651 Affidavit Of Publication STATj.~ UP CALIFORNIA C'Or~TY OF ORANGE ss. .. .. _ _. . }!~.~~. ~ Wr_~ g ht_ _ _ . _ _ . . _. _. _.__ of said county. being first duly sworn. says-that she is a, cit. izen of the United State.s, and of the State of California. over -the age of €.ighteen )"ears: that she hali no interest 'in, 1101' is she a party to the mattel' herein mentioned; that she is the pub- lisher of the OR~~GE COUNTY NEWS a w'eekly .newspape.l' Ilrinted, published and' circulated in the said County of Orange Hlat sa,id ORA.1~GE COUNTY NEWS is a newspaper of general dl'culation with a list of paid sub s(~ribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local a.nd ~eneral news and intelligence of a general cha.racter; that it is not devoted to the interests 01' l'nblished for the entertainment or a particula,r class, profession. t l'ade, calling, race or denomlna. tion. or of any number thereof: t hat it has been )pl'inted and pub- lished in the City of Anaheim, ('ounty of Orange. State of Cali- fornia for more tha,o one year next preceding the first day of t he- publication hereto attached: that the 9~.(;lJJ}~~p:~~_._N 9.!t ___~~!.._.. ... ...~. ~........... ....... .................----..... ..-..-..-.. .........---..-. ... -.... .......--.....---...-..-.. ....- ----... ......-....... ........ ...--..--. of which the annexe-d is a printed ('opy, wa,s ,published in s.a.id new~- I)ilper at lea.st once comme.ncing on the ...~~~b~_ day of ._...J';~X:Qh_.._____... 19..~~.. and puding on the _..___ .0._0...___...____ day 0" ................__....__.... 19...___u, and that sa.id ..9.~.~~.~.~~~._............. ... .....,. _".m.. was published on tile tullowing days: -.. ~~~ ~.~.~~..;!..~Ju.~~~~...... __...... yo/~tU:__.. n_ _ ,L.'-_Lu_..'_~_~~'" Subscribed and sworze to before me this ...........__..........__.... day of 19__uh... N otaJ'y Public. -"'V~o-.Di-N-~~:-~--'-5'-I-'" '.1 ~~~:~;;~~-~;~~-~:v~~:;w:-~~ Wter~S~tCr.-eyePtre.shas ~re~t :5n~. e--:'~8t Cen_ . ~ nv. tlllltant w'esterly, at right angle., _ f h 11 b 30. The Nt baek alon.g the wettterly AN ORJ>lN.\NC& OF' THE crr'y OF U9~09 feflt ..I;here roll1\' s a e .'.de ot North West Strftt between "ANAHEIM .AMENDINO CERTAIN feet. PORTIONS e,F ORDiNANCE NO. The set back aloi,g the water al- West La Palma. Avenue a.nd Pearl KG9 OF THb~ CITY Olt.. ANAHEIM, ley or rlgbt of way adjolnin.g ,the Street ,"-hall be 31 feet. 1 AND ADDINn PORTIONS THER~_ nortberly side of \~iDe~"ard Lot B-7 South West Street. T.he set back '1'0. THE CITY COUSeH~ OF TH.~ b~tween Nnrth eitJ'on Street and p..long the westerly! Bide of South, Cl'rY 01," ANAH.Io-:IM LlO~8 ORIiAIX North 'Weat. Street shall be 30 teet. \Vest Strcei betwe{"u "-est Broad_I AS l"OLUnVS: . 9 :F.'ast Sycam.ore Street. 'rhe set wa.y and A'anr.hester :-\vcllue, a1- , ., .' . -.. . " . so kn(\wn a~ state Highway N'O'1 S.I!.t;TION 1. ~ectlon.l 0f Ordin_ bac~ along ut)th "ides of. F..aMt Syat_ 10 ~hal1 be :->;3 feet. #oDce No. 609 o~ the Clty of' Ana.. more Street betweE'n the Es.st city , l.eim . entitled: .'An ordinance 're_ limIt line (~ro!!J8inc ....id street all'-', . The :Jet ua(~I\: .alon~ lhe easterly ptsaling Ordinance. So. ~1l and pro- North liJast Street shaH be 30 feet. (~n~e .,t South wes\ ~:t..eet between \~i.ding for the ("reatton in t~ The set back Rlong the ,soutber_, "West 1.31o"ldway ~u..... Manehe~ter elty o.f Anaheim nf six (t)) ly side 'If Efutt f:;ycemore Street '~e- Avenn~. al:-lfl l,.,owli ~ State UIgh- zones, conSlstl"ng of various dfts_ twe~n North East Street and North W:1y ~l,). 10, I:<l1a11 b~ .~5 feet. I tricta and ..p-l"e8cribing for the sev_ Orang.e Street ~hRll be 2R.25 f(~et. I (d) Vinlfyard Lots mentioned in I era.l zones, the classes of buildinp. 10. Wc~t ~ycam,)re Streel. The this ~~ction refer .to said lots a.':l swuctures a:nd tm-provements; the ~et back along' Ihe nt:'rthel'ly sjde showai on a map rec.orded in Book use of such buildings, RtrUc.ture~, .\f West Sycamore Stre(~t between 4 of r)f~eds, pag,:s 62!J and 630, ReC-1 improvements, and. premls~~; the ~(trth Palm Str{Oet and North West ~)rd1s 6f [.O~ AngAl~s County, Cali. I heights a.nd hcation~ (If buildinglil Street $hail be 29.2& teet. fornlR.. I and the area of' lot ('ove~'edi there- The set back tllong \l.he southerb'" (e) Existing buildings, wells,; by; ~efjning certa~n terms used ~lde of West Syca~o.re Street be- "tructures and billbo8r"d5 which dt' i Itereln and prescrlbln&, the .penalty l ween Nor.th JR.!lSS ~treet land Nort.n not conform to the ..pl'()visions or: for the vio!ation of tl'!e provision", West Strt'et s!lall bE' 31.75 feet. this ordinllnce shall be known as hereof," is hereby amended by the 11. .lo:ast e)':wu~.s Str.t>.f>ot. The set non-conforming strn(~tllr~. No non- addition of the. fol1owing para- back along bot.h std\es ni lEast Cy- contol'n1inlJ st.ructure need b(; made grwPl1's: prf"8f' ~trAet and ...lon)l(' the watel' to conform to :the lset haek linei! 1. Set_bacID: The term of \8et-bac.k :l.l1ey or right. of way adjoining the e~tablishehd by this ordina.nce un- 8hall mean the horizontal distaz:'c~ southerly Rid,~ of Vineyard ,Lot C-l til said non. conforming' structJ,lre b(&tW't....~1I a monumented c~n..ter. hne bf:'t\V~en North East Street and ;s mo"ed Ul)on the lot wh(.rt! It JpX- nnd a specific set_back hne, mea,,: Xorth Orange S~reet shall be 30 ists or to. another lol. Sub.s.tantial sured .t right ang-Ies to said lines. feet. addltiorlA nnd additional ~tol'ieN to ~. 