Resolution-PC 96-122~ RESOLUTiON N0. ~~%96-122 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAFiEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. PC73-208 ADOPTED IN CONNECTION WITH COP:DITiGNAL USE PERtJl1T N0. 1424 WHEREAS, on September 17,1973, the Pla~ning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC73- 208 approving Conditional Use PB oved waivers consist of~the fdlowing mobile safes arxi service agency with waivers; and that the five app ~b) Minimum land~scaroedf o~~oor use wfthesdid ~sonrv b~Uk wa11• feet approved) } J ~~ ~~~ q~ • -- (masonry wall required, &foot chain link fence topped with barbed wire approved) (8) Maximum number of fra3ctandina sians and minimum distance between free-standina siqns. (one sign ~ermitted with minimum 300-foot separatlon from a Second sign, two signs approved approximatety 150 feet apart) (fl Permwced Iccation of a freestandina sian. (!;~inimum S20 feet from east property line permitted~ G5 feet approved) (g) Maximum slan area. (100 sq•ft• permitted, 160 sq•ft. approved) WHERF:AS, subJect property is developed with a 3t,316 sq.ft. automotNe dealership, a portion of which is occupied, in the ML (Umited Industrial) Zone. WHEREAS, the petitioner has submitt~d a request> ~o operate a second automotNe dealership, inciuding an accessory repair facilfty and storage, on the south 3.6 acres of subJect property (currently unoccupied) and that no add~tional str~ctures are p~oposed; and WHEREAS, the petitioner has submitted a letter of operation indi~ating that the proposed faciliry will serve as a centra~ storpae and distribution polnt for automobilas, p-imarily late-model off-lease (used) vehicles for wholesale sales ~r other off-sKe sales, such as aucdons; that, while r~eta~psa~e~s may occur at subject locst(on, the primary operation focuses on storage arxl minimal on-sfts re ir re ration ~f vehicies tor off-sfte sales; that any significant repairs or pa(nting wil! be crntracted to off-site au~ ~R~^:'~" repafr/paint facilities; and that approximately 200 vehicles wili be on-sfte at~X`n~yj ~NQ'te to 5ftemployess operation fram 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and app Y On-SItH. WHEREAS, the C'rty Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the Ciry of Anaheim or~ l~ecember 9~ 1996, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publ~c hearing having been duly gfven as required by law and in accordance wRh the provisions of the Anaheim tvlunicipal Code, Ctiapter 18.03, to hear and constder evidence for and agalrost said propo~ed emendment and to irnestigate and make findings and recommendatlons in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aft9r due inspection, irrvestiga!lon and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consfderation of all evidence and reports oHered at aaid hearing, does firxl and determine the fdlowirg facts: 1. Tha~ th~ proposed second aucomotNe sales arxi servic ~~hian automotNe` snales bus ness use in the ML Zone and thr- ,~ruperty Is currenUy partially developed 7_. That the proposed seconu automoth~e dealership, as condftioned herein, will not adversely AreatMaster Plan cuen yur~er study,tand ~theinnearby and 8ece~tlY a p oved SportstowneAnaheimium 3. That overall land area used for aucomotive sales wWl remain the same as orlg~~ally approved and 3hore will be no naw building square footage constructed; 1 PC96•122 CR2791 DM ~ ~ 4. That, in accordance with Section of the Ariaheim Municfpal Code, ihe conditions of approval of Res~lution No. PC73-208 are amenderi herein on the grounds that such modification, including the imposftion of additionat condiifa~s, is reaso~ably necessary to protect the public peace, health, safety or general weifare, and also necessary to permit reasonable operatio~ under the condftional use permit as originaily granted; 5. That the petftinnar agreed to ;:ertain improvements to the appearance of the property, as condftioned herein, including replacing a pol;t sign with a monument sign, removing an illegal roof sign, limiting the numbsr ot wall ~(gns, and enh~nc(ng the landscapfng along Katelia Avenue; and that sai~ improvements will bring the subject property into closer confortnance wkh both existing ML Zone development standards and futuse anticipated development standards of the Anaheim Stad(um Area Master Plan; 6. That the slze of ihe property wi!! adequately support the requested storage of 200 vehicles, as condftioned herein, without creating any adverse impacts on the surround!ng neighborhood or affecting the traffic or circulation on-site; and 7. