Resolution-PC 96-47~ ~ RESOL~~T!ON NO. PC96-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE M~AFiEIM CITY PLANNING COMAIISSION THAT PE~ITION FOR CONDITIONAL U&E PERMIT NO. a836 BE G~JWTED, IN PART WHEREAS, the Anahatm C.UY Flarx~kW C,ommts~i~ did recelve a verifled Petitlon for Condxio~al Use Permft for certaln reai property skuated in the GcY of Anahelm~ CountY of Oranqe~ State of CelfFomla, desc~(bed as: PARCEL 2, IN THE C{TY OF ANAI~EIM, CQUNTY OF ORANGE, 5'fATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS SFi~WN ON A MAR FlLED IN BOOK 45 PAGE 13 OF PARCEL MAP, IN THE OFFICE OF TFIE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. VVHER.rAS~ the City Planning Commission did hold a publ~ hearing at the Civic Center In the City of Anaheim on May 13, 1996 at 1:30 p.m., twtice d satd PuW{c hearinS7 havirg bee~ duly gNen as rec{uired by law and In accordance wh1~ the Provis~o~s d the ~heirn Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hea.~ and consider evide~ce for and a4yainst safd proposed cond~(onal use Permh and to Im~asUgata and make flndinps snd recosnmendations In co~nection therewah~ and that sak! pub~~ hearinp was c~nt(nued to the May 29, 1996 Pianning Commission meeting; and WFiEREAS, said Commission, aitar due inspectian, irnesdgatfon ancJ study made by itgelf aRd in fts behalf~ and after due conslderation of ell evklence and reports offered ai safd hearinq, does 8nd and detertnine the fatlowing facts: 1. That the proposed use Is properlY one for which a condRional use pertr~ft Ia authorized by Anaheim Mun~ipat Code Sectbns and to establish a 2,796 sq.fc. setvice station wfth a com+enier~ce meilcet prov(din~ oH-premises sale a~d consumpUon d beer and wlne~ and with the fdlauinq waivers: (a) SeCtlo~ - Ntlnimi~m ni+mbef of t~ees. (?t trees requirecf elonp 428 feet of stteet frontages; $ S[es~ rx~1 (b) secctons ~s.oa.oso.o5~ - ~ . and 1~.61.066.035! (minim m 7 trees required In the perkfrq Id area [based on ac least t vee per a,ooa sq.R a parklrq area]~ n~8 ProPo~ed~ minknum 5-foot wfde landaceped plaMer reyuked to separate every to or fewsr oarkl~ soecea ~n a ~; m IandsCSDe olantef pfOp08ed w separete .12 ~ 2. That waivers (a) and (b) are hereby denled nn the basis U~at there are no speclal circumstances appikk~ble to the property auch as size~ ahaPe~ toPo9~PhY, locatio~ or surroundings~ wh~h do not apply to other identk;aliy zoned properties In the vicintty; 3. Thst strict appl~atbn d the Zoninq Code does not deprfve the property ot p~1vNe9os en)oyed by other ProPertles under iderNkk~ll zoning classiflcaUon In the vldnky; 4. TF-et the proposed use fa propeiiy one for which e conditlonel use permtt Is authorized by the Zoning Code; CR2660DM '~' P~7 ~ ~ s. mat tt,e preposed use~ as grart3ed, vv91 noc ad~+erse~y sffec:t tne adjotniny land uses ana the growth ar~ develop~-en[ d the area !n wh~h it Is ProPo~ to be located; 6. Tt~at the slze and shsPe~ ~~manner no2~mental ~to ~rtkular area nort to the the full developmerrt of the proposed peace~ health. safety, and ~eneral welfare; 7. 7ha2 the traftic 9eneratod by the proposed use wnl not Impose an undue burcJen upon the streets and higFnvays desiyned and imprwed to carry the Vafflc In the area~ 8. That the grantinq flf the condiNonel w~re~~d the citiz ~he Clty a(~Anahe~m~ be detrtmental to the peace, heatth, saietY and ~-~ 9. That one person Ind~ated their presen..^e at said publb hearkW in oPP~~~ and that no cortespotxlenee was recelveolln opposidon to the subjed p~aion. ~'x~~ ~FORNIA EMIIRONMENTlaL QU~~ m AL'T FlNDING: 7~at the Anahelm CItY Plan~kq Commissbn has .revSewed the proposa~$ to e+dabifsh a 2~786-square toa serv~e statlon wkh an ec~ssory cornen{ence market provklinq ofl-Premtt~i sale and ~s~p4~ d beer and wk~e with walvers of -rdnknum number of Vees end required parkkW iat IsndscapkW o~ e rectanCularlY-ehaPed Pt~l d land ~~i~ o} ~pproximately 0.91 acre located at the soWNVest comer d KateUa Avenue and Stace Coilepe bot~evard, havin9 aPPraw~ate fro~wiflea d 290 feat on the south side of Krstelta Ave~ue and 138 fee2 on the west skie State Cdlege Bo~eva.rd~ and fwthee described as 1~1 South Sta4e Colleye~ that the 1920 East Kat~ila O~venue; arxl does herebY aPAr`rie the Ne~atfve Declaration upo~ In~ declaratton reflects the IndependeM j~dgame~t d the Isad apency and that ~ has ~~~ ~~ ~e Declaration together vvfth arry cammenis receNed durk~9 the public revlew Procwss ihe basls of the i~ltla~ siudy and any commerKS receNed that tF-ere is rw substaMial evkiet~ce that the Prol~ wiil have a significarn etfect on tha enviror-me~U. