Resolution-PC 96-113~ e 11CnV~~ ITIf~AI IJC~ Pc~ A RGS~~ ~p~NG CERTAIpN HONDITIONS OF APPROVpL pF SION RE~.SOLUTION~ONNDI ONAL USE PERMIT NO 3N83 ~ON WITH WHEREAS, on September 12, 1989~ the Cicy CuuncU adopteci Resolut~°n No. 8~R-3 to appr~e Conditiona! Use Permit ~lo. 3183 and permn sales businesses and off~ce uses at 1501 North Raymond Avenue in the ML °Umfted ~ndustria~~ ~one; WHEREAS, Cornlft~on No. 18 of said Resolu~~°n No. 89R~ read as fdlows: •~g. 7hat rataA sales busiresses shal~ be ~~mned to the fdaowta9~ Spe ~ t~~~.~ ca~fined to'BuUding No. 19' as ideMifled cM the hereinabove described p~ ~, pry Cleaners 2. Hair Salon/Barbe.r Shops, and Related Supp-ies 3. ~.ock and Key C~~r~npanies 4. pffice Supplies 5, post Office and, M~ail Services g, p~iM Shops/Photocopy Services 7. Travel Agents to all conditions of u~ ~~m~ pursuar~t to Zoning Code Section 18.61.020, and subject u~ a~ e. MY said sectio for the M 9Zo~e Section 18.61.020 is the Iist of 'Pemnttted P marY Structures' ~g~, ~equestin9 WHEREAS, Matthew Monnig has submitted a letter dated Septembe~ 10, reviously approved sa~es businesses ar-d office t modiflcation to the condft~ons of appro v a l p e rt ainin g to the p uses to indude a whdesale a~ retaii flooring contractor, and that he has f n d ica t e d t h a t a ma jo~Y siYe and that this use wroutd not be a typ~cal retan estab~~shmeM. t-usiness Is conducted at th~ j WkEREAS, the Clty Planning Commission did hdd a public hearing at the Civic Ce~~ey~gNen heim on Octaber 28, 1996, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said P~b~~c hea~ing h~~~g ~ er 18•03, Ciry of A~ as required by I~w and in an e~do! a~ aga nst said proposed amendm muandP° ~~~i~ a^~ ~ke to hear and c~nsider evkie flrxiings and recommendations fn connection therewfth; and ~de by ltself a~d WHEREAer due o sideraUon of all evidenceeatnd reportstoffered at said ~~~~9~ dOeS ~~ a~ in its behalf, and determine the following facts: for General Industrlal ~a~d ~, That the Anaheim General Plan designates the subJect properry uses. ML •umnea 2. That sub]ect proPe~'ry is developed with an industria~ subdivision and i~ z~ Industrial ' _~. P(~.113 cR2no~M ,g~ ~ i rimaril serve and are compaUble wfth g. '(hat sales businesses and office uses which Poval of a~ondftfonal use pe-'rt-it a~d ~t ,ndustrial uses are permitted In the ML Zone subJect to eC~ P~P~y ~tes that'•••a~Y (s~eg Iws~~~ °~~~ gec.tio~ 1g.61.050.145 of the Anaheim Municipal Code sp use whfch is found to encourage retail sales of aroducts or merchandise or to attract customers other than industria~ users for industrial purposes penr-itted in this (the ML) zone shall not be deemed a use w~~h primartly serves and is compatible wnh tndust~al uses.' q, That subJect 6usiness, Monnig's Floori~9~ is currently located at 1544 ~Nest lJn~dn Avenue erxi, due to the I-5/Santa Ana PreewaY `^~~en~~9' h~S ~come necessarY for the owner to reloc~te the business. 5, That Monnig's Floori~9 h~S °Perated ~n the City of Anaheim as a whdesale and retaU floo ng contaacto~ that serves the commercial, contract, property rr~ana9emerrt, builder and retail markets; that oods, and 1096 over-the-couMer ~les typically consist of 6096 commercial/contract~ 309(' retail {nsta~~ed 9 roducts. retali sales~ that~ in all, app~o~~~~y ~`~' ~~es are made at the job site; and that du~ing a norrt~al business day, only ten to twenty customers visft the current showroum to select floorii9 p 6, That, as described in the testimony gNen at the public hea~in9 ~nd~~"g t~ ~~ ~e~~ the business witl