'Set_back line: The term set- 1!. West C)""l,ress Street. The ~a!d non-cu"fornli!ng 8t '.uctures back lin.e shall be det:'med to mean set bac.'k along the southerly side shall be mA.df: to COlnllly with ~he Q. line, parall~1 to the monume.n.ted of '~,'"e8t 'Cypress Street between tho get backs ~stabli~.hed hy thiH or-, C'euted 'line of a street, water alley s.uutherly prolong'ation of the ~ast- di-nan(.~e. I ('I' right or way, hr the prolonga_ erly line of Tract No. 200,. as shown (f> In ea,~h ('a~.:' wher.f'- a wet' 1ion of such ct!!nter line, ant\ lying A ')D a map recorded :in Book 12, page b:tck Hne is JH"reby establi!ihed, on' t5f'.ecified horizontal distance l"1'lll~l -)0, Miscella,neous loraps.. .Re~r" of any lnt, s~\id BE:>t baek linf' :-thall be I flaid center Une R.nd measured 9t Orange County, Cahf()rnla, and used iinstead ~lf the lnt lir.(~ or the i right angles therefrom. Nor~h West Street shall be 18.75 street, waler' alley or ri~dll of way; :1. City Limit, or Gity l.imit Line~ fe~t. line. for the purposE" of: l T~e term City I..imit or City Lim.it 1:1. (i~ast Center. ,Stret"t. 'rhe. set 1. [)et~rnllnfng I lie- fr'ollt andlor i 1.lIIe ..~haJt mean and ha \'e ~e(er:n~e 1:,a(~k along both sldes of East Cen. exterior side yard, as. thp t'a~e !llay j to the city limitEC and (~Ity limit te-r 8-tre~t between North and South he, or thE" ''\o'i.:.tth 01' df'Pth ~Ir slleh! lines of the City of A.nahe.im.. fo:::1~t S~re~ts and the ~8Mtel'1): ~it,: yards. . . .. I 4. Monumented Center Line" The Itmlt aane crof'slng l.'..ast Centm 2. J){'te.rnlln mg thE' l(il~atLOn of J term monu-,n.ented. iC'~n,te-r line shall Street shall bp 40 feet. main l'nd ac.cessory bUlldmgs, i be deemed to mean. a line lying be~ H. East Santa Ana Street. The ~tructures. ft!nces an.l h€'.lght .)e 1 tween the longitudinal boundaries ~el back a!ong the northerly side of rence~. . of a stl'eet: wa.ter 'alley o~ right .0'" "~3.st Santa Ana ( Street between 3. .Determining lhf" widt.h aud! way, or al()n~ on<<: of the ~ound~r~e~ S~)nth. "F.a~i . StrE:>pt a~d ithe easterly' area of such lot, ~xe+')Jt tha.t where,' of' such street, water alley or right ~Ity hmit hn~ rros~lng the north- :.Lny lot. which eXlstE:>d un t.he date l'Of way, and direl~tI)' connec~in~ ~1.ly part nf li:a~l Santa Ana Street '41.1;h ~et hack was N~ta.blished and' ('unsecutivp. monunientl'l or pOlllt~ o:;hall be 3!i feet. 'whi<:'h has Jess than tht" rninirr.un. !SeL a.ndlor recognix~d by the. Cit)' Thp.' ~t.!t haek alor:g the southerly width andlol' area at-; a. f'e-sult of I Ji:ngineer of the City of Anaheim as Hide of East Sapta Ana Strt"et be- l!iIaid set back, shall hE' considered; I forminK the ba~is for surv~~.s 011 tWf'en South I-:a~t .8treet and South to pO~!less the requirpd minimum <.f Much street, water alley or rlg'ht of Olive i;.treet. shall be 35 fee.t. lot. w iflth and al'ea. ! WHY. 15. \Veost Santa Ana Street. The (g;) ,\\"'henf'ver all~- )oill'f-('t ~hall' SF..cTION .2. .Said Ordinance N? BE'l ba."k alon~' the southerl~. s~t} be opened. or .widened in 8udl a' 60:1 is hereby amended by the addl_ of West Sa.nta Ana Street between manner 01' to such an ex.tent as to I Hon thereto of a new section which the westerly end of ..aid street and CRuse the ellltablished set bacl~ ,. shaH be dcsign&t~ ". Sect.ion 14.5.." Walnut Street Ilhall be 2n.50. feet. line on any lot to fall ;within said Said Section. 14.6 shah read as fol- The set back along both Sides of IItreet, such set ba('k lin(~ shall. lQww: ' W'etlt Santa Ana Street between l.'ease to be effective as t() such ,lot.! l~~TABLISji)(E~T OF SET.BACK ~()uth Lemon Street and Sout.h Palm (h) No lpermit c.,r lict'nse- shall' LIN~:S Street wball be 34.75 feet. be issued in violation of the pro_ (a) tn order 1to pro,'ide addition_ 16. WILte)' Street. The set back4 ,.illllons of. this sec:tiol-. Should s.ue;l a,l protection to the City lof Ana- doloRg tile rnorl,JIerly side ot the. wa.- permit be iS8UE!ld it shall be void. heim during a confla.gratlon, to &s_ ter aUey 'or right ot' war adjoininc . SEC1.'ION 3. Any per$Ol1, firm. ~Ist in. die -h'velopment ot a com_ the southerly si.des of Vi,neylU'Cl ("orporatlon or partr,"rsip who shall pr~hensiv~' Ift~.eet. syate.m, to pro. J..ots G~l and 0-2 be~ween South \'lolate ..a.ny of,the provh;ions lOt this luote traffic safety.' to aid in af_ East Stroeot and }South Olive Street urdinance or fall to comply with fordiD.g neceasar~. light and _I.r for shall bp. 3S.ln feet. . any ol'der or regulation made there- all existing buildings a.nd those Th{l! set back along the southerly ~Inder, or who shall build i>r move h'~reafter ereeted, a.nd to. 'provi4e side ot the wa.ter lalley or right of Jnf"violation of any specification 0\' fQr. l..h~ ~a.lth alld general weltaT"" "'at 'adJoining the' northerly sideR plans submitted and approved of' the ,p~ple of tbe City of Ana._ ut Vineyard J~obl H_l and ,H_I be- thert'tlItdel. or wtho shall vliolatf} belin,' the" :1Jet.back lines d.escrlbed! tween South "f4~a9t Strec-t. and South 'l.ny pe.rmit or licensE'! hJsued thel'e- and deti'ned in Subs~ction c of this Olive St.r(ll(~t shall be 21.75 feet. .under is guilty of a misdemeanor Section are hereby eStablished. .' The 8et ba<:k along the norther- a.nd 'upon conviction thereof folhall . (b, After the effbctlve date of !:; Ridp. of F:a.Ft and West Water he. punil'hable by a tine of not lesR. .t.his amendment no. building, struc_ Streets between South Olive Stree.t. than $10.00 01' more tha'n $:100.00 or ture,. well, billboard, or Dortions and South Ze).n Street shall be t)y imprisonment in iai! for. not less thereof shall be erected. coD8truct_ ~;8.25 teet. I tha.n 10 days nor more- than thret.' ed, dug or placed on anf property The Set bark along the 8:Outh- months, or by both sue" f:ne and . bdtweel'l the. '!If'Lback line eatab. erty side of West Water Street be- imprisonment. IIshed; tltereon and the monumented t. ween South Pal!n Street and South Every person, firm, corporation aente:r line' ~r.om :which' aald. set...; lNest Stre~t shall be 11.15 teel. or partne-rship ..hall be deeme41 . ..back.....l1lu.! was .termtne4.....IU"Ovl~H. 1'1. South Street.. The '.eet ..baclJ.. 