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E R RESOLV~O that the Maheim Clty~ ~~~ ~~ does hereby greM aubJect PetiUon for Cor~dRbnei Use Permit, in paR~ uPo~ which are hereby found to be a nacessery P~~Q~Islte lo the proposed use d the subl~ P~oP~Y ~ order to preservo ~he satetY ar~d Oenaral welfare d the Cltizer,s d the Cityy d Arx-hei~~ 1. That the deveioper BhaU subm~ a water qudJaY ma~aflemer~t Plen (WQM~P) spec.i~ally klerrtKyi~9 cne besc mar~aoemer~ prac~lc~ thac w91 be used on-slce to c~ntra predkxable pouutarrts f~om stortnweter rundf. The ~FJQMP shall be s~d ta the PuW~ Worka E.~qineerin9 DepeRme~. DevetoPme~ Servk'sa DNiskx~, for rev{ew end epp~o~a~• 2. Tha: the lepal owner d subjed Sx~Y ~shall krevocsbly c~ffer to ded:cate to the Gty d Aneheim, an eddiSbnal twelve (12) teet wfde eassment e~on9 Katella Avenue and State Callepe Boulevard Street for Gitfcal traersec'do~ P~P~a 3. That tt-e owner d sublect ProP~Y ~I subrr~t e letier requestinp te~mk~atfon d Vertar-ce No. 2470 (aPPravkq waNere d me~dmum number d freemtardtnq sipna, mfnkTMUn di~nce between heestendinfl si~~s~ mk~imum distance o( heestendin0 alyns from abuttkW ProP~'•Y Ilne ard maximum area d a heestandUW sl9n In P~'k'9 ~ e~ to erect 5 s4pns In con;unction wkh a proposed servk:e etatlon) end Coa~dMtnnal Uae Perrt~t No~. t370 (pam~ICtkK1 s~Y endosea restauranc fn tr,e M~ zo~e), 3ao7 (penn~Wq an a:~omaclc car wasn In conlunction wuh an e~stiny service statlon) and 3T14 (perrt~tUrW ~cp~r~i~ d at~ exlsWq ~nt ~stau~ant to Indude a dr!ve-through lene wlit~ ~xalver d minlmum number d~G ~~l to the Zonln4 Division. .2_ PC96~7 ~ ~ 4. That anY Proposed fra9standin~ sign on subjecx property sha!I be a monurr~erd-type not exceeding eigM (g) feet in height ard shail b~ subJect to the prlor revlew and approval of the CitY Traffic and Transpo~tatbn Manager to detem~ine ade~uate Iines-of-sl~ht 5. That a plan sheet for soUd waste storage and cdlecNon and a ptan for recyding shall b9 submitted to ihe Dapartmerrt nf Maintenance for revie~w and ap{xoval• 6. That subJect ;~roperry shall be c~eveloped subst^nttalty in accorda~ce with plans and sp~cifications submitted to the City of Ar~ahelm by the pe4itbner ancl which plans are on flie with the Planning DepartmeM marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 6~ Provided~ however~ that Iandscaping shall be provided In accorclance with Section 18.04.060 'Landscaping Requi~ements-Generel." 7. That~ in ac.cordance with Sectton (psrtainin9 to servkk:e stations approved by condkf~xial use pem~its)~ the ProPertY ow~e~ sFrail record an unsubordinated cover~arrt~ satisfactory to the Planning Dfreccor arxl C,liY AttomeY, agreefny to remo~+e all sVUdures, i~duding underground tanks, in the evert that the servke statb~ is dosed for a perfod of twelve (12) consecutive months. A servk:e station sF~all be consfdered dosed du~irrg any month in which ft Is tipen for less than flfteen (15) days. 8. That there shaif be no PaY Phor~es ~ subject property. - s. Tnac the ~egai owr~er of subjea Propertr shal~ subrr-u a Loc une Aaju:~tme~t, to merge the two (2) baxist~ ~ Et~ ~Dev~~ ~~~ shall be Precordsd in the Office of the Orenge ; Co~xdy R..~corder. 10. That final landscaping, elevetbn and si9n plans shell be submittCommissbn asiaRepcxts andthe Planning DepartmeM for review arsd aPProva~ bY the Plannln9 RecommenQatbns ftem. 11. Yhat a plan showing relocatbn ot the trash endosure away ftom the adjacent motel shaU be submittec! .to and approved by the Sanitation DepartmeM end reviewed bY the Plan~~^9 C~nmisslon as a Reports and Recemmenciatfons fcem. 12. That the proposed '24hour sign fac(ng east towarcJs State College Boulevard shall not be permitted and shall be deleted from 1:he ftnal sign plans• 13. That the sales of alcohoUc beverages shaU be pem~itted orJy between the hours of 5:00 am. and. , 2:00 am. 14. That the flross sales of alcohol~ beveragos ~hell not exceed thirty tNe percent (3596) of the gross sales of all retaN sales during any twelve (12) month pedod. The appiicaM shail ma(ntein records on a quaKariy basts tndit~Ung the separate amounts of sales of alcoholtc bevc~ages end c~thsr ftems. Thesa recards shall be made ava~able for inspodlon bY anY ChY of Anaheim official'when requested. 