Resolution-PC 96-29~ ~ RESOLUT~ON NO. PC96,. -~ A FlESOLUl"EON OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMiSSIAN AMENDIN~a CONL~ITI~NS OF AF'i'ROVAL QF -- RESOLU~'ION NO. 78q-749 ADO~"~TED iN CONNeG"l'IOW 1;VITH _ CO~7DITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1897 WHEREAS, on Novbr~~ber 2~~, 19?8 the-City Counc,~{ adopted Reso{u~lon No. 78R-7~9 ap[~roe!na Condftional Use Permft No.1897 (to perrift a multiplA-purpose faciliry for park, recreation and professional spons training uses), followin~ approval. by the Flannir:g Commission; and that a Nega~ive Declaration was aporoved concurrent~y for such usas, pursuantta the provisfons of the California Environmental Quatity Act; VVHEHFAS, subject property is developed wfth a vacanY elementary schuol (J~liette Low School, nreviously occupied by the Los Angeles liams Fo~tball Company officg and team practice facility) in the RS-A-43,000 "Residei~ilai/Agricultural" Zone; WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim has (nftiated ro-conslderation of Condftional Use PermR No. 1897 to amend or delete, wfthout limitatlon, conditions of approval pertaining to the previqusly approved multiple- purpcse taciliry foc foottyall practice and trainin~, and corp~raie team ~ffi~es; WHEA~AS, the Ciry Planning C~ommisslon did hald a public hearin~ at ihe CNic Center in the Gity of Anaheirn on March 4, 1996, at 1:30 p.!n., notice of said public hEaring having been duly given as required by law an~ in accordance wfth the provisicns of the Anaheim Municiioal Gode, Chapter 18.03, to hea- a~id consider evidenr,e Snr and ;~gainst sa.ci pra~~osed amendment and to investigate and make firid(ngs and r9commenclations in corinection Yherewith; ar~d V1fHEREAS, said Commisslor~, after due lnspectton, investigation and study made by itself a~d in its behalf, and after due consideratlo~i af all evldence and reports offered at said hearing, does fl~~d and determine the followi,ng facts •I. That the approved amarr.iments, including impositian of additionai conditions, are reason~bly necessary `a protect Yhe pubiir, health, cafety and general woifare, and to permit reasonable ope~~atiun under ti~e r.cndklonal use perrnft as g~antecl In that; - ~~) The Ciry Coun~il ap~r4'~ved Resolutlon No. 78R-749 granting Conditlonal Use Permft No. 1897 subJect to r,ondixlons of approvals spec~ic to the Los Angeles Rams football team whlch are no longer appropriate because the Ram~ have departed. !b) > Anothor profe,ss~~nal toofball team is proposed to be the new tenant on an Interim basis and dcietion and mod~ication of certaln condkio~~s are reasonably necessary to permEt reasonable operatlon !;nder the conditlonal use permft as granted. (c) 7t~e contlnued use as a#ootball training iaclliry wlll benefit the communlty by provlding lease ,~avenue to the Magnolla Unlfted School Dlstrlct whlch will pemilt the D(strlct to operate reading ~rograms, muslc programs and b~ing tachnology to the schools that the Dlstrict otherwlse would be unable to pmvide. (d) The proposed contlnued use Is an Interim use, and condftlons have been fmposQd limfting the use to protect the surrounding community. CR2607DM.WP -1- PC96-29 ~~ ,_; , (p) The SuperintendeM of the Magnoli~ Schooi District testifled that if the lease does not work out, the District weuld begin renovation to use the site fo~ ~ school. The L-affic generated by the continuing use as a football training faciliry wiil be much less ihan the traHic generated by use as a school. (fl The communiry benefits from having the children's playground on the sfte and the pedestrial walkway between Ventura Street and Gilbert Street available and matntained. 2. That three people spoke at the public haaring, two of them vofcir.g concems regarding the proposal; and that no corresponderce was receNed in opposition to the subject petftion. c`ALIFORNIA ENVlRONMENTAL QUAUTY ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commiss(on has reviowed the proposal and does hereby flnd that the Negative Declaration previously approved in connection with Conditional Use Parmft No. 1897 is adequate to serve as the required environmental documerrtation in conr.ectfon with this proposal upon flnding that the dedaration reflecis the independent Judgemert of the lead agency and that R has considered the previously approved Negative Declaration together wEth any comenents received during the pubiic review process, and restates tha findings set forth above, and further ftnds on the basis of the inittal s'~udy and the comments and evidence received that there is no substantiai evidence that the project will have a signiflcant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm Ciry Planning Commission does hereby amend the condftions of approval of Hesolution No. 78R-749, in their entirety, to read as foilows: 1. That t7~e approved use shall consfst of a rnuitiple-purpose facility for football practice and training, !~nd corporate team offfaes. 2. That the parking lot shall contain a minimum of a~e hundred (100) parking spaces. 3. That no tickets to football games shall be sold to the general public at subject property. 4. That the chEldren's playground (at th~ northeast comer of subject property) and the existing fenced pedestrian walkway (crossin~ subject properry and providing acceas between Ventura Street to the east and Gilbert Street to the west) shall be well maintained. 5. That no publlc "football cI(nics' shall be conducted on the sub~ect property unless approved and/or requested by the Ciry of Anahefm. 6. That a`tower" or other sfmilar peRnanent strs~cture shall not be u[ilized for fllming outdoor p~ctice sessfons. A hydraulic,lfft or other temporary device rr~ay be utiiized. 7. That faotbail practice sessions gnd team meetings shall tako place a maximum of six (6) days a week. 8. That there shall be no outdoor nighttime actNities on the properry unless approved and/or roquested by the City cf Anaheim. 'Nighttime' shall be defined as one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour after sunrise. 9. That subject property shall bs~ developed substantially (n accordance wfth the sfte plan on file wRh the Planning Department labeled Exhibft No. 1. _2_ PCSS-2a ~ ~ 10. That subJect use permft is hereby granted for a period of thrae (3) years, to expire on March 4, 1939. 11. That the future professional football team tenant on subject property shall regotiats, fn good faith, wfth the owner of the commorcial property to the south for a vehicuiar access easement across said adJacent property (2301, 2323 and 2331 West Lincoln Avenue) from subject properry to Uncoin Avenue. If an easement or other vehicular access agreement is obtained, the tenant shail submit a copy of said document to the Planning DepartmeM. Altematively, ff an agreemerrt cannot be reached, the tenant shall so-advise the Plannfng DepartmeM in writing. 12. That approval of this application constftutes approval of the prnposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State antl Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or flrxlings as to compliance or approval of 4he request regarding ariy other appUcable ordinance, regulation or requlrement. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of March 4, 1996. ~ ( ; ~ . I~~~~ MqN, ANAHEIM GTY P ~ NG CAMMISSION AT7EST: ~aa~aruhv c~6~~~~' SECREfAR , A~IAHEIM ClTY PIANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHFIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Sec:retary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a rneeting of the Maheim Cfry Planning Commission held on March 4, 1996, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK gOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MEuSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMM{SSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt~ set my hand this j~7~ day of ~~_~ 1996. ~ . SECREfARY, NAHEI~iB CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ~~