'S'U'ilty of .. separe'ic- ~Li.~lhie tOJ' how~vf!r, that this !provision shall ",long the northf!.rl)- Bide of East eaeh(an4 every day the provisions of not be ,p.emed to prohibit stde- South Street between South Eas.t tllt8 orid1.nance are violated, and for . "PAlka, 0' other sla.bs not Jover pflC Str..et and South Orange Street every day during l'1.hieh any other foot "In 'height, drives, permissible shall :be 30 fet't. violation f)f Ithis ordinan(~e or its . fe-Ta~". in any' case, nor "hall this' The set baclt along t.he northerly p~vi8101l8 ~.ontinues, such. person, . . prm,-iaion be deemed to (prohibit 01'- side of Weet South Street be~W'e~ r.rllt~ corfMti'atlon or l'artnershil' I' ~ina17 ".veli, cornle_,. dowaspoutR ~olltb IAmol'r Street alld.8Rt1l I)lct;.' shall be punishable therefore, as &ad similar projections. on .bultd- p.I Str..t shall i~e :31.10 teet. henln .1!~vJ4f1!d... : inlt. or structures ill an,. bualneu 18. North ER.st Street. The set "l1ECTlON 4. D."'be City elerk shaH dstrh,t .I!' detln&d by .b. said Or.. baek along the wellterly 814e of c,:l"tif,. to the passa.ge of this or- " dinaDee NQ. I09_.of .the Clt,. of Ana- North East Street between But dlnance and shall caU~e the same, "elm; or ame~nent. tJ?e~to. ""Ubelmlna Street :andl F.ut Syea. tp be .printed and publishEld' onc\~ \ :. (0) .Tbe.' 8et backs e8tabUsbed. more R~reet .halt be 15.50 feet. in tbe Orange C(Junty New8, a 'l\loDIr .tbe various .ti'eet. and wa- 19. North Olive Street. ~he set n"1V.~apf!lr of general circulation, tel a.t1eys or rights of wa,.. are &II back. along the- wMterl,. side o~. Dri.e4. pUblishod and mrciulated follow-.: .' North Olive Street between CQm- in. said City, and thirty days {rom 1. Comm.rcilltl Street.. The 8el mericat Strf"et. and JuJlanna. Street oInd after Us final passage it shall bac~ Alone -both ".dell of Com mer- 8ha.tt be 19.1" teet. take etteC't and be in aul: force. . l}l"l Stre.t shall be: 80 feet.. ao. South ~llve Street. The ~ The tort'lIOing ordinance is signed 2. Romneya Drive. 'rhe Bet back baek along'thf! 'easterly aide 0, alld approved this 10th day ot alone the BOuth aide of Romne.,. South Olive- Street between Eat ..rch. 19.t2.. I Drive betw-eoen North TAmon .Street Water Street and Vermont AvenGe CHAS. A. PEARSON. .d. the west oity limit 1.In8' ero.... shall' bfl .34.16 feet. 'Ma.yor 'o( the- ("..Jty of "in.g lRomR&YA Drive shan be thirty The set bac-k along the weaterly \ AIla.ht.im. -feet. ,. . \ ~ide of South Olive Street betweea ATT.E8"l': .' 'S. ERst I~a P&lma Avenue. Th.. Eut . V..len~la Avenue and' Ver- CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. (Se..l, "t back Alol'Ill'. 'thE:> southerly aide Mont ,kv~nue shall be 34.15 feet. City Clerk ot the City of Anabeim. oflEaat La tPalma Avenue, between 11. Pa~. 8t~et. rrhe Bet back. ~A-TE 0" iCAL1Jl'ORNIA. .the eaat~rty. OIty limit Une inter-. a1on~' -both sides Df Pat.t Street COtJ~..,.y OF ORANGE 88 8~cting' thtto southerly side of said ahaU be 30 feet. CITY OF ANAHEIM " A,.enue aDd the .."eaterl-j lille of the . II. North. Los Angeles. Street. I, CharlelJ E. Griffith, City Clerk right of way of,the J.os Ancele. and l..'he set baek along both sldea of .of th~ ~it".. of knahe-im do herebl "alt Lake Ral1roa. COlDp"lIr. oross- North. ~ A.ncele>1 ~ree\ bet....... ~f'tity... ~ha~ the torrgoing .Ordin-: lag _i4 .tN.~ ahal1 k. ~J: ~e.et., E~t ,a.~ Weott SJ'caaore ~~'''':' ,.,,-. ... tfttrOtkced Jat a. NI'Ula.I" .....~.;Mt..,.~ 'A1oI\C lb'(.~~I.' F....t. .~4 1F:..t ~ Pal'. ~~~... .... ..;o.C.....tb.. ~tJr Councn of tile :-. .~or .~.:,... pa.Im&'~ .D~_ be:-. Ih""'''': tt ~ . ,...,.. ! ?j . .f.~~~ 'beld 011 tile Itt1l t~:&( .,rIF.--, ~~= T.r'~k~"""'=""'1f iZl=="IH~~u.: ~., ~. ..~~ T.i'" "".. ''''1 ~:.,"~~"'1U .......~, :~'.....7 ~~..:. -,j> .,......... a~t ..~ 'Ct,. :~ ttf,,,,,; . . . . : .. ........ 'lMi( c 'ltlijlt ----... ~ '. aei 'E~ ".,: 'tbe. 10tb ..,. .of .~... .S.~'";.. ::. ; ;.:.. ,~ltll~ .~ ... "';I..~*~i""~~lI~1ND"VOte8: ... .. -.... .' 1..... ..,,.. '.' .,.. ." t CfJUJ'fqp;.ll1Dtl. PB.AR80N. L~-~~':~'::y;~'~_~:~ '~~::~~~ ".:.'i..~~ ..;:. '~lon...~.. .:,'... Of ~b.ll.." ~~'.~ .' .~, .. .~? .t~tber . certify that tbe ..... ..t..fi" A. .: ~,~. ....:~ .Cltn.>a Itreet.. TI!e. I~" of ADabel. a1.... ~N9... ~""- ~': : , a~:::: . :..~~I~ ~~\fIr ..~ .~d. o~t'-i' r. .; - _'. ':"'~'.... ~ -.ld ordln.....ce, Oft . 'al7.".l._~~.;1' .j<, f .th.o" ';~. ..."!~ 1"01. ..,' ~,..~ WelK.. _ ..'... . .1 ,_ IJO'.. of ~lf.l'Cb, 1.41. . "I.~.."': .., .~ ......,;,..&11 " A.....~~..~..1r..t !J'ca :. ~;.". ,.... . . NIJ8I WHBREOI'. I hay. J',f~>I":;'., i<. . -~. '.~ ".. .: ."Q~~'.~ .... teet.,. '.: I '. . .:~..:',;: .... .. .. ha.nd (and affixed ..&.~.~~:..,.~:.-; ...': h .S~,~:.''''''''''~ .et :.:.~6.... ._'tll.-C'~~oR..8tr..t.:-~ .....'. _. ': eD~~" ~ 0' sald'city this . lMlek~" ..... non-... -l~a. of ~.bae~;'.",,'.th, east. ...Ide,-"t "".....;' . ..~ of..:...b, 1141. . :'l"t:~. '. . .~ be_.WO~'."~~~"D:.i,,'~.:he~~~. .. ."":,,.,. 1) >....~ E. GRIPPITH, . ::on..'.....:. . ttb..: .... .~.',~:..' l:y,. Ilba w~ :.:~..r."-t !la:n..a. '~&".. ..