Resolution-PC 96-21` v _ ,,: ~.~~4N-,Y ~ , 2i A RESOLUTlON OF THE ANAHEINf CITY PLANNING C7MMISSION THAT PETI?!OW Fi~K GONDt''IONP~ USE PERMIT MO. 3818 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, ihe At~.~het'~ '::zCY t'.a~'ninr~ Commisston dld recelve a ve~if'ied Peticton fcx Cond~lonal Use PertnR for certain real ~~rp'srty ~ittE~.'•9,d In the Cfry of Anaheim, Courrty af Orange, State of Califomia, described as: LOT 9 OF TRAGT NO. 3315, IN Tia~; ~.,s7Y OF AN/+HEIM, CGUMY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALlFORNIA, AS PER MA,p RECORDED IN BOOK 72(1, PAGES 1 AND 2 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN TH~ OFFICE GF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUN'T`(• WHEREAS, the Ciry Planninfl Commisslon dkl hold a publk headng at the Civic Cerrter In the City of Maheim on Febniary 5, 1996 at 1:30 p.m., natice of sabd publ~ hearin9 havi~9 baen duly glven as requlred by law and in accordance whh the provisions of the Anah~~~ c~ ~ ex and to 18.03, to hear and consider evidence fa' and agelnst sa~1 propflsed irnasNgate and make flndings and recommendations in connectbn therewith; and that said puW~ hearing was corrtfnue~ to the Febn~ary 21, 195~ Planning Commissian meeting; arxl WHEREA$, said Commission, after due inspaction, Irnescigatior, 9nd s~udy made by itseif arxi In fts t~ehalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does flnd and determine the fdlowing facts: 1. That the prc;.csed use is Rroperly one (or which a candfUanal use Pertnit ~s au~horized bY A~aheim Munic(pel Code : ection to retain an automobpe body wa'k and repair facGiry. 2. ` That tFw proposed use will not ad~:ersei~ stfect the adjoining land uses and the growth and develo~ment of the aret~ ~n which ii is proposed tu be °.r~teci because the proposed euto body reRalr is conaistent with the genarsl larxl uses fn the suROUndiny area: 3. That the size and stwpe of the sRe for tho proposed use is adequate to aliow the fuil development of the proposed use in a manner not detr(mental to the ~~ therparking reqr~uelrements health, safery, and general welfare, and that the exisUng parking supplY for the eMire parcel, induding 920 and 922 E~st Arlee Plece; 'y 4. That the traffic generated by the proposed use wAI not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways deslgned and Improved to carry the traific in the area; 5. Thr.~1_ cE~ graming of the «~ndltional use pemift. under the condftions imposed wAI ~ot be d6trimental to the ps:~caa, health, safety and genere~ weliare d the cftlzens af ihe Clty ot Maheim; and 6. That n~~ one U-dicsied thelr presence at safd public hearing in opposiUon; and that no correspondence was rrycehred in opposition to !he subJect petftlon. CR2602DM -1- P(:96-25 ;. ~ ,~ CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUP~LII'Y ACT FIN~ING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commtssion has reviewed the proposal to retain an automobile body work and repair facllity on a rect~ngula~ly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.38 acre, havfng a frontage of approximately 200 feet on the sotrth side ot Arlee Place, having a maxinium dep4h of ap~roxlmately 83 feet, being located appro~mately 630 fee: w~est of the centertine of East ~treet and further described as 920-922 East Ariee Place; ana does hereby aRprove the NegatNe Declaration upon flrxJing that the deciaration reflects the irxleperx9ent ju:~gemeM of the lead agency and that it has considered the NegatNe Declaratia~ together with any commeMs received during the public review process and further finding on the basis of the EnRial stucly arxi any commerts receNed that there is no subst~ntial ovidence that the pro~ect wili have a signi~cant effect on the environmerrt. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the P,~aheim Ciry Planning Commission ~oes hereby grant subJect Petitionreor Corxiitto~na~e oPesed use~of the sulbject Qropsrty in o der tore herebyfound to be a necassary p eq P Po preserve the safery ~nd general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That iauliding permfts shall be obtained for the existing metal canopy enclosure at 920 East Arfee Place or the unpermitted canopy enclosure shall be removed. - 2. That no required parking area shall be utilized far putdoor storage uses such as storage of µ building materi~is, stone, marble or vehicles awafting auto repair sarvices. 3. Th„a~ an unsubordinated reciprocal access arxi parkfng agreement, fn a form satisfactory to the Ciry Attomey, shall be recorded wfth the Uffice of the Or~nge County Recorder. A copy of the recorded agrc3ement siiall be submitted to ihe Zoning Division. 4. The subjeci ~se shall expire ane (1) year from the date of this resolution on February 21, 1997• 5. That outdoor storage of, display cf, or work on vehicles or vehicular parts shall not be pem'iitted. 6. That the petftioner shall ut(lize, and maintain in good condftion, redwood cedar or PVC (poiy v(nyl chlorinated) slats incervvoven in the north, east and south perimeter chainlink fencing. The west perimeter chainlink ferrcing shall be fully screened with PVC. 7. That Conditton Nat. 3 and 6, above-mentioned, shall tse completed witt~in a period of three (3) months ftom the date of this resolution. 8. That subJect properry shall be developed substantialfy in accordance with plans and speclflcations submitted to th~ ~iry of Anaheim by the petitione~ snd which plans are on Ble with the Planning Department marked Exhibft No. 1. 9. Tiat Condltior+ Nos. 1 and 8, above-nnent(oned, shall be completed wRhin a period of four (4) months fr~m the date of th(s resoluiion. 10. Tf~at ff autometive painting services are provkled at subject faciltty, such serve use shall fully comply with ail applicable regulations pertaining to paint booths. 11. That approval of this applica@on constitutes approval of the proposed request only to tha excerrt that ~t complies wich the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other app~icablo ~ity, State and Feceral regulations. Approval does not include any action or flndings as to r.ompllanae or approvai of ~ne request regarding any other appiicable ordinance, regulati~n or requfremerrt. -2- PC96-21 ;~ ~ ~ g~ !T FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahsim Ciry Planning Cc~nna is ~~~ ~ompliance find and determinA that adoptfon of this Resolutfon is expressly predicated upo Pp~ with each end a~l of the ccnditians hereir~sbrnr~ set forth. Should any such condition, or any parc thereof, be dedare~i irnalkl or unenforceable by the ffna~ Jud9ment of ~ny court of competen4 jurisdicilon, then this 'Resdution, antl any approvals herein corrtained, shall be deemed null and vo(d• 'THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Plannfng Commission meeting of February 2~~ 1996. ` ~~,~/A~ ~ ~~„ C WOMAN ANAHEIM CITY P G COMMISSION ATTEST: ' 9~n A~.( - - SEC ARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORt~IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Sdo~io, Secretary a` the Anahsim Ciry Planning Commission, do hereby certHy tha4 the foregoing resdution was passed a~d 8h8 fdlowfng ~tio9t etmema Frs the ~: Planning Commission held on February 21~ ~99~, by AYFS: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK BOYDSTUN, BRISTO~, HENNINGER, A4AYER, MESSE, PERAZA IVaES: COP~AMISSIONERS: NONE qggEMT; COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITPIESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 017~ day o: _C~~ 1~ ~ SECREfAR ANAHEIM CIN PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC96-21