15. TF~et no advettlsk-g oF beer or veine shall be iocated, placed or attached tu any lo~dion outside the iMeci~ d cr,e buaain~; and any such aa~+«tlsMg ~nside the cwadinfl shau r,a be vislae to anyone outsfde the buYding. 16. That no elCOhd(C bevers~es sheA be consumed on anY ProPenY under the cor~trd of the aPP~(c:aM. ,~ PC96~47 ~ .~ 17. That the pa~lcing lot of the pramtses shell be equlpped wfth IighUng of sufftcierrt power to Ylur.~tnate, and make easNy discemlb~e, the appearance and cond~ct °f ~~ P~~ on or abouc the parking lot and shielded in 18. Tha4 the IlghUng in the parlcing area of the premises s~a0 be dlreecxed, Positioned stich a manner so as not to vnreasonaWy Yluminate the window area d any unfts in the ad~acerrt motel. = 1s. ~rhat tne applicant snau be respons~ble'for maN,caining a ~mer free area adjac~nc to the Prorrdses aver whkh he/she has ca~trd. 20. That there shail be no pool tables or coin-operated games maintained upon the premises at any time. 21. That no displaY of beer or wine shall be located outside the buUding ~r w~h~ ~e (5) feet of any publ~ erdtance to the buAding. 22. That the area of beeP or wtrvs display shall not exceed twemY five percer~t (2596) oF the total dispiay area In the builclfng. 23. That the sale d beer arxi wine aha~l be made to custamers oniy wt'~en the customer is Inslde the buliding. 24. That no person under twenty one (2~) Years of age shall sell, or be permitted to sell, any beer or wfne. 25. That prior to issuance of a bu~1d(ng pem~it or within a period of one (1) year fro~n the date of this r~~tbn~ wh:chever occurs flrst, Co~ltion Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12, may be 9ra~Me~d ~~ acco~danco wich Section 18.03.090 of the AnaheU imtMtin~lpai Code. ~~bns 2s. ~rnac prior co tkiel buudin~ and zoning inspec:tlons~ conduton Nos. s~ 17 and 1s, above-meMtoned, shall be coma~ed with. 2T. That approval of thfs appi~ation constttutes aPP~'ovat of the proposed requagt oNy to the e~d:ent that ~ complies v~fth the Anaheirti Mun(cipal Zonin9 Ccxie and any other aPP~{c;able Gcy~ State and ' Federal regulatlons. Approval does nat Indude any actlon or ftrdings as to compiiarx:e or approval of the request regarding any other applk.~Ybie ordinance, re9ulatlon or requfrement. BE IT FURTHER RESOWED ttiat the Anahe~m CftY Plann~n9 Co~--mission does he~eby find and de~ertnine that adoptbn of th(s Resdutlon is ex(xess~Y Predkated upon ePWk;aM~s compliance with eaah arxl all of tl~e ccx-dlttons hereinabove set forth. Sho~id any such condRion, or any part thereof~ be dedared krvalfd or unenforceable by the flnal judgmc ~t of arry couR of competent ju~fsdk;tifon, then this Resdution~ and any aPRfavels hereir coMalned~ shall be deemed null arxl vofd. -4- PG96-47 ~ ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIaN was adopted at the Planning Commission meeUng of May 29, 1996. ~~~ CHAIRMAN, PRO TEMPORE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CO MISSION ATrEST: .(~ SECRETARY NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMf~A~SSION STATE OF CALJFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Niargarita Sdorio, Secrotary af the Anahe~m C~ty Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify that the foregoln9 resolution was pessed and adopied at a meeUng of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commissbn held cxi Niay 29~ 1995, by the fdlowing vote of the membsrs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERA7A NOES: COMMISSIQNERS: NOFIE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER ~ IN WITNESS WH~REOF, I have hereurdo set my hand this f~ daY ~ ''~'J ~ 1996. n , r, . g~qFty/,~qNq EIM CITY pLANNING COMMISSION ;J `~, ~~. ~ PC9S~7