> '." ,::....~ '..:' Ci.,. 'clerk; ot the City Dt . :"ofitittt>' . ."~"Y Of'e- An.-- 'shiLIJ ~ :U./li feet, . .,; ''-:... ;'~.' ~. Anahalm. " .; . '. '~..:<:". '. 'k:' .... . ..... . ,. Q -~. Ttl . iiet ~ __elf ...lone e.~.' It......: . IIirc 1'1 l'fl.. :';:~;j. ~~::::~~~~':~::;~:~:,~e:~,:~=~ .b,o :c"~:(.. . ,,' '-t' ~':',?:""'liIDttil. IJ. Mar. .eat street. . 'l'tIe __I. ' . .....etfl..~, !!:l.' _:.. ;..: E\VS i~ a newspa per [",t' genera I ,.if'c'ulaT iOIl with ~I list. of paid ~'ili, ',('ribel'~. aIul is published fOf. . hI' djs~eminatioll \)f hoth loeal ;, net ~'f->Ileral new~ ;.tIlll intel1h~'f!l1N. llf :I ~enpl'al (~h:.truet.er: that it is l~()t dflvnt.ed tt) tlw int f'r~st.:-. "I' : IIhlislwil fOI' t.he pnhH'taium,,{n l~r a J~a.l.ti(~ula.r' dasl-t. Id'nfessi'HI. 1 rac.le, f'a.J1iUK. !'<JCP 0]' rlt"momtnLl' filHl, 0[' of (illY number tlH~re,)f; I ha t. it ha.s be~;'11 :pl'inted ,I nil ~Hlt.- li~hed in the- City or :\ aa.hei Ill. ( 'ounty lIt' Ora age, S t.a te or Cal!- :',H'lIia for more than nnp. YeaI' l!t'xt pn'ceding the fil':-l' cla.y uf :!11: PlJhl1entioll IU:'I'f-to a!tadll'.d; r hi! t thp.. i.... ....; ~';~;i...r;_ce ..; '.. . IIf whic'h the anllexrd i:~ ,I prill! \',1 l'OPY. wa:-) .published 111 ~u ill 'H~W ...;- Jill per a t least ,.) 1l(~~:' ("ommeneing OIl the ..'.1 .::.+~ r.~ flay or . . - . . .:. : :~:~t. ~ .l.t . _ . . ._ ilnr( . .....; 19 {'lldin~ on the day ill' 19 and that said ._9.r.?:_;.~~~.:~.. was publisher! on thp It.llowlllg da.ys: '}~"~~~~~:..~'.~A..}~~~_. ,___. ./ ~~ ........ ....:;:.Ju.. ...-;;~. d..-:'~'~'.:-: . . Subscribed and sworrl" to before me this h_... .,_. __..... .__........ day of . ................................_ 19......... N ota.ry Public. -"~". ...... ... ... ''''U3 c::ac.ctUlI:O;lIt":(l. Oil ..... ......... ~'~.004""'~..' ....L :)0, 'Miscella.neous l\Taps, Recor~ of any Int, said set ba(~k linfo ~hall b.;~ :-;ail1 "1::'11 t"PI' J ine and meattured 9 t Orange County, California, and used iinstend lof the lot lir.e or the I'i~dlt ~HIg'leM thl~refr()m. North West Street shall be 18.75 street, watt"r.alley or rig'h.t of wa)-" :. City .r..im!t. or (~ity I~hnh Line~ fert. line for the purpose of: Thp ter'lIl Cit.y Limit or City Limit ]~. f:alllt Center ,Street. 'rhe set 1. IIp.t~nllinfng' 1 he frout andiol' I.ille ,din J I mean and Iu.. \"f! r~rerence ta(~k a.long bOoth sides of Eas-t Cen- exterinr sic'e yal'd, as tht" ('a~e !n.l.}' tp U'it- <..it," limit!( and dty limit tel' ~tl'eet between North and South h~, or t.hp '" i'.ith 01' df'pth uf ~1.I('h Iiur.s of t.h'p Cihr of A nahe.im. ft:&~t ~treets and the ea.filltel"ly ~ity yards. -\. .\Iollumentf'd CentE'I' 1.~lne: The limit lline croRslng East eenter 2. Di".tE't'I11ining the locatioli of It''Y'm m....l1unwn: ed. .('!'''ntt''r lint" s,hall Street shall bp 40 feet.. main :._nd. ac-.cessory buildmg!:), he dt'!f"mE'd to mean. a. line lying be- 14. East. Santa Ana Street. The ~tructul"'e!'i. t~nces a.n~l he-lght ,)f I' w~ell lilt> longitudina.1 hourrdarles s~t back a!ollg the northerly side of fence..;. c.t' :It str't-!el. wat~r 'sUey nr right of' J<~ast danta Ana ( Street between :l. Determining the widt.h and W.IY. nr along onc of the houndarles South "F.a~li Stl"'PE"t and (the easterI)" area of suC'll lot, pxcept that where (.r ~lI(.i, ~trf>et. water allej" nr right ~itY' limit line ('ros~ing the north- .:.Lny lot which ~xisted 011 the tlate I ,~f way, and dire4..~tI)' ellnneeling ~rly part nf East Santa Ana Street LHl~,h ~et hack was esta.blhched and ('IIr:!oIec'utivp mnnun.enll'; or points o:;hall be 35 feet. 'whi<.'h has less than the minirr.un. Il'-(" a.nd:ol' rp('(),:.rniz~d by the. City Thp. st.~t bal~k along the southerly width andio" area as' a. result of !';I1g"inN.,. ul' the City o.r Anaheim as side of East Safltn. Ana StrC,'et be- l!Ilald set hacl(, shall he considp.I"('!rl; forming; tlw basis for sun.E"Ys on tw'een South East Street and South to pOS!4ess the requirpd minimum of ~u('h ~t I't~et. water alley or right of Olive Stree-t. shall be 35 tef!.t. lot. w illth and area. w:\ ~'. 15. '\Vest Santa Ana. Street. The (g') WhprlPver nn)" street ~ha.11 ~'WX;"I'I.OS 2. :Said Ordinance No. set ba{'k along' the southerlJ.' stie be openE'd or widened In sueh a I 60:, is hereh}" amended b). the addi_ of West Santa Ana street bl!tween manner 01' to such an extent as to i 1 ion thereto of a ne\\" secti~n Whic~ the "resterl)" end of lJaid street and CRuse t.he eflltablished set bacl\: I shall be dl~signat~ u Section 14.5. Walnut Street IIhaH be 25.50 feet. line on any lot to fall ;within sl\.ict ~aid Section 14.5 shah read as fol- The set back along bO'th sides o~ street, such set baek lin(~ shall lUW11: . W,e-st Santa _o\oa Street between ('ease to be e-ffecti\'e as to such ,lot. 1;~"ABI~[S.dME~'r OF Sf'}T._BA.CK ~outh Lemon Street and South Palm (h. No 'permit or. license- shall 1.IN1<~S Street shall be 3".70 feet. be issued in violation of the pro_ (a> In m"der to pro\'ide additioD_ 16. Water Stl'eet. The Bet bac~ ,"iRions of. this sec:tioa. Should such al protection t() the eit). !of Ana- along tbe 1nortperly side of th~ wa- permit be hUluEtd it shall be void.. ht~im durin~ a ~onfla.g'ration, to &s_ ter alley' 'or right or way adjoming SEC1.'IOS 3. Anv person, firm, ~i!(t in the ~'velopment of a com_ the southerly ahles ot Vi'neylU'd ('orporation or partr',~rsip who sball ~ll'ehtm8i""e Mtreet. system, to pro- J~OtR G.1 and 0-2 between South \'iolate ..any of ..the provisions lOt this mote traffic satety,. t() aid in af_ East Street and JSouth 'Olive Street ordinance or fail to comply with: fording necessary l!ght and j3.i.r' tor shall hp. 38.15 feet. any order or regulation made there- i :ilI existing buildingli i~nd Ulo8e Th!'i set. 'baek along the southerly \lnder, or who shall build ~r move I,"reafter erected, and to provWle side of the water lalley or right of In'-violation of any specification or ('or ; he heu.ah and general welta'rr- \\"ay 'adjoining the. northerly sideR plans 8\lbmitted &nd approved of the veoJlle .of the City oi Ana. ut Vineyard JAbl H_1 and ,H_Z be- thereoundel' or wtho shall .V1iola.tr~ helm, the ~et.-bRck lines describ~.d! tween ~outll "'~8Jlt Stree-t and South 'l.ny ne.rmit or license issued there- and dE"finec1 in Subsf)ction c of thiS Olive Stre-et sball be 11.75 feet. . .under is guilty of a misdemeanor I Section a.re hereby eStabli8hed. ". The aet ba<:k ....iong the norther- a.nd 'upon conviction the.reof folhalJ i Ot) A tter the -etf"ctlve date of ! ~T sidfll of Rapt ....I\'d. West Water he. puniphable- by a fine of not leaR I t hiA amendment no. buildln.g, struc_ Streets' between South Olive Street than $10.00 or more than $300.00 or ture, well, billboard. or portions f:l.nd South' Ze)in Street shall be by imprisonment in jail for not le88 thereof shall be ereate.d. construct_ ~:8.2i t.et. , . ., than 10 da.Y8 nor more. than thre.,. ed, dug or placed on any prope-rty Thl3' s..t baC'!k along the south- months, or by hoth suc1t f:ne and bl'ltween the '!M"t_back line e.tab. ert,.. a~de of We.t-':Water Street be- .imprisonment. llifthed therenn and the monumented lwe.n~80uth. 'l'alm ~treet and South 'Every person, firm, corporation I c.enter Iin('! ~~Dm ;whic.h' said set.~ Weet Strec,t shall 'be 11.'l5 teel. or partne-rship S'hall be deem" harl( tinp ~...,\s petermined, provi~e4. 11. Soutb Str.eet. . The set bac._. -B'1rittT .-or . !Iepa",~ oneo" tor howflver, that this cprovlsion shall Blong the nortlaerlJ' Bide of Eut each: and every d8)" the provisions of flot be 4p...med to prohibit slde- Soutb $trttet. between South East t.hls or'd'lnanee 'are Ylolated, and for \\"~.lkR. ()~ other alabs not lover ICmC Str:'Mt. and 'Sotl~h Orange Street every day during wfhir.h any obaer foot In height, drives, permi8slble shalt ibe 10. reeot. violation t)f Ithis ordinance or its feonr.es In any cue, nor shall this.' 'tile eet back along t.he northerl,. .provisions c.ontinues, such pe.rson, provision be ".e. to. prohibit 01'-. ....~.of..;::W_ '''fltll'.tJtreet be~ . firm, corl)oratioQ 01' parjnershll' I "Unary "aves, corn Ieee, downspouts ~outh Le~'oa Street and South Dick. 'shall bf! punlshabl. th.retore~ as and 'sImilar projection.. on .bulld... el .8trMt sha1l ().\e :31.10 teet. he,"!l" .R-rov1dI!4. _, ... ..... .f in.lts or 8truetur.. .Il an,. bu.IG~' . 11. .North .B....t Street. The set ""sECTION 4. a"be O1t,. Clerk 8h&1! dstrh1t a.~ 4ethi~ .by .be said ~.. .'baek .~D. th.e .....-erl,. side. ot certify tn the pas8ace ot this or- dinance NQ. tOt of 'the Clt,. of ADa.. 'Nodla -ri Stfeet "t~eeo But dlnanee and shall .cause tbe ,aaQte. helm, or ametd1..nta tl?ereto~ .. . "Wlttel...... ~tioeet !antl But S,.ea- tp be .prlnted anel publish., once . (c) The' set bae~s establf8biMI. ',MOI\I Street .IlaU b~ 15.50 feet.., i.~ the' Orang. Count,.. New., a I\long the variou. .treet8 and wa-. 11. ..tlo~1\ Olive Stree~.' ~be .et .n.wspa.per of general olrculation, ter aileY'S 01" rights of wa,.. are &II' b~ aloft.. tb. _uteri, Bide o!. >>1'1_.<<, pub-lI.hod and. ala4alated foilows: . North tOIl.. Street bet.....n Cf)JD.. tn. said City, and thirty da"s (rom 1. Comme.rcla,l Street.. The .Ml mmc.l Bt...et and .luJlanDa St....t aftd after Us tlnal Pauac~ It shaU ba..c~ alon.. -both ~M1 of Comm.l"~ .bA~1 be 19."" teet. . take effert and be in 'rut: force. . t1l,,' 9treeot shall 'N 10. teet. , .'.: .1', 801lt~ Olive Street. The set The tore-cnin&, ordin&Dce 18 sllllled I. Romney. I)rI~e: 'rhe set 1fIt.~.. .ba~-" ..l~'nc ,'ltlap. ... euterly.. aide .of al\.d approved this 10th da.y of a.long the south alde. of Rom__~'" 'ao~"h O,!I~.e. '.~re~. ~weeft Eaat ........oh, 19t2" , Drive between North TAmon ..~,..t ,"atar .street and' Ve...mont AvenGe CHAS. A. :PeARSON, !tnd the wellt oily '''iIllt line. 01'0... '.....~.. S4", 16 fe..t.. .' .' . Mayor 'of the City .ot ing 'ftomneYA Drive shall be fllil"1.,r:.' '11'e ..t f)~k:. .along the. weaterly \ '.Anaheim. teet. . f. \ . . .... >>I~: of lo~th...O~"~ S~~eet . betwe~1l ATTEST: 3. El\st I~a PaJm. Avenue. '1'.... ;.-. . V.l.Il~I.. . Av~.ue aad' Vel"- .CHARLES E~ GRIFJPlTH, (Seal) lIIet back I\lo....&" 'tI,. southerly...... ~~t ~,iI.e .lha11 .... 14.11 feet. '. ~ity Clel"k of tbe City of Anaheim, or,'~aat La ,palma ..Avenue, bet.~. ...... ~'L :. ~~ 'St('lMt;. trhe Nt back.. 8'r.:A-TR O,'jCAL1Jl'ORNIA. ' the eute-rty cat,. ~ll_tt line i~~. ~~.. -~th'. a14811 .' of PaU Street .COtJNTY' OF ORANGE 88 secUng t.htt- sou.tIte~y 8,id! ot. -" ,..... __: .e. . feet... .'. CITY 0,. AWARlDl1I ; Av.nqe aDel the Jr"..rli Hne ~f ~. ....:.. '" . W.rt.1l. Loll:. .An..lee . St....t. I, Charlel! ... GtJtftt", City Cieri: ria-lit or way ol,the'... Ancet~-~ ~.. 'bae.k. ~~.. ~~ .I.~. ..~f. ;ot ~b~ ~Clty _ot 'A'l\&hehn do here", ~It Lake Rail 1'''. CO~I.."ft,. Gr~" :~.~h.. ~ A..!'pl.... ,Mnet bet.....; .~..,rtlt,. ~hat Uae torl<<olnll' .OrdID~ I~g . ..t4 .treet, ...11 be f01"t~ ..~~, ~~.. a.1)4 ".'Weft ~o~.~n ~t ... Dce' W'IUI tntroctu..c." Jat & regular. ~.; eet bACk a1._ ~he .o"1"t~" ;.~. a.a( .at. ~ ~'DI. Avella. . ...etlftlf of tile Clt~.. Co!lftcll af tile 814. ot F....t erA. .~. Aveu~.:.~. ~~ .~..o. f"~ . .:. '... ~ of A1\~lm. beld Oil tile 1. tw...