfte for the proposed use is adequate to allow ihd full developmen3 of the proposed use In a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace. health, safety, and general welfare; g. That the trafflc generated by the proposed use wi~~ not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and imProved to carry Yhe traffic in the area; 10. That the graMing of the conditional use perm~, un~er the conditions imposed~ will not be detrimantal to the peace, health~ safecY a~ 9e~~ welfare of the cit!zens of the CitY o~ ~~im; arxl 11. That no one kdicated their presence ffi said pubUa hea~ing in opposition~ and that no ~R~p~r~dence was receNed 6n opposltbn to the subJect petition• GAUFOR"" °~NVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY ACT FINDI ~: That the Anaheim City Planning ~m~~~ ~S ~~~wed we ~roposal to retain U-haul truck rentai in conJunctbn with a reta8 tire arxl auto center wtth waNer d min{mum number of park~n9 sPaces °~ a ~~~~~y~~~ ~~~ ~~~ consisting of approximately 0.47 acr ~ 10 ~Ot teet ~the we~.~~s~de o~f BroolchurschScreec and 25 feet on the Drive, havi~9 aPProximate f~oMa9es ~ south side of Coichester DrNe arxf further desc~ibed as S17 S. Brookhui g~~~Aldeda tbn ~efl~~ the Center); and does herebY aPProve the NegatNe Dedaration upon tt~at it has considered the NegatNe Dedaratbn to9ether independerrt judgemenc of the lead agency and with anY~ a y~co~m~MNs~re e~~o9dt c~hatu hAre is nopsu~Mial evidence tihat h ProJect will ha~ve a ~cudy sign~icant effect on tha environme n t. -2- PC96-108 ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE R RESALVEa that the Anaheim Ctty Pianning Commission d°es the fdlowino cc+~d n~~ o~~Neethe hereby grart subject PettUo~ for ~~t~ ~~~ use ~ the subject pr peKv found to be a necessa~re the Cftizens of the CftY of Anaheim: safety and 9e~e , d thirty (30) days ef the date of this resolution~ the Parking lot shall be re~ ~p~ed 1. That wtthin a perlod ov~ ~e ~, ~~ required and appro~ed by the Ciry to match the submltted and aPP~ and Transportatfon Manager. 2. That the grant~ng of th{s paiicing waNer is contingeM upon operatbn of ihe use in conFormance ~ith the assumptio~s rslating to the operation and intsnsiry °f use as ~°ntained in the parking demand letter that formed tha basls for appro`rrJ of said `~~~' ~~~ng, vidating, ir~tensirying or otherwise devi~Ung fr~a~ of sa~ c~dYtions mposedi~Po~ said vartainr.e wh~h shal~ttsubjectl be deemed a v(dation ~ that varian~e .to tem-inatfon or modfficdtion pursuant to the provisions of Sect(°~s 18.03.091 a 18.03.092 of t~ie Anaheim Munlcipa~ Code. 3, That reMal trucks shaU rwt be deane~ or repaired at the subject location. q, That no bsnners, bal~oons~ si9ns or other forms of acNerc~sing shall be displayed or! the rentat trucks. ~~~ ~ submitted to the Cicy Traffi~ a~ T~~P~~tion Manager for his revisw and 5• T~t ~ ~~{~nance wfth the latest revisions of Eng'.neering Standard Plan Nos. 436~ 6~1 eppr~ S~ 9 ro st-all thereupai and 602 peRaining to pa~ic(ng standards and drNewaY locations. SubJect P P81'-Y be developed and maintained !n conforma~-~e wRh sa.id pians. 6. That no more than four (4) U-Haul renial trucks sha~~ be Pertnftte~d at the~~ t 9~ ~-way ~ at a y and further that no rente~ Vuck shall be parked/stored otf-site~ on the P - time. ~ations 7. That subject PropenY ~I be dm byP~ ~t~ne~and whic c~h P~ans a eh onafile flvith tg he Planning subm~ted to tha C~tY ~ ~~~ Department marked ExhibR No. 1. g. That wichin a periad ~ ~~~~ Wnhom the date of this resoluUo~~ Condft~°n Nos. t, 5 and 7, above-rnentioned, shal 9. That approval of thls applicatbn constftutos ap~roval of the proposed re4uest only to the exteM tf~at h complies with the Anaheim Munkfpal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State r~~ ~ t e ~ d~ :~ot indude any action or flndings as to ~mP~~~ or r~PP regulatfons. ApP~ ~~~8 ~inance, regulation or req~~~reme n t re~uest regarding any other aPp~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Com~niss~on does h~re~b~y W~ arxl determine that adoption d this Resdution is expressly predicatad upon app~icaM's compl hereinabove set forth. Should any such cwr-dftiun~ w any ~'~art thereof, be each and all of the c~ndltions ment of any court of comPeter~t jurisc!icclon, then thls declared irnalki or une~orc~able by the flnal ~ud9 Resdutio~~ and any approvels herein contained~ shall be deemed null and void. PC96-108 -3- ~ ~ THE FOAEGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of October 14, 1995• j ~~ ~pjJf CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY P NNING COMMISSION ATTEST: - . SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIJN STA7E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edfth L Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission, do herebP anniny that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ciry 9 Commission hetd on October 14, 1996, by the iollowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: ~OMMISSIONERS: NONE IC~ BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSION ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ~n~ , CJ,~ day of 1l IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 1996. ~ ~ SECR Y, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION PC96-108 •4-