Resolution-PC 96-17:.~ aESnu~7'ION NO. PC96-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHFIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. 95-96-03 BE GRANTED, UNCONDITIONALLY WHEREAS, the Anahefm C'ity Plann(ng Commfss;on d{d receNe a verified petition f~or Reclassffication for real properry situated in the City of Anaheim, Courrty of Orange, State of Calffomia, described as foliows: PARCEL N0. 1: THE SOUTHERLY 62 FEET OF ORIGINAL BUILDING LOT 5, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF ANAHEIM, IN 7HE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP HECORDED IN BOOK 4, PAGES 629 AND 630 OF DEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. PARCEL N0. 2: THE ORIGINAL BUILDING LOT 5, AS SHOWN ON MAP OF LANDS OF ANAHEIM, BOOK 4 PAGES 629 AND 630 DEEDS RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUMY ALSO KNOWN AS 407 NORTH ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM, CALIFORtJIA. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF AS GRANTED TO PETER J. WEISELlN DEED RECORDED JANUARY 6,1904, IN BOOK 98, PAGE 364, DEEDS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. ALSO EXCEP'TING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF AS GRANTED TO FREDERICK W. KELLOGG, IN DEED RECORDED MARCH 20, 1923, IN BOOK 462, PAG~ 94 DEEDS, RECORDS OF SAID O~AtJGE COUNTIP. PARCEL NO. 3: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF OFiIGINAL BUILDING LOT 5, AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF LANDS OF ANAh!FIM, RECORDED IN BOOK 4, PAGES 629 AND 630 OF DEEDS, RECORDS OF I OS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, AND RUNNING THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDAr~Y OF SAID LOT TO THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY 60 FEET TO A PO'iNT; THENCE EASTERLY TO THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT; AND THEN ~E NORTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT, 60 FEEf TC) THE POINT OF BE~;II~NING, A/,~)lp B€ING THE NORTHERLY 60 FEET OF SAID I.QT 5~. ~AL~o, {ti~J~H-N 'a15' ~Ol ~4'~RTH ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ~a'HEIM, CA ss2805,. ~W~Fi~R~~, th,t. c~ ?~.ancitm~ E~rnm-s~iam d~d tt~d' ~ publfc hearing at the Civic Center In the C14~~'ot A~iaheim on F~ryS, '-~ at t:3W p.Rl:, Adcice ic,~ ~IK1 pu!~ hearfng having been duly given as required by J±~w ~Rd in~ ~~~-darit: e ~d~Jfth i#I~ a~?ro~v7si~pR~ a6~ the ~anaheim Munfcipal Cc~de, Chapter 18.03, to hear. amd consad@r ~~nce fia~ e"`~~ ag~ins~~ saud propGs~d reclass~ication and to imrestigate and make findin~ ~ an~i recommendatq?;1?g i~l ~ ~ru~e~bm V~j~eev~'~+h~ ~d V!-H~REAS, ~elyd S;~m(`~~~~+~ ~'~~r dua inapection, investigation and study made by itself and in Its beln~lf, and atde~ due c~nsid6ra'tid~- oi ell evidence and reports offered at said hear(ng, does flnd and determine~ t!?"' following Iflcts: t. 711~trcne pro~o3ed reClassi~catton of subJeci properry is from the CG (Commercial, Ceneral) Zone to the CL (Comvnerelai, Umitai) Zone. CR2589MS.WP -~ - P~'~ ~ .~ , .~ Th,3t the Anaheim General Plan des(gnates subject property for Generai Commercial land uses. 3. That t;~e proposod redassiflcatlun of subJact property is necassary and/or desirable for the orderiy and proper development of the community. 4. ~ hat the proposed redassiflcation of subJect propercy does property relate to the zones and their permitted uses locall;i established in dose proximfty to subiect property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally estabtished throughout the communfty. 5. That no or+e indicated their presence at said public hearing in oppasftion; and that no conespondence was received in opposttlon to subject petitfon. , rALIFORNIR Eh"lIRONMENTAL QUAUTY ACT FlNDIN~: That the Anahe(m Ciry Planning Commission has reviewed the prc~posal to reclassiy subJect property ftom the CG (Commercial, General) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Llinfted) Zone on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisttng of approx(mately 0.42 acre located at the northwest comer of Adele Street and Anaheim Boulevard, having approximate frontages of 103 feet cn the north side of Adele Str9et and 180 feet on the we~t side of Anaheim Boulevard, and fiurther descrl-~ed as 401 - 411 North Anaheim Boulevard; and does hereby approve the Negative Dedaration upon flnding ~hat the declaration reflects the indeperxlent Jud~oment o6 the lead agertcy and that ft has consfdered tha ~egati~e Declaratton together wfth any comments receNed during the public review process and further flnc:ing ars the basis of the inftfal study and any commerrts receNed that there is no substaniial evidence that t~ie project will have a signiflcard effect on the ern(ronmeM. NOYJ, THEREFORE, BE IT F;ESOLVED that the Anaheim City Pianning Commisslon doea hereby approve the subJect Petftion foi~ Redaa~sHicatton to authorize an amondment to the Zoning Map of the Anaheim A6unicipal Gode to exdude the ab~we-described property from tt~e CG (Commerclal, General) Zone and to incorporatb said described proper~' iMO the CL (Commercial, Limfted) Zone, unconditionally. BE IT FllRTHER RESOLVED that t-~e Anahefm City Planning Commission does hereby flnd and determine that approval of this application constftutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that ft complles wfth the Anahelm Municipal Z~~ning Code and any other applicable Ciry, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regardi~g any other epplicable ordir~ance, regu;ation or requirement. 8E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that thts te:olution shall not constitute a razoning of, or a commftment by the Ciry to rezone, the subJect proQerty; ai~y such rovedlo9den ed by~the Cfry Coun p at the Cfty Council which shali be a legislative sct which may L~e app fts sole discretion. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOhi was adopted ~t the Planning Commisslon meeting of February 5, 1996 -~ NRWOMAN, ANAHEIM CI LANNING COMMISSION ATi EST: SECRETARY NAHEIM CITY PIANNiNG COMMISSION -2- PC96•17 ~ra• : ?~ ~tlu~ r~ STA7E OF CALIFORNIK ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary of the Anahetm Cfry Planning Commission, do hereby certffy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Pla~~n(ng C~mmission held on February 5, 1996, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CGIv1MISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTU~', BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NlAYER I~! WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand Yhis ~~ day of rn~,C~'t~ --~ - 1996. ,~ ~ .~~ J~IIu ) '~"~~l ~ SECR---~ ~.~AHEIM CITY PI~4NNING GOMMISSION r ~ ~ I ~. ~. .3_ PC96-17