~. the ...te...,.;;. alty Jhlllt "'. ::.::~.-..._.tll I.ifH ~~le.l.'. 8t~ .Ca." ,of Fe~,. 1141, ~n. tW tnteneetl.JlC the ~erly .~":,'." .': "'. ,'~t ..t. ,~~k.. .1~~~. _bo~ll. ald_. ~t, tbe Rme ... ......... &114 adopted at 11&1. ..&.ven.... Ml4 ....~. morn~ :.'. _:.' ..,.'~ :A~"_ .8t~ ~~et,...... '.. re."l&r ...~ln. ~t..hI CttJ ,~ent..r ".ne of ~t.1I 'LOB A '.. '.' a~~ W~t .~...&,. ~4 ~ .QoQIlCU ~el" OIl tbe. 10t~ d.,. of titreet el\&l1 be t'f.' r.et. .' .:;. ......:.. .elt,.. .~IIl.lt . U~~.. .hall .be ~. 'lI..reb~ tlfl,...,. ~he to.llOMD" TO_:: 4: W_at I.... Pal... A!"llu.. .., ....', ".',. . .'" : . . A-!'Bi.: 'CO~CILIIBW: PBARSON. set back ,alo.. :...- northerlt., '.~ ..~'" ..J'~ St.reet. . The:~ :YAir WAGONER" YUHO~~UT"" 'Of 'We.t La PAl.. Avenue .... .' . '"q al... tll~i....' sid. of ~~ta :ARTIDfJl:T. 11'.. 'aDd SHBRtDAN. : North Loa An..... areet anldl'. "t' ' _ftb . It"*l ~ tiM.~ W.ut "".. ,,1ro.8~. COUNClI.iMDf': NONII.. tAmo.. 1tu-.et '..ball be 4T .teet.: ,.:' .1\.' If ~~~. 8:8d ...~. W~ter 8t~t. .AOll.RNT: COUNCILMaN: NON~ The 8&t . back at.... Jloth eJW;.~ ~..~1I be .1... (.~" . .,' &ad l' fu~tlaer certify that tb. ' Weat La Palma A:venue ~ . II... If.. CI.~D ~net.. The ~ .~r-9r of the CtQ' of ADaI.~I.. .Ip., Nqrtla Pa~m ~tr.e',,, the Jw ,:,.~,,"-:~! a~.,."~ .~~, .f NOl'tb ~t~ ~~: .ad a~pro.v" .a14 ol"4lD&ftce o~ city ",""it J'"~ o( .dae CitY' o~ ,. . " y ,.;,Bt~ ~~..,~ "'eat.... Pat.. .the lOUt. day, Qf Kare_, 1.41. .. Ii.lm Cn-oulng.... ..eDue s~'. .'. .~ .,-. ue. , ..... W'~t. .Sycamo... St~: IN WITHB. WHBRBO.; .1 haye .1 f~~ . : ," ~ .<:~~,' ;lJ1ui~ ~ at feet., '. .1 ,'. ."UDto eet .7 haDd (..11 ar.rix_~ I 6. F.....t North. ....~t. 'rtl* ;-: -~: 'o...L. ._,,~ ~l~~.. .~r_t. "l'b..M :..... cOl"pl)rn te ~eal 0' .Id- elt,. thlll baek alou tile- ~.I'therly.. uO, ~ '.' ato~ the.. ..t, ,.Ide of .~ Qt~ .4a,.' of ~l'Ch, 1.4.. . I Eallt , NorQ...o"-,,,,- ~~Wf!eD. ...... .Di..JtHIt.,~~.",!ellt ~r0a4. ~.) ~ B. GIUJPPITR. O..aDRe Street'" 0. ...ester'l'~. ..:. at a~.' ~....~. ~,~~. '.. Ana -~~. :. ' . Clt,. Clerlq or .the City ot f tb.. Ii. of ... of the,(Lt.4... .:- .!I~J be ~I."i;. ~.~t. . "'. : . Anahel. :'le~ -r.D.~SaJt ~ Rallr0a4'!.:, '. ,~., ': fte .et.._~ .,.~~~c ~aeh etde. ~t !; h 11, l1U" DailY sbaD H,.'t..;)tee-t. ;.,.....: '.,';;';- 'Jkj:'4~ Clt~n:""~'. between W.., ;:' . 0 ~. 6 .West .N'ortk........t. T -:. ." '.~r. .B..~.,~.w~, :South 8t.. ... _. ~~I~~:"~:"Y;.K@' XO~h),=<<":l:; r ,...",.>'"" '*." . "~t"..~ ~f~:j~~:.'" ::,' ;~-~.~,,:~,'~.~ ..:t1.:r~B-':' '. ~~::'ft".~t '.' ~ri:""".' ( ,,,'. ':" .. , ~....~ ';. . Vt !j:' :';'. 1.-,.' ,...... ... ~:: ...." '''''. '.' ;.~ ...... ~~,,'-" - ~>' .~W.,;.:"".~...,~..: .,"~-. - }-,lu'k along' hoth sidE'~ nf to~Hst t. 'en- h,t. ~I r-eet h....twf'en :\"nrth and :O;uuth F~1~t Htl'e.~ll'l and lhe f'ustE'l"I.\, ~~ir,. Ii m i t !li ne l.'r-osfollng' I':a:-lt . 'pn tel" ~t l'eE't shAll 1.lE" 4. I) ft.f't. 1 L l~aHt Hanta ~\na Stl't~et. Tlw ~t.t 1I':u'k a!()llg' tilt.: n/')I'tht>rly sidE' or I.::t~t San 1,:"\ Alia {Stn"l:"l ht"t W€'f.'11 :-;"lIth r':as; ~tt.I~t't Bud tit.. f'afoltf"orl} r-jt~. limit lint> l'I'()~l"ing' tht> 11U1.th- "I']Y pHil' IIf !':a~l ~~ulla .\nH ~treE"t '-ihall he :1:; fpe-t. Th." loit.t IlKI'I, :tllll:~' tht'" ~nuTllt...I'ly side lit' }':ast S....P t~, Ana 8tt'I'Pt. be- t\\"..~~I South I':a~t ~trect and Hunth PU Vf' ,:o;t ret>t ~ha 11 be ::5 f(Opt, Ir.. \\'....Sl ~anta .\nu Hlrl't>1. Thf~ ._:!.:,",'r.., _. ,";did 1)I'''i!~allt:e Xl). ~l"j 1;;1,"(( along: th~ southeriy s~dt~ : I.!.i', i.'" h..!'!',!.\-' ,1IliNldl'd b): tIlt' addL of "rE"~t Sa,nta Ana Stl'\;,et ll'~tweerl : .~~'I;;'!1 t ;,:.:I"(-t:::.i'~!;I;~I~:\~~ ~::;~tri;~;l \;~.i~.~ ~.:lt~'~7tt;;~~e~n:h:l~ ~~d 27,~~~P.~e:~.d \ ;-=,;;l! ~I",'f illl, I ~.:J ::chall "t.ad as fol- Tho set haek alung both side:; o~ : i..ws: \Vt'Mt Santa Ana Street bet weE" 11 . "~T.\J;!.l::oi. i \I E> T (.1,' :-\1':''1'' - R~\CK ~"l1th I..emon Street and South Palm I.' ~ E~ Stl'ept Rhall he 34.75 feet, '.\ · !: .... ....,. t () 1)I'fH ifl" a....ctit!llll_ 16, WateJ' Stl'eet. The st't hack' ;:i . pr""','Ul.lll \:,', th... (~ity nf Ana- ctlnng tbp. ,norlherly side of th~ wa- l'..im dnl i\l~ it ;""'lntL.t,g"atic~lI. to a.!L tel' alley or right or way adjoining -- iJo:I II! I h~" d'.'vpil)pm(~lll -..1' H. ('om.. the :i4outherly shIes of Vine;1o"a..rd ~.I-...il"'I>ti q" ..tr"'E"~. systf'm. [II })ro- Lots; G.l and G-2 between South ;'1111 t. l"(j ff!," .~~...f"'l~', tn :l id in af_ fI=ast Strcf't and JSouth OIi'.~E" Ht.reet r!It'dil1l.~' :!f','''~SlU'\ light. and .air Cor shall b~ :~8.2!) feet. ;,11 ,..x'isl mg' hl1ilchng~ i'.lId thuse '''hp Met back along the southerly :.. 1"';1 ft.../ i"'~d~d. anI" III I)rovi.~ side of the water lalley or right of . !,)~' II" !If'OIltlt and ~f"np'"n' \.."elfn,r" \\~\y 'adjoining' the- northerl)' sideR ';.f t\;~. i'f~O!,It> of \.111" ('ity I)" Ana._ of \,ineyard J~obl H_t and .H.2 be- . ,...inl. I h~. ~ "t'.h~1('I( Iilh"lS npscribe.d! :'\Vet:~l\ South IO:aHt Strec-t. and South ;:111"; ;'di::t'd ill ~!.Ih~el'tinn (' of this (Hi""t! Strflo(.t shall be 21.75 feet. :-....,.1 inl. :! l't' h~r~~by {>"'''iotablished. The set bae:k along tht~ norther.. , ,i,l .\q. r ".hl: efft!etivt:" date of ~:; Rift.", of l'~R.Ft an.d \Ve~l '\1Vater ~ I his ~llnt'l\d.mellt no. bui1dill~:. struc_ Streets between South Olive Slt'eet. ; Il.lrt'". Wf.!I, hillhn8.fd, or portions and South Ze).n Street slla-II be I 'li"I'~(,r shall hE' erp.cled~ ('Ollstruct_ :';8.25 feet. ,'rl, d ll~ 01' (.llal'ed on an)- pl"ope'rty Tbl! se.t bat"k along the 3outh. l,..twt.:..... the 'J.f'Lba~k line estab erly side of West Water Street be- li$olhNI tht>fE"I'Jll and the monumented I.ween SoU1.h Palm Street and South "t~I1t.I~I' !in'"' :'rolll .whic~h sy.id set_ 'Nest Street sha.U be 21..75 feel. !.:wk lill" ''.'a~ !'l:+>tel'mined, provide4.. 