Pr:mar~Y serve surroundin9 fndustna~ users and is not a ryp~~ fe~ ~~ ~ON~' proposed the petftioner, customer trafflo is very minimal. a~d that, as desc~ibed bY ~e, the to rotect ~, That, in accurdance with Section of the Anaheim M~^~~~ ~tto~ under pro~ed modffication, including~'heen ~ wielfareaandj~ nnecessa~Y t° Rem'-n re~s°~~e o~peN P the public peace, health~ safety 9 the co~dftional use pertnft as originally granted• ~n o osx~o~. a~ that no g. That no one indicated osttiion t the subJect ipetitionic h~~ng Pp correspondence was receNed ~n oPP Planning AUF RNIA ENVIRONMENTA~ W"ei iN ACT FINDWCa: That the A~18heim Ciry r~oUSly uired Commission has reviewed the proposal and does hereby flrxl mat ~ne Negative De~c~aratfon p approved in connection wfth Condftional Use Permit No. 3183niflnding that the dedarat reflects the ernironmental documentatioii in connection with this request upo ~~-dependent judgement of the omments receNed during the pub c re iehw process and furthefl nd~i~n9ton peclaration together wfth any c the basis of the inftiai studY and any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that t e project wp~ have a signfficant effect on the environment. NOW THEREFORE BE a o E~ ~n connectton wi hhBCo~dn °~~~~ P~^k NO 3~~ fd row$ amend Resdut~on No. 89R-382, p (q) T~at Condftion Nos. 18 shall be amended to read: 18. That retail sales bus~e ffj~so ~t ~hgfen~bove described plansand peciflcat° sc',.o~n~ to 'Building No. 19' as 1. Dry qeaners Iles 2. Hair Salon/Barber Sh npe and Ralated Supp 3. Lock and Key Compa q, Office Supp~~es 5. po~ Office and MaU Se $ervices g, Print Shops/Photocopy ~. Travei Agents 8. Wholesale arxl Retap Flooring Co~itracting Services pCg6-113 -2- ~ ~ . g, Any use permiited Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 18.61.020, and subject to atl cu~siand of said section' [Zoning Code Section 18.61.020 is the list of'Permme~ P~"~ry Structures' for the ML Zone]. (g) That the three following new conditions shall be added: -.: 21, That wholesale and retail flooring contracting businesses shall be subject to the following requirements: Saies shall consist of sixry percent (6096) commercial/contract, thirtY Percent (30%) retaii (a) over-the-coumter retail sales; installed goods~ a~d ten percent (1096) (b) AppreximatelY ninety percent (90%) of sales shall be made at the job sfte; and ~~) q maximum avera9e of twenry (20) customers shail v:s~!t the showroom to select floorin9 products during a norma~ business day. 22, That no Special Event Permits shall be issued for the subject business. p3. That no outdoor display or storage shall be permitted• THE FOREGOING RESOLUT~ON was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting a~ October 28, 1996. ~ ~ CH MAN PRO TEMPORE, pNAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: HE~M C~r( p1~1NNIN~ COMMISSION SECRETARY, A STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTX OF ORANGE ) ss• C~TY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary of the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission, do herebPlanni g that the foregoing resolution `n'as Passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Commissian hel d on October 28, 1996, bY the followin9 vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTW~CK, BRISTUL. HENNINGER, MAYER, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, MESSE ZS~` day of I~y~w,~~-""°_~ IN WI7NES~ WHERE~F, I have hereunto set my hand this . ~ 1996. ~ ~~ SECRETA Y, AHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION PCgg-113 -3-