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no aorrespondence was receNed in opposition to the subject petit(on. ~~ CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY ACT FINDING: That the A~aheim Ciry Planning ~ommission has reviewed the proposal and does hereby f(r~ that the Negative Declaration previously approved in conn~ction with Conditional Jse Permit No. 1424 is adequate to serve as tFie required environmental documentation in connection ~Nith this request upon findfng that the declarat(on reflects the independent judgement of the lead agency and tha2 it has considered the prevfously approved Negative Deciaraxion together with any comments received during the publfc revfew process and further ~nding on the t~asis of the fnitfal study and any comments received that there (s no substantial evkience that the proJect will have a s(gntticant effect on the env(ronmsnt. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Comm(ssion does hereby amend Resolution No. PC73-208, adopted fn connection with Conditional Use Permh No. t424, as follows: (A) That a second automotive sales and service facility is permitted. (B) That waiver (g), maximum permitted sign area, is deleted in fts entirety. (C) That waivers (b) and (e) are amended to read as folloNS: (b) Minimum landscaped setback. ; (Required: 1 feet o' landscaping adjacent to Katella Avenue; Proposed: 4 feet of landscaping shall be prov(ded betwQan the vehicle display area and the slope In the Katella Avsrwe right-of-way) (e)'` Maximum number of free-standinq sians and miNmum distance between freestanding siQn^. (Permitted: one sian in tha front setback of an industrially zoned parcel; Proposed: two sians, one new monument sign on Katella Avenue and one existing sign on Hcwell Avenue advertising "SLS Auto,` tocated approximately 250 feet apart) (D) That Condition No. 11 is amended to read: 11. That prior to commencement of the activiry herein approved, subject property shall be developed substantialiy in accordance wRh plans and speclfications submitted to the Planning 9epartment by the petitfoner and which plans are labeldd Revisfon No. 2 of Exhlbit No. 1, and Exh(bit Nos. 2 and 3; ,provided, however, that: -2- PC96-122 ~ar (a) A minimum four (4) feet of landscaping ~hall be provided between the vehicle display area and the slc+pe iri the Katella Avenue right-of-v~ay; (b) The existing pol~ sign on Katella Avenue si~all be removed and repiaced with a monument type sign ha,ving ~ maximum size of one hundred (100) square feet and a rnaximum height of eight (8) feet, and that said monument sign may be located adjacent to, and on the west side of, the driveway ~n Katella Avenue; and (cj That there shali be only one wall (1) sign facing east towards the Katella Avenue/Howell Street intersection. (E) That the four following new conditions are added: 14. That the proposai, a second automotNe dealership, shall expire five (5) years from the date of this resolution, on December 9, 2001. 15. That in connection with the operation of the second automotive dealership there shatl be no special events, no flags or banners or other temporary signs or other advertising devices, and no automobile auctions or other special sates events. i6. That prior to co¢n~encsment of the activ'tty herein approved: (a) The petitioner shall submft de4ailed landscape plans to refurbish the slope landscaping in the Katella Avenue rfght-of-way and in the minimum four (4) feet of additiunal landscaping between the Katella Avenue slope and the vehicle display area (including a minimum of thirteen [13] trees plus vines plant+ad in iront of the ex(sting chair. link fence facing Katella Avenue for additfonal site s~reening, in accordance with C~de standards) for Planning Commission revfew and approval as a"Reports and Recommenda!ions" item; and (b) The owner of subject property shall submft a landscaping and maintenance agreement for the refurbishment and maintenance of the slope area acljacent to Katella Avenue to the City Commwiitj~ Senrices Department for review and approval, and to the City Attorney for review as to form. 17. That wfthin a periai of thirty (30) days from the date of this resolution, the petitioner/owner shall remove the existing roof sign located above the showroom. i HE FOREGOING RESOLU710N was adopted at the Fiannfng Commission meeting of December 9, 1996. CHAIRMAN, RfVAHEIM TY PLANiVING COMMISSION ATTEST: , ~ • I SECRETARY, A HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ` -3- PC96-122 ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY QF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahaim City Pianning Commission held on December 9, 1996, by the follow(ng vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, BOY~S7UN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MAYER, iNESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereur~to set my hand thfs U!"' day of ~~~~!nI,LQ/~~'? , 1997. ~ 1 w0 SEC ET Y, NAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION ~- PC96-122