17. South Street. The set back. IHlwpv.'r. that this ;provision shall along the north~rl). Bide of East 11...1 h~ rtf"t"'med to })rohibit side. South Street between South East \'-:-1 ni.~. .d' nth ,"I' slabs not lover J{ml~ ~treet and South Orange Street fn,',t ili hf'i~ht. dri'!e~, permissible shalt :be 30 fef."t. f~ld~l~~ in any ea.se, nor shall this' The set baclt alon" lhe northerly PI'O\" isillll be dee.med to \prohibit or- side of West South Street between ,!ill:l q: t.;tvp.l4. I~ornices, df)WnSpouts :4outh Lemol' Street and South Dick.. H,ru1 ~irnil:u projections. on build- el .stree.t shall (~e :32.50 teet. inA'!lJ or structure!l in any buslne8s 18. North EA.st Street. The 8et dAtl'kt :i'" detint:d by j:he said pr.. back along the we.V;erly Slide: of iHnAnl.p No, 1)09 of the City of Ana- North East Stree-t between East I'f'=i m, or ~\meDtCt1nent8 thereto. W"ltbetmlaa Street ;andl Eut Sy~a. (I" Th~ set backs e~t&b1isbed more Street shalt be 35.50 feet. ~.long the val'ious strep.ts and wa.- 19. North Olive Street. The let ter alleyl' or rights of wa.y are as back along the westerl" side o~ foHu,,"s: North ,Ollv-e ;Street between Com- 1.. Comrne.reia.l Street~ The set merh~RI Stl'floel a.nd J'u.Uanna Street bR.eb: R.long both ~,de'" of Cummer. shalt be 19.1~ feet. l~i" I Streflot shall be; SO tep.t. 20. South Olive Street. The set 2. Rnmneya Drive. 'r.h.e set back' baek along 'tb~ . easterly side o~ nlon~;: the south side of Romneya South Olive- Street between But nrb.-(' hf"twpen North JJernon Street Water Street and Vermont Avenue !:t!nd t1H~ west coity 'limit line. croafa- shall" bE' 34.15 feet. mg I Rllll!neVA Drive sha.ll he thirty The set baek along the westerly \ t'~::,t..' \ ~ide of South Olive Street between ATTF:ST: .., E:-tst La Pa,lma Avenue. Th~ Eut ValenciA Avenue and Ver-- CHARL~~S Ii;. HR(FFITH. (SelJ.l) ~et ba,("l\: A.long tht" southe-rly side mont .Avenue sbalt be 34.75 feet. City elerk of the City of Al~aheim" ' flf' ":n.9t 14:\ (Palma A venue, between 31. Patt St~et. Prhe set back ST.A!fF: 01\' CALtFORNIA 1I1p. f')8.stE.'rly cHy limit tine inter. along' "both sides of Pat.t Street I COlIS'Tv OJi" ORAN'OF: !"',(H.ting th~ southerly side c.lf said ahaU be 30 feet. CITY OF ANAHEIM. A,'enue And the ."e.sterly line of the . 31. North_ Los Angeles Street. I. Charle~ E. Grlffi!th, City elerk I'ight or way nf,the 1.08 Angeles and 'l"he set back along both sidea of of th~ City of knaheim do herebl I ~alt L8,ke RaiJr.oo. Company croall. North Los A..ngelf.'!!I Street between certify that the torf-going Ordin. in,: said 8trer,t, shan be forty feet, ~1a.t and . West Sycamore Street and ance W'1l8 introduced Jat a. regular Thfl' !!let bAek =-.Iong tile nortberl, Il~ast and West La Palma Avenue l1Ieethlg' of the City CouncU ().f the . shIp. of Ji:al'lt 1.. Palma Aveune. be.. .hall be 40 feet. City ot Anaheim. beld on tbe 10tb i twep-n the ea2terly city limit Una a3. South fAS AIlee'e8 Street. day .of February. 1941, and that t inte.rgecUng the northerly ~ide of The 'set back along both sides of the same Wl\S passed and adopted at 'Maid avenue and the monumented So'Jtb :r4Oil Angeles Street between 'a recular meeting of said Cft,- : ('I'nter 1:ln~ (\f North /Lolll Anceles Eaat anet West Broadway a.nd the Coulleil held on the 10th day of ~treet shall be 4T.6 feet. a.ou.th .city IIm.it line 8hall be as March, t 942, ;by the rollo_D&" votu: 4. \Vest fA. PILlma AV(I!nu.e. Tile feet. AYJ41S: 'COUNCILME'N: PEARSON, SfJt back "loag 'tile northerl,. .t4~ It. Sou'h .Tan.. Street. The .e~ VAN WAGONER, YUNGBLUTH, ; llf West T"f:I. Palma Avenufl' betwe8lt" bRock along the east side of tIouth VARTEN'RT. Jr., and SHERIDAN. J North J...o8 Ancele8 Street anldl North Jan!. Street between We8~ Santa NOl;:S~ COUNCILMEN: NONE. : r..emnn ~tr(l!et 8hall be 47 .feet. :\.' '" ~trfh"". and West Water Street A r;:ilF:N'l": COCNCJLM:mN: NON 1-:. I The gpt ba.ck along both sid~. of ..,hall be 39 fee-t... And ! further certify that the ""t"st f..a. Palma. AVf!nue between 25. North Citron Street. The ~et . Kayor of the City or Anaheim sign. I North Pa ~ m qtreet and the Jwee~rly bauk alone 8aC"h side of North Clt. ~d and approv-'J said ordinance on city limit ]="1"'" of the City of Ana,. ron Strftet betw~en Weltt'La. Palma the 10th day of Karch. 19t2. I h4!'im crl)sslng' said avenue shall be. Avenue a~ W-eat Sycamore Street IS WITNESS WHEREOF I nave ; ...ft ttlP.t": . !IIhal1 be 30 feet.. I hereunto set my hand land affixed ; 5. 'F.ast North Street, The set 26, S,>uth Citron Street. The set t.'he r.orpornte seal of said city this I hack a.long- the northerly line of back. along the east side of South 10th day CYf ltlarch, 1943. 1t1aSlt North Street bet.wE'en North CitrOn Street betwee" Weat Broad. (Seal) CHARLES E, GRIFFITH. Orange Street 8IIld It.he westerly Una way a.nd West !lan..a 'Ana. ;~treet City Clerki of the Gity of nf the right of way of' the(Los An- shall be 27.75 feet. Anaheim. gele~ . and Salt Lake Railroad Com.. The set back 'along each !'ide of Karch U, t 94:2.. mt.ny ~hall bt- .U.7a Jfeet. South Citron .stree.t behveen West 6. 'West N'orth Stret:t. The 'set 'Vater Street and West South 8tree~ hR('I, alf'lrtJ;C the northerly side 'of shalt be !O teet. . WeRt North Stree.t from North 27. North West Street The 1Iet .Tans9 Strpet ~o West Street IIhan be back along the easterly "Ide of 43.75 teet, ~. North' Weft $treet between West '1~1te SAt hA.ck along the southerly La. Palma Av&nue and We8t SYC&. lina of West North StrE'et from more Street 8ha.ll be 35 feet. ~orth Pa.1m Street to North West 'The set hack along the easterly Strept !shal1 be' 11.!6 feet. . .lde ot(North West Street between ThE' - ~t...t back along both Idde.. or g,.c.-amore St~e.t and :Wellt C)'IJ)ress Wf\st North Street be.twee~ North ~treet shan be. 38 feet. West Rtreet and the weRterly ~tty The tIet back alOftI' t.'be easte". limit Un,.. crollsing lIaid/tltreet aha1! ~id~ f)f N~rth Weat Street .b~' be 35 fE-pt. 7. :FA.!tt Wllhetmtna Street. The .8t back alnnc the nortberly s~de ()! the water al1e.y or l-lght of .&J' ~djoi~in~ thoa southerly .'41.1 of Vineyard IAt A..t between !\t:orth East. 9t....et and 'Nortl\ Orans. Street shalt be 31..; refit. The set bAr-II: along the -Muthe..... ty wide of the water aU.,. or "'C"t of way adjoining' thp. ftortberly a'.. ot Vlne"ard Lot 8..1 bet.eeD )fort" J"&st Atreet a....d' N'ol'tb Orange Street" shall b.. i1.6 feet. . , Tbe Ih...t ba~' a.loftg the' southerly side of F.a8t Wlt~lllllfta. Street ~.. i;wef,n North. Or&Dn Street...d Nal'th Olive Stre8t. elta.ll be IT.& feet.. R West ,"Ihelmlna Street. fte "P.t. bar.k. alang 'the .northerI,..... of the water atl.y or rlnt ot way a4jolnln&, .tbe 80utherl,. 814. Df Vlnfloyard ~t A.1 between North f!itron Str(llet aru' North West Street, .'.halt be 3t.& teet. I "":".J~ back ,&lon.. tbe soutberl7' :& .....t WlIIl.lmIDo. Strllt be- .. :" -:. . ,":"'''..th Clemen-tine &Jidl a. line , .'.~.'~ . .~.~. '.- . '.'.10 the monu.anted cell" i " ;',..;J! and II:,':,. I'..'-,"'PIH'{' '. ~'.l :'~- HJ!rj .-;!\' 1!lnit '!'.>. "j~..: ..1 .\Il~I:..illl. .. . 11:'....ni...rl ..'..!It~'l. ;.ill": The ,'I - .. 1j/!H'1l I I;. ,',,\t.,!" llll," shall .I.'" ~~. .,,1 I . t~: ";lll " ! i I; ,. : :-..i n,g' h~'.. , . q , ~ : ~ ! ji I i I\;"! I l, . <1L r1 II I. it'S . ,"; ",: " '.lIl..~) ,.!' l"i~I': III" .' . .. I .:..:. . - ~ , . " I t 1)(" i" III II /") it l" i ~ s '.: I', "1. \ ;,1,'!' ;.lllt,., ",. ri.~'ht !.,.f ,I 1"t.~'t1~. ,"'!i!!€'("l iIH~' ',\ I. - ~. ':;; !IJ" l;Jl"."II:.' 'r p..,jll.t:~ , . ( '" - II i "I.,.. ' : I ~.- I 'h' ;I' i t:r ,1... l'il~' II!' ,\-",lI..'ill\ as i,,\ , i... f"l SIlI'\ "ys nil \~ ,I~'>l' a 11...\ ",. I'i:,,;'hl IIf .:"l' :! . : :: ..:. i ~ :' 1-. '..; 'IH!.:..: rh.. , '1 . . I. -. .... ,'1 . . L ~ ; r: ~ . ,,: ..: . !! ~ ~', .1 . '-; i '": ...... !. :! :h' . L'l. :- "- ,,- ;--;;,i. ~('r': ~It'd ...trl;j .., ,\ ' ! l' n :. t I; . t I r'.. :'\.. r hi. i 1 <:l :. l!.l ,"'~titr:v "uhli. 1. l.io."t'n'lilJin~ 1 II.. f""!d .', .:(; r.'l' '.'xL'~":"'I' ,"'i,'.. ,va;',I, ~I';: i !"I" ,';"1.-;,. 'Ii.i.' t)t.. I ) ,- 'h .' \, L:I't I: . , l d i' ~', t h '.' t" ..: , I , . ! . ,va 1'r!I'l. ~. J 1'-lo"'l-'lli!1ill~' i hi' I,.\';tlif," ,It IlIaill ~"II.j HI'I".'I'l'<':III'Y bUIld II....... '"'tr.1H.I'....'..,.;. fl"ll~f'.... ;1 n! h...j ~'L' ft' Il I'.'''';. '. Pplpl'nti"i/lg Ihl' widlh ;'_11.1 fll't'H "r :-;\1.';' III'. "'(I~"P; that \,'hpl"'" ,111\" I"r \\'hi('h .'xistf!'d "II tht, d.lt,. ....11;.h <;"1. f':I,'I~ \\";1.;- f'stithli,..;ht'rI ;<Ilil whid. h:l:-: l"'~:-I tll:ul tll" IIli!lin,n:1 \,'idlh ,!I:d "I" al"'it :'Is " l"~''''lIlf ,',.1' ~ajd Sf'l 1.;',,'1.:. ;o;h:d~ h" 1."u:-:id....,.:1 10 Il":'l~t'-:ol':; lit., I.t.qllit....,l Illilli~lIll" .,1' I,.. \\ !r11 h :llIfI area. l ~'l \\-" !I,'\It",,'t.'" :111'\' SII't'l'l ,:o;i!ai I hI" "))('III'd ,"1' widt'll+'d in ~1I1'h il :!H...nIH't. "'1' t.. ~lI('h an ~'X:t~1I1 ,I..... ["II ('RII~(~ thf' .'''ltahli...lwd :,;et IJ.~H'I;. Ii n Po n 11 a II y h t h, CIII ~~ it h i n :-;:\ i rl slt't"p.t. SIll"- sPt b:wk Iinl' iolhall l'*';'tlole to h:. ,.ffeel'l \-t.~ C1:'O t., ~tl('h i."L (h) ~o ;pt>rmit \.r I ieE'HSE' ~hai I he i~~ued ill \"ioladon of '.!It> pl'''_ \'illlinns ...f I his ':Ce(""tio~1. Should !'HIl';l llt~rmit t.)f~ is:1lllf'td it sh:.1I1 be void. SgC'l'I()~ ::, AnV' pcrl'oll. finn. C'orJlOt'a.linn or partl,,"'rHil) who !'lllall \ iolat... .:J.n~. .,r,the IH'(,\'h:inn~ lor Uti:~ (JrdimHI('e or fail to ,.~omply with any (J!'rft">t' or' I"~,.::uluth)n madf. th('1't\- .tnder, ut. who shall build ,~r 1\I11\"f' inl vh:.lation of any ~pN'iri(o..Hion IW plans suhmitted and appr'oH.d. lherE"ullrler nt. ,,,,ho !-I.hllll v'i(llat..~ 'lny J)E'I.tTIi~. or IiCI'lllllE' ;s~ued thl'l'e- undp.r is guilty of. (\ m isd f.'liw a nor a.nrl 'upon eonvktion thereof :o:hall he ')Im!~h~blf' by a fint~ of not I{.s~ than $10,00 Ot' mOl'e than S:WO,OO or h~. irnpri~o:lmcllt in j::i.i! foJ' not less than 10 davs nor more t'han thret.. tn'lnth!!l. or by !'wth HiWh f:ne and imprison ment. Every person. firm. corporation or par~ner)'1lhip s'hall be deeme4 g'ltHty of' ~ !llr.parp ':~ U'U~t1ol1e COJ- lI!tach and ~vt>ry day the provisions of t.hfH oM1nance are .,.iolated, and for every day- during wlhil~h a.ny ot'her violation of' Ithis ordinance or itoi Pl'ovisiol\s C'.ontinues, ~~uc.h person, rirnt, c('lr!."ration or par~nershil. shall bp. punishable therefore. as herein provldfl!d. ; Sr.X'!TrON "'" n"he eity Clerk !il!hal! cert.ify to the passa.ge of this or- dinance a.nd Hhall ca.u~e the same to b~ printed and publishEld' onCt~ in tll~ Orange C(~unty News, a n(lows~a.per. of general circulation, pritVted, Ilublishod and m1'll4ulated in said City. and thirty days {rom 3nd after its rinal passage it shall tal(~ et'tert and be in tl'ul: force. The r,>re~oing ordinance is signed ,u\.d approved this 10th day of Ifareh, 19t2~ I CHA.s. A. PEARSON. Ma.vor 'of the City of AllahE.'im, as o ~ - I - I _ . ~ ':.. ..>1 _~